Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I don't understand all this fuss about aching feet. I am 73 years old, overweight by at least 50 lbs and have high arches. Twice a year I oversee a bake sale where I am on my feet for about 7 hours straight, the only time I sit down is when I go to the bathroom. I do have orthotics which were made for my feet about 15 years ago when I had heel spurs and which I put into my sneakers on those days. I also wear them when I oversee the munchies at the monthly gathering of the cat club. I wear them when I take a walk or work in my garden . Otherwise I walk around in my sock feet or flat soled shoes, my days of wearing heels are over. My feet do not swell and do not hurt, although sometimes my ankles hurt because I am subject to sprains. I do not use salt at all so maybe that is why my feet don't swell and I'm sure the orthotics keep my arches from falling and thus do not hurt. When I was much younger (and lighter) I wore Dr. Scholl's wooden sandals (wooden foot bed, a regular leather sole at the bottom and an adjustable strap across the top)  a lot and those had huge arch supports in them, I made my children wear those also and they don't have any foot problems either. Maybe that is why my feet don't hurt???      
Maybe. My foot size has always been odd, and for a long time my shoes didn't fit right because I'd get tired of trying on and walking in them. (You've got to understand that I'd be trying on shoes for two hours, trying to find something, anything that fit.) So--that might be part of the problem now. I used to get so mad at RB because he has what I mockingly call the "universal foot." He can walk into a shoe store, any  shoe store, and they have his size shoe. 


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@segelkatt   You are so lucky!  I lived in those wooden Scholl sandals when I was younger but sadly they don't seem to have had the same wonder results for my feet.    It doesn't help that I had a 'stress fracture' in my right foot when I was in my late teens and (probably) as a result of that  I have Morton's Neuroma.  It's kind of like severe metatarsalgia.  When that flares up I can't put any weight on the ball of that foot at all.  

I'm sure my feet wouldn't ache so badly if I lost 20 or so lb but I'm too addicted to sugar at the moment to think that might happen any time soon.  
    I've always had sensitive feet though.  

On a slightly different subject here:  Mouse has been back to kitten behaviour the last couple of nights and it's really cute.  He's wanting me to take piles of his little toys / cat nip mice to bed with me, the waits for me to turn the light off and throw them for him to leap after and chase around.   He comes up and snuggles in once all the toys have been 'killed'.  


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Today I took the next step towards harness training.  (Step One being to get the harness.)  Chula was not amused.  I successfully enclosed her sweet little self in it and let experience it for a few minutes and then started to take it off.  I got the back straps undone and she took off, the harness flapping away behind her.  Sigh.  This was not a good beginning. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
@segelkatt   You are so lucky!  I lived in those wooden Scholl sandals when I was younger but sadly they don't seem to have had the same wonder results for my feet.    It doesn't help that I had a 'stress fracture' in my right foot when I was in my late teens and (probably) as a result of that  I have Morton's Neuroma.  It's kind of like severe metatarsalgia.  When that flares up I can't put any weight on the ball of that foot at all.  

I'm sure my feet wouldn't ache so badly if I lost 20 or so lb but I'm too addicted to sugar at the moment to think that might happen any time soon.  
    I've always had sensitive feet though.  

On a slightly different subject here:  Mouse has been back to kitten behaviour the last couple of nights and it's really cute.  He's wanting me to take piles of his little toys / cat nip mice to bed with me, the waits for me to turn the light off and throw them for him to leap after and chase around.   He comes up and snuggles in once all the toys have been 'killed'.  
i've got one of my feet having discomfort this summer, which is why i'm much less active outdoors and in general for the moment. the original 'injury' occurred when the (useless) 'rinky-dink bus system' out here in the sticks stranded me 8 miles from home -- ie, the bus heading me back home effectively drove right on past me. so the next bus was the bus that took me to where i was stranded...heading back through, but was heading in a very wrong direction for me. i had no choice but to go ahead and get on that bus, because hey...it was either try to work my way back home via a series of rinky-dink buses, or wait another 6+ hours for the next and only bus back my way until the next day.

so that bus took me closer to home, as there was no bus i could catch/connect to that would get me back home for quite a few hours. that bus drove 'off route' to get me between 4 1/2 and 5 miles from home. i then walked home in shoes that did my feet absolutely no favors. my one foot has not been the same since, very uncomfortable even when i'm not using it/standing on it. i may very well need to see a doctor about it, but that would be in august.

and guess what i was doing using the rinky-dink bus system.........buying stage 1 meat jar baby food for the girls
, who had gastro upset from eating bugs.
  only for my cats would i use that bus system.

awww...that sounds so cute! what a sweet boy your Mouse is!

