Tumor / SCC: Defying the Odds with Hospice Care - Living with a Terminally Ill Loved One, I share w

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  • #281


TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Thank you so much @2Cats4everLoved  !! What a kind gesture!  Truthfully, I was happy to  hear about Simon's rebound, even in the midst of my grief for Lamont. Glad you're back posting everything, but very sad at this latest turn.

As always, know I'm here for you.  And Simon.  
You're welcome.

I screwed up posting the reply to @Donutte   and @Margd  so I edited the  post and will actually repost it when I'm finished.

I didn't realize it would send my draft.  

Still learning how this works.  I think if you look now that latest installment of the Diary is now gone.  So if you see it reposed later, know I'm not nuts, I just posted before it was finished.

Chat later.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 12, 2016
So glad he, once again, is rallying!!!  Great to hear!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so relieved he's doing well!  I, too, have been a little afraid to ask how he was doing.  Honestly...he's just a little miracle 
.  Can't wait for the "real" update this afternoon.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 6, 2016
Thinking of you both, and so happy that Simon drank water, had a bowel movement and is enjoying the fresh air.  What an amazing little fighter he is!  This is an emotional roller coaster for you, I'm sure, and I hope you are taking care of yourself as well as Simon.  Prayers for the two of you..............
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  • #286


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Simon's Diary:   "Our Bittersweet Journey...the long goodbye"  Day by Day

We're looking at days now, perhaps hours.  This latest bump reached is the point of no return.  Simon is a trooper, he remains high spirited, loving and playful.  Although now all playtime involves water.  He's had a tough time getting down food and drinking on his own has become a big issue, and honestly, a bit tiring for the both of us.  So we're back to the bottle for his water, and he's been syringe fed bone broth and blood tea.

What's happened with this latest shift with the tumor, it made it so his tongue can curl at the tip to get the liquid in but he can't get it over the hump to the back of his throat.  For some reason, he's able to drink from the bottle, he'll knock it over when he's ready for it.

Simon still enjoys his massages, brushing and being groomed in general.  He has not shied away from being touched, so I'm taking that as a positive.  He's not showing signs of being in pain, but he does whine at the faucet, which is something he's done all his life when the faucet was off and we'd have to turn it on, now it's on but he can't figure out how to get to the water.  Simon still sits in front of the refrigerator when he's hungry and loves his ice cubes.

We gave much thought to take him to the vet this past Friday, but my husband wanted to spend time with him and since Simon wasn't cranky and in pain we decided against it, for now anyway.  His bathroom habits are good except for bowels, due to lack of solids.  All his instincts are still with him and his mind is sharper than ever.  Today is the first day his body slowed down, his hind legs were lagging, but after doing stretching exercises, he had better mobility.  For the past week we couldn't stop him from jumping on everything, even today, he was all over the place.  I was pretty shocked how agile he's been.

The above was written last night, Monday May 30th - as of this morning Tuesday, May 31st, Simon had a pretty healthy bowel movement and he's urinating a normal amount. 

As I bring  Simon's Diary  up to date, I'd like to start from where I left off, May 10th.  The past three weeks were such a great time for us, no need to start with the bitter...  sweeter is better,   we really shared some fun loving moments, I suppose you could say it was without a doubt, our last Hurrah.

I've held off posting for a few reasons.  The biggest was out of respect for Beautiful Boy Lamont & @nerdgirl5.  It was this day when Lamont crossed over and it didn't seem right to write about how well Simon was doing.  The loss of Lamont hit me in a way I didn't expect.  I think knowing that would soon be my experience and something about Lamont's sweet face reminded me of my sweet boy.  I took it as a sign that I should take this week to take advantage and enjoy this sudden burst of energy Simon gained, for I didn't know how long it would last.  And the other reason, my computer needed to be rebuilt.  I think that alone was a blessing, without the computer, I spent quality with both Simon and Chestnut.

Simon's Journey...

Tuesday, May 10th, Okay so after eating all the baby food and mixed pate Fancy Feasts Simon was in the pink.

My husband was on his early hours, when we woke up at 4am we found Simon sleeping in his old spot between hubby's feet with his head draped over his ankles.  Mr. Landlord decided to turn off heat so it was pretty cold but Simon toughed it out.

