The Exercise Motivation Thread - 2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Norchan-that alone is an all day workout!! Good job! I never got around to emptying my shed this year. Got soo much stuff we bought at yardsales to use but never used...chairs. fishing stuff..just stuff. oh and a wet suit that now won't fit me anymore...not that I ever have time to go into the ocean at Rye beach. Darn.

Got the gym done last night.

65 minutes on elliptical 4.8 miles.

Smith machine chest press, overhead press and tried squats for the first time in awhile. there were two younger ladies who were putting me to shame with the squats and leg press sled. Wow. Now If I can stay consistant with working out. If they let me install a treadmill here at my computer at work then I could walk away my weight or at least eat what I want. Such an annoyance.

I woke up a tad bit sore but not too bad. Gonna try again tonight to do more squats and try the leg press sled-the one you lay on your back and push up with legs. Those girls had about 130lbs on that sled which is probably their weight. I don't like the regular leg press that you sit upright. It doesn't have the right configurations for my body size.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Wow, Norachan, you were really busy over the weekend. Good job, foxxycat. Great job, ladies! 

JTbo, how's that shoulder?

3.5 miles on the treadmill this morning

2.75 miles during lunch today (took my umbrella with me, but didn't need to use it)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
a gentle workout at lunch today. my appetite has been in check. no lunch yet. probably eat in a bit.

The following video I followed along and the jumping I skipped. no pain in knee=so playing it safe. Doing a ton of arm/chest exercises to make up for this. Keep going everyone!

Tammat how are you doing?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Wow, Norachan, you were really busy over the weekend. Good job, foxxycat. Great job, ladies! :clap:  

JTbo, how's that shoulder?

3.5 miles on the treadmill this morning
2.75 miles during lunch today (took my umbrella with me, but didn't need to use it)
Shoulder is as bad as has been lately, crocheting loops enough length to reach around cat's neck (that is not very many loops) and backside of shoulder blade area starts to tingle (pins and needles), but not much of pain as there has not been any heavy work for body lately.

Shoulder support brace, direct buy from China was around 5 dollars, that helps a lot and to my surprise Bamboo crochet hooks (again directly from China 2$), seem to help so that I can do bit more loops in a row before need to stretch, which again makes shoulder joint say that awful 'clunk'.

I did ride a bike 40 minutes today, it was snowing quite heavily, but not an issue really, even strong wind was not an issue as that 50 dollar soft shell suit really works, no wind or rain goes trough, too bad what this shopping does to world economy, but with my budget there is no way I could get anything local, same soft shell suit would be more than 200 dollars in Finnish online shop.

Still feeling bit of influenza effects, but not sure if it is coming or going, so I rode quite slow, caused probably a shock to one car driver though, as it was snowy and icy, I noticed car behind me, so took left turn quite fast, stand up and pedaled while standing, so rear tire did skid a little despite having 294 spikes on it, but it was quite a fun, sliding is just one perfectly controlled way of traveling with those winter tires.

Really would like to get into daily slow ride routines now, there is a LOT of fat that needs to be burned off, but have to wait for this weird flu like thing to pass until I can do much, don't want to get pneumonia, have had such over 10 years ago and still feeling it's effects.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I feel so bad for you with that shoulder. I don't see how it will be able to heal properly without being set. And I can't imagine how much that must hurt.  I don't know how to do anything without hurting your shoulder more.

