Started them on raw tonight :D


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:jump: :sun: :woohoo: GREAT NEWS, Laurie...... Oooooooo the smell of success :lol3: I LOVE it. Sounds like a bunch of very, very happy and satisfied kitties. That is what I am noticing as well - not asking for more food throughout the day YAY!!!!!! I am going to also try the S&C Duck too. You try it first and report back :flail: It worked for me with the Dandy Lamb :sheep: SO maybe the Duck Duck Goose too then :D :clap:
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  • #62


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: So what's the current ratio you are at right now? 50/50?
BTW - Nature's Menu takes less space at the freezer, I think - the patties are smaller, and they lay 2-2 side by side, so 2 layers of 6 patties..... laying flat - not a huuuuuge bag like S&C or NV, which makes it easier for storage :bigthumb:
I will be posting my reviews when I come back from my trip.... and let you both know how it goes - they have been in business since the 90s though, never had a recall, and no problems so far..... Some vet offices sell their foods and have quite the success with it..... We shall see how the kids respond - you never know if the kitties' palate will fit your plans, you know? :rolleyes:
No, I meant I gave them 100% raw. I haven't mixed proteins - I just switch proteins. :lol3: Because I wasn't 100% raw, I didn't intro new raw proteins with whatever raw they were already eating, I just replaced it as the mix with the canned.

But last evening I just gave them 100% raw. OK, I'm sure this isn't the vet's definition of slow :lol3: , but I have to be able to fit new food in the freezer by tomorrow. :flail:

Gary gave us a set-back last night. :rolleyes: He went to use the bathroom, and Flowerbelle followed him in there. As he went to put her out, Lazlo went in. Gary said it was a "cat train." So to get them all out of there, he took a little bit of kibble (there's a very small cabinet in there, and that's where I kept one of the bags) - he said it was about a tablespoon, and tossed it in the hallway - so everyone naturally went running for it. :rolleyes: So he got a cat-free bathroom, but I have cats that now remember they want kibble. :sigh:

It didn't affect how they ate at meals - just how they bothered me during the day. :flail:

Let's see... for breakfast they had chicken. It's what was dethawed. And at lunch, I tried to cheat. :anon: I'd taken out some rabbit and lamb patties, and a bag with 4 2 oz chicken patties (Carolina, sounds like Vital Essences patties are the same as Nature's Menu. They're in jumble in a bag, but I just repacked them in layers of four). Anyway, I was running late, and nothing was actually dethawed - and I hadn't checked or put anything in cold water to finish dethawing.

So I served them canned food like I would have... a week ago. :flail:

BILLY walked away from the food! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you read that right. :nod: BILLY WALKED AWAY FROM FOOD.
Chumley looked at me like - you want me to eat this?

Everyone else ate... sort of. Tuxie, I think, just wondered what the heck happened to his fortiflora. :lol3:

So obviously I'd gotten the most dethawed thing in cold water - more chicken. These guys don't like cold food, so I smooshed it around under running cold water, then switched to warm and kept smooshing LOL.

Then I took a spoon and just plopped dollops of raw chicken around in everyone's bowls. Everyone ate it without toppers - except Tuxedo. :rolleyes: He ate his with... you guessed it - fortiflora.

Dinner was rabbit, because it was dethawed. :lol3:

They're eating/finishing with less and less fuss. :)

I figured out the key to Laz, Flowerbelle and Tux. They don't like eating their meal in one sitting. When they "finish," and there's a bunch of food left, I take the bowls away. When they run to the bathroom (for what would have been kibble), I put all their respective bowls out in front of them and close the door. They still don't finish - but when they're done eating what they're going to eat at that sitting, Flowerbelle opens the door. (It's just a push handle, but they have to stand up on the toilet seat lid to reach it).

Flowerbelle stays in there, ever hopeful.... Tux and Laz retire to the living room. I put their bowls back out in front of them. In the bathroom, instead of on the floor, I put Flowerbelle and her bowl on the counter.

And thus meals are then finished.

It's much more labor intensive, and takes 20 minutes - half an hour.

