Name Three Things - 2019

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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
In Amber's case, she went from a Phantom Kitty that nobody other than Rick and me ever saw to a loud-mouthed little brat who demands attention every chance she can get. She's just lucky she's so cute.
Awwww.....sweet girl. Pic?

  • Boxes
  • Tea and I'm going to have lots of it, so cold
  • Just some throws and sweats to wash, will have helper go to store. She didn't come yesterday because of my day with Daniel. I've decided to tell Jon that I don't want her anymore and please keep looking for someone new. I had her in May of 2018 for only 2 days and I called Jon, told him to find someone else because of her rudeness, ect. Why either one of us felt this was going to work is a puzzlement.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 I have some pictures of Amber, will have to post them. She was given to me as a wee (and I do mean wee) kitten, around 4 weeks old. We had lost Da-Pumpkin Boy and a woman in town had a stray kitten hanging around. A little girl was trying to take care of her, but her parents wouldn't let the kitten in the house. The woman talked to the parents, said she knew we'd take good care of her, took the kitten, and brought her over to me at work....the rest is history. That was 17 years ago. She's still going strong. With a great set of lungs that, evidently, just developed within the last year!
I hope you can find a helper who is actually willing to work with you. If she doesn't like her job, then she shouldn't be doing that type of work. There's no excuse for rudeness.

Rick decorated the outside of the shed! He put icicle lights along the front of the roof and threaded colored lights on the deck railing. It looks so pretty. Next week, after I'm done working, I'd like to dig out my old plastic snowman and Santa and put them out on the deck. We'll see how things go. I have some other things in mind, too, but haven't had time to do much.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 3 miles, and got ready for work. On my way out to the car, I went into the shed and put the window blinds back up so the plants would have light. I was in the shed last night, watching the 9th episode of Evil. It's really good and I'm hooked. And now I'm caught up; the 10th episode is tonight. I can't believe it's even on CBS; it doesn't strike me as the type of show CBS would even take a chance on (although I think Moonlight was on CBS, too).
  • Rick is bowling, so I'll play a bit of Nintendo and then watch SN
And that will be my night.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
This afternoon I
1) went to the bank and picked up two 2020 calendars
2) went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to return an item I bought on Monday
3) went to Kohls and bought a light weight plain tan quilt for the guest room bed
4) went to Aldis where they had butter for $1.99 / pound and eggs for 49 cents / dozen limit 3 boxes
and finished up by
5) going to Coffee Beans Direct to pick up the leaf tea I ordered yesterday
Was plaining to make mushroom barley soup in the Instant Pot but discovered I don't have any barley. So I didn't.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Can't wait to see pics of sweet Amber. My Vincie girl didn't get mouhy till she became deaf; I also had her son, Jordan, and he was quasi-mouthy. My Big Cal never used to make a peep. Now she talks a lot. Her meow comes out as "weow", so sweet.
Never heard about Da Pumpkin Boy, love the name.
  • Boxes
  • Tea
  • Ate some of the fresh fruit salad I got yesterday. The pineapple is sooo good as is everything. I think I'm having pancakes for brekkie not sure..


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 Amber is literally caterwauling! All of our older cats have done this once they reached a certain age: Whisper, Bootser, BooBoo, Ms. Pepe, and now Amber Louise. She's our little orange girl.
Da-Pumpkin Boy was an orange and white baby who was brought home years ago. He used to come into where Rick worked and the ladies would feed him. This was right around Halloween, though, and he was getting nervous about leaving the kitten there. Nobody would take him home.He came home one night and told me about him and that was that. I called the vet, made an appt for the next day, and Rick took him straight down from work to the vet for tests and de-balling. That night we went back down so that I could meet him and I fell in love with him. His name really was Da-Pumpkin Boy, not Pumpkin. Sadly, he passed away about two years later from leukemia; it broke our hearts because he was such a special guy. The vet came to our house at 2:00 in the morning to help him to the Bridge because we knew he wouldn't make it through the night. I'll post some pictures of him, too. Our town's borough manager at the time and I shared a room at a planning conference and I told her about losing Da-Pumpkin Boy. She's the one who gave me Amber Louise.
After D-PB passed, Rick gave me a picture of an angel carrying a little orange cat through the night sky on her way to the Bridge. It's called "Guardian Angels Never Sleep". I think of our baby often.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 2 miles, and got ready for work
  • Do a quick vacuum in the living room and kitchen
And that's it for my Friday.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Home bound today while I wait for my vanity to be delivered. I think I will get some laundry done, get out the last of the Christmas decorations and make a pot of soup for dinner and freezer.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Winchester Winchester let me offer a hug. We love all our cats but there's always one who is the heart cat. For you it's the pumpkin boy and for us it was Fog cat. He had a huge purrsonality.