Simon received his dose of Buprenex at 4:30am and by 7am when the med's kicked in he ate the remainder of the beef & liver Fancy Feast and a 1/4 can of Fancy Feast shredded grilled tuna.  Then I opened up Wellness Duck, he ate some but didn't care for it, so I opened up another can of the shredded grilled tuna, blended of course, he gobbled it up.  Bathroom habits very good, urine has always been steady and normal but now bowels are normal.

Our electric company Con Edison had jack hammers outside our window for most of the morning so he spent the morning in his blanket fort, laying along side Chestnut in the bedroom, but  later that night he hung out with us lying on the kitchen floor under his favorite chair observing everything we were doing.

We were all in bed by 9:30pm and once again, Simon slept in between hubby's legs.  This was great for me, I was able to stretch out and we all slept well.

This was a great day for a two reasons.  One, he was eating out of his little bowl again, his belly was totally satisfied making him proud able to eat with little help, in turn making me happy, giving me a chance to see my little guy happy again.  Two, I was able to run out and take care of errands without worrying what I would come home and find.   It was nice having peace of mind.

below, Simon lounging in blankets fresh out of the dryer with a full belly.

Wednesday, May 11th,   Simon was so alert in the morning and engaged, I didn't give him his pain med's until 9:30pm because he received the dose of Clindamycin in the early morning.  We had another fun day.  He ate 2 cans of the Fancy Feast shredded grilled tuna blended and a jar of Gerber Turkey.  He's lost interest in the extra added tuna fish juice, which was good for me, I was totally sick of eating tuna. LOL  

below, Simon hanging out after smacking around his ball

Below, Simon drinking out of the water bowls and enjoying every drop.

 you can see he put on a few oz's.

Above, enjoying siesta time...  Simon dreaming on a full belly..............................................................................and Chestnut enjoying her fort.  I titled this picture..... "Twinkle Toes"

One thing Simon started doing, which I'm not thrilled about is, after eating he shakes his head like a dog spraying the food trapped in his gums, leaving me to constantly clean my walls and bedding.  However, on this day after Simon's dinner, Chestnut decided to clean up for me after Simon finished, LOL------naaaaaa, she's not an over eater...

Below, Simon giving Chess the look, Really???

below, Chestnut 100% satisfied eating Simon's tuna spit. LOL

below, you can drop a bomb and she wouldn't notice...  not with fish around. lol

Below, Simon still looking in wonder.  Is she done yet? LOL

below, Chessy Chestnut is one happy kitty.  Thanks Simon!

Below, I love the look Simon is giving, LOL and Chestnut's in ecstasy...

Later that day, Simon enjoyed the bed all to himself.
Simon enjoyed much needed playtime with his daddy. and hung out with us until bedtime. At night he slept in his fort by my feet.  Guess the cold was getting to him.  

Below, Simon playing catch the string...

Thursday, May 12th, today was pretty much the same, he received the two med's through out the day.  By noon he finished a can of the Fancy Feast beef & liver and a jar of Gerber beef.  He napped most of the day, and around 5ish, he got picky and didn't know what he wanted to eat  then settled on Gerber turkey.  He is still enjoying lots of water from the tub faucet.

During the afternoon, Simon was really sweet, he jumped on the bed and did that kneading thing next to Chestnut and for the first time since he was only months old, he started purring.  I couldn't believe my ears.

Below, In between meals he slept peacefully.

Friday May 13th,   Again, a sweet day with the kitties, Simon is on the one dose of Buprenex and Clindamycin.  He ate lots, 2 cans of Fancy Feast and 1/2 can Salmon Wellness.

He started the day by jumping on his daddy's desk, a no no, and like always he was looking to get attention to play.

Right, Did the kneading thing again.  
Below, Simon loving life with a full tummy.

  right, With all the food.  Simon's took advantage of his new found "stamina" LOL  "love is in the air"

below, Simon at peace and loving his massage

Sunday, May 15th, We had a slow start to the day.  I noticed at this point, Simon was having a hard time bellying up to the faucet, not sure if he couldn't see the water or what, but he managed to figure it out and drank lots as usual.  He ate his new fave food, Fancy Feast grilled tuna, 2 cans.  His mood was playful and sweet, and Chess was still a little snippety with him although he did nothing to provoke it.  I'm thinking, and as @Stewball  pointed out, perhaps she's catching on to his illness.  Or could be that he's getting fish a food she's forbidden to eat.