3.5 miles on the treadmill this morning

2.5 miles walked during lunch today

(And it is nasty out there, pouring rain, pouring! I wasn't going to walk because I did hit the treadmill. But I got a text from Dear Richard who, when I said I wasn't walking because of the rain, said, "Hmmm, I did buy you an umbrella for rain." So I changed my clothes and headed out. Well! It's way, way too warm outside to be walking in my winter coat, so I sweated through my t-shirt. It's pouring rain and my jeans are soaked from the knees down. Shoes are soaked, socks are soaked. The left side of my coat was soaked because of the wind. Everything is layered onto one of my office chairs and is drying now. Shoes are placed next to the heating register and my socks are on the register.  And I'm telling Rick that if he really expects me to walk when it's rainy and windy, then he'd best be buying me some decent rain gear. That wasn't funny at all. Oh, and my hair? 100% frizz!! Curly frizz. Yikes)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Haha you go girl!! I dislike the rain. It spots my glasses which is one of my pet peeves. Tell Dear Richard to get you some Goretex. that's waterproof and keeps you warm.

I swear by it.

Ok hit the gym last night-only the elliptical machine for 90 minutes-I was watching tv and facebooking and reading-I was following along the different news that was on last night plus I wanted to hit 5 miles..i was .2 shy. I also left my sneakers at yep I kept my boots on and just sucked it up. I found my feet were more comfortable in my work boots than sneakers. I need to find some with a thicker sole. Normally 30 minutes into a workout my feet are throbbing. I had long long workout pants boot cut so no one noticed the boots. But it wasn't bad because the elliptical you don't have to pick up your feet-so wasn't too bad.  I think I will wear them for the elliptical machine then put sneakers on for the rest of the workout. Such a pain.

Today at lunch followed 15 minutes out of this video=I didn't have time to prewatch-I just started it at 10 minutes and when I was done it was 25 minutes or so-I couldn't do some of the exercises because I can't get up off the floor fast enough but I did squats and some of the other moves-I like how she combines 2 or 3 moves in one move. So I also grabbed a heavier item than normal and didn't push myself too hard. only jogged for 3 minutes..just a tad warmup. Tonight I will focus on my arms and see if I can do more on the chest press. I have to start changing the order-I need to do weights first then aerobics after but I just know I will just say to heck with it after I am done with the weights and go home...I need more hours in the day.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I feel so bad for you with that shoulder. I don't see how it will be able to heal properly without being set. And I can't imagine how much that must hurt.  I don't know how to do anything without hurting your shoulder more.

3.5 miles on the treadmill this morning
2.5 miles walked during lunch today

(And it is nasty out there, pouring rain, pouring! I wasn't going to walk because I did hit the treadmill. But I got a text from Dear Richard who, when I said I wasn't walking because of the rain, said, "Hmmm, I did buy you an umbrella for rain." So I changed my clothes and headed out. Well! It's way, way too warm outside to be walking in my winter coat, so I sweated through my t-shirt. It's pouring rain and my jeans are soaked from the knees down. Shoes are soaked, socks are soaked. The left side of my coat was soaked because of the wind. Everything is layered onto one of my office chairs and is drying now. Shoes are placed next to the heating register and my socks are on the register.  And I'm telling Rick that if he really expects me to walk when it's rainy and windy, then he'd best be buying me some decent rain gear. That wasn't funny at all. Oh, and my hair? 100% frizz!! Curly frizz. Yikes)
I don't like getting wet ether, especially in these temps, even more I dislike the wind, but I can't afford something nice like Gore-Tex, ended up with this then:

Not the best in terms of how it is cut/shaped, also it is bit stiff, however keeps rain and wind out and I could afford it, had to wait bit over a month for that to arrive though.

Might be bit warm for anything above freezing if walking fast though (if there is rain and good bit of wind should be better at higher temps too), especially if you are like me that you put out lots of heat when doing any physical activity.

Fabric used in that clothing is quite nice, haven't seen anything similar at local shops, you might have better luck finding something that works in rain and wind that does not cost a fortune, here issue is that local shops don't have anything that works and online shops will ask a fortune from anything that even slightly works.

Christmas is coming, so get something nice for yourself with Rick's card, it is a present that way too, right? :lol3:

For shoes, I really don't know what to get, my current winter shoes have holes at bottoms, they have cracked, rusted and failing about every possible way, I really would like to get something that keeps feet dry and that are not freezing cold when weather is extreme, but seeing waterproof breathable windproof shoes price tags being around 200 or more, it seems I'm not buying new ones anytime soon, my budget is 50 at max and that does not buy even useful basic winter shoes.