And when (if) we go frankenprey.... I'm going to have to keep the bathroom floor spotless, and Ming Loy is going to have to eat in there. She likes taking a mouthful of the raw, drop it on the floor, and then pick up that bite and chew it. :rolleyes: She did that with kibble - and I thought that was messy. :lol3: (Canned she just licks at, so no mess no fuss. Such is life).

So.... I thought because they got canned and then a normal amount of raw as if they didn't get canned at lunch, we might have a few light eaters at dinner. But nope, everyone ate just fine.

Flowerbelle IS getting better at eating more and more on that first round. :clap:


:blobred: NEWS FLASH :blobred: NEWS FLASH :blobred:

Gary figured out where to put a small freezer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the passenger side of the RV, where the dining room used to be, there are wooden shelves up against the wall - not attached, we had them made. The cat trees are in front of those, and there are window seats on top of the shelves. But the shelves do NOT run the length of that wall. Sandwiched between the wall (that is technically the bathroom wall, the back of the shower) and the bookshelves is a cat tree - a "small" one - we call it the cat castle. It is basically hollow inside. No one uses that part. Well - sometimes Spooky will sleep in there, but it's rare. They only use the top of it to sleep in that corner. It's 16" wide. All of the 2.5 cu ft and 3 cu ft compact freezers are 18-something inches to 20-something inches. I could have SWORN I saw one yesterday that's 17 inches, but I didn't bookmark it and now I can't find it again. BUT... we do have a couple of inches wiggle room with that bookshelf. It'll look a little odd, offset to the window, and that couple of inches means our coats won't hang down next to the front door, they'll bunch up on the shelves, and there's no place to put our shoes by the door.... but that can be figured out, I'm sure. If we have to, we can push the shelves a little further along the wall.


So... I'm not sure what we'll get tomorrow. The chicken and beef chubs should be in... and I'd like some turkey something, but I don't think he ordered any. I told him to make that next tuesday. (Tuesday is delivery day LOL). I may come home with the Stella & Chewy's Duck... :dk:

Day five:

Tuxedo has not gone after Ming Loy in any way. She did fall on him while passing in the skinny hallway (from the kitchen to the bedroom - bathroom on one side, wardrobe on the other), and he did hit her... but I'm not counting that in the same category as attacking her.
No one has chased Spooky.
Spooky has not even looked sideways at Chumley.

No incidents between Laz and Bill.


Spooky jumped up on the bed after dinner - Ming Loy was curled up there (having passed Tuxie in the hallway to get there earlier LOL). Spooky stopped and groomed her for a while. Never seen that happen before. (Her first six months with us, all Spooky did was hiss and growl at her). (Ming Loy is another one like Billy - always wants pets from the other cats. It's quite funny watching Bill and Ming Loy together, each of them wanting to be licked, not do the licking. For the most part, until Chum, the other cats just thought they were freaks. Bill makes out like a bandit on that one - Chum will groom him all day long if he wants. I don't know why, but Ming Loy never asks for pets from Chum).

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  • #63


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:jump: :sun: :woohoo: GREAT NEWS, Laurie...... Oooooooo the smell of success :lol3: I LOVE it. Sounds like a bunch of very, very happy and satisfied kitties. That is what I am noticing as well - not asking for more food throughout the day YAY!!!!!! I am going to also try the S&C Duck too. You try it first and report back :flail: It worked for me with the Dandy Lamb :sheep: SO maybe the Duck Duck Goose too then :D :clap:
:lol3: I THINK there's room in the freezer to squeeze in that giant bag. :lol3: He did order the NV chicken & beef chubs for me... definitely not room for two chubs and the bag. I'm thinking I can put the chubs in the fridge. Things seem to stay frozen in our fridge - so if the patties stay frozen for so long, the chubs definitely will. I can just scrape off the outside, I guess. Or hack of chunks to dethaw. But that way I can bring all three home. :nod: You'll be the first to know if there's raw duck in the house! :D
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auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Whoot!!!! A place for the freezer, yay!!!!!!

Given that I have six cats whose relationships have been rocky since that sixth kitty joined us two years ago and that only started to smooth out over the last four or five months, I know *just* how important it is to see your eight kitties beginning to get along so nicely, Laurie. I'm wicked happy for you and I hope it just continues to get better and better!!