He only received one dose of pain med's at 1:45pm.  One thing I noticed, at bedtime he fell out into a deep sleep and was twitching to the point I thought he was having an attack of sorts.  But his faculties are there.  I guess he's just dreaming soundly after eating now for a couple of weeks.  

There was a discharge of blood coming from his shifted tooth, but then stopped.  Could have been from all the eating.

below, One content kitty.

Above, Simon took to napping on my pillow, then I covered him and he took a nice nap.

Monday, May 16th - Simon is sweet, loving, active and engaged. 

Below, What can I say, this says it all...

Below, Just finished playing with his toys.

Below, Simon & girlfriend enjoying a Birthday Eve Romp...   Yup, my boys a stud.

This brings us to his Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 18th, Simon was in rare form and enjoyed the day from beginning to the end.

Below are various pics of how he spent his day.

early morning bird watching...

Below, Simon loves his ice cubes.

Below, still playing with ice cubes. LOL

Below, playing in the sink, his latest obsession.

Below, grabbing the brush from he...

below, Simon clowning around .                        below, resting peacefully


I'll continue Simon's Diary in the next post, as not much has changed and the changes that have occurred are the same.  It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride.

Thanks again for all your support.  It's greatly appreciated, you have no idea.

Simon's journey continues...
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  • #287


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Sorry to hear the weekend was a bit on the rough side, but glad to hear he seems to be doing a bit better today <3 Lots of good
to you and the little love bug.
I'm so relieved he's doing well!  I, too, have been a little afraid to ask how he was doing.  Honestly...he's just a little miracle 
.  Can't wait for the "real" update this afternoon.
When I bring his "Diary" totally up to date, hopefully by tomorrow morn.  I have to say, there have been a few rough days, I think more for me then him.  I need to take his lead, and go with the flow.  There is no time when it comes to him, so I need to stop looking at the clock.

Yes, @mrsgreenjeens  I'm beginning to think he is a little miracle.  I've said it before, I don't know what's driving him to keep going.  He always finds a way it seems.  Crazy situation. 

Thanks for asking.  

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Simon is a teacher.  When he has taught you, and all of us readers, everything he has to teach in this lifetime, then he can finally rest, having done his last job.  Nothing he has given will be lost, and already you can see how much he has given others traveling similar parallel paths.  We are all headed to the Rainbow Bridge someday, and Simon has shown us that we should be living every day, no matter what our diagnosis, until it's time for us to go on. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 6, 2016
Simon is a teacher.  When he has taught you, and all of us readers, everything he has to teach in this lifetime, then he can finally rest, having done his last job.  Nothing he has given will be lost, and already you can see how much he has given others traveling similar parallel paths.  We are all headed to the Rainbow Bridge someday, and Simon has shown us that we should be living every day, no matter what our diagnosis, until it's time for us to go on. 
This is so beautifully worded and absolutely true.  Every time I read the latest installment of Simon's journey, I am struck anew by his courage, his beauty, his strength and his determination to live his life his way.  It is an awesome lesson in living in the now that Simon is teaching us.  This is a lesson we all need to take to heart.  Thank you, @RedTopRescue, for this lovely post, and thank you, Simon and Hope, for sharing with us how to do this with love and grace.


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
You and Simon are an amazing pair! [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ Thank you for sharing him with the world as it gives hope. It's a reminder that it's possible to give hospice care to our beloved pets. I love seeing Simon and his daily routines and glad he was given the opportunity to touch so many lives! [emoji]128149[/emoji] :hugs: to your whole family
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  • #291


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Simon's Diary:   "Our Bittersweet Journey...the long goodbye"  Day by Day

As I write this latest entry I write this with a heavy hand.  Today, May 31st  Simon's hind legs are now weak, he's wobbling slightly, when just hours ago he was jumping up and getting into mischief.  I've been giving him his bottles of water almost every 45 minutes, plus the bone broth and blood tea.  I gave him his Buprenex at 6:00pm and laid down on the bed with him, but he looked at me with those eyes, "mom, I'm a teenager now, give me some room".  I keep peeking in, and he's resting I can see him breathing.  I guess I need to take his lead and try and relax also.