Because of snow I need them to be well up from ankle, but full boots are not nice when walking/running/cycling bit more, would be nice to have several, but when I can't find even a decent pair that I could afford, dreaming about several pairs is perhaps bit of day dreaming.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
JTbo, I don't know how you feel about LL Bean. I have a pair of their snow sneakers; they're made for walking in snow and they keep my feet warm. They're not waterproof; if I step in a mud-puddle, my foot is going to get soaked. They're very comfortable, too, and I don't mind walking in them. I have to be careful with walking shoes because I have so many problems with my knees, hips, feet, etc. I can't just go out and walk every day in a really cheap pair of sneakers; it won't work. The snow sneakers are a bit pricey, but, for me, they're well worth it. I use the snow sneakers and I put Yak Trax over them for walking on ice. The Yak Trax grip on icy surfaces, so I don't fall. 

Men's Waterproof Snow Sneakers: (They specifically say these are waterproof. They are pricey, so I can imagine they'd be really expensive in Finland.)

Yak Trax: (I can get them at sporting good stores; I don't if you can due to where you live. But they work very well for walking on ice and slush and sometimes they mean the difference between being able to walk and not, if the weather is really icy.)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
JTbo, I don't know how you feel about LL Bean. I have a pair of their snow sneakers; they're made for walking in snow and they keep my feet warm. They're not waterproof; if I step in a mud-puddle, my foot is going to get soaked. They're very comfortable, too, and I don't mind walking in them. I have to be careful with walking shoes because I have so many problems with my knees, hips, feet, etc. I can't just go out and walk every day in a really cheap pair of sneakers; it won't work. The snow sneakers are a bit pricey, but, for me, they're well worth it. I use the snow sneakers and I put Yak Trax over them for walking on ice. The Yak Trax grip on icy surfaces, so I don't fall. 

Men's Waterproof Snow Sneakers: (They specifically say these are waterproof. They are pricey, so I can imagine they'd be really expensive in Finland.)
Yak Trax: (I can get them at sporting good stores; I don't if you can due to where you live. But they work very well for walking on ice and slush and sometimes they mean the difference between being able to walk and not, if the weather is really icy.)
For running on ice, I use just normal trail running sneakers, running on ice is much easier than walking on ice :D

Walking on (or should I say in?) snow, moving snow and riding on two wheels tends to be areas which mean expensive :(

These are touted to be one of the best kind, but it is made in Finland and anything made here is touted to be best there is, however when you get chance to try something from other part of the world, they might be different and usually are much better.öjalkineet

This is other model with bit different features:

Those are quite well waterproof and windproof to some extent, still breathable, but what I have read they last 1 to 2 years and then drylock layer starts to have holes which makes them non waterproof.

With snow problem is it does melt on top of shoe which makes shoes wet even ground would not be wet, snow also sticks quite well, sometimes even cats are having several palm fulls of snow under them when they come indoors, making bed and everything wet, snow gets to their paws so that they have clumps of snow between toes that they try to bite off when walking becomes challenging, yet they choose to run in snow :lol3:

Then there are always places with 4 inches of snow that you just have to walk trough, so many times a day I get my feet that deep in snow, that is why I need bit taller shoes.

One problem with winter shoes is that many models look fine and nice, but in use they are practically worthless, some cost a lot and work worse than cheapest ones. Some models focus more on looking warm than on being warm, some have sole that hardens at cold temperatures so that it cracks and bottom does not grip or flex at all. Some have very thick bottom, but nothing but empty space in it so cold comes trough it easily, when you stand on snow, there is two molten spots of ice where you did stand.

Then some brands call their shoes winter shoes and for us it is more of spring or autumn shoe, standing any moment in -20 degrees gives frost bites on those and when riding on two wheels, you get windchill of -20 degrees quite easily during our winter.

