Booboo is confusingly not well


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
OH yay! nothing like watching a cat wash his face after a good meal. And any grooming is a great sign!
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  • #423


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Yes. After some researching I just watched his breathing and it is 36 breaths a minute, but I only counted each exhale, not both inhale in exhale. How should I do that properly?

I was trying to feel his pulse at his chest but he started moving about so I left it alone.

Edit: I tried again but he was purring so I couldn't really feel it. I came up with 108 but that's not right. (Counting each pulse for 15 seconds and then multiply by 4, that is waht I did with his respiration rate)
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  • #425


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
i take that back. I think I am supposed to count both the inhale and exhale as one breath, so if that is the case, his resting respiratory rate is 76, not 38. He looks to be having much less difficulty breathing, even if it is a bit fast. SO glad I saw him groom, he really went at it too!

I am hoping he is feeling more like himself tomorrow. He -still- has a small pouch of fluid under his belly! I will not be giving him any other fluids until I talk to the vet.
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  • #426


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Alright. Boo has an appt at 10:30. He seems a little better this morning. He was sitting up on his tv tray waiting for a treat (Or possibly waiting for his fluids) and he's eaten a bit and drank a small amount of water.
His breathing is definitely slower but still a bit heavy. He's purring so for a second there I thought I heard snot in his nose. He snuffled a few times yesterday and then blew snot on me, but it was clear (and salty, so you know where it landed
I told the lady everything, about being overhydrated and everything, and when I go back this morning I will stress that I am sure he is being overhydrated. Now, my problem is, I haven't given him any fluids this morning. (He gets them about now)

Should I? Should I wait until we see the vet at 10:30? His skin turgor is good.
Edit: His resp rate is 56 (in and out) if counting only in that would be 28.
Thank you guys


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Wait until after the vet visit. If you give them now the vet will not be able to judge his condition accurately, including weight.
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  • #430


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Well. It was what I've been fearing for awhile. The vet says his numbers have gone awry again, his BUN is up to 102, his HCT is still at 13% and his Hb is up to 4.4, which was actually good, he said, and his Glucose was at 159. His sodium is ok, his potassium is ok. his Chlor(ine, or ide, I don't remember) is ok.

Unfortunately, the vet said his lungs sound raspy, and he is struggling to get his breath. He advised a Lateral X Ray but I didn't have money for that, I only had money for the exam and ISTAT to be run, altogether hitting me for 65 bucks. My care credit is wiped out, and my bill money, and my checking acount.

I do not know what to do. The vet talked to me for about 15 minutes telling me he didn't think he'd last this long, and he's surprised, and he kept telling me what a great job I did taking care of him and researching and blahblahblah. He mentioned blood transfusions but that is a few hundred dollars every 2 weeks. Very obviously out of the realm of possibility.

The vet said he only believes he has a couple of weeks left of quality life. Then he will start being able not to breathe well and will feel like he is suffocating. His weight was back down to 7.6 today.

He advised me that it may be time to start thinking about pts. When his quality of life begins to degrade, that is. I am very upset but trying not to cry.
when we got home he went to his scratching post and scratched furiously. Then he went back to his window, but before he got up on his carrier he laid flat in the floor heaving and struggling for air. He is still breathing fast now but is starting to calm down. He is purring a bit and just ate.

his BUN may be my fault, from the few pieces of Purina one Chicken and Rice I give him for treats after his fluids. It was 77 at the last test.
So. I'd like to know what you all think. I knew this day would come I was just hoping it would be so soon. Four months. Four months and it's over, it just doesn't make sense. The vet said he was dehydrated, so I am going to give 100mL and no more ... he advised to let him do what he wants to do, leave him in a dark quiet place with a fan in the room, and just let him do what he wants.
I've never had to pts a pet. This is very hard and a very ugly idea to me. He told me it did sound like he had been getting overhydrated. I'm so upset about him dying that I'm not angry at the vet right now. I'm sure that will come later.
I will just see. Until I get my OT pay this Friday, I can do nothing. I will try to make every day the best for him. But I really need advice from you guys. I am so upset, and can't really think straight.

thank you....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Aw no, I'm crying now, too.

I'm a little confused. Does the vet think the over hydrating had anything to do with the breathing trouble? Fluid on the lungs or heart? What is the diagnosis about the breathing?

