The Official TCS Babbling Games - Contest Now Open!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
The BBC had an article this week comparing tax rates: Which country has the highest tax rate?
"At the top end of the distribution we have Belgium where single people pay 43% of earnings in income tax and social security contributions (or national insurance), followed by Germany with 39.9%," says Maurice Nettley, head of tax statistics at the OECD. "The lowest rates are paid in Chile at 7% and Mexico at 9.5%."
Unfortunately that reminds me that I still have to do my income tax - twice! I can't say I'm looking forward to it.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I hear you, Tricia! I've gotten all of my stuff together, but haven't gotten much further than that.

I don't know if I should be the best sister. I did have to point out to him that when I had pneumonia, I was smart enough to see a doctor before I got to the point that I was almost dead. ;) :lol3:


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I gathered up all the toy mice I could find before vacuuming this afternoon. A couple of minutes ago I was tossing some for Mogli. He left the room and came back with two more. Where is he hiding them?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2012
Long Beach, CA
The BBC had an article this week comparing tax rates: Which country has the highest tax rate?
Unfortunately that reminds me that I still have to do my income tax - twice! I can't say I'm looking forward to it.
I do my income tax six times. One draft for the federal, one draft for the state. On the second  run, throughly double-check everything on both returns. Then a third run on both fed and state in which I just check the math.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
This is my very first post in this thread. I have enjoyed reading the babbling. I just didn't know what to babble about. I read AbbysMom's post about cooking for her brother. I have done that this week too for my sister as she has a very sick daughter in the hospital. They were tired of restaurant food. She told me over and over how sweet I am. I love my sister.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2013
Yes, after the recent issues with my cat now i definitely know pet health is a big part of the budget. All the family issues i have now reminds me of my sociology professor saying that opportunities are out there but the problem is that families are unwilling to branch out and often stay in 1 area to be close to other family even if it means staying in a declining area.  my sister was acting like i'm trying to move out of state.

the1who feedsus

TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 19, 2014
Does anyone get back pain from ironing? I get back pain from everything of such as all tables and such are too low for me so I had to reach down and after 5 minutes back hurts so that I need to sit down, so it goes like 5 minutes of such work and then sitting down or maybe getting on back at cough or bed for hour.

For example at school my greatest difficulty was to tolerate that back pain, even sitting for long time and reaching down to too low table will eventually cause lot of pain.

It is both sides of spine, about inch from spine to sideways and about 2-3 joints from bottom to upwards, so I guess it is muscle pain, but it has been same at least last 35 years, according to our doctors there are nothing wrong with it, which is not too surprising as it is not staying for months it is not worth to spend money on it.
oh my friend i empathize, and sympathize, ive had back issues for years and the first thing they tell me is lose weight. well, i had the same issue when i was skinny...sigh..anyway, i have the same problem with low counters, tables etc. try putting a small step stool, a couple of bricks, anything about 6 inches high.  stack old newspapers or magazines and wrap them tight so they don't shift..basically making a block and keep it under your ironing board. put  your  foot on it while u iron, do dishes etc,  shift it to the other leg now and then,  add an inch or so or take it away, whatever is most comfortable.  it works pretty well for me, and if u use papers or magazines...worst case scenario and it doesn't work...u can use it for fuel lol. i re\ally hope it helps.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
 I should start cooking too, it will be bit of minced meat on top of bread today, quick and simple, but really good. Actually it is wheat buns that have cheese on top of them. Lot of Heinz ketchup will act as a sauce. Odd thing is that I prefer such over what you get at top restaurants, but I like things simple and that taste good, which is the most important thing, everything else comes after that
All this talk of food has got me going to make lunch too, while you are making dinner.  And I love simple recipes but sometimes end up just making a sandwich.
The BBC had an article this week comparing tax rates: Which country has the highest tax rate?
"At the top end of the distribution we have Belgium where single people pay 43% of earnings in income tax and social security contributions (or national insurance), followed by Germany with 39.9%," says Maurice Nettley, head of tax statistics at the OECD. "The lowest rates are paid in Chile at 7% and Mexico at 9.5%."
Unfortunately that reminds me that I still have to do my income tax - twice! I can't say I'm looking forward to it.
I did wonder which country would have the lowest but also how their standard of living was.  Ohh, the dreaded Tax Time.....I am glad they do it here, right around the end of winter, because it is like saying "goodbye" to last year.
I don't know if I should be the best sister. I did have to point out to him that when I had pneumonia, I was smart enough to see a doctor before I got to the point that I was almost dead.
Ahh,  that is a difficult one.  Because if you are older then yes, he should listen to you.  And guys are mainly "scaredy cats" when it comes to going to the doctors.  They are all tough at other times, but just mention getting a "physical" and you would think you were asking for a kidney.  I hope he will listen to you now.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I do my income tax six times. One draft for the federal, one draft for the state. On the second  run, throughly double-check everything on both returns. Then a third run on both fed and state in which I just check the math.
I've got to do it for two different countries (Germany and the U.S.) every year, which is why I always dread doing it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
The BBC had an article this week comparing tax rates: Which country has the highest tax rate?
Unfortunately that reminds me that I still have to do my income tax - twice! I can't say I'm looking forward to it.
Hmm, I find Mexican food quite good actually, there is also rarely snow or ice too :lol3:

I got once pneumonia, 2005 that was, about 9 years ago, I was quite sick, went to doctor, he writes go home ticket, it being common cold, despite I'm telling him that head hurts and fever is near dangerous levels, he did look constantly out of window and after I read papers he had written migraine.

So I do as doctor tells me, resting, but after few days I could not sleep as I had to sit down, so I did drove to doctor again, this time I got time for my regular doctor and she send me off to xray, then she took my temp and xray came while she examined my fewer, which was above health danger levels, as she checked xray she told me that sit to wait outside, nurse comes with wheel chair and takes me to hospital bed. I had quite a bit of water in my lung.

Next 24 hours are bit fuzzy as very quickly I got transferred to intensive care unit, I remember that I had to write some paper later so they could try some experimental combination medicine as they did run out of antibiotics to test, none was working and my condition was getting worse every minute.

That experimental antibiotics slowly started to help, after two week I was released from intensive care unit and got back to regular hospital room and could do great adventures to bathroom, taking resting every 10 feet as I was sweating and running out of breath from such extreme exercise.

So, I was quite close to death there again. I have not fully recovered after that, I have been constantly out of breath since then, but I'm not letting that to slow me down, or that is what I try, sometimes bit hard though when breath is just wheezing :D


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK

Wait, are you two planning on never speaking to the rest of us again....LOL....what kind of withdrawal is this?

Are you, @MoochNNoodles   and @MServant,....planning on hiding out somewhere on TCS?

 Are there even places to hide?
@MoochNNoodles is right I fear, nowhere to hide. It's just a lot of other posts have to be more serious, and logical and rational and sort of comprehensible to other people... there's just something about babble. 

LOL...That all sounds great except for that "crazy" part coming over you and hand washing the dishes, except that I find sometimes handwashing is alot faster than loading and unloading.  Now I'm sounding "crazy"  

Until recently I didn't have a dishwasher and my dishes would just stack up in the sink until I got annoyed with them.  Now I have a tidy young houseguest who gets annoyed by them faster than I do so she is my temporary dishwasher. 
   She's here a few more weeks and by the time she goes home I might have got conditioned to the new standards and start washing them more regularly myself. 

OK... serious babbling...( I mean lots of babbling as it can't be serious by definition.)