Today I took the next step towards harness training.  (Step One being to get the harness.)  Chula was not amused.  I successfully enclosed her sweet little self in it and let experience it for a few minutes and then started to take it off.  I got the back straps undone and she took off, the harness flapping away behind her.  Sigh.  This was not a good beginning. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I just got great news from the adoption coordinator at the adoption center I work at. It looks like both of our 7 year old FIV guys might be going home tomorrow. An adopter fell in love with them a few days ago and should be in to adopt at 3:30pm tomorrow. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I just got great news from the adoption coordinator at the adoption center I work at. It looks like both of our 7 year old FIV guys might be going home tomorrow. An adopter fell in love with them a few days ago and should be in to adopt at 3:30pm tomorrow. 
I'm so glad to hear that!  It's so hard to find someone to adopt a single 7 year old healthy cat, much less two who are FIV positive.  Did you get your vows written? Any butterflies in your stomach yet? 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
So we finally got some heat but this is ridiculous. It has been over 100F in many places including where I live and I'm only 5 miles from the ocean as the crow flies. There were some places farther inland that had 119F.

It is still 89 according to the news that I am listening to with half an ear.  More of the same for tomorrow even at the beach in the high 90s and there are wildfires too.

Some firefighters succumbed to the heat. Can you imagine going up a steep hill wearing the heavy clothing that firefighters wear in this kind of heat? No wonder 3 of them were taken to the hospital.

I had stayed in all day with windows and doors closed, shutters closed, fan going and just vegetating.

I had gone to the farmers' market early in the morning, was home by 8:45 when it was still "cool" but already 70 after a low of 65. So the apt was still cool by the time I got back and  closed up everything.

I heard my neighbor's A/C run all day but I managed with just the fan although it got to be 80 in here. It's supposed to really cool down by Tuesday. 

One crazy cat was on the patio almost all day snoozing in the heat, it must have been 100 out there even with the windows closed and the vertical blinds closed, but the sun shone on those windows from sunrise to 3 pm. He finally came in and lay down on the tiles. The other cats had more sense than to go out there.

Tomorrow I will have to go to my garden early and water, I may have a tomato ready to pick. That's as long as I am going to stay outside tomorrow. I had planned to go to the post office to mail something but it will have to wait one more day, sorry @Margd.
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
So we finally got some heat but this is ridiculous. It has been over 100F in many places including where I live and I'm only 5 miles from the ocean as the crow flies. There were some places farther inland that had 119F.

It is still 89 according to the news that I am listening to with half an ear.  More of the same for tomorrow even at the beach in the high 90s and there are wildfires too.

Some firefighters succumbed to the heat. Can you imagine going up a steep hill wearing the heavy clothing that firefighters wear in this kind of heat? No wonder 3 of them were taken to the hospital.

I had stayed in all day with windows and doors closed, shutters closed, fan going and just vegetating.

I had gone to the farmers' market early in the morning, was home by 8:45 when it was still "cool" but already 70 after a low of 65. So the apt was still cool by the time I got back and  closed up everything.

I heard my neighbor's A/C run all day but I managed with just the fan although it got to be 80 in here. It's supposed to really cool down by Tuesday. 

One crazy cat was on the patio almost all day snoozing in the heat, it must have been 100 out there even with the windows closed and the vertical blinds closed, but the sun shone on those windows from sunrise to 3 pm. He finally came in and lay down on the tiles. The other cats had more sense than to go out there.

Tomorrow I will have to go to my garden early and water, I may have a tomato ready to pick. That's as long as I am going to stay outside tomorrow. I had planned to go to the post office to mail something but it will have to wait one more day, sorry @Margd.
No apologies necessary!  That kind of heat is brutal. 

