Name Three Things - 2019

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
It's snowing here, just started as I was at the gas station. I brought the Tucson to work; Clarence is in the yard, waiting for spring (or at least a warmer, sunny day). 1-3 inches of white stuff today and tonight, followed by freezing rain and a wintry mix overnight. Yay! Not
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 3.5 miles, and got ready for work
  • Stopped for gas on my way in this morning; I was down to less than 100 miles
  • We might grab a few groceries tonight; it all depends on the weather


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Gym this morning, painting trim this afternoon. I have had white paint for a week or so but realized yesterday why I was procrastinating painting. I really didn’t want white trim, just too stark. Picked up a light shade grey yesterday that matches the new vanity and that was much softer on the eyes. After I clean up after painting I am going to start wrapping gifts.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
  • Boxes
  • Tea
  • Weather is bad...icy roads wih snow and an Alberta Clipper is coming this afternoon with colder air...brr.....


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
My last working day! I have so many emotions running through me right now.
We had freezing rain and sleet overnight, but coming into work was no trouble, once I got the car cleaned off. Roads are fine.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 4.5 miles, and got ready for work. We had to get up early because Rick had to go into work to sign people into the union this morning. I took advantage of the extra time to get a good walk in.
I really don't know what I'm going to do when I get home tonight. Sit and vegetate for a while, I think.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Furballsmom Furballsmom Bless you. :hugs:

Rick had to take The Beast to the vet for her checkup yesterday. While he was gone, I got the vacuum cleaner out. Looked at it. And put it away again. And flopped on the couch with my iPad and started to read. :)
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher and am walking throughout the morning. As long as I get my 10,000 steps in for the day, I'm happy I'm at 1,000 steps.....9,000 more to go!
  • Put the first of two loads of laundry in the washer; while I was in the basement, I brought up the last of the canned cat food that we bought on Black Friday. That's enough for two weeks yet, then I can start putting cat food on our grocery list again.
  • Must scoop the boxes
  • Rick is going to be working in the basement today. While he's down there, I'll do a quick vacuum and swiffer about the house.
  • Trash night
  • Get the butter out tonight for a cookie session tomorrow morning
I think Thursday and Friday are to be fairly sunny days. I need to get moving on my almond brittle and get it made before it gets rainy again.

BTW, The Beast's check-up went fairly well. She's pretty much deaf now. She has cataracts. She had started shaking and having tremors. They ruled out kidney issues with her. They think that, because she can't hear and, with the cataracts, she has trouble seeing, that makes her more anxious. We've had a gate up since she came here, separating the kitchen from the living room, so that she didn't get into the large litterbox to eat kitty poop. Well, she doesn't try it much anymore, so we took the gate down and will monitor her and the litterbox. She has a large lump right above her right front leg and I was worried about a mass; that's just a fatty tumor, thankfully. We'll have to take care of her and make sure she's OK. She's 14 now, so she's not a youngster. She still rips through the yard and up and down the steps in the house. I can't believe she's starting her fifth year with us; seems like she's been here forever. She's part of the clan.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Oh the joys of aging Winchester Winchester Guess it applies to dogs (and cats) just like humans.

Today I have / will
1) trudged down the driveway, scrapped ice off my car and brought it up top so I can
2) start loading it up: knitting (crochet actually) for the Wednesday morning knitting group, cookie platters to start distributing, large bag of shirts I no longer wear that a friend will drop off at a fire station collection box on her way home from knitting and
3) see what else the day tosses in my direction


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Awwww...glad she's ok and with people who care for her.💖
Yeah, we do. It took me a while, but she and I are doing OK. The worst part of taking the gate down is that she can be in the kitchen with me when I'm cooking. She sticks her head in my butt to let me know she's there. Yesterday, I was baking cookies and had to sliver a couple baby carrots, so she could have snacks. No way was I giving her cookies; carrots were much better for her. My biggest fear is that I'll be handling a hot pan, turn around, and trip over her. But we're doing OK.

Terrible snow squall up on I-80 yesterday. Trailer trucks and cars, over 20 vehicles. That always happens up there when we get a squall. It whitened our road in front of the house and people were driving slowly. I was glad to be home.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 2 miles, and grabbed a quick shower
  • Errands: Banking (we can no longer contribute to our 401Ks since we're retired), hit our chocolate store in town, go to our local winery, go to Target, and hit Lowes. I need to stop in at work; I forgot to turn my keys in. And I want to drop cookies off.
  • I'll need to scoop the boxes when we get back home
The only cookies I need to make now are the stamped, filled cookies. I got the sugar cookies and the sand tarts done yesterday. But something's wonky with my oven. I couldn't understand why, after about 15 minutes, my cookies weren't really all that done. So I stuck my oven thermometer in and tested. My oven is a good 25 degrees lower than it states. I turned up the oven temp from 350 to 375 and that helped. I'll have to call the appliance weenie to come and re-calibrate the oven. And hope that takes care of the problem.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
so far today, i've kept the wood stove going, located a bread pudding recipe, placed a (yearly) order for carob chips -- still have plenty of carob powder to get me through another year, and have gotten organized for a task i'll complete later today.

i'll wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes, and i have a few other things that need doing here today.

last week was putting up the yearly Honeyville order (bread flour, and vital wheat gluten), and then stacking 10 face cords of firewood.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
You're the third person in the past couple days who has had unusual baking trouble ...??
They say things happen in threes, so, hopefully, I'll be the last person. :crossfingers:

micknsnicks2mom micknsnicks2mom Bread pudding. Yum!

Got most of our errands done yesterday, but still have a few to do today. Our son texted us with the message that they'll either come in this Sunday or next Sunday for Christmas. But didn't say which Sunday. I'm going to have to call him and find out what's going on. Otherwise, they may show up this Sunday and we'll have to order pizza or something because I won't have dinner prepared. And that won't go over well with the clan!
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 3 miles, and am sitting back here with my coffee. Rick did the dishwasher and scooped the boxes. He's going to the basement to work on painting the end table for the shed. He also has to install the smoke detector out there. And then he's going to put the garland up around the cabinets in the kitchen.
  • I have to work on a bit of a grocery list and we'll run down for a few groceries at some point today. We have to hit Target, too; The meds are in for The Beast. We have to pick up an Old Navy gift card for our DGD.
  • Water my plants in the shed, do a quick vacuum and a bit of swiffering out there. I'm going out tonight to watch a bit of Hulu.
And that will be our Friday.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 Your helper called off? Seems she calls off often. Wow, you don't need that. I'm so sorry. :hugs:

Our son texted me last night; they are coming up for Christmas tomorrow/Sunday. So I'll be spending this afternoon in the kitchen, preparing for tomorrow. I like to be a part of the family, not spend my day cooking in the kitchen, while my family is in the living room. So I'll do most of it today.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher and am sitting back here with my morning coffee. I need to scoop the boxes when I've finished my coffee.
  • Clean the house this morning and wash the Christmas linens for the table.
  • This afternoon: make potato salad, bake the ham, and get everything together to throw the beans into the crock pot tomorrow morning. I'll also need to make the peanut butter swirl cheesecake for our dessert. I think that, while I'm in the kitchen, Rick will be the shed, watching football. While he's out there, I can listen to music while I'm cooking.
And that will be my Saturday.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
'll also need to make the peanut butter swirl cheesecake for our dessert.
Oh yum Pam that sounds amazing!! Yeah she does call off a lot.and this time it was 2 days in a row before a
weekend so that's 4 days without help. Nothing I can do about. Potato salad sound really good as well.
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