So I thought, at this very late stage, I should provide as many synonyms as I could:

Here goes:

prattle, rattle on, gabble, chatter, jabber,  twitter, prate, ramble, blab, blurt, burble, blather, blether, blither, maunder, drivel, patter, yap, jibber-jabber, slabber, gab, yak, twaddle, run off at the mouth, talk nineteen to the dozen, verbal diarrhoea, talk the hind leg off a donkey

and the actual definition according to the Cambridge dictionary:   to talk or say something in a quick, confused, excited or silly way.  Which just about covers it, really.
   Love all the daft sayings we can come up with in English.  My poor houseguest is trying to learn English and it is our love of using words in peculiar ways and with multiple meanings that confuses her more than anything.  Poor girl....
Cycad replanted.  They have the world's longest roots!   Since they're an ancient plant and can live for 1,000 years, I guess they've got the whole survival thing sorted.
Are the roots even longer than Horsetail weed?  That used to be our never ending nightmare when I had an alotment with friends,  the rhizomes go on for ever and ever and ever, and it's been around since the dinosaurs apparently. 

Thank you!
that's really sweet.
My brother went into the hospital Tuesday night. It was a bit scary at first. He's still in the hospital for a bit longer, but is going to be OK. I'm starting to cook food to put in his freezer for when he gets home. Macaroni and cheese is in the oven right now. I keep popping in to babble while cooking.
Wow @AbbysMom, your brother is lucky!  I'm not sure I'd be quite to kind to mine.  Mind you they both have wives to look after them so I shouldn't have to!  

Yey, that's me done with work until noon tomorrow so I can babble all I like AND it looks like we're going to achieve our goal this time. How amazing.
  babble time!


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I read that someone wrote they don't have a dishwasher. I didn't until 2003 when we moved here. My hubby is the main dishwasher. I just stuff them in the metal thingy when he isn't home. :lol3:


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
MServant said:
Love all the daft sayings we can come up with in English. My poor houseguest is trying to learn English and it is our love of using words in peculiar ways and with multiple meanings that confuses her more than anything. Poor girl....
English has way more words than other "world languages", in part because we've taken so many from other languages. Sometimes it drives my students nuts. German will have one word, and English about twenty. "Stall" is a great example; it can be used for most animals in German, but we have hutch, coop, sty, stable, etc..
Last edited:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2013
guys im sorry if i'm souring this thread. so many things i wanted to talk to you guys about but one person managed to sour my mood so much I just had to vent. I'm still not completely over it now I still a little stressed out about leaving now. cant believe 1 call really changed my positive outlook


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I read that someone wrote they don't have a dishwasher. I didn't until 2003 when we moved here. My hubby is the main dishwasher. I just stuff them in the metal thingy when he isn't home.
Going back to good old UK adverts, there's one running for a supermarket at the moment and the kids say dad wants a new dish washer but mum doesn't, and dad's in the background slaving away at the kitchen sink. 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
guys im sorry if i'm souring this thread. so many things i wanted to talk to you guys about but one person managed to sour my mood so much I just had to vent. I'm still not completely over it now I still a little stressed out about leaving now. cant believe 1 call really changed my positive outlook
Don't let your sister ruin all the fun and excitement. Some people are just worryworts.

the1who feedsus

TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 19, 2014
well the good thing about this site is we dont need the babble contest to keep talking...ive been trying to learn the ins and outs of it, really glad i joined in...and keep your chin up goldeye. new home new hopes, and maybe hte 40 minutes it takes you to go home to visit will be pretty and soothing and restorative. anyway, good luck all


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
oh my friend i empathize, and sympathize, ive had back issues for years and the first thing they tell me is lose weight. well, i had the same issue when i was skinny...sigh..anyway, i have the same problem with low counters, tables etc. try putting a small step stool, a couple of bricks, anything about 6 inches high.  stack old newspapers or magazines and wrap them tight so they don't shift..basically making a block and keep it under your ironing board. put  your  foot on it while u iron, do dishes etc,  shift it to the other leg now and then,  add an inch or so or take it away, whatever is most comfortable.  it works pretty well for me, and if u use papers or magazines...worst case scenario and it doesn't work...u can use it for fuel lol. i re\ally hope it helps.
I did indeed make a table for woodworking, measuring it's height it is 103cm, that is what level I need to have table for it to be comfortable level, trying to find any table of that height from shops is just about impossible :clap:

At that level I can comfortably work as much as I like, but any lower and it is indeed those short intervals only.

Oh, we are getting really close to 1000 posts now :D