Angel isn't doing well :(

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2015
Charlotte , NC
I am so sorry. Please don t give up hope. The Lord will guide you. There are tears in my eye right now. Stay strong . Hugs to you and Angel.

zed xyzed

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Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Kelly - It might be the   lymph nodes but I am hopeful it is not the cancer causing this there are many reasons for this type of swelling​

Since his chemo seemed to be effective so far I think there is a good chance something else is causing this. Midi and I are thinking of you and sweet Angel 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Thanks Eric, I just heard back from his vet, & it doesn't sound good. She said it could be the lymphoma progressing, which is so hard to believe, when it has shrunk the tumors in his abdomen. 

Here is her response. 

The lumps are probably his lymph nodes. This could mean that the lymphoma is progressing. [emoji]128546[/emoji] It is a difficult line to walk as far as treatment is concerned as part of the lymphoma treatment is steroids/fluids but both of those are bad for the heart. We need to put a feeding tube in him, which we should do tomorrow (esophagostomy tube) as you have seen how hard syringe feeding is. That way you can give meds/food via the tube without having to give him anything by mouth. Unless he is panting/breathing with his mouth open, there is no need for ER visit. If you want to bring him in at 8:30, we can evaluate him and place the feeding tube, and do chemo. Feel free to email with any other concerns/questions today. Talk to you soon.  

Kelly, it could be the lymphoma progressing but I would ask your vet if it could be the rapid decrease in the prednisolone.

(when I was a kid I had to take prednisone for an inflammatory muscle condition. When they had decreased it rapidly, I got a rebound reaction, and the inflammation came back. They had to go back, and slowly taper the amount down, so that the immune system would not over-react.  I'm not sure if the same thing happens in cats, but I would ask about the dosage of prednisolone, and if rebound effects of inflammation are possible.)

Also, the feeding tube sounds like a good idea, since it will make feeding Angel easier.

(I'll send you a Youtube video link, through PM, since I don't own the video, but it shows a lady syringe feeding her cat.  It was the one I used, and shows how she blends the food, and the consistency, as well.)

I had to wrap my cat in a towel, like a taco, and use a lot of old towels for clean up.

You are right, it does feel like torture, but if you go super slow, and pause a lot, it may help. Feeding more times a day, also helped.

I had an easier time syringe feeding with Wellness canned food...chicken or turkey...because it was smoother.  It was as smooth as the Hills A/D diet.

Remember, too, that Angel is still doing well, since he reached up to scratch at his scratching post. He for sure, is feeling unwell, but it may be like Eric said, and some dental issues, or an inflammatory response to the new Meds, or decrease in pred.

Just hang in there, and let tomorrow come...and let the Vet take a look at him, and then re-assess the therapy.

You'll be okay for today. Angel is still strong, still has a good weight, and even if his breathing is sounding 'gurgly or congested' while loud purring, it might have to do with the heart meds that need to be changed, adjusted, or new ones tried.

Will be sending mega prayers, vibes and wellness visualizations.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Here are some links that may be useful, for syringe feeding and using smaller size gel caps. (I think the smallest is #5...but online I have only seen #4).

The last link on Tanya's site is useful for added info about medicating a cat.

I know this is a lot of info, but you know most of it, so don't go reading all at once. I just posted it, in case you wanted to browse some info.

Remember, you are doing the best you can, and Angel knows that too, so don't go feeling awful or too hard on yourself, or overly worried about things out of our control.

But I know that's pretty impossible and how helpless we feel.

(Take it one step at a time.) You're doing a fantastic job, under so much stress, and you still are enjoying good times with Angel...that says a lot. (If I were a cat, I would want someone like you, taking care of me...that would be like top notch treatment, and an abundance of love.)

I will be agreeing with Eric, that this may be caused by something else.  Because it seems strange and all too rapid a progression of cancer, since he's under progress from shrinking tumours, to gumball size lymph nodes. (I really don't know how fast lymphoma progresses.)

I did read it could be infection, bacteria, virus or I'm hoping that it is just the change in pred medication dosage.
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  • #605

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Thank you guys all so much, I really can't say that enough!!!!!  All of your support means so much!   

I know I shouldn't be, but I am kind of afraid of a feeding tube. The vet gave me papers on it, but it just sounds uncomfortable. I just wonder about it rubbing against, or pressing on those nodes.

I did see a kitty that came in one day there who had one, & it was a wide, maybe 2& 1/2-3 inches velcro I think, & the tube, about 4-5 inches long coming out of it, but tucked behind the head out of the way on the collar. 

Angel hasn't wore a collar in years, almost as long as he's been inside now, (4 & 1/2 yrs, Aug. will be 5) so I don't think it will be easy for him to all of a sudden have that bulky thing around his neck.

I am still in such disbelief that the lymphoma can be progressing, when the ones in his tummy were shrinking!   It's just so backward!   ..........Stupid cancer!!!  

