I think she's pregnant...

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  • #342

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Okay. I have two mush fanatics and two that are eh. I think if one of the eh's would stop moving long enough she would be converted to a mush fanatic.

One mush fanatic has got it. He spent a solid 5 min at the bowl lapping it up. His belly was sooo round after!

Mush fanatic #2 spent a minute sniffing, a minute biting the bowl and then walked away. He walked back over and some mush had dropped on the ground so he licked it up, chomped on the bowl again for a minute and walked away. I realized he didn't understand lapping so I put some on my finger and he gobbled it up for 3 or so minutes. But he kept chomping down on my finger. I tried to show him the bowl again and again he tried to eat the bowl.

So here are my questions... How do I teach mush fanatic #2 how to lap from the bowl? And how often should I give them mush? Mush fanatic #1 was super into it so I feel like I should offer it more then once a day now that at least someone is seriously eating it. And, I'm sure the non fanatics will come around...with time :)
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  • #343

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Despite my best efforts, one little kitty who doesn't stop moving has figured out how to get on my bed. So now I have a tiny kitty so proud of herself pouncing around my bed and one not pleased sophie trying to catch her.

Edit: kitty has figured out how to get off the bed as well. She just dives right off. Luckily she's smart enough to dive to the side with the blanket. I think it's a game for her...she's done it half a dz times now.

Who needs tv?
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Once they start eating mush, you should offer it 4-6 times a day. A flat plate is better than a bowl so they can step on the plate if need be. The kitten will figure it out eventually, but you may want to put some on his mouth and put him in front of it.
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  • #345

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Okay so we're saying build up to something like 7 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM, 7 PM, and 10 PM or should I put one on the middle of the night too?

They have kibble and water and momma 24/7

Also, can I make a day's worth in the morning and keep it on the fridge? That would make feeding times so much smoother.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I made the mush thicker this time. Higher consentration of wet good and lower kmr. Is that okay?
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They have dry and mom at night, so they are fine.

Just warm it up before giving. Schedule sounds good. Little tummies need frequent feedings. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
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  • #347

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
They have dry and mom at night, so they are fine.

Just warm it up before giving. Schedule sounds good. Little tummies need frequent feedings. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
They have dry and mom at night, so they are fine.

Just warm it up before giving. Schedule sounds good. Little tummies need frequent feedings. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
One little tummy looked like it was going to burst after the mush! And he washed it down with some momma milk!
I love my fatties!!!
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  • #348

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Well last feeding of the night and I don't understand these kittens!
Fanatic #1 was like ooh food...I know what to do. He ate 1/3 of the food.
Fanatic #2 was like ooh food and climbed up on my lap and looked up at me and cried until I hand fed him. I tried hand feeding him near the plate and moving my hand closer in but he just climbed back up on my lap. He also ate about 1/3 of the plate.
The wild child barely even acknowledged the food. And the other one that was on the fence was more interested but not enough to eat anything.
Fanatic #1 and 2 are going to gain like 50 g today!
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  • #351

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Question of the day:

I picked up one of the kittens and I'm pretty sure she peed on my hand. She is not one of the ones that eats the wet food yet. She eats the dry food though. Do you think I need a litter tray already? I haven't found any other signs that they're going on their own and they're only 4 weeks old.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, put down a couple of litter trays now. They are able to go on their own, and in fact, can't hold it long. I'd suggest putting them in the trays before and after meals, and at other times too. Take a little paw and show each one how to dig. You'll be surprised how quickly they catch on. Mom's still cleaning them at this age though. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
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  • #353

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
I have four little kitties sleeping in my bed.

I had my first real babysitting job. They all got on the bed and she walked away for an hr while I had to deal with crazy kitties! She came back, fed them, put them to bed, and left again.

But...One kitty decided that I was the ideal sleep spot so I have one kitty sleeping all snuggled up against me. Im in heaven!!!

Now to get to sleep without moving an inch...

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I have four little kitties sleeping in my bed.

I had my first real babysitting job. They all got on the bed and she walked away for an hr while I had to deal with crazy kitties! She came back, fed them, put them to bed, and left again.

But...One kitty decided that I was the ideal sleep spot so I have one kitty sleeping all snuggled up against me. Im in heaven!!!

Now to get to sleep without moving an inch...
you are so lucky. That is too sweet
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  • #355

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
I need help!
Sophie is a crazy!
She is getting into everything, finding human food from God knows where and making herself sick, destroying furniture, ripping my sheets, running around constantly.
The most concerning thing is that when the kittens are playing, she will lay next to them and if one happens to pass by her she grabs them with her mouth and holds them and kicks them with her hind legs...almost aggressively. The kittens meow and squirm away but lately they've been shrieking from it. It has gotten to the point where she seeks them out and pounces on them and does this.
Please help and let me know what is going on with Sophie and what to do!!!
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  • #358

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Is she in heat? [emoji]128149[/emoji]
I thought maybe she was in heat since she tried getting out today which she hasnt tried or bothered to in a while. And I've noticed the father of the kittens hanging out near the house lately.
Thankfully since the weather is nice, the kids want to play outside and the porch door is open so from 4-6 pm Sophie is in my room with kitties. There is no escaping my room (there are even bars on the window since its the second story).
In the mornings I do the same. From 6:30-8 she's in my room for breakfast and getting out to school.
I've learned my lesson!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She is disciplining her children, believe it or not. This is actually normal. She's not really hurting them, just letting them know who is boss. You can break it up if you think she's being too rough, but this is how they learn.

They also learn from tussling with each other. This behavior will intensify over the coming weeks, then get less. But this is how kittens learn not to bite and scratch from mom and each other.

Sophie wanting to go out means she'll be going into heat soon. You'll want to go ahead and set up her spay appointment. She's going to be miserable, and make you miserable, when in heat. It's good you are being vigilant about not letting her out!

Oh, her other crazy behavior is two-fold. She feels excited and less burdened now that the kittens are weaning, and she wants to play and encourage her children to play with her.
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  • #360

princess sophia

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 10, 2016
Sophie wanting to go out means she'll be going into heat soon. You'll want to go ahead and set up her spay appointment. She's going to be miserable, and make you miserable, when in heat. It's good you are being vigilant about not letting her out
Can she be spayed so early? They're not even 5 weeks!!! I thought I needed to wait a few more weeks. One baby is still only nursing and not eating mush.

Also, I've seen her discipline, this behavior is different. But it sounds like you're saying she's making sure everyone knows she's the alpha in the pack...which makes sense (if cats do that).

And finally, I decided today that the slumber party is over but I didn't habe a more ideal place for the kittens. So I spent the day moving furniture, rearranging, picking up every single lego from around and I plan to move the kittens into the living area tonight.

I do have a question about that. Is it okay if i keep them in the puppy pen for the night and when Im out? Im nervous giving them free reign yet.
Them so much freedom