Post pictures of your precious Blue / Gray / Maltese cats here!

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  • #862


The Mouse servant
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Who could deny such a handsome cat a place here:   Those paws look undeniably gray to me.  


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
missycab missycab Cleto is so cute! That first picture has me rolling [emoji]128514[/emoji]


Cat Munster
Super Cat
Oct 20, 2014
Hey y'all! My name is Anubis and I hope I can be part of the blue cat club!
Allow me to tell a little bit (or a lot) about myself. :)
I am approx. around 3 months old. It is only an estimate. And I am a URI survivor. When my momma found me I was very malnourished. All skin and bones, dehydrated, my eyes were shut with mucus, my nose was clogged, I could not smell and therefore not eat. My meow was raspy, I was really weak and starved.

My momma found me sleeping next to a trash can at a plaza. She believes I was abandoned. She asked around the stores near the plaza if they knew if I belonged to anyone and they all said I randomly showed up next to a trash and they, too, believe I was abandoned since they NEVER see animals roaming around the plaza. People would walk right by me and just stare but did nothing to help me. But my momma couldn't just stand there. She sent my human uncle back home for a blanket and waited with me for him to come back with it. Once he came back she picked me up and took me to her home. As soon as we got there she immediately gave me some pedialyte. She wasted no time. My momma was so worried and desperately trying to get help for me that she even posted a thread asking for help (see Please Help!!).

I was in really bad shape. I needed the help from a vet but my momma didn't have money for the expenses so she desperately starting looking for rescue groups who would take me in but she had no luck. She didn't want to contact the pound because she knew I was more likely to be put to sleep and she wanted me to have a chance. She was so sad and cried too much because she thought I wasn't going to make it. But then my human grandparents offered to take me to a vet where I was diagnosed with a URI. I was given subQ fluids, nasal drops, antibiotics, nutrical, viralys, and 4 cans of a/d food. I was also given the name Anubis. My momma loves Egyptian mythology. My momma used to pull all nighters with me giving me my medicine and petting me and making sure I was still breathing. I hated my nasal drops. And I also hated being force-fed but my mom was doing every thing she can to help me get better. I slowly started gaining some energy and I used to hug my mom's arm

I then started to walk, and eat and drink on my own. My mom also started to feel more relieved and even got her appetite back as well. But my eyes were still shut. But My mom continued to gjve me eye compresses and my eyedrops. Until finally I opened them on my own. I also started purring the same day I opened them.

As the days passed I got more and more energy. But not enough energy to play, just enough to walk. I was more alert and responsive to noise. My momma tried to encourage me to play but I wasn't interested. I just wanted to walk around.

Then a week later, I started to walk faster (trying to run), and slowly started to play. I didn't play much but I liked to smack my ball. My eyes started to look better. I started getting a pot belly. I was finally starting to look like a real kitten!

Now here I am. I am crazy, I run around a lot, I'm hard to catch, I love food, I play with my toys, I play with every thing I see, I'm cute and handsome and getting bigger.

my favorite toy is my plush ball. My grandma bought me little balls that have a bell inside. At first they scare me when they chase me but then I realized I was the one who was supposed to chase them. I have a cute meow too. My mom has a video of me recorded because I'm not going to be a kitten forever. My mom is proud of how far I have gotten. She thought I wasn't going to make it. But she didn't give up. Now I'm growing in to a handsome boy.

And lastly I have a 3 & a half year old sister with black fur. She was also rescued off the street when she was a 3 week old baby. So she and I have that in common. I really wish she could accept me though. I don't think she's happy that she has a new brother, or maybe she wanted a sister. But I hope one day she comes around so we can be best friends. I know one day I will win her heart and we will play together like all brothers and sisters do!

Here is me today


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2015
Oooh, Anubis, you're such a cutie, and a survivor!! I loved his story. And he does look like and Egyptian statue!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2015
East Tennesee
Mm mm mmmm,   Tiger is one handsome cat.  :heart4:
Aw, thanks! I think so too. He is our little blessing. One night when I was in the living room, I heard a loud, "Meow!" I opened up the door and Tiger literally ran in. I got him a can of food and he's stayed ever since!

He was already neutered and so friendly and sweet so he must have belonged to someone at some point, but we had no luck finding his owner and he had no microchip.
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  • #873


The Mouse servant
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Welcome to the blue kitty thread @lallorona  , that's an awesome story to go with all the gorgeous photos of Anubis.   He is a real star.  
    I for one will be looking for loads more photographs of Anubis as he grows in to those ears, and hope that his little life remains much more comfortable and healthy than his early days.

I'm afraid that you have to post for Anubis here, but if you want him to be able to chat more you can always visit our Cat's Meow forum.    Please do stay with us here too though!  




TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
what a story and what a record! Most of us don't record what goes on with a new cat, just  the cute pictures. Telling the story from Anubis' point of view makes it so much more precious. Welcome. Anubis, to this thread, hope we hear and see more of you,. and thanks and welcome  to @crazyfor strays, to you too. 
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  • #876


The Mouse servant
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
He's also the ultimate ruler of all high places, even if he's not allowed in the table, he's allowed there because... well.. he's Conan! 
Funnily enough I gave up trying to iron anything shortly after I got Mouse....  it was just too stressful with him bounding about around my feet, the ironing board, the work top and constantly thinking he would pull the iron down on top of himself.  

Looking at these latest photos of Conan I find my self wondering whether he will ever grow in to those ears of his.  
   I'm guessing he will as his paws seem to be in similar proportions, but for now they are very cool ears indeed.
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  • #878


The Mouse servant
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
You could be right about Grin's ears @MagiksGirl  , they do look to have got bigger!  
   Conan is so like Grin in his facial features, what a momma's boy.   Mouse is too, he's the spitting image of his fur mom only about twice her size (and she's a little chub too LoL).


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 18, 2015
Tijuana, Mexico
You could be right about Grin's ears @MagiksGirl  , they do look to have got bigger!  
   Conan is so like Grin in his facial features, what a momma's boy.   Mouse is too, he's the spitting image of his fur mom only about twice her size (and she's a little chub too LoL).
Actually @MServant, all the siblings are growing into her looks! The only difference between them is the coloring and gender I guess 
 Tuxedo Girl Wanda, Tuxedo Boy Felix, Black Boy Binxie and Gray Conan Boy. 

Conan at 6 months looks bigger than momma at about a year old! 
 So she's a chub too, huh? Runs in the family 
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  • #880


The Mouse servant
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@MagiksGirl   Mouse's mum is such a honey that I don't mind at all that he has her spherical tendancies along with everything else:   He has his dad's charming, chilled outness and fabulous fur, and his mum's face and body shape plus her mischievous nature.  

He actually looks very like his dad sometimes but as the only photo I have of his dad is from the breeder's web page I can't share that here.  
    Of course what many of the people I know say when they see Mouse is that 'he is very gray' so on that basis of course he is going to look like his mom and dad!  
   One thing for sure - they are all very, very gray.  