I've always wondered how fire fighters manage with all the gear they have to wear and carry.  I remember when women were first being considered as fire fighters, there was a real concern they wouldn't be able to manage physically.  Honestly, I can't imagine how anyone of either sex manages to fight wildfires considering they are on their feet for hours and hours in hellish temperatures, with very little rest between shifts. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background

Yesterdays drama calmed down. It was a good afternoon but hot. Got to visit and say hi to family members. But conversation was not much. Very uncomfortable. What do you talk about when you meet someone new? I tried to talk abit of the people I met at the gym but I know it wasn't interesting to them. Guess I am stinky at small talk. But my sister is good at getting conversation to run smoothly. I never know what to say or do around people. I was never one for people. Concerts are my favorite.i don't have to talk to anyone. We just enjoy the music. Movies too. But sitting around a table? I don't have a clue.

I asked one of my good friends and he says talk about Obama or the nightclub shooting. I told him that's distasteful. He was trying to get my goat. But either way I only know how to talk by this method. I suck at face to face. Luckily my family understands this. It annoys them but what can I say?

As far as yesterday, Turned out the person who I texted didn't tell the other person to call me and let me know. evidently everyone involved decided to make a vow to be better communicative next time around. Its such a hard thing when it comes to visiting people.

Some people want you to call before. I remember this person saying I need to call before-then when yesterdays drama they said you are always welcome. I said well last year you asked everyone to call before coming over-so which is it? They said it was because some people kept popping over when they were busy doing work. I said next time put them to work. So maybe that's just my problem. I tend to like being alone. I see families who always congregate-I envy them-I guess I see enough people at work that I prefer my quiet time. Or maybe there is something wrong with me? I never get lonely. I know I can get in my car and go somewhere if I am lonely. I know I am weird.

This is a poll question=do you text/call before or just show up? I text before=sometimes you just want to be alone. Or have something going on. I have a family member who has a hard time understanding that we are supposed to follow rules of etiquette but lately those rules are fuzzy. I prefer someone give me a heads up-sometimes I don't have dinner made or have anything in the house for them to eat-so I don't want anyone to think I wont feed them-just need a heads up. I guess it depends on who it is. I know some folks who hide when people knock on the door. I wouldn't do that if its someone I know. But I have done this for strangers.

So do you think we should have clearer rules for visiting or is it depend on the person?


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
And I thought 90 was bad...

We ended up NOT getting our cemetery parking yesterday because we noticed there was only one lone car on that whole side of the street. And every pole on that side of the street (with the exception of where that one lone car was) had a sign saying there was only parking for buses during the Cubs games on that side of the street. GAH. Those signs weren't there the last time we were in the area! And that car had a few tickets on it soooo we decided to hunt. Drove half a mile down, decided to try the lot across the street from the venue. $40, AND we had to wait for the Cubs game to be over. Uh, excuse me? Since when is parking only for a certain event? Not to mention, the Cubs game was still going on when the show let out!!! Not to mention there was no way in you-know-where I was paying $40 for parking. It costs more to park there during a game than in the Loop! We ended up parking about a mile away, for free, on a street northwest of there. That was fine, at least it wasn't too bad out.

And my feet are killing me after yesterday! I don't mind walking a bit but standing in one spot for so long always bothers me - my feet, my back, everything. It got VERY crowded so right after Against Me! started playing, I decided to go out to the back and was walking about quite a bit. Then I got paranoid that security might be watching me (there were a lot of them last night, and wasn't surprised), so found a dry spot (people were spilling beer EVERYWHERE) and planted my butt down on the floor for awhile. I couldn't get comfortable there either, plus I felt like I was getting in the way of people trying to walk back there (apparently I wasn't the only restless one!) so back up and walking again. Then afterwards, the walk back to the car. So yeah, my feet and back are not liking me very much today!

Anyway, we still had a great time. And I'm surprisingly not that tired this morning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I'm so glad to hear that!  It's so hard to find someone to adopt a single 7 year old healthy cat, much less two who are FIV positive.  Did you get your vows written? Any butterflies in your stomach yet? 
I did get them written. Definitely getting nervous now, I had a really crazy dream last night. 

I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well with those cats getting adopted today. I really hope they get to go home. Spike really seems to want a window to sit by and that just isn't something that is available at the adoption center.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
So very happy for you! Don't worry about everyone else is enjoying the day=this is your day!

So glad kitties are getting adopted!