Today I am
1) waiting for my friend to come by and then we'll head off to the Asian market
2) maybe stop at the Indian market
3) make our traditional stop at the diner for lunch before going home.

Must remember to get barley so I can try out the Instant Pot creamy mushroom barley soup


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Winchester Winchester , happy almost retirement. I remember it being the most exciting but stressful time. All those possibilities just sitting in front of you, everyone asking you what you are going to do with your retirement. And the truth was that for a while I just wanted to be home and have the luxury of spending as much or as little time on the projects I had in mind. It does take a few weeks to adjust to having that much time and to get out of the cram everything into the weekend routine but I have found retirement 98.5% wonderful, and I am sure you will too.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
1. Go to the rec. center (had a burger, fries, brownie ala mode yesterday 2000 calories in one sitting??)
2. Watch The Blacklist
3. Get some lights for my Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

Winchester Winchester , I've been retired for almost a year and it took some weeks to stop rushing rushing rushing to get things done, realizing I can slow down! I have time! And the feeling of not having to go to work was weird. But...I LOVE it. Happy Retirement.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Please take a picture of your latch hook
This isn't latch hook - that one I'm currently working on may take a while LOL, but in keeping with the season I made this some years ago - it's actually cross stitch :)

Finish up the holiday cards, put out the last of the decorations and wait for a package to be delivered.



In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Furballsmom Furballsmom That is adorable! You do lovely work!

Thank you C catapault . I love the name Fog Cat. That's neat.

Here is Amber Louise (this is an older picture, from right before we did the kitchen over):

We had Da-Pumpkin Boy before we had cameras on cell phones, so all pictures of him are printed. I'll have to scan some.

Last month, one of our surveyors came into our planning commission meeting. He told me that he had been a particularly good boy, so he treated himself to some chocolate-covered pretzels. I started looking around, didn't see them, and asked, "Well? Where are they? You can't expect to tell me that you bought pretzels and not bring them in here! That's just wrong!" And he sighed, shook his head, went out to his truck, and came back with the box of pretzels. And I helped him eat some of them. Well, yesterday, I was on my way out of work. I got out to the lobby and there he was. He handed me a wrapped box and said it was for my retirement. I knew right away it was chocolate-covered pretzels. I gave him a big hug. He had written a note on the package "Do NOT open til Christmas! Or else!" I looked at the note, gave him that look, and everybody started laughing. He told his assistant, "She'll have them open as soon as she gets home!" And I put my stuff down on the floor, went over, sat on the couch, and opened the box. And we sat there for about 15 minutes, eating chocolate-covered pretzels. I really like that guy. We had our share of problems when I first started working there, but we ironed them out, and got to the point where we'd call each other just to chat for a while or to vent about our applicants; his applicants were usually my applicants, too. I'm really going to miss him.

I'm not in a very good mood this morning. I'm really tired and have half a headache, not a migraine, just a normal headache. Amber started in bright and early this morning (4:00). That got Mollipop going, who decided to start picking on Muffin, who started keening. Tabby jumped into bed and came up between Rick and I and started chewing on fingers. When that didn't work, she got my nose. Between Amber yelling, Mollipop doing her "Eek, eek, eek" thing, Muffin keening and Tabby chewing, I told Rick that we were going to have to get up. We decided to just deal until 5:45, when we said, "OK! OK! Fine!". Bleah We got up, fed the kids, etc. I tried to open the blinds in the kitchen and knocked a little Christmas bell into the sink where it shattered into a ba-zillion pieces (Rick said he learned some new words this morning.)
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, and I'm sitting back here with my morning coffee. Rick is snuggled in on the couch, the cats are quiet (except for Amber, who's pacing and muttering), and the Beast is sound asleep. I may go back to bed in a while. I'll have to scoop the boxes.
  • I took butter out of the freezer last night and threw it into the fridge. This morning I tossed it into the microwave to soften. I'll make cookie dough for chocolate chip, chocolate crinkles, white chip and macadamia nut, snickerdoodles, and the peanut butter cookies. I'll toss it all into the fridge, and start baking early Sunday morning. I'll wait til later on next week to do the cut-outs and stamped cookies.
  • I need to start addressing a few Christmas cards. Last year we didn't send any out; I said I wasn't doing them. But we started receiving them, so I'll get ours out.
I really wanted to do some outside decorating, but it's to rain and then rain some more today; we're to get close to an inch of rain. I'm assuming that Dear Richard will go out to the shed for some football time this afternoon, so while he's out there, I'm going to clean the house a bit.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You do lovely work!
Thank you, it was a lot of fun :). I'm so sorry about that bell!