All that makes finding usable winter shoes pretty difficult, also it makes me hope that humanity could agree on some standard tests for winter clothing, that would allow manufactures that do good job to advertise their products full filling requirements.

I mean it is one thing stamping -100 degrees on shoes and stand 10 minutes at -40 degrees with those shoes :D

I really would like to learn to make my own clothes and shoes, there is so many materials hardly anyone uses on shoes that would improve them a lot.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I do understand your issues with winter clothes. Boots-yuck. My feet are always cold with them but I have bought work boots with goretex and they do keep feet dry. not really warm but dry. What about those pocket warmers-I see they have them for your boots. The Skiers use these at Killington. I have seen them toss them in their boots but the problem for me is I feel every line and bump from socks etc that it would drive me crazy. I find merino wool to be the best for feet. Good luck finding something waterproof. That seems to be the biggest challenge. once snow falls ontop of shoes and melts you have cold wet feet.

Hit the gym last night.

It was so busy in there so I sat on the bike and lasted about 10 minutes. it's got such a screwy setup that I just could not get comfortable. This is the one where the pedals are underneath me. then I moved to the what I call the recliner bike-much better. Watched Judge Judy and play on phone. 4.5 miles in 30 minutes. Had to get up. my feet were hurting something fierce. Going to try my work boots next time. I think the sneaker is too soft and it was very uncomfortable after 10 minutes. I have three other pairs to try. But what a pain. to bring different shoes for different machines. Good grief.

Elliptical machine for 30 min. 2.3 miles. was staying steady.

then hit the weights after stretching. It was busy over there so only did a few sets of each. squats at 65-not bad-just can't get comfortable with the way the bar sits on my neck and then not having stretch to come back up but I did 2 sets of 10. just enough to sweat. Then bent over rows. 65-70-75 and it went well. Overhead press at 55. did 3 sets of 10. I decided to quit then. It was getting to be 6pm and still had food shopping to do. If I don't pay attention to the time it's not unusual for me to be there until 7. But I rest in between sets but last night I only waited 30 seconds. I didn't want to be there forever.

One of the guys was watching me and came over to help me. I guess I was leaning over too much for the rows but I was trying to tell him that I can't do it at the regular angle as it hurts my back. so I did the way he advised and yep got a slight ache in my back. so next time gonna stack a bunch of weights on the floor to stand on since I suffer from short stack disease. I just didn't feel like moving 6 plates 25lbs. Next time I won't be so lazy. I forgot to try the leg press sled. next time..

Tonight is vet apt so no gym but I will try more squats and lunges today at lunch.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Not all boots are cold, I think one big reason for boots being cold is that they don't breathe enough well, so feet will be damp or wet, which makes them cold. I have had some that have been really great at snow and warm, sadly fashion moves so quickly that when I need to get new shoes there is not even company which made my previous ones.

Actually company still exists, but like everything in here, has been sold out and product lineup consists only running shoes, which are not bad running shoes at all, but they don't make those winter models anymore:

Only pic I could find is from kids version, but Karhu WRC was make and model of those old nearly perfect winter shoes/boots, never got cold or wet toes in those:

I think that it was 1992 to 2009 that I used those shoes, got new ones of different brand at 2011 which are now totally broken and I hear current ones will last only 1 to 2 years, is that inflation or what to think of this progress of materials and manufacturing methods at space age? :D

Still feeling bit ill, but so little that I think I will try little bike ride anyway, unless temp falls a lot.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
It is really hard to find a good pair of shoes that won't kill your feet and won't cost you an arm and a leg. It's difficult. I think when you do find a pair you like, you should buy two! 

