The Weight Loss Support Thread - 2015

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
As I have switched my diet to be more meat based, it seems that as I eat same amount of calories, I loose more weight than before.

4.4 pounds down from 3 days ago.

Almost no wheat or very tiny amount of whole wheat.

It seems my waist measurement is showing little decrease too, I thought it has not changed, but re-checking shows clearly how there is decrease:

One crazy thing is that I have eaten 200 grams of chocolate both of last two days and I'm getting lot of dropped weight. It makes me wonder if what we are told is really true about wheat being good, fat being bad and so on.

I had also sauna yesterday too, if anything it might help to remove retained water, but also moose flies start to be annoying and it helps to that.
Apparently turkey meat is better than chicken for dieting.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
I lost 5 lbs this week. I assume at least some of that was water weight as my previous weigh-in was the day after a large restaurant meal.

There is no weigh-in next week due to the holiday, which is good because Sunday is my 27th birthday and we will be enjoying some delicious German food that night, which would otherwise be the night before the weigh-in.

I need to lose 4 lbs to lose all of the weight I have put on during the up & down cycle of the last three months. I think if I work hard I can do that by the next weigh-in, the 14th. Fingers crossed.
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TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Ok, I'm back 

I totally slacked off for the last few months.  Tom was home from school, and well - you all know the drill.  Too much enjoyment, not enough self control. Gained back everything I'd lost.

I hadn't been feeling well the past couple of weeks and promised myself once he was back in school (today) I'd get on track again.  Actually started Monday, so 3 days in and doing good. Plus I have my yearly checkup coming in October and I would really be unhappy to go back with the same weight as last year.

I'm trying a different method this time.  No Weight Watchers - I decided I dislike counting point and feel kind of overwhelmed seeing such a small number being allotted to me.  I joined My Fitness Pal - which I'd used before it apparently upgraded its software and look.  The app is incredibly easy to use and at home I can log in with the website.  

I prefer counting calories.  It gives all the breakdowns one needs for nutrition which is great also.  In some ways we had been eating better overall because we are getting a CSA market box each week filled with veggies and fruit.  Just got to lay off the high fat junk.  Being at the tail end of perimenopause does not help. My body is sluggish to begin with due to the knee issues I deal with but that on top of it really makes the pounds pack on.  Oh and being more forgetful than I used to be is a factor too.  I can't believe the amount of things I forget, it's a good thing I make copious notes at work or I'd be in trouble!

Anyway, glad to be here again.  Not sure how often I will be able to post as I usually do from the office and lately I have less time to spend on the interwebz :p

Going to catch up on all of your efforts as soon as I have some time to do so.

Lots of 
and a 
 all around!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
@sivyaleah, welcome back!

I ended up last month with lot less weight than I had at half way of month when I started keeping log, this month seem to start with bit higher weight, but I'm sure at end of month I will be close to my goal of being below or at 220 pounds, that would mean I should loose less than 3 pounds a week, should be quite easy.

I did switch to lower fat meat, it is nearly 12€/kg compared to 8€/kg of heavier meat, but it is not making that huge impact on my budget.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I don't know if I've gained or lost because my scale is messed up. It said I was 157 pounds earlier, 168 when I woke up this morning and 177 now. I should be about 174. I knew it was definitely wrong when it said my daughter is 29 pounds when she struggles to gain weight and has been 25 pounds for like 6 months. I will get it exchanged this weekend.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Ok, I'm back :lol3:

I totally slacked off for the last few months.  Tom was home from school, and well - you all know the drill.  Too much enjoyment, not enough self control. Gained back everything I'd lost.

I hadn't been feeling well the past couple of weeks and promised myself once he was back in school (today) I'd get on track again.  Actually started Monday, so 3 days in and doing good. Plus I have my yearly checkup coming in October and I would really be unhappy to go back with the same weight as last year.

I'm trying a different method this time.  No Weight Watchers - I decided I dislike counting point and feel kind of overwhelmed seeing such a small number being allotted to me.  I joined My Fitness Pal - which I'd used before it apparently upgraded its software and look.  The app is incredibly easy to use and at home I can log in with the website.  