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #65


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Whoot!!!! A place for the freezer, yay!!!!!! :clap:

Given that I have six cats whose relationships have been rocky since that sixth kitty joined us two years ago and that only started to smooth out over the last four or five months, I know *just* how important it is to see your eight kitties beginning to get along so nicely, Laurie. I'm wicked happy for you and I hope it just continues to get better and better!! :heart3:

The funny thing is, given we're 8 cats and 2 people in an RV, we thought they WERE getting along. :lol3: Well, OK - Tuxie beating up Ming Loy didn't fit that definition, but that is a more recent addition (and now subtraction LOL) to the behavior repertoire. But part of the reason we moved into the house back in 2004 was we thought the five of them (at the time) needed more room. But the "chase Spooky" games didn't stop with more space. :( We just figured... she's our pariah kitty. :rub:

The jury's still out on whether the raw has impacted their behavior THAT much... but each day without a "chase Spooky" game has me more and more amazed.... :cross:



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
First off - :lol3: about the canned food because momma didn't have enough time - WHAT!!!! we want our raw :stomp:.... I find that it does take much longer now to feed but it is so rewarding when they finish their meals and I know they are satisfied and their tummies feel so good. Labor of love, for sure. Second, Perkins is just like Mingle - he likes to plop his food on the floor too and eat it - just more work - disinfecting :lol2: Thirdly - :flail: about Gary tossing the kibble to the kids - I just about :spit: my juice reading that. TOO FUNNY!!!!!! I could just picture that too - like feeding chickens - just toss and they scramble :lol2:

WAY COOL ON THE FREEZER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jump: :woohoo: You HAVE to show us what you get!!! I am thinking freezer too - a small one downstairs to store food :nod: Will wonders never cease the space you can find in that RV :thud: Now you can stock up, SS :heart3: Way to go :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: And YAY for the good reports today with the meals :bigthumb: :hugs: :sun:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:lol3: I THINK there's room in the freezer to squeeze in that giant bag. :lol3: He did order the NV chicken & beef chubs for me... definitely not room for two chubs and the bag. I'm thinking I can put the chubs in the fridge. Things seem to stay frozen in our fridge - so if the patties stay frozen for so long, the chubs definitely will. I can just scrape off the outside, I guess. Or hack of chunks to dethaw. But that way I can bring all three home. :nod: You'll be the first to know if there's raw duck in the house! :D
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Room for that GIANT BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flail: Will be waiting for the "quack-quack" report... :D btw - chubs do stay frozen longer in the fridge - I used to get the Bravo chubs for Wilbur. I would slice and dice them and the refreeze some portions after wrapping them in aluminum foil. But it took almost 36 hours for a chub to even be 3/4 of the way thawed.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Oh brother, this thread is cracking me up - I don't know where to begin :crackup:
I think the image from Gary sitting on the potty with kibbles on his hands tossing them out for the "flock" of kitties definitely takes the cake :flail:
I think you have to give him some Mylar balls next time :lol3::lol3::lol3:
Ok - let's see what I remember- Nature's Menu - the patties are bigger than Vital Essentials, they are 1/4lb each, and packed 2 layers of 6 patties. They lay horizontally though, and take much less space for storage..... but they are patties for sure - don't fit the description of nuggets (I think yours are 2oz).

For defrosting - a tip: If you are going to feed the whole patty, there is no reason to do cold water, then hot water - you can defrost /warm all in to hot water..... You just should not do that if you are defrosting to return to the fridge :nod: But if you are going to feed it...... You can go ahead and put that baby into a ziplock bag and into a container with hot water..... it will be faster, and will be nice and on mouse temperature for your babies.... just make sure to get only what you will feed, as you don't want to return what you defrosted with hot water back into the fridge...... :nod: This will cut a step for you, and will cut you some time too.... I have a big container on my sink I use for that purpose only - cold defrosting and warming.....
I buy boxes of cheap sandwich ziplock bags at walmart (for your 8 you probably need bigger)..... and we are all set - just fill the container, fill the baggie with what I need, and we are on the move :nod:

I also bought table plate mats for them - not for pets, as they are SO much more $$$..... but regular human stuff....... Once they finish eating.... I just wipe with clorox anywhere - this is my new best friend - it is AWESOME!!!, and set it aside.... So that should solve the problem with the kitties who dorp the food on the floor :nod:
I am finding that the longer I am on this journey, the easier it gets, the quicker it gets too :nod: Feeding and prepping now doesn't take long at all...... I have a routine, and so do they...... I am now used to know how long it takes to defrost the food and how long each tub lasts - it takes over 24 hours, and it lasts eat a day and a meal..... so I have 2 going and when they are 1/2 way through, I put the third one down to defrost.... that way I don't have to do cold defrosts anymore :nod: I always have defrosted food, yet it is always fresh, they are always rotating, and all I have to do is warm it up, serve and wash their dishes when they are done :nod:

YEYEYEYEY for the freezer!!! :woohoo:
I will also buy it this next month for sure - fun fun fun!!! Buy it and stock up! I will start them an frankerprey, so we will need more space for our adventures...... just CAN'T wait!!! Can't wait for me to have my own decent food also :lol3::lol3::lol3: I miss having some freezer space :wow: Never thought about that :lol3:
OMG this is SO MUCH FUN!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
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  • #69


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Thanks for the info, Carolina. :nod: I did buy a bunch of cheap plastic baggies - they're pretty much a must. :lol3:

And just a quick note re: the Vital Essentials. They have both "nuggets" and the small patties. You're right - they're smaller than the Nature's Menu. :nod: Ultimately, the same amount of pounds of raw takes up the same space though. I've been buying patties, not medallions, so they're not just a jumble in a bag. :lol3: They happen to be really convenient at 8 oz (half pound) - 1 oz per cat per meal works out just perfectly. :lol3:

I'm really in a quandry about what to do here. I can only fit one large bag in the freezer today - and that'll be after I take a couple of patties out of it. And obviously I'm getting low on rabbit. But they reliably love the rabbit. They had rabbit for breakfast, and everyone basically ate all of it without much fussing.

HOWEVER... the NV, at 15% bone, is a concern. It's too much bone for somebody. So I can't feed just NV at any given meal, it's going to have to be mixed with at least S&C which I know is 10% bone. And even though it's more expensive, I'm going to have to incorporate the Primal (at least turkey) - which, unfortunately has to wait until next Tuesday (unless Jim went ahead and ordered it), because it's typically 6-8% bone. So I need the S&C and Primal to reduce the amount of NV bone - but NV is the only HPP rabbit option. :sigh:

I was thinking of asking Jim if we can pay for the bags and only take like half the product, leaving an open bag there... but Gary REALLY doesn't want to do that. If the RV park were open, we could borrow some of their freezer space, but it isn't. Not until April, and we'll definitely have a freezer by then.

I think I don't have a choice but to come home with some S&C, and I'll have to start mixing proteins. :nod: Since I'm probably coming home with duck, let's just hope they really like it. :cross:


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
It is so great to read all these various As The Raw Turns/One Raw To Live reports.

A couple of thoughts:

You can always repackage what ever you buy from bags into plastic containers.  I learned that in order to conserve space, plastic containers should be the same basic shape, either all round or all square not both.  (And square seems to take up less room.)

Also, I feed commercial raw and Frankenprey every day, and calculate the ratios accordingly.  So if you're worried about too much bone, maybe you could, say, feed two ounces of CR and one ounce of Frankenprey. Gizzards, while tough to chew, are small and easier to manage than cutting up a bunch of beef or chicken.  Same with chicken hearts, but they contain a fair amount of sodium.

BTW, I fed commercial raw because I thought I needed to hide the taste of liver, but now Ritz will eat liver 'straight'--including beef liver.  So I will probably go to 100% frankenprey in about a month.

I know some of you all have special needs cats (and ALL cats are special....), so AC and others with similar issues would have to chime in here about the advisability of feeding frankenprey and amounts.