Thank you for all the prayer, it is VERY needed right now!!  @psychomama, Thank you, I will.  My background is Christian too. I grew up going to a baptist church, Not really a fan of that though.  I went to a non denominational big church we have here, contemporary music, etc... Love it, but is so far away, & the friend I went w/ moved. Anyway,  I have a religious background, but consider myself more spiritual. I still pray & talk to God everyday!  I'd like to go back, or find a similar church someday, but it's better when you have someone do do that with, & right now, I just want to be home w/ Angel as much as possible. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Thank you guys all so much, I really can't say that enough!!!!!  All of your support means so much!   

I know I shouldn't be, but I am kind of afraid of a feeding tube. The vet gave me papers on it, but it just sounds uncomfortable. I just wonder about it rubbing against, or pressing on those nodes.

I did see a kitty that came in one day there who had one, & it was a wide, maybe 2& 1/2-3 inches velcro I think, & the tube, about 4-5 inches long coming out of it, but tucked behind the head out of the way on the collar. 

Angel hasn't wore a collar in years, almost as long as he's been inside now, (4 & 1/2 yrs, Aug. will be 5) so I don't think it will be easy for him to all of a sudden have that bulky thing around his neck.

I am still in such disbelief that the lymphoma can be progressing, when the ones in his tummy were shrinking!   It's just so backward!   ..........Stupid cancer!!!  

Thank you for all the prayer, it is VERY needed right now!!  @psychomama, Thank you, I will.  My background is Christian too. I grew up going to a baptist church, Not really a fan of that though.  I went to a non denominational big church we have here, contemporary music, etc... Love it, but is so far away, & the friend I went w/ moved. Anyway,  I have a religious background, but consider myself more spiritual. I still pray & talk to God everyday!  I'd like to go back, or find a similar church someday, but it's better when you have someone do do that with, & right now, I just want to be home w/ Angel as much as possible. 
I think sometimes church is where  you find it.  I remember when my father was quite elderly, I asked him about going to church and he stepped out on his deck overlooking the meadows and hills and said:  "My church is the great outdoors."    Right now you need to be with Angel.  

Reading some of the other posts gives me some hope this might be a reaction to the medication change.  The timing just seems suspicious.  And the tumor was so much smaller - another reason for optimism.

What time is Angel's appointment tomorrow?

EDIT to add:  I don't mean to discourage you from going to church!  
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  • #608

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
@Catnap, Thank you, I will check those out!  I hope it is only a reaction to the pred decrease, but to increase again w/ his heart the way it is now is probably not an option. I just don't know. Will have o see what they say tomorrow.

@Margd, Thanks Margd!  Yes, I believe that too, & I don't stress too much about it because I know one day I will go back.  His appointment is usually 10:40, but she said I could bring him in @ 8:30, so even   though I am not an early morning person, will try to get there as close to that as I can. 

I think I will just have to reschedule an apt. I had for while he was getting his 2 hr. drip. I was supposed to go to the Toyota place for a passenger side airbag recall fix at 11:30, because that was supposed to take a cpl of hrs. too, so would have been good, but think I will have to reschedule for another day. 

@catlover73,  Thank you so much!  The support I have gotten here has meant so much!!  

 Hmmmmm, I think one day "when" I win the lottery, I will have to travel around to all of you guys & give you big hugs in person!!!!!   


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2015
Charlotte , NC
It doesn't matter if you go to church or not God is in your heart. I was brought up Catholic but I don t really go to church. I pray to God and the Saints everyday. I have a prayer box where I write down what I need help with as well as what I m grateful for. You and Angel are in my prayer box. What I place in there is in Gods hands . [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ To you both.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I'm hoping for good news tomorrow.  I have no advice for you.  Just hugs for you and Angel. 

Remember, god didn't build those churches.  She doesn't care where you pray.
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  • #611

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
It doesn't matter if you go to church or not God is in your heart. I was brought up Catholic but I don t really go to church. I pray to God and the Saints everyday. I have a prayer box where I write down what I need help with as well as what I m grateful for. You and Angel are in my prayer box. What I place in there is in Gods hands . [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ To you both.
Yes, you are right!
I'm hoping for good news tomorrow.  I have no advice for you.  Just hugs for you and Angel. 

Remember, god didn't build those churches.   She doesn't care where you pray.
 I like that.  Thank you!!!!!  