Ordered a couple of things for the wet pets. One of the fish tank water parameter test kits was faulty and missing a piece so it went back and I'm getting something else. I wrote the manufacturer already about it :(

Sat back and let somebody else make breakfast :)

exercise when I get caught up here on TCS


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
A very productive day. After five days of hitting dead ends I finally found someone to plow my mom’s drive. Met him at her house, got her plowed and him paid. Then despite the cold I yanked down the Christmas lights that had only half the string lighting and strung some new ones. Christmas lights in tonight! Tomorrow is shop and clean for my mom.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 I hope you get your hair cut! The reason Amber's mouth is open is because she was yelling at me. She doesn't like me and hasn't since the morning I took her down for her spay. Long story....suffice to say, she doesn't like women. She'll literally flirt with men, but she doesn't like women.

susanm9006 susanm9006 We had a devil of a time trying to find somebody to plow our driveway and, for years, Rick and I shoveled it out ourselves. Then one of our neighbors saw us shoveling and he came over with his huge John Deere and plowed us out in about ten minutes. He charges us $40 for a plow and doesn't plow unless we have six or more inches of snow. He also gets a batch of whatever cookies I make. One day this past summer, he was moving dirt from the shed area and I was baking snickerdoodles. Evidently he could smell them from outside because he and Rick came in the house and he outright asked me for cookies. I had already bagged them up for him to take home. He sat down with us and had coffee and cookies with us.

Furballsmom Furballsmom One of my GFs has a huge aquarium in her living room. She loves taking care of her fish!

I made cookie dough last night for several cookies (a double batch of snicks, chocolate chip, peanut butter, chocolate crinkles, and the white chip and macadamia nut cookies). They're all chilling in the fridge. I like to make the dough the night before I bake them for a couple reasons. It gives everything a chance to meld together over night. And then I can get up the next morning and turn the kitchen into a cookie factory. There's no mixing, just decorating and baking and cooling. I'll do the sugar cookies, stamped cookies, and sand tarts later on this week.
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. After I'm done with my coffee, I'll scoop the boxes, do a quick sweeping, and start baking cookies. Rick stripped the bed and put the sheets in the washer.
  • I think I mentioned that Rick's sister had a knee replacement last month. She's doing well and they moved the bed back upstairs yesterday. Which now gives them room for their Christmas tree. Rick is going up this afternoon to help get the tree in the living room, and then string the lights, and hang ornaments on the very top area of the tree. While he's gone, I'm going to continue with cookie baking. I want to get the iPod out of the car before he leaves because I plan on music, lots of music.
  • Three loads of laundry to do today
And that will be my Sunday.
Tomorrow, it's back to work.....for two days! Then I'm done!
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
She loves taking care of her fish!
They are such beautiful creatures, and so enjoyable (when everything is going the way it's supposed to lol)

Make grilled cheese sandwiches for the 11:00 football game

Make Taste of Home's Cream Puff dessert

Hopefully watch the Broncos win, it ought to be a good game against Kansas City, maybe unless their quarterback runs away with things


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
So far today I have

1) cut apart duck I bought at the Asian market on Friday: boned out breast, removed drumsticks (which I will salt and herb to start confit), have carcass, neck, and wings simmering with bay leaf, thyme, celery, carrot etc for stock
2) second load of laundry is in washer as first load tumbles around dryer
3) baked a half batch of chocolate chip cookies to keep Himself happy
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