OK - here goes. We're adopting a daughter and she needs prayers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 5, 2006
an ice cube in Iowa...
Laurie, I can't believe I just missed this thread until now...boy, have I been behind!!! What an amazing read, and I'll pray for you and Gary, and send extra prayers that Naomi can persevere.

This story touched me so deeply, as I too have been touched by the disease of addiction...my husband is a drug addict and alcoholic. Of course, it was a well-kept secret for a long time...he had been using meth, cocaine, snorting Ritalin, and smoking crack. The only thing I had to base my suspicions on was our bank account...I could not place where our money was going. And it was going at an amazing rate, particularly as his addiction progressed. I'll never forget the first time he came clean with me about his...it was the shock of the century. I never saw him "high" (although I did, and didn't know it), his health was declining, our money was DISAPPEARING in a cloud of smoke (literally), and he would vanish for hours at a time...and I just couldn't understand what the hell was going on. When he finally told me, he had already hid several months worth of unpaid bills, and we lived without electricity for 2 weeks...at which point, I moved in with my sister in-law. When the lights came back on, I told my husband that he had two options...he could either move out, and figure out the financial and emotional devastation on his own, or check himself into treatment. I also told him that if he chose to move out, and continued on the path of self-destruction, I would have him committed. Well, he decided to check into treatment...and we also attended weekly family therapy groups, NA meetings, and I'm in Al-Anon, which has been a lifesaver.

I love my husband dearly. And it's okay to love someone with this disease. My husband has been struggling with addiction all of his life, and I was blind to his relapse...but that's because love tends to do that to people. I also understand that he will be an addict for life, even if he is not using a chemical. I didn't cause it, I can't cure it, and I can't control it. All I can do is love myself first, and then love him. We have a good life together, and we're still struggling to fix our financial situation...but we take it one day at a time. We have just chosen to put our lives into our Higher Power's hands, as we are truly powerless of this disease...and we trust that He will guide us in the right direction.

Laurie & Gary, you have made such a difference in Naomi's life, whether or not she is still using. The truth is, is that she'll always have the disease of addiction (even if she's "clean"), and that the only thing she can do is believe in a power greater than herself to save her from the disease. You love her for all of the wonderful things that she is, with or without the addiction...bless you for that. It isn't just any person that can love and stick with an addict, especially one living with other co-morbid mental illnesses. There is a special place in Heaven for people like you...and sometimes, the best we can do for someone in Naomi's position is to keep our hearts open to them, and pray that one day she'll put her fate in her Higher Power's hands, which sounds like you have done, again and again. All the grunt-work is Naomi's, and you seem to realize that too.

I am so touched by all of the gifts you have given Naomi...and you have made such a difference for her, even if she continuously relapses for the rest of her life. You are the element in her life that has been missing, and she may or may not realize it, but it's the truth. She may never truly be able to process or embrace this truth. But, it's the truth, nevertheless.

Chin up. Support her, love her, keep doing what you've always done. You are an amazing couple to love her so unselfishly, and as completely as you have.
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  • #382


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Originally Posted by wookie130

...I love my husband dearly. And it's okay to love someone with this disease. My husband has been struggling with addiction all of his life, and I was blind to his relapse...but that's because love tends to do that to people. I also understand that he will be an addict for life, even if he is not using a chemical. I didn't cause it, I can't cure it, and I can't control it. All I can do is love myself first, and then love him. We have a good life together, and we're still struggling to fix our financial situation...but we take it one day at a time. We have just chosen to put our lives into our Higher Power's hands, as we are truly powerless of this disease...and we trust that He will guide us in the right direction.

Laurie & Gary, you have made such a difference in Naomi's life, whether or not she is still using. The truth is, is that she'll always have the disease of addiction (even if she's "clean"), and that the only thing she can do is believe in a power greater than herself to save her from the disease...
Thank you so much for sharing this story with me/us. It is exactly this - we didn't cause it, we didn't cure it, and we can't control it. It took us a little while to figure out how to handle it - but we finally laid down the law. Off drugs, we're there for you. On drugs, we're here to talk to, but you can't live here and we won't provide you with any money.

You're a wonderful person and an incredible wife, and your hubby is one lucky guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...and as to having Naomi committed, that's not an option we want to pursue. She knows what her choices and options are, and if she wants the love and support of a family and community, it is there for her - but she has to want it enough to struggle for it. She will always be an addict, whether using drugs or not - we know that. Hubby especially. He was a heroin addict as a young teen.

And so many of you have written how wonderful you thing Gary and I are for doing this. But I don't feel special, and neither does Gary. We simply believe that everything happens for a reason. And for some reason Naomi was in the path of our lives. She touched our hearts. And perhaps it was one of those moments when we were feeling "there but for the grace of god go I...."

I will say - rescuing cats is a lot easier - and perhaps more immediately rewarding!

Hugs to all for all your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 24, 2006
Limerick, Ireland
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope her treatment makes a marked difference in her addiction; I also hope that better treatments for her conditions are developed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 31, 2007
Leafs Nation
wow. that brought tears to my eyes. All the positive vibes I have are going to those test results......


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2006
Clarksville, Tennesse
I didn't realize when this thread was from at first. Hopefully this poor girl was able to get things straightened out in time.