I am continually touched by the love & support from you all!!  
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  • #612

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Here are the logs to catch up for the afternoon,

1/31/16 I woke up @ 5:00 am. checked on him, & he was laying on the floor near the air purifier again. He seems to like that. He was near his tree, so reached up, still kind of laying down, & did some scratches on the post. I gave him some scratches behind his ears & he started that loud purring again, not normal purring, more like he did on Thursday afternoon.  stopped, so he would hopefully settle down, & stop purring. It scared me. I think his mouth was cracked open again during it as well, so worried about the bumps & him purring that way again, I was ready to take him into the ER.  I went & brushed my teeth real quick, checked on him again, & he had settled back into normal breathing. Took his breaths per min. & were 28-29, so ok. 31 a few minutes later, so still ok range. Got up this am. & he is under the couch resting. He looks so tired, you can tell he does not feel well. I started petting his head & he started purring, but a normal purr this time. I hate to do it, but am going to have to pull him out to give him his meds.

I have been trying to do it at 9:00 every morning, but just didn’t want to disturb him & have waited. It’s almost 10:20 now, so will do it. (!/2 pred & probiotic). I am going to see if I can get him to eat some baby food. If not, I may go to the store today, & buy a fishy food he may eat.

Normally he doesn’t get much fish if any at all, but he HAS to eat.

Almost forgot, am. meds were late this morning, @ 11:30. We just needed a little break.

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TCS Member
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Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv

zed xyzed

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Poor guy, it pains me that he has to go through this, I hate cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly you are being such a wonderful meowmy to this sweet boy, he is so lucky he wandered into your life. It will be a rough road, but if anybody can beat this it is you and Angel. You have so many friends on this site pulling for the both of you, I hope you consider me one of them. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Hi Kelly. Sending you hugs and prayers for sweet Angel. He definitely looks uncomfortable. I would go ahead and do the feeding tube tomorrow. And maybe they can ultrasound that throat and look at whatever is going on. That could be why he's not wanting to eat poor baby. At these the tube can bypass that and figure out what to do about it. Didnt they say his white blood cells were a bit elevated? Maybe just need antibiotics for the lump. Damn I really hope they can calm your fears tomorrow. I've been thinking about you guys all weekend.

Do you think he would feel better with some more pain meds? How is his breathing? I know you said it was within range but the pattern of breathing-is there smooth inhale and exhale or is there almost choppy half breathes or anything not typical? I'm curious about if another ultrasound on the heart would be needed or different heart meds. Has he been urinating more than usual or no changes? I'm stumped. At least he's comfortable with you and sleeping. He needs his beauty sleep to fight this evil cancer!!! I am sending you hugs because my eyes are leaking and I can only imagine how scared you must be! !!!!!!!!
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  • #618

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
Hi Kelly. Sending you hugs and prayers for sweet Angel. He definitely looks uncomfortable. I would go ahead and do the feeding tube tomorrow. And maybe they can ultrasound that throat and look at whatever is going on. That could be why he's not wanting to eat poor baby. At these the tube can bypass that and figure out what to do about it. Didnt they say his white blood cells were a bit elevated? Maybe just need antibiotics for the lump. Damn I really hope they can calm your fears tomorrow. I've been thinking about you guys all weekend.

Do you think he would feel better with some more pain meds? How is his breathing? I know you said it was within range but the pattern of breathing-is there smooth inhale and exhale or is there almost choppy half breathes or anything not typical? I'm curious about if another ultrasound on the heart would be needed or different heart meds. Has he been urinating more than usual or no changes? I'm stumped. At least he's comfortable with you and sleeping. He needs his beauty sleep to fight this evil cancer!!! I am sending you hugs because my eyes are leaking and I can only imagine how scared you must be! !!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!!  No, his breathing is smooth, just sounds a little kind of stuffy, not like he can't get air, it's moving in & out fine,  but like I want to go massage his sinus points, like when his nose has had a whistle. 

Yea the white blood count was slightly elevated she said. 220 I think ?? Maybe normal is 200??  She put him on antibiotics last time they were, & didn't want to do that every time they were up just a little, so yes, maybe that will help!  I did give him one of his 1/8 Tramodol at 3:45 this afternoon, just incase. 

No, he hasn't been urinating any more. Normal amounts for what little food he has gotten. There was a decent size clump & about a 2 & 1/2-3 inch poop in the box this morning, then he peed again this afternoon I think around 2:30ish (fed him at 12:45/1:00).  

Yup, I hear a whistle nose going on, on the inhale, that is a semi normal thing for him though. If I go rub his sinuses, it will most likely go away, as usual.  I say to him, "you got some boogies up there?" 

Found this on YouTube. He is NOT gonna like that!  Won't be able to lay on that side, he switches sides often.  I pray he won't try & pull it out! Ummm, scary!!

Ok guys, I'm gonna sign off for a while, maybe for the night. I still need to eat & take my shower, so I can relax & watch some shows tonight. I think I also need one of my muscle relaxers. I haven't taken one (1/2 one rather) in a few nights, & after today, I am feeling the tension creeping up the back of my neck & threatening a headache. 
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Getting some rest sounds like a terrific idea.  The last thing you want is another headache.  Get some sleep!  
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