Booboo is confusingly not well


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I think hyperthyroid is important enough to risk the extra stress. Untreated hyperthyroid leads to stroke, worst case, but also causes weight loss and much stress on the kidneys.

Ootay's strokes were caused by untreated hyperthyroid (because she could not tolerate the methimazole (tapazole)

If it is hyperthyroid, the sooner is it gotten under control the better.

Keep us posted.

PS,,I am sorry if I sound pushy. I know you will do what is best for Booboo, I am not trying to tell you what to do! If you decide to wait a few days to give him a break, I will not fault you!

Has his last fluid pouch disappeared by now?
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  • #402


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
His last fluid pouch was probably really close to 50 mL or less, no more, but I gave him 100mL only today, and I will keep a check on him. I think I will toss him in the carrier and take him up there, all they have to do is a quick blood draw. Then I will bring him home, let them call me maybe, and I will ask for them to keep a copy of that in the folder and pick it up tomorrow (I have to work tomorrow morning, saturday)
Yes, I think I will do this. I will also discuss the fluid thing with the vet if I can catch one of them. Will weigh, too. Updates later (Run run run!!!
) Vibes that it is not hyperthyroidism <3
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  • #403


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina

Boo's thyroid test came back normal. It is at 1.4 and I talked to Dr. Mireles on the phone and he said the normal range is between 1.5 and 4.8 .. I said, so, it's actually a little low? He said well it's so borderline he wouldn't even worry about it, but because of his CRF his "whites" (White cell I think) counts are a little low. But since he gained weight (He weighs 8 pounds now!!!) and he is doing so ok, they figure he might have dry skin and possibly even a flea hanging around. I'm so excited I have to go run circles !! YAaaaaaaaay!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
That is great news.
We were so sure Coco had a thyroid problem before also and her number was the same as your cats.
I wonder if many CRF car have low numbers.
Is it easy for you to give the fluids also?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
This IS good news! Now YOU have one less thing to be stressed about!!! And if YOU'RE not stressed, Boo isn't stressed, right? (right!)
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  • #406


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Oh yes I am much less stressed, and Boo is doing well, sleeping finally, and both cats love the new corn litter (World's Best Cat Litter) I tested some and poured it into a glass, then poured water into it. It turns into a paste with a little water, then with more it dissolves into a substance that feels a lot like grits. So if Boo does eat it, I do not think I will be worried.
It is very easy to give fluids, he has been purring and/or not jerking lately. I found a buttery site on his left side behind his left shoulder blade and towards his ribs that he does not even notice. I can feel the scab from the previous day each time, so I try to stick in a slightly different area. Has been going great. He is always a little hesitant at first and tries to jump over my arms as I put the face muzzle on, but once it is on he pretty much realizes it is over and he has lost LOL.
Dr. Mireles told me something really odd, that he had never personally seen any CRF Cat with a high # on his T4 test. Which, .. just odd to me, but I thought it was common. In any case, I am super happy.
I am also just as happy, when I sat him on the weigh scale I was talking to a lady and looked up and nearly fainted. I said, "He's 8 pounds! He gained weight! Write that down, he gained weight!" and she was befuddled and confused because she was trying to find out what other tests I wanted to do.
In any case... things are very well right now. I am monitoring Chickster, she has had runny but not watery poo for the past 2 days. I am still curious as to why both of them had runny poo. I've been exercising Chickster every day for at LEAST 10 minutes with a stick and felt. She goes gaga over it. She has been pretty quiet for the nights and mornings, she is exhausted

I can't think of anything else right now. Things seem to be going well. So glad I could share the good news with you guys!! I am going to sleep SO GOOD TONIGHT!!!

I hope you and your furbabies are doing well, all of you *big hugs*


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
That is odd both your cats have the same problem.
My Coco just sits there and purrs when she gets fluids.
I did get stuck with the needle 2 times which is bad since I have been do fluids since Jan 2009.
It sure bleeds alot though when I got stuck.
I am so glad your cat is better.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
YAY! YAY! What great news! Peace of mind is a great thing.