I have to visit the vet tomorrow for more med's and will ask what to do.  At this point, I'll probably have to make "that" decision within days, but I'm really hoping that the powers above make that decision for me.  Lord knows I've had to make that decision for my mom, dad, and uncle.  I know my husband can't make it, turns out he's a softy.  But I don't want to make that for Simon.

I'm still waiting for Simon to "let me know", so far except for wanting water, I don't get that impression.  He's still acting pretty normal otherwise.

This installment of Simon's Diary will cover Thursday, May 19th through Sunday, May 22nd - It was late Sunday night on the 22nd when we hit this latest bump after having such a normal and fun past few weeks.

Thursday, May 19th - After having fun on his birthday and spending time with his "girlfriend" Simon's appetite was amazing.  He started out with a 1/4 milk, then moved on to an entire can of Friskies w/ Tuna.  He appeared to have trouble with the faucet and water, but he figured it out and stayed under the faucet for 6 minutes drinking non stop.

Simon actually jumped on "his" counter to eat.  Something he hasn't done since his diagnosis.  So I turned over a heavy soup cup, and used the bottom as a dish.  I gave him his Buprenex in the morning and Clindamycin in the evening.

Below, Simon eating in his normal spot.

 the picture is blurry due to me not wanting to spook him.

Below, He desperately wanted water and was trying to tap the bathroom sink

  again, sorry for being out of focus, my hands were shaky.

All in all today was pretty good except for the trouble with the water.


So the vet had him gone within a week.  Now here we are still chugging along.  Not sure how, but I won't question it at all.

Today started out slow.  Simon wasn't interested in food.  He just wanted to drink and woke me up to assist him.  I gave him water via syringe.  At 9:00am I put him in the deep side of the kitchen sink and trickled the water, he ended up drinking lots of water.  Thank goodness.  He received his pain med's at 10:30am and by noon he was wound up.  He then managed to eat a 1/2 jar Gerber beef, packet of Delectables white fish tuna and a few table spoons of Friskies w. Tuna.

Below, after drinking, Simon decided to walk the high wire, I couldn't believe he had such good balance.

Since Simon was having trouble with the water again, as he ate his food, I added water to the food, by the time he finished his food, he was just drinking water.  So at this point he could still swallow, I'm thinking he may have trouble with his neck bent upwards.  

Below, different food my neighbor gave us.  Simon loved them and they were pretty soupy, easy to get down. - I suggest them to anyone feeding cat's who have difficulty.

 Simon did spit up a little at one point, but went back to eating.  His mood was pleasant and funny.  He was engaged with our conversation and played with his ball attached to the chair.

Simon throughout the day, obsessed over the bathroom sink and water.  

One funny thing about Simon, his nickname is Simon Long Body.  When he stretches out on the floor he is almost 5 1/2 feet.  Our old old vet used to tease him and call him Slinky.  His head would come out of the carrier then a minute his hind legs would appear. LOL

Below, Simon Long Body, still after water.


Not sure if you notice, but Simon's face is fuller and his eyes aren't as puffy.

Below, Simon lounging in his fave spot.  


Below, Sleepy time.

Saturday, May 21st, Today I noticed Simon's tongue is really red,  it  was a film of blood.  I got nervous and wasn't sure where or why it was doing this, but upon closer inspection, I noticed it was chapped.  It didn't even occur to me that this would happen.  I didn't know what to do except get a q-tip and dab a little olive oil on it.  It actually worked.  It stopped bleeding, he started drinking and eating again as he did the week before.

Simon's appetite was back in full swing, by days end he gobbled up a packet of Delectibles Chicken Tuna Stew, a jar of Gerber beef and a can of Fancy Feast Ocean Whitefish Tuna Pate.  He received his dose of Buprenex at 11:30am and for the most part he was doing well.  His tongue stopped getting that film of blood on it.  I'm still putting the oil on it and it seems to help.  Simon enjoyed a cat bath, and afternoon brushing, or day at the spa.  He allowed me to clean his ears, nose, eyes, clip his nails, and brush his entire body.  He still seemed desperate for water, but when eating I'm adding lots to the food, and again, by the end of eating, I just keep adding water to the dish and he keeps lapping it up.  So I think my guess was correct, he can't drink with his chin and neck upwards.