I prefer counting calories.  It gives all the breakdowns one needs for nutrition which is great also.  In some ways we had been eating better overall because we are getting a CSA market box each week filled with veggies and fruit.  Just got to lay off the high fat junk.  Being at the tail end of perimenopause does not help. My body is sluggish to begin with due to the knee issues I deal with but that on top of it really makes the pounds pack on.  Oh and being more forgetful than I used to be is a factor too.  I can't believe the amount of things I forget, it's a good thing I make copious notes at work or I'd be in trouble!

Anyway, glad to be here again.  Not sure how often I will be able to post as I usually do from the office and lately I have less time to spend on the interwebz :p

Going to catch up on all of your efforts as soon as I have some time to do so.

Lots of :heart3: , :vibes: and a :grphug:  all around!
Good luck. My thoughts are with you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I don't know if I've gained or lost because my scale is messed up. It said I was 157 pounds earlier, 168 when I woke up this morning and 177 now. I should be about 174. I knew it was definitely wrong when it said my daughter is 29 pounds when she struggles to gain weight and has been 25 pounds for like 6 months. I will get it exchanged this weekend.
Scales are evil, they really are :(

I have been hovering at same weight for now as I have had issues with my back and haven't done much of anything and also have failed a bit at eating department, but weight is not increasing too much at least.

I need to cut those calories though or all my progress is in vain.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I got my first comment today from a friend who said she can tell I've lost weight. I can tell for sure but it's nice to have someone else notice too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I got my first comment today from a friend who said she can tell I've lost weight. I can tell for sure but it's nice to have someone else notice too.
That must be best motivator one can get! :)


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Week 1 back on track over - now into week 2.

Lost 2 pounds which is good for me, since I'm not very active other than the walking I do in short (10 minute) spurts.

I give myself 1350 calories a day which is reasonable for my activity level, and age.  Any lower and I'm ravenous.  Paying attention to overall nutritional values and keeping away from refined foods helps.

Feeling satisfied and not experiencing any desire to eat items which are triggers.  Last night I made a fantastic dinner; a Tomatilla Braised Chicken recipe. Served it with a small amount of rice and black beans. Low fat, packed with flavor and filling.  Tom declared it one of the best things I've made in ages.  Very easy recipe, and low fat too.  

As I already wrote I'm not going to concentrate so much on scale numbers. I used to weigh myself daily but once a week is just fine, I'm aiming to just eat better and keep portions in check.  My only goal at the moment is to weigh less at my yearly check up coming up late October, than I did last year. Not going to pressure myself projecting past that 


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I'm also using MFP. 

I see you have only 1200 calories as a goal.  Perhaps, starting out slightly higher would work for you better. 1200 is pretty much a minimum and for many, is just not enough.  

I am starting with 1350. I've found that anywhere between 1300-1400 is a sweet spot for losing for me.  It keeps me from feeling deprived and that prevents me from making poor choices.  I also input anything I know in advance - like today, I'm making tuna sandwiches for our lunch - so it's in already.  This leaves me a good representation of what I can use for making dinner, and a snack.  I have 900 calories left for today - way more than I need to have a great supper.

Personally, I like the pop up reminders. It keeps me more focused on my goals.  

PS: Sorry your post showed up quoted 2x.  My Chromebook is all kinds of messed up right now. I can barely type on it, let alone all else!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I have not been doing too well at this month, I have failed my goals and have been gaining weight.

Part of the problem is that my back muscle has some issue and I'm not making much progress in healing so I have been putting dieting on hold for a moment in order to give body possibility to recover the issue, but no progress has been made.

So now I try to stay on my calorie budget without exercising and that seems a lot harder. Also not too much activities leaves too much time for calorie consumption.

I have tried to do some other kinds of activities, but I'm waiting bits to come in post until I can get enough busy.

Morning weight is 0 pounds up and evening weight is 2.2 pounds up for this first week.

For me non activity days 1800-1900kcal would be correct amount of calories to have deficit around 20%, but I have several times managed to slip from that to around 1000 more which is around 300-400kcal more than my consumption for a day. It is not hugely over, but it is not helping.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
So, I'm  3 weeks in.  It's going well.  Not weighing in regularly since my scale needs a new battery or yet another replacement completely.  