The operations of the thyroid and the kidneys in a cat are very closely bound together, (but I can't tell you the scientifics of it.) Whew. And now you have a baseline figure for him, too. It's all good!

Originally Posted by mews2much

That is odd both your cats have the same problem.
My Coco just sits there and purrs when she gets fluids.
I did get stuck with the needle 2 times which is bad since I have been do fluids since Jan 2009.
It sure bleeds alot though when I got stuck.
I am so glad your cat is better.
I've stuck myself a time or two over the years, too.Those needles are so sharp, they can make a deep puncture pretty quick! And they HURT!

Advice to people who give sub q at home: Keep your tetanus shot up to date.
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  • #409


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Ain't that the truth? I've stuck myself several times, and if it only scratches me, it will welt up and itch horrible, but if I stick myself it's not deep but it bleeds so badly LOL.
I have to stick Boo usually only once, if I tell him first, "Little stick," then I push it in fast enough with just enough pressure that it doesn't come back out or he doesn't yelp and try to run away. But every once in awhile comes the day where it takes 2 or more to find a piece of skin that will let in the needle. :T

I am wondering if the cats didn't both get into something or get some kind of virus, or maybe it was just one of those weird kawinky-dink moments. In any case, things are calm for tonight.
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  • #410


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Good gracious ..... I just hit the wrong button and erased a whole update

Anyway, I got home around 1:30 pm after working daytime today. Fluids went off without a hitch this morning at 5am-ish and he drank water and ate some food. His appetite is slowing down a bit from the "explosive" eating I was seeing. More closer to normal before he had the runs. He is drinking the same amount of water (Drinks from running tub faucet for about 2-3, maybe even sometimes five minutes)
He had no pouch this morning, but I am continuing to check him (when he stands up) to how much is left.
I am concerned however that he may need to go back to the vet on Monday, because he is acting so tired. He meows, he walked around the kitchen, his eyes look great, no third eyelid showing when he's up and around...
but when he is in this box it's like he can't get comfortable, and he doesn't want to be anywhere else. I am worried he may have Congestive Heart Failure. With his slipping off of surfaces and not reaching his intended surface when he jumps sometimes, ... I am just concerned. He is not laying down after three steps like he did when first diagnosed, but he looks like he may get winded after coming down the steps and going to the window. Usually he is jumping fine. This is just sometimes.

I gave him .25 mL of Pet-tinic this morning, too. I will have to ask the vet if I should give this once or twice a day. I really need to get another blood draw for his full panel. I would absolutely be able to do this by Friday, with this OT I just got, but that means he'd have to wait until Friday
He looks to be so tired that when he is starting to fall asleep his head will slowly slip downwards with each breath until he's got his face in his tail.
And here he is, up again, licking his side. But he is far less itchy than he was. Now, when he laid down just now, his breathing seems deeper and a bit heavier, like geesh, that took a lot out of him.

So I will be calling the vet Monday to see what they want to do. I'm sure it will involve an X-Ray. he just looks so tired

Will keep you updated guys. THank you for everything
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  • #411


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Back when we first started fluids, we skipped a few Sundays (2 in a row I remember clearly) because we both weren't quite comfortable yet, and the vet actually recommended we take Sunday off then, and said it wouldn't hurt him.

Now I am wondering so much about his fluid intake, and if I'm overhydrating him. As I've said I'm keeping an eye on him, but noticed the base of his tail seemed a little swollen, sort of like he had a small fluid pouch there. It could just be I'm imagining things, but in the morning, if he still has ANY fluid in his belly, I am not going to give him any fluids until I see it disappear. Sundays my vet is off, but I am wondering if Boo would feel better tomorrow, not getting any fluids. When we've done it before, he would seem much better for the day.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I've thought from the beginning(and said early on) that daily hydrations of 200 ml was too much, but stopped yammering about it, since your vet kept on with it.