PS:  happy anniversary Ritz :)
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  • #71


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
PS:  happy anniversary Ritz :)
Is this an anniversary of Ritz starting eating raw? :clap: Happy Anniversary! :party4:

The freezer space... I repack some of the patties into freezer baggies until the bag they came in fits - because it wouldn't save space over the ziplock bags. (And I mark the meat and the date on the freezer baggies: then when I move them to the fridge, I mark the date they went into the fridge, to make sure I'm not using something I just put in there as opposed to something that went in there the day before).

My ONLY concern with mixing regular meat into the diet would be Lazlo. I'm really not concerned about Chum at this point. I think a week or two after Lazlo's chemo is done (his last treatment is next Monday), I won't be as concerned... and he'd have been on raw for about a month at that point anyway.

I do need to call Dr. Cheng. I'm still giving Chum his Prosperous Farmer pills. These were to address his "extreme spleen Qi deficiency." Now - I doubt he's still "extremely Qi deficient." :lol3: BUT - the ingredients in the pills happen to be pretty well matched to the herbal treatment for FIV as outlined in Bud's Therapy ( So it's not just that they're "rebalancing" his Qi - I think they're also functioning to slow down the progression of the FIV virus.

I think we should probably grab him and run him up to the local vet and just get the FIV snap test done again. Just to see if he does test positive or negative. On the FIV therapy, cats have actually gone from positive to negative, and Dr. Cheng says cats under her care have. :dk:
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auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Originally Posted by LDG

HOWEVER... the NV, at 15% bone, is a concern. It's too much bone for somebody. So I can't feed just NV at any given meal, it's going to have to be mixed with at least S&C which I know is 10% bone. And even though it's more expensive, I'm going to have to incorporate the Primal (at least turkey) - which, unfortunately has to wait until next Tuesday (unless Jim went ahead and ordered it), because it's typically 6-8% bone. So I need the S&C and Primal to reduce the amount of NV bone - but NV is the only HPP rabbit option.

First, a note on defrosting - hot water will cook some of the food. If you *must* do it, it's not the end of the world, but you will lose some small amount of nutrients. Warm water will still defrost faster than cold water, but *won't* cook the food, and that's what I recommend if you haven't taken the food out of the freezer in time to let it defrost in the fridge.

I know the terms "warm" and "hot" are subjective - after using either, then just look at the food when it's ready and you'll soon see where the line is between getting the fastest assisted defrost and cooking the food.

Second, LDG, you should absolutely feel comfortable feeding the NV in a rotation without cutting it with other foods. One meal at 15% bone every now and again is absolutely not going to cause any issues - my three times a week bone-in meals are MUCH higher in bone content!!! - it's only when fed as the ONLY food that it might become a problem for some kitties.

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TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Anniversary of my adopting Ritz, who, along with two brothers and one sister, were abandoned / dumped around November 2009.  Survived the 20 inch snow storm.  Rescued by my friend, I helped socialize them.  I'd never been around cats before.  I'd never had a pet before.  Steep learning curve...

She is happy, healthy (I think, weird black spot under her chin [not feline acne]) and active and sleeps on my lap and in between my legs all the time.  Still gets a little spooked easily, but that's because of her living on the streets for the first five months of her life.

It's easier for me to find/buy Frankenprey than commercial raw.  And I can take advantage of sale prices (meat on sale, and reduced further in price when it is at the 'sell by' date).

Vet tomorrow for wellness check and reality check about Ritz' weight.  My issue with feeding Ritz has been my issues about food and eating and weight.  My human nutritionist has given me the name of a DVM who practices Chinese medicine/herbal/accupunture, and knows a lot about feeding raw.  I am prepared, willing to seek outside help if I keep on having issues/concerns about this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
First, a note on defrosting - hot water will cook some of the food. If you *must* do it, it's not the end of the world, but you will lose some small amount of nutrients. Warm water will still defrost faster than cold water, but *won't* cook the food, and that's what I recommend if you haven't taken the food out of the freezer in time to let it defrost in the fridge.