I knew someone with a heroin addiction. He went to rehab, but 6 months later he was using again. Within a year of getting out, he got a bad batch and it killed him.

Hopefully this girl is strong enough to quit. Lots of prayers that she can fight the good fight.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
Wow - how did I miss this story? Our prayers are with you on a very tough challange. I hope you guys can make a positive difference in her life.

You might also look into Teen Challange in your area. Its religious based but may be a big help for all of you

We took in our BIL (DH's brother) for a few months (till next July) - we would like to help him get his life together and on the right track. Its a new set of challanges for us too. But we have a lot of church friends who are praying for us and for Jeff. Our deep faith and trust in God/Jesus will help us and hopefully help Jeff too


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2006
Manchester, CT
I just read through this story, It's so touching. I really hope that things turned out well for this family. I'd love to hear how things turned out. Are there any updates?
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  • #390


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
That is sooooooooo sweet of you to be thinking about Naomi! I told Gary that people at TCS had been thinking about her and asking about her, and he started crying. He's having an emotional day anyway, but I agree - it's really sweet for you to care.

I am so sorry! I thought I'd updated the thread since she was upstate.

One of our clients has a schizophrenic son (adult) living in an adult community up in VT. It's an expensive place, not one that we could afford. I don't want to give too many details, but because of the land arrangement with the State, they make two members of the community available to low-income people on a subsidized basis. He went way out of his way to help us get Naomi in there - and she went! We told her she didn't have to stay, just check it out. ...to think of it as a little vacation with structure. She was so used to being SO on her own, we really didn't expect it to stick. But she's there, and happy!

The saddest thing about all of this is that she's so mentally ill - and I feel very strange saying this - but in a VERY weird way she was "more" of a normal person when on heroin. No wonder they used to use it to treat schizophrenia. Now she's basically stuck in a pre-teen place of mental/social development. But she works in the community (they produce things) and attends classes.

So she lives up in Vermont now, in the adult community. She is on a lot of meds, and has her good days and bad. She went on a field trip to the University of Vermont, and ever since then, she believes her classes in the community are University Classes. So she constantly gives us updates on her progress at University. It's sweet and heart breaking at the same time.

We don't get up there nearly as often as we like. I'm ashamed to say, we've only been up twice.
Gary's health, however, constrains us quite a bit. Money is always tight - between Naomi and Gary, we need a normal income just to cover their medical bills, let alone all our other living expenses.

But she's safe, relatively happy, and dope free. So I guess she really did want to change her life. We're both really surprised that it ended up happening so quickly. For someone so screwed up and hooked on dope from such a young age, my g.uess is it's very unusual.

She does have a kind of split personality. Not clinically, but there's still a bit of "the Street" Naomi (and she uses a different name) and the "reborn" (not in a religious way) Naomi who is our daughter. "Street" Naomi still causes some problems - but they're equipped for it.

So.... I guess you call it a bittersweet ending? Because if she chooses, she can stay for life. And I don't think she'll ever be "well" enough to be on her own.

All we can do is pray she doesn't get hit with "wanderlust" again. For now, she's settled and (mostly) happy.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to all for thinking about her and caring!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2006
Wow, what a great story. Thank you (and your hubby) for having such a big heart and helping!! The world truly needs more people like you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2005
Unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the
I was just thinking about this a few days ago. Having heard no news, I imagined things were not good.

I am really glad that things are going alright right now. I know this is not exactly what most parents would hope for their children, but if she is happy where she is, that's what really matters.

Thank you for helping her. I hope that things continue to go well for her, and for you.



TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Thanks for the update, Laurie. I, too, think of Naomi, and of all your efforts on her behalf, and I'm glad that she is in a good situation now, even if bittersweet.
You guys have such big


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Thanks for the update!

I'm so glad to hear that she is off the streets and in a safe place and that she seems happy. It's too bad that safe place couldn't have been in your home with the both of you. But the important thing is that she is safe and loved.

I agree, you and your DH have big hearts!

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
I had wondered about Naomi several times while reading your other posts. I am sorry I have not had the time to read the whole thead, but I am very glad things have turned around for her.
Now we all need to muster up a whole bunch of vibes for her to continue doing well, Gary's health to improve, and for you for being there for both of them. It takes a truly kindhearted person to have the strength to do that.


TCS Member
Mar 26, 2005
Thank you for the update Laurie...
Your caring heart has made a difference.



TCS Member
Jan 3, 2004
Nova Scotia
Laurie, what a great update! This really warms my heart:
Originally Posted by LDG

But she's safe, relatively happy, and dope free. So I guess she really did want to change her life.
Even though she's not at home with you and Gary, I'm sure this is everything you wished for her. I think of her often and wonder how things are going with her.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
That's a great update! I'm sorry to hear she's struggling with mental illness like that, but it sounds like she is in the best place to care for her there. I'm so happy to hear her progress!


TCS Member
Dec 9, 2004
Thanks for the update Laurie! Although it is not all that you had hoped for, you definitely accomplished a sea change in her life, and definitely for the better! Even though she doesn't live with you and Gary, you have done as much as any parents would or could do! I'm sure there was a time when you despaired ever getting her off the street, and clean. That has happened, and she's safe, and she's happy...it's probably a life she never imagined she could have.