We have another HOT day today. The cats were mad that they had to stay inside. I had to water the strawberries and my sprinkler snapped off as I was dragging the hose. The hose was wrapped around the tire of the van and I needed it longer to reach. Needed help with a pair of plyers to spin off the broken fitting. Tried another nozzle-that one is broken. water gushing out of the fitting and spraying everywhere but where I need it. So I did the old thumb over the opening of the hose and froze my thumb. So another thing to buy.
Honeybee didn't stay out too long. Floey wandered by the garden at the corner of the property and had to shoo her back inside before I left for work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I did get them written. Definitely getting nervous now, I had a really crazy dream last night. 

I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well with those cats getting adopted today. I really hope they get to go home. Spike really seems to want a window to sit by and that just isn't something that is available at the adoption center.
There are a lot of old rituals surrounding the binding of two people into a formalized, socially recognized relationship. To which I say: don't forget something borrowed, some blue, something old, something new--and fifty cents is the modern American equivalent of a sixpence. (Points to ponder if you're superstitious that way--AWM says the best sign for a good marriage is one where the groom isn't three hours late for the ceremony.)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
Just letting everyone know, the x ray on rein went well the vet said she still has bladder stones but that with her age unless she's having problems that there's no need for surgery right now yay!! I'm taking Sammy and casull in Tuesday for checkup and shots. How was everyone's weekend


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
So glad no surgery needed! Worked most of the weekend and saw my family last night. Honeybee my kitty was estatic when I pulled in. She always runs to great me and hops up into my seat to give me kisses and purrs. So love coming home to my cats
 A cat's purr is nothing like anything else :)


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I did get them written. Definitely getting nervous now, I had a really crazy dream last night. 

I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well with those cats getting adopted today. I really hope they get to go home. Spike really seems to want a window to sit by and that just isn't something that is available at the adoption center.
What time of the day are you getting married?  
Also, either I've forgotten (my memory is horrible) or not read back far enough in the thread, but are you having a mini-honeymoon this week?  I know the big ceremony is later...
Just letting everyone know, the x ray on rein went well the vet said she still has bladder stones but that with her age unless she's having problems that there's no need for surgery right now yay!! I'm taking Sammy and casull in Tuesday for checkup and shots. How was everyone's weekend
I'm very glad to hear no surgery is needed. 

So glad no surgery needed! Worked most of the weekend and saw my family last night. Honeybee my kitty was estatic when I pulled in. She always runs to great me and hops up into my seat to give me kisses and purrs. So love coming home to my cats
 A cat's purr is nothing like anything else :)
Honeybee is a good girl giving you a big loving when you return.  My old RB kitty Wesley used to snub me for a few hours whenever I was gone overnight.  While Milo would greet me enthusiastically and stick by me like glue, Wesley would hang out in the next room.  Since he was an attention hog, this was not normal behavior.  If I sought him out, he would get up indignantly and walk off in high dudgeon.  It actually was pretty adorable.  I've not left Chula and Paul overnight yet so we'll see how they take it when I visit a friend this summer.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I haven't stayed away overnight from my kitties yet. I have gotten in late and they ignore me unless the food is empty. Floey my older girl depending on how she is feeling usually greets me at the door but usually Honeybee is waiting for me so Floey wont venture too close to Honeybee-she has a bad habit of chasing Floey but when they are outside its game on and Floey WILL chase honeybee. So funny how they are! They both want to be queenbee but every now and then Floey will lick Honeybee. Honeybee always licks floey but that usually results in getting swatted.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
The Babbling thread has really slowed down today!  I'm trying to think of something vitally important or side-splittingly funny to say but have drawn a complete blank.  Chula and Paul and I are just having a slow, easy day with no excitement.  Maybe I should check the news.  That will add some drama to my life. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
How odd...none of the pictures on TCS are showing up.  Just blank boxes.  Although the profile photos are fine.  I must check some other sites...is it TCS?  Is it my BRAND NEW DRATTED COMPUTER?  It is the stars?  Crud.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I am confined to the house with this kind of weather UV outside. I have become increasingly photo sensitive. SPF 5000 doesn't stop the burn. I am red from waling to my car, Into Walmart , back out to the car and unloading the groceries. Total time in the sun 10-15 minutes.
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