I know the terms "warm" and "hot" are subjective - after using either, then just look at the food when it's ready and you'll soon see where the line is between getting the fastest assisted defrost and cooking the food.
Ok now..... evidently..... When I say "hot" I am not saying anywhere near hot enough to cook the meat......... I am saying more towards warm...... but not cold water....... I want to make this clear here ;)
Of course we are not going to cook the meat, as the whole point is serving raw..... So to me, warm water, is when I put both my hands in, and they are comfortable to be kept inside the container - not like ouch it is HOT.
I guess I am used to say "I will take a hot shower...... and not I will take a warm shower...... I used the same analogy here..... even though evidently I am not cooking myself under the shower....
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  • #75


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
First, a note on defrosting - hot water will cook some of the food. If you *must* do it, it's not the end of the world, but you will lose some small amount of nutrients. Warm water will still defrost faster than cold water, but *won't* cook the food, and that's what I recommend if you haven't taken the food out of the freezer in time to let it defrost in the fridge.

I know the terms "warm" and "hot" are subjective - after using either, then just look at the food when it's ready and you'll soon see where the line is between getting the fastest assisted defrost and cooking the food.

Second, LDG, you should absolutely feel comfortable feeding the NV in a rotation without cutting it with other foods. One meal at 15% bone every now and again is absolutely not going to cause any issues - my three times a week bone-in meals are MUCH higher in bone content!!! - it's only when fed as the ONLY food that it might become a problem for some kitties.

Ok now..... evidently..... When I say "hot" I am not saying anywhere near hot enough to cook the meat......... I am saying more towards warm...... but not cold water....... I want to make this clear here ;)
Of course we are not going to cook the meat, as the whole point is serving raw..... So to me, warm water, is when I put both my hands in, and they are comfortable to be kept inside the container - not like ouch it is HOT.
I guess I am used to say "I will take a hot shower...... and not I will take a warm shower...... I used the same analogy here..... even though evidently I am not cooking myself under the shower....
It's a good discussion for anyone new to raw who stumbles on this thread and makes it this far. :lol3: I use cold to dethaw or finish dethawing, and then just smoosh around in pretty warm water to make it warm for feeding. :)


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Oh brother, this thread is cracking me up - I don't know where to begin :crackup:
I think the image from Gary sitting on the potty with kibbles on his hands tossing them out for the "flock" of kitties definitely takes the cake :flail:
I think you have to give him some Mylar balls next time :lol3::lol3::lol3:
Ok - let's see what I remember- Nature's Menu - the patties are bigger than Vital Essentials, they are 1/4lb each, and packed 2 layers of 6 patties. They lay horizontally though, and take much less space for storage..... but they are patties for sure - don't fit the description of nuggets (I think yours are 2oz).
For defrosting - a tip: If you are going to feed the whole patty, there is no reason to do cold water, then hot water - you can defrost /warm all in to hot water..... You just should not do that if you are defrosting to return to the fridge :nod: But if you are going to feed it...... You can go ahead and put that baby into a ziplock bag and into a container with hot water..... it will be faster, and will be nice and on mouse temperature for your babies.... just make sure to get only what you will feed, as you don't want to return what you defrosted with hot water back into the fridge...... :nod: This will cut a step for you, and will cut you some time too.... I have a big container on my sink I use for that purpose only - cold defrosting and warming.....
I buy boxes of cheap sandwich ziplock bags at walmart (for your 8 you probably need bigger)..... and we are all set - just fill the container, fill the baggie with what I need, and we are on the move :nod:
I also bought table plate mats for them - not for pets, as they are SO much more $$$..... but regular human stuff....... Once they finish eating.... I just wipe with clorox anywhere - this is my new best friend - it is AWESOME!!!, and set it aside.... So that should solve the problem with the kitties who dorp the food on the floor :nod:
I am finding that the longer I am on this journey, the easier it gets, the quicker it gets too :nod: Feeding and prepping now doesn't take long at all...... I have a routine, and so do they...... I am now used to know how long it takes to defrost the food and how long each tub lasts - it takes over 24 hours, and it lasts eat a day and a meal..... so I have 2 going and when they are 1/2 way through, I put the third one down to defrost.... that way I don't have to do cold defrosts anymore :nod: I always have defrosted food, yet it is always fresh, they are always rotating, and all I have to do is warm it up, serve and wash their dishes when they are done :nod:
YEYEYEYEY for the freezer!!! :woohoo:
I will also buy it this next month for sure - fun fun fun!!! Buy it and stock up! I will start them an frankerprey, so we will need more space for our adventures...... just CAN'T wait!!! Can't wait for me to have my own decent food also :lol3::lol3::lol3: I miss having some freezer space :wow: Never thought about that :lol3:
OMG this is SO MUCH FUN!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I am so :hyper: right now - I don't know which way to turn :flail:

I also use the small ziploc baggies. I take each meal and put it in it's own ziploc baggie and set it in the fridge on a paper towel ( don't know why the paper towel - that is just me :lol3:) I also have a sealed container for the next day's meats - separated in baggies according to breakfast dinner and late dinner. :nod: I also dip the baggie in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes before feeding. :D AND YES - it does get easier once you figure out how long things take to defrost and once you get in to a routine :clap2:

I want a freezer too :jump: :hyper: GOSH I feel like a little kid :lol3:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Thanks for the info, Carolina. :nod: I did buy a bunch of cheap plastic baggies - they're pretty much a must. :lol3:
And just a quick note re: the Vital Essentials. They have both "nuggets" and the small patties. You're right - they're smaller than the Nature's Menu. :nod: Ultimately, the same amount of pounds of raw takes up the same space though. I've been buying patties, not medallions, so they're not just a jumble in a bag. :lol3: They happen to be really convenient at 8 oz (half pound) - 1 oz per cat per meal works out just perfectly. :lol3:
I'm really in a quandry about what to do here. I can only fit one large bag in the freezer today - and that'll be after I take a couple of patties out of it. And obviously I'm getting low on rabbit. But they reliably love the rabbit. They had rabbit for breakfast, and everyone basically ate all of it without much fussing.
HOWEVER... the NV, at 15% bone, is a concern. It's too much bone for somebody. So I can't feed just NV at any given meal, it's going to have to be mixed with at least S&C which I know is 10% bone. And even though it's more expensive, I'm going to have to incorporate the Primal (at least turkey) - which, unfortunately has to wait until next Tuesday (unless Jim went ahead and ordered it), because it's typically 6-8% bone. So I need the S&C and Primal to reduce the amount of NV bone - but NV is the only HPP rabbit option. :sigh:
I was thinking of asking Jim if we can pay for the bags and only take like half the product, leaving an open bag there... but Gary REALLY doesn't want to do that. If the RV park were open, we could borrow some of their freezer space, but it isn't. Not until April, and we'll definitely have a freezer by then.
I think I don't have a choice but to come home with some S&C, and I'll have to start mixing proteins. :nod: Since I'm probably coming home with duck, let's just hope they really like it. :cross:
OH dear - I am getting concerned about bone content now. I better get some Primal too - the turkey :nod:.... HMMMMM I will have to see if Stacy can order me some of that too. OR I better get ordering the Nature's Menu. Laurie - I think I will pick up some S&C Duck too today :nod:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
It's a good discussion for anyone new to raw who stumbles on this thread and makes it this far. :lol3: I use cold to dethaw or finish dethawing, and then just smoosh around in pretty warm water to make it warm for feeding. :)
OK - that's what I do - smoosh it around in the warm water to make sure it is just right to the touch !!!! Good tips here :bigthumb:

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
Originally Posted by Feralvr

Originally Posted by LDG

It's a good discussion for anyone new to raw who stumbles on this thread and makes it this far.
I use cold to dethaw or finish dethawing, and then just smoosh around in pretty warm water to make it warm for feeding.
OK - that's what I do - smoosh it around in the warm water to make sure it is just right to the touch !!!! Good tips here
*While* it's still in the baggie, of course.



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I also use the small ziploc baggies. I take each meal and put it in it's own ziploc baggie and set it in the fridge on a paper towel ( don't know why the paper towel - that is just me

I want a freezer too
GOSH I feel like a little kid
Anytime I have ANY meat defrosting in the fridge, even though it's in a ziploc, I always have it sitting in a bowl, just because
.  Guess we've all got our quirks. 

I want a freezer too.  Have two side by side fridges, but think I'm going to need a small freezer, just for the cats