3 miles on the treadmill this morning

3 miles walked during lunch (really windy outside today.....ick)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I think you are Correct Winchester. foot pain is a daily thing for me.  Those boots look like these ones from LLBeans my mom used to buy but they were Velcro. AND they are comfortable. I used to steal them all the time in high school. Hot pink boots with my crazy tights and cut off shorts with a bright colored sweatshirt...kind of punk before it was in style..1990s LOL.

I didn't get the workout done this lunchtime-got a bad stomach ache-ate something new-fruit and nuts-and nope it isn't agreeing. grrrrr. Back to crackers and peanuts. Not sure why I get this when I eat other types of nuts. peanuts and sunflower seeds I am fine-but I wanted to try this fruit and nut mix..ugg...gonna have to let it do it's thing.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Thanks @Winchester  @foxxycat

I am very proud of my half-empty, clean shed. I had to check it on my way out yesterday. Yep, that's one clean, empty shed.

Foxxycat, do you live near the ocean? I'm jealous! I love the beach. We're a 3 hour drive from the ocean, but it's just fishing ports and harbours. Not nice ocean. There is a really beautiful strip of coastline about 6 hours away from here but it's too far for a day trip and I don't like to leave the cats alone over night.

@JTbo  you're very brave riding your bike in the snow. My bike gets retired once the snow starts, I don't trust my balance enough to ride on ice or snow.

I did an hour of yoga on Tuesday, an hour of yoga and 30 minutes on my bike on Wednesday. Nothing very active yesterday.

Today is my day off. I have a few outdoor chores I need to take care of, then coming back in for more yoga.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Thanks @Winchester

I am very proud of my half-empty, clean shed. I had to check it on my way out yesterday. Yep, that's one clean, empty shed.


Foxxycat, do you live near the ocean? I'm jealous! I love the beach. We're a 3 hour drive from the ocean, but it's just fishing ports and harbours. Not nice ocean. There is a really beautiful strip of coastline about 6 hours away from here but it's too far for a day trip and I don't like to leave the cats alone over night.

 you're very brave riding your bike in the snow. My bike gets retired once the snow starts, I don't trust my balance enough to ride on ice or snow.

I did an hour of yoga on Tuesday, an hour of yoga and 30 minutes on my bike on Wednesday. Nothing very active yesterday.

Today is my day off. I have a few outdoor chores I need to take care of, then coming back in for more yoga.
Suomi-Tyres and you start riding over every icy spot you can find with huge grin on your face :lol3: :

They last really many winters, so it is not so expensive and I would think that you can get those in Japan too, your geography is kind of made for mountain biking and there are regions with snowy winter, so it would make sense you have lot of people that would have made demand for such tires.

There is also Schwalbe ice spiker pro, but don't know how good or bad it is, I know that less expensive Schwalbe winter tires are useless for anything really, too flexible for use as a hula loop, too plastic to be use as a tire. I have never fell so many times with a bike than one winter using Schwalbe winter tires, they even had over 200 spikes, but somehow they just lost grip all of sudden. Swapped Finnish made slick tires and had about same performance.

With those Suomi-Tyres spike tires grip is so good that I climb hill with a bike which I can't walk, car with best winter tires is not going to keep up on steep climbs either as they just spin the wheels and slide down the hill.

Winter biking is lot more interesting than summer biking, also lot harder, speeds tend to be lot slower too as with good grip comes high rolling resistance, so it is much better workout than summer biking, during winter 1 hour ride usually is enough where at summer 2 hours is often needed and at winter speeds are about half of what at summer.

For this winter I put WXC300 to front and Extreme294 to rear, usually have had other way around and I kind of like it so far, rolling resistance is higher this way, but what riding I have done so far it seems front end is better, but will see how it goes when I get to those difficult places, 20cm of snow and frozen car tracks somewhere inside that snow, that tends to cause difficulties for front tire to climb onto car track which can't be seen and that is perhaps most challenging situation. It is essentially same as riding on road and hitting sidewalk with side of tire as car tracks tend to have several centimeters packed snow and ice.