His disposition is still that of playful, loving, alert and engaged.

Below, Simon and his chapped tongue.

Below, Bird watching...

Below, his new hang out spot.

Sunday May 22nd, The morning started out fantastic, I went to the market and got him more baby food and a variety of cat food.  For breakfast he slurped down Fancy Feast Creations, Chicken & Cheddar Cheese, as he ate I kept adding water to it and by the end he also drank 1/2 cup of water.  Later in the day he ate an 1/4 cup of baby food, and as earlier I kept adding water to it, and again, Simon slurped it up.

He received a dose of pain med's at 12:35, and carried on as usual.  

Then later in the day we had several distractions, the neighbor above had a visiting Shih Tzu, that barked non stop and both of my furry wee one's were not happy, then when the barking stopped, renters for the garage in back decided to work on their motorcycle engine's.  Then when they left, the planes started overhead.  LOL What was a quiet day, changed abruptly.  So we were all thrown off our game a bit.

Below, Simon's last full meal.  A can of Fancy Feast Chicken with Cheddar Cheese, blended. then added water as he finished.

Below, Hanging out after eating the baby food- I wonder if he knew this was going to be the last...

Later on I tried to feed him the rest of the baby food and he had no interest.  He did drink milk and slept.  I went into watch Game of Thrones, and when it ended I wanted to feed Simon again and when I picked him up from the bathroom sink, I noticed his tongue sticking out further.  I couldn't believe that in a matter of hours his mouth shifted so drastically.  It  actually looked exactly like what the vet described back in February if we proceeded with surgery and they removed his jaw.  I was shocked.  I honestly didn't know if he would make it through the night.

Below, Simon's tongue at 10:30pm

Below, just some pics of my sweet boy before bed.  We've been sleeping "hand in hand" since February

Below, more bedtime pictures, the picture on the right, you can see with in one day, he looks really thin again.  After putting on those oz's.

So this was the start of what I call the last phase of this horrid cancer.  

I must admit.  These past few weeks have been so terrific. After syringe feeding him in March and most of April, then having him go back to eating on his own was much needed freedom for the both of us.  For me, I was able to catch my breath and Simon was able to be independent once again.

As prepared I was going into this, I wasn't ready for the emotional roller coaster ride.  And seeing him gain some independence, gave us both life.  He was always so proud, and I could see that again in his eyes.

Now this past week May 23rd through now has been no doubt a crazy ride, with lots of ups and downs, tears and laughter. 

I'll post those tales tomorrow.

I still wouldn't have done anything differently and this has all been worth it.

@Red Top Rescue  said Simon will  leave when he's done teaching us... I wonder what the lesson is.  I don't think I'll know till months after he's gone.

Simon's Journey continues...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
@Red Top Rescue  said Simon will leave when he's done teaching us... I wonder what the lesson is.  I don't think I'll know till months after he's gone.

Simon's Journey continues...
The lesson I see Simon teaching is to live life to the fullest, for as long as you have breath.  This is exactly what Simon is doing.  He has all sorts of difficulties, but he still watches birds, plays with his girlfriend, enjoys his food and water, plays with his ice cubes, naps in the sun, enjoys his massages -- all the things he loves.  Yes, he's dying.  But first and foremost, he's still Simon, and who and what Simon is is more important than what is happening to Simon.  I think we all treasure that in him.  I think we should all treasure that in ourselves, and in all our loved ones.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
The only thing that separates humans from animals is the hubris of the human mind.
My first reaction was to say, "Exactly!"  But then I thought about all the cats I've known, and it seems to me that they have a bit of hubris, as well.

I think that perhaps the thing that separates humans from animals is that humans are the only animals who seek such a definition.  And I think that maybe the reason we seek that definition is that we're worried that perhaps it doesn't exist; maybe we're not actually at the epitome of evolution, or the ones for whom God created the entire planet and all the animals on it, to do with as we will.



Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
My heart is with both you and Simon.  The photo of the two of you hand in paw brought tears to my eyes.  Blessings on you for giving Simon such love and dignity.  And for introducing him to us.
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  • #295


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
I actually wrote this yesterday....

Simon's Diary:   "Our Bittersweet Journey...the long goodbye"  Day by Day - Hour by Hour

Below,  My First View of the Day!                                             

            June 1st, 2016                                                                          Above, Just Hanging Around

Today, June 1st is the first day I really notice Simon slowing down when walking, he's still hopping up on stuff, but his hips are very stiff.  For the past few days after massage he would bounce back, but today I notice he's walking like he's wearing a wet diaper.  It's so reminiscent of when I first found him in the street 13 years ago tomorrow.  His back "big little" paws couldn't support his legs, but with stretching and massages he was able to walk.

I went to the vet early and they said if he's not howling or acting really strange, let him be, no need to make "that" decision, yet anyway.  When I woke up this morning, he had his paw on my cheek, it was so cute, then when I opened my eyes wider, he put his paw over my mouth and we just stared at each other, I then took it as a sigh he was thirsty.  He was so loving and mellow.

I proceeded to give him a bottle of water and my hubby helped in giving him additional syringes of water just to make sure it was going down.  He was so mellow and sleepy.  I was so nervous about leaving to go to the vet and the store.  He was laying by the window when I got back and seemed mellow looking out, so I held off on giving him the Buprenex.  I had to leave the house again to go pick up litter.  This time my hubby wasn't home and I didn't want to leave him, but it was time to change the boxes.  I ran to the store and with my luck there was one register open and a women in front of me buying every produce they had in the store, thankfully the cashier took me first due to the fact the woman had to sort out her money situation.  Again when I returned, he was just hanging around being Simon.

Before I left I thought it would be the last picture of him, but low and behold, he was laying down relaxing.  I have to remember when hes on the Buprenex, it makes him hyper, and he hadn't received a dose at this point.

Below are the pictures before I left, thinking these would be the last.

Above, "Last Kiss?"  Not Yet!                                                                      Above, Head in Hand                                                                                           Above, Lil' Champ

So when I got back I fed him more liquids and went to take a shower, and in Simon fashion, he popped his head in.  He was satisfied with getting wet from the shower and went to take a nap, then later in the day when I turned the tub on to clean the litter boxes, he came in the bathroom to inspect my every move.

Below, After he took a shower. LOL

Below, Spying on the neighbors.

He's using the litter box and urinating 3 times a day as he always has, and it's a normal amount.

I notice his tongue shifted a little, but it's pink again, not bluish or chapped and he's able to get water down easier, but his jaw is my concern, it's making sounds, and I really wonder what is holding it together, my tast is to be as gentle as possible when feeding him.  I'll see how it goes with this latest shift, if he does make it through the night, I may attempt to feed him watered down baby food.  If he accepts it I'll give him more, if not then I won't force the issue.

He did have about 6 syringes of vanilla Ensure, but it seemed to make him thirsty so I don't think we'll do that again, plus what drips out, makes him very sticky and stinky.

Yesterday, May 31st - was similar.  I left Simon sleeping in the window and went to take a shower, not sure if he'd be "awake" when I got out, but then when I was shampooing my hair and I felt something at my ankles, when I looked down, Simon was in the shower with me looking up at  me.  I put him back on the toilet seat and he came back in.  I held him up to the shower head and he drank the water.  He's lucky I don't take steamy showers like his daddy.  More pics from the 31st below...

If he wasn't sick, I would have thought this was the cutest thing, but knowing how he's craving to drink water on his own made me sad.

Below, Simon and his syringes of water                           Below, Bedtime

It's that drive he has that's making know, he's not ready to give up.  He's still got determination and a zest for life.  I know you all keep telling me, when he know's I'll know but until then, I'll find creative ways to get food and liquids.

Here's a rundown of last week.  

The day we headed for the hurdle...

Monday May 23rd -  Simon actually pulled off his last trick today, May 23rd.  Since he was obsessed with the bathroom sink, I needed to think of things to keep him engaged with the water.  When he felt the water hit his tongue he would proceed to drink.  So what I did was stick straws in the water and he would scoop them out with his paws.  On this night, I threw a few in the sink and he was playing with them, trying to get them out.  I walked out of the bathroom and all of a sudden he came running up behind me in the kitchen with the straw in his mouth, LOL, he looked so proud that he got it out of the sink.  That was the first time he's used his mouth while playing. It was so cute.  The look on his face was that of a toddler tasting chocolate pudding for the first time.