I'm just trying to focus on eating better overall, and not worrying too much about it.  Most days I'm at 1350 calories give or take a few up or down.  I've only had about 3 dinners which went over this, but had eaten lightly earlier in the day so I still didn't blow the day completely by indulging.  I stay away from overly fattening items, sweet treats and refined carbs of all types.  In fact, I'm eating no trans fats at all now and keeping cholesterol counts to a minimum - a very small one at that.

I'm not going to probably get on a decent scale for a while but I have my yearly doctor's appointment in about 4 weeks so I'll see how it's going then.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I have been failing miserably, haven't even checked my weight for over two weeks, two weeks before that I more or less maintained/gained weight.

But not all is lost, I have not gained too much of weight, actually have had one of the smallest readings, but considering I started about two months ago and then in two weeks got nearly where I'm now, it is not too great.

Too much sweets, no any other excuse to make.

Only good point is that I'm about 5kg (11 pounds) less than two months ago, so I have lost tiny bit even failing, but not sure if that is going to be so or is there sudden jump up again soon.

I have been eating by weight 50% sweets and 50% food, that is not good, not sure if that will change though, I must try harder once again, even life tries to put me down at times too much.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey

No comment.
I hear ya.

I've been eating great for 6 weeks now. No processed foods, low fat, low carb (well lower than I used to), low sodium - low freaking everything.

I don't think I've lost anything.  

As mentioned, my scale is broken so it's of no use but all my clothing feels exactly the same as it did in August.

I just keep on keeping on because at a minimum, I know I'm eating healthier and my portion sizes have decreased - so, it's all ok enough.  I'm even eating salads without dressing when the salad has enough flavor on it's own. 

Lunch today is a small chicken soup packed with veggies and a small (i.e.; half) tuna and cucumber sandwich.  

I haven't gotten to a point where I feel discouraged so I'm just plugging along.  At least my bloodwork should come back really good when I go to my yearly physical next week lol.  If lucky, their scale will show some loss.  I'll take anything at this point!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
200 grams of chocolate, 1000 grams of orange juice, 360 grams of pizza that had 200 grams of low fat meat.

That is roughly 2400 calories, I did burn around 200 calories by throwing ball with cats and chopping firewood, but no means this is great at all.

So 1200 grams of sugar stuff and 360 grams of food, ratio is great, I will probably die soon at this rate.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 21, 2015
Hi everyone I was hoping to join you all in your efforts.
I used to be a competitive runner and then I dislocated my knee. Since then my weight has ballooned and I need people to tell me off when I reach for the junk food.. the muscle weighs more then fat excuse just won't cut it anymore!
I'm currently 154lbs and rather short so it's definately noticeable. I need to seriously increase my protein and cut down on the fat.
Tough love and a kick up the bum would be appreciated!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Welcome to nicsd! Howdy! 

Ok, let's do a challenge. We've all been really slacking off, so think about this.

Starting Monday, October 19th, start your fat-burning engines! Let's really make a good effort here and see how much weight we can lose in one weight. So we shall weigh-in on the 19th and then go until the 26th. That's one week. ONE WEEK! ONLY ONE WEEK! Surely we can put away the sugar and the fats and the chips and the cookies and all the other junk that we've been eating. For one week.

Today is Thursday. That gives us three days to get our heads (and butts) in gear for the upcoming week. You don't have to give your weight at all. Just note it for yourself when you weigh-in on Monday. Then the following Monday, we just post what we lost.

Do I have any takers?? Anybody with me? It's ONLY ONE WEEK!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Welcome to nicsd! Howdy! :wavey:

Ok, let's do a challenge. We've all been really slacking off, so think about this.

Starting Monday, October 19th, start your fat-burning engines! Let's really make a good effort here and see how much weight we can lose in one weight. So we shall weigh-in on the 19th and then go until the 26th. That's one week. ONE WEEK! ONLY ONE WEEK! Surely we can put away the sugar and the fats and the chips and the cookies and all the other junk that we've been eating. For one week.

Today is Thursday. That gives us three days to get our heads (and butts) in gear for the upcoming week. You don't have to give your weight at all. Just note it for yourself when you weigh-in on Monday. Then the following Monday, we just post what we lost.

Do I have any takers?? Anybody with me? It's ONLY ONE WEEK!
Sure, I'm willing to try, but if slipping during that week, would that mean one month ban from all those sweets and bad stuff we eat? :D
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