Oh and remember that snow is soft, if you fell down, make sure that is to thick soft layer of snow, if there is an emergency use the ice to slide :D


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I saw an article about a shelter that offers yoga classes with cats: I don't know about doing yoga with cats. Many cats like to get underfoot and bat at dangling hair, drawstring tties on pants, etc.

I haven't kept up with yoga lately
I try to a few easy standing poses before bedtime. Been having abdominal discomfort lately so I'm trying not to do anything too involved. The doctor hasn't figured out the cause of the discomfort yet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I saw an article about a shelter that offers yoga classes with cats: I don't know about doing yoga with cats. Many cats like to get underfoot and bat at dangling hair, drawstring tties on pants, etc.

I haven't kept up with yoga lately :anon: I try to a few easy standing poses before bedtime. Been having abdominal discomfort lately so I'm trying not to do anything too involved. The doctor hasn't figured out the cause of the discomfort yet.
Mine bolts off and hide if I rise my arms up, they have always been such, not sure of other cats but if they are the same, sessions might be quite short lived in terms of "with cats"!

Still no exercise for me, this flu is weird, it sometimes hits instantly with sore throat and funny ears, while first staying hidden most of the day, has been a week already of this they say it will last 6 weeks total this season...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Seems a ton of people have been sick this week. Must be the changing seasons.

I hit the gym Friday. it was soso packed on the weights but then at 6 everyone vanished.

65 minutes on elliptical machine. 24 min for 2 miles then the rest was slower. I think it was 4.6 miles total.

Chest press, dead man lift, bent over rows, squats!, overhead press and other smaller things. I miscalculated weights on the bar and didn't realize I had upped it to 95 lbs for chest press-but I did 2 sets of 5. It was hard but not as hard as I thought. I didn't want to jinx myself. Tried a few of those machines for your muscles. the back extension I thought I would need a small amount of weights..well I set it at 115 and it was too light. So I guess the nickname tank is living up to it's name! Tonight I will do that leg press sled where you lay on your back. it was fun messing around with things without a ton of people watching. And I miss using those cable weights-I used to do the rows on those..and got up to 85lbs. I will mess around with it tonight..sundays are a good day to do the one there.

I knew I was going to be laying around sat so I pushed myself. I am a tad sore today but tomorrow will be the test. I tried to stay off the junk food but nope it won. oh well. at least I got to the gym 4 days last week. gonna go tonight after work since I don't need to work long hours. gonna push myself. I found a ratty pair of sneakers with stiffer soles-no foot pain as bad on the elliptical machine at least not until it was around 45 minutes in. better than before. maybe I should try ballet slippers...not sure..such a pain to find shoes that don't pinch my toes. At least tomorrow is free pizza night at the gym so I don't have to be too hungry. its ok but it's better the second time around when I bake it in the oven. I have been good and haven't ordered pizza in a month. eating more salads. slowly getting there.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
@LTS3  I don't think a  yoga class with cats would work. My cats all rush over top claw chunks out of my yoga mat as soon as I unroll it. One corner of it is held together with duct tape.

They also try to head butt me until I fall over when I'm doing headstands.

@foxxycat  You're doing great!

I had to work all day Saturday and Sunday, only energetic thing I did was vacuuming and lugging home a sack of groceries. One hour of yoga so far this morning.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Well, I'm done for a while anyway, although I'll take it day by day and see how things go. I think I broke my little toe. Trying to get past the dog gate in hallway and I was carrying a box. Got my stockinged foot caught on that blasted rail on the floor. If the toe isn't broken, it's stubbed badly. It wasn't bruised in the beginning, but now it's black and swollen, despite icing yesterday. There's no way I can walk 3 miles at a time....I have boots on to come to work and it's hurting as it is.

Don't really want to go to the doctor because he'll just send me for x-rays, say, "Yup, it's broken!" and tape the broken toe to the next toe. I can do that. 

I'll keep checking it out, but for now I can't walk on it.
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