Above, Morning Lookout

Below, Simon's obsession with the bathroom sink


     Left, The latest pic of his tongue

                        Below, Simon enjoying this beautiful sunset

 Left, Simon not happy, I was making him rest.  I had some clean up to do and didn't want to step on him.

Simon received one dose of pain med's and ate some but little, he's loving those packets of Delectables lickable cat treats.

Above, Afternoon nap.   May 24th

Tuesday, May 24th was the day when I became creative in keeping his interest in drinking and accepting his water down high cal protein food - I would distract him with ice cubes, making bubbles in the water. LOL.  Anything and everything to keep him excited and engaged.  He was back on the tuna juice mixed with the packets of chicken tuna stew Delectables.  After that he didn't really show interest in food.  Today he received the 2 doses of the pain med's 12hrs apart.

Wednesday, May 25th, was about the same as yesterday.  Food intake the same, along with the high cal food watered down, and the two doses of pain med's. His disposition is still the same.  Engaged, loving and seems relaxed at times.  Although I noticed that the Buprenex is starting to have a hyper reaction on him.  It was pretty clear that all he wanted to do was drink on his own, although he wasn't turned off to the realization of needing assistance.  He was cranky for the first time throughout this ordeal, but it was directed at the tub faucet.  I did think I caught a glimpse in his eyes, with the thought, "why can't you fix this".  Not a good day for me emotionally.  I felt like I was losing control for good.  For the most part, his personality is still that of my boy Simon.


Above, Neighborhood Watch

In the early afternoon I worked on the tank, and he became obsessed with the water going in, and for the first time he attempted to drink out of the tank.  We caught him at night jumping on the dresser to the left, trying to get on top.  Not good.  I still find it hard that my shark is outliving Simon.

 Left, Simon's latest obsession.

                                            Above, Enjoying the evening air.


Above,  Sleepytime

Thursday, May 26th, Simon was pretty hyper at this point from the 2 doses of Buprenex he was receiving twice a day.  I left the kitchen sink on for him as well as the bathroom sink and the tub faucet.  He managed to eat a 1/4 cup of watered down high cal food, and drank, via syringe and bottle, lot's of water.  Urination is good.  I only gave him one dose of the Buprenex today at 9:30am.  By 5:00pm he was down for a nap.  He was extremely needy today, all he wanted was to be by my side.  

At one point I had to hide my coffee cup and sneak sips of coffee and water.  I felt terrible.  He was constantly behind me and came running out every time he heard the water running.  He reminded me of those twin girls from the movie The Shining.  He was creeping me out. lol


Above, Simon getting ready to belly up to the kitchen faucet.


Above, Simon trying to reach his collar and leash to the right under the apron.

This is something he's always done when wanting to go out in the hall.  I'd put his collar on and put the leash handle around the inside doorknob and he'd hang out on the welcome mat.

Below, Me getting creative with his drinking.  This hankerchief tied made it easier for him to grab the water.

Friday, May 27th, same as yesterday. Received pain med's once today.  Still obsessed with fish tank and knocked over pictures trying to get to it at 3am.  I've been watering down his food lots and he's still accepting it.

Below, Chestnut sharing her water with Simon.  A First....


 Left, Still obsessed with the tank.


Above, Relaxing after a massage

Above, Tossed ball around                                                                                                           Above, Game Day!

Saturday, May 28th, Today I made bone broth and blood tea, and he drank both via syringe.  I noticed while feeding his tongue has turned a bluish color.  Simon received the 2 doses of Buprenex today.  Urination is good but hasn't pooped all weed.  I caught him in the tank again, this time his tongue made it to the water then he looked pretty disgusted. LOL  This ended his obsession with the tank.  After being so hyper all week, he finally took a really deep nap.  Just what he needed.  He was happy daddy was home to give him attention.  And I needed a little break to clear my head.  All in all a good day.  Simon has been loving and curious.  And still hoping to drink from his bowl.