I think skipping a day will not hurt him, and may benefit. Oedema is always a concern when giving sub q and why one should never ever give another session if there is still a pouch from the last administration.
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  • #413


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Yes. I questioned the vet several times over it, and he insisted it needed to be 200mL. Only different thing he said was to do 100mL twice a day, which was stupid to me because it was the same thing only more stressful. I think we will definitely take tomorrow off, especially since he is drinking water so well. Or, so much, maybe I should say. I wonder if the vet even took his water intake and wet food intake into consideration?
I will call them first thing Monday morning and get another blood draw to see where his #'s are at, or a superchem. Also wondering if the Kanamycin in the antibiotics he had last week would effect him in any negative way.

Need to get off the comp so he can sleep without my rattling on the keyboard. Thanks guys.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
My Coco does not even get 200 ml.
I think that is to high for Boo.
I only do 100 ml and 150 ml if needed.
Coco gets her fluids every other day.
How much does Boo weigh now?
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  • #415


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
8 pounds even. up from 7.4 or 7.6, I'm not sure which. Which I was happy about but now I'm not so sure.
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  • #416


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
It's 9:15 AM, Sunday. I took him to the pan just in case he wasn't feeling like it, but he didn't have to go. He went straight up to his window in the sunroom and I opened it up. He sat there flipping his tail around and looking very alert and purring. His breathing was normal. His eyes look absolutely clear and wide and great. I am not giving fluids today. He drank water, but not for as long as usual. This was relatively short, maybe 1.5 minutes or so.
He's not interested in food at the moment (Or not in what I'm offering, re-warmed Hi Tor) but seems in mostly good spirits. He trotted up the steps back to his box, and now he is laying here, resting. I can see no obvious signs of stress but, like was so well put, they are Masters as hiding things.
Should I still give him his .25 mL of pet-tinic?
I am calling the vet in the morning and see if I can get an X-ray done, then I'm talking to his normal Vet about the fluid amounts. They open at 7:30 so I can at least see if I can get in.
Think I should wait on his fluids tomorrow morning until I get a definitive answer ? I will ask one of the techs I know will be there, maybe she can tell me. But, ... looks like I've been a blind follower again and screwed up.
Thank you guys so much. And please forgive me for my ignorance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Yes, skip fluids today. It won't hurt him and may help, if he's been getting too much.

I always used to schedule Ootay's vet appointments for the longest possible time after she'd had fluids. Meaning, in her rotation she always got them on Sunday afternoon, so I would schedule rechecks and blood work for Tuesday morning, right before she was due again. (She got fluids four times a week)

Don't be so hard on yourself, everything is a learning process, and no two cases are going to be exactly the same. You are doing great!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
I agree skip the fluids.
Do not blame yourself.
I made mistakes with Stripe when she had CRF.
I wish I knew then what I know with Coco.
The fluids also make the cat weigh more so I do not weigh Coco on the days she gets fluids.
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  • #420


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
His breathing has become a bit slower (8pm EST here) but he's still been in his box all day. He's got a glass of fresh water here that he's drank out of and a bowl of dry food and some wet. Looks like he got comfortable a few times, but still a bit restless. His breathing doesn't seem as heavy as it was, either. Still a bit fast for my liking, being at rest and everything, but I think I see some improvement. It's odd, when it got in his window he breathed fine, things seemed fine, until he went and laid in the box, then it wasn't. I don't know. Going to talk to the vet. Just wanted to update, because it's made me feel a bit better about the whole thing. All I've done is worried and stayed in another room so not to bother him. He's purring when I pet him, so I suppose that is a good sign too. Edit: I moved a litter pan up here for him, but the last time he got down to go pee he totally bypassed it and went all the way downstairs to use the pan.

Thank you guys