Below, Simon ready to fall into deep slumbers


Above, Mommy that was gross.

Above, Back to the bottle

Above, Simon trying to figure it out.

Sunday, May 29th - Simon was hyper and sleepy all at once.  He didn't know what to do with himself.  Hubby went out for the afternoon, and Chestnut and I laid on the bed with Simon and listened to one of our favorite artists, John Denver, nice and mellow.  He received 2 doses of the pain med's 10 hours apart.  He drank lots but was picky about the food, although he managed to take in a 1/4 cup.  I actually thought this would be his last day.  And again, I am wrong.  I can't even tell you how many times I've said my final goodbyes.  It's starting to get very emotional for me.  I thought this entire journey would make it easier, it really isn't.

Below, Chestnut watching over Simon

Below, Simon in a heavy sleep.  He lost all the weight he gained

above, his hair is wet, he's not dirty... LOL

Monday, May 30th - Today was pretty much the same as far as med's and feeding goes.  Simon is still showing signs of being playful, jumping and being observant.  One thing that happened was, at 1:30 am this morning, it started to rain hard.  Hubby and I woke up to shut the windows and hubby found Simon in the living room window trying to catch the rain in his mouth, just getting soaked in the rain.  It broke my heart.  All this kitty wants to do is drink on his own.  He really never minded food via syringe, but the drinking is frustrating him.  He's still very loving and has even rubbed noses with Chestnut.  

Below, Simon playing get the straw

Below, Simon making a mess for mommy

Below, Simon's mellow from med's and Chestnut looking like, "What's going on, is he okay"?

Below, Simon loving mommy...

Below, Simon flirting with Chestnut...

Tuesday, May 31st, All the same with eating and med's,  His hind legs are a bit stiffer.  He's been very sweet and loving.  Simon actually hopped in the shower with me, as stated above...  What can I say, it's one day at a time.

Below, Simon doing Stretch Kitty with daddy...

Below, Simon being cute as usual...

Below,  Two mates hanging out!  Sure, now they like each other...

What can I say, it's one day at a time.

Simon's Journey continues...


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
This is such a bittersweet update.  There's so much love between you and Simon - I wish you could be together forever.  He is a very, very special boy and has totally won my heart.   
   Whatever happens next, I feel so lucky for having had a chance to know him and join the two of you in this sad, but sometimes joyous journey.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO

Sunday, May 29th - Simon was hyper and sleepy all at once.  He didn't know what to do with himself.  Hubby went out for the afternoon, and Chestnut and I laid on the bed with Simon and listened to one of our favorite artists, John Denver, nice and mellow.  He received 2 doses of the pain med's 10 hours apart.  He drank lots but was picky about the food, although he managed to take in a 1/4 cup.  I actually thought this would be his last day.  And again, I am wrong.  I can't even tell you how many times I've said my final goodbyes.  It's starting to get very emotional for me.  I thought this entire journey would make it easier, it really isn't.


Simon's Journey continues...
Sorry for the huge cuts, but I really just wanted to respond to this one thing.  No, there is nothing that makes this any easier on the humans involved, except glorying in triumphs, however small and fleeting they are.

Where this will make things easier is after the fact, when you will have these pictures and this diary to look back on while you're grieving Simon.  You will be able to look at this and say, "I did everything right for Simon.  He took joy in his life right up to the end, and I made that possible for him."  I know, that's not comforting right now; that's not where your focus is right now, but it will be comforting to you when the time comes.

Again, thank you for sharing Simon and his journey with us.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Oh, good.  I love kitten pictures!  (BTW, I'm beginning to see what @Mamanyt1953 means about kitten tails -- they are adorable.)

The only time Pretzel got into a cat carrier on her own initiative was in the vet's office.  "Time to go home now, Mommy."

Simon was an adorable kitten, and he's lost none of that with age.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OK...I just read this entire thread, and I am astounded, and joyous at this remarkable little spirit, and heartbroken that he is having such a rough time (and a big hunk of that heartbreak is for you, Darlin).  I never cease to be amazed at the strength of spirit our cats have.  Goddess bless him, each and every day, and lead him gently to the Bridge when the time comes.  I'll be here daily now.
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