Has the last fluid pouch disappeared?

Sadly, all our pets come to this, no matter how much love and care we give them, they just don't live long enough. It's terrible when you have to let them go.

Booboo will tell you when he's had enough. Until then you can enjoy and cherish each day you have with him, keep him comfortable and love him. Try not to let him see your sadness and despair, as he will feel stress from it too. It's hard not to, I know.

When the time comes (may it be a long time from now) we will help you get through it. I won't soft soap, it hurts.

our dear Booboo.

and some for you too
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  • #432


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Thank you. He felt like perhaps he was a bit overhydrated a few days ago, but now he is dehydrated. He feels it is his anemia that is causing it and told me Pet-Tinic would not help, because he is fairly sure he has non-regenerative anemia. (Fairly nothing, he flat out said he does)
I am getting ready to give him the 100mL the vet recommended, but for now he is resting in his box here beside the computer. I've already told my Mom about it, and will ask my friend Theresa to be present if possible when the time comes. I will keep a close watch on him, and when we both (Boo and I) feel it is time, I am sure he will let me know, and I will do what is necessary.

As far as a sedation shot before the pts, does anyone recommend that? The vet didn't seem like he recommended it, it was 2 harsh sticks instead of one, but Theresa's cat got a sedation shot before hand. Any advice on that?

Vet said the anemia was causing the breathing. He just has barely any red blood cells left. All other options to help that are out of financial reach for me, and I doubt I'd want to put Boo through that stress. I am not bawling right now, but sure I will be. Mom is preparing a place in our backyard where our other dear pets have resting places. I am planning on chiseling a headstone myself for him.

I've never had to pts, but... I think it may be a relief, as horrible as it sounds, to both of us. He's had such a rough life and I think he's just about had enough.

Thank you for all your kind comments and concerns, and cares. I appreciate you all more than you know. I will continue to update and will of course update when the time has come.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
No, a feeling relief does not sound horrible, though you probably won't feel the relief for quite some time afterward. I thought I would feel relief after letting Ootay go but once she was gone I seemed to forget about all the stress and hard work and worry and grieved for her very hard.

Gradually, as I realized I could go places and stay away for longer periods, I did feel some relief, though it hasn't made me miss her any less.

You get so deeply bonded to the ones who need special care.

I had never had the sedation shot before Ootay. I did not like it because once they gave her the sedative shot, she, my Ootay, was gone. I didn't expect that, they took her from the room for the first shot and when they brought her back, she was out of it, so I have a lingering feeling of not being able to have said good bye.

If I'd known what that pre-euthanasia shot was going to do I would have insisted they do it right in the room with me, or not do it at all. They did the euthanasia while I held her in my arms, but she was already beyond. I know I keep saying that, but as you can tell, even over a year later it still troubles me.

On the other hand, some cats will unaccountably suddenly fight the needle, and that can be just as traumatic. My Baby (
1/98 ) was dying before my eyes of acute kidney failure, and yet when the time came he struggled. That, too, has left a deep scar on my heart.

So as you can see, there just is no one right way to do it. My other kitties. Squeaky
(5/93) Sissy,
(12/97) and Bibbs
(3/05), all went peacefully with the euthanasia shot, no fighting, and no pre-sedation.

I hope you find these comments helpful rather than hurtful. I am bawling as I type. For you and Booboo, but for all the ones I've mentioned here, too.

There's just no easy way to do it, But it is not called The Final Kindness for nothing. It is the biggest gift of love we give them, to end or even prevent suffering.

Stay with us okay?
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  • #434


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
You never sound harsh, and I thank you for your honesty and clarity. Sugar coating is sure not what I need right now. I am so sorry you are upset, I did not mean to upset you. I know I will grieve afterwards, and right now I think I've just gone numb. He's fairly comfy right now, so I'm taking that into consideration.
I will not get a pre sedation. I did notice when Theresa's cat had a sedation shot before hand, he was completely out of it. Eyes were dilated. At the time it seemed very humane but now, .. yes, I think I will skip the sedation shot. Even the people at the Vet didn't really recommend it.
Well. i have to go rest and let Boo rest. I am kissing his head and nose often and telling him how much I love him, but he needs quiet time.

I will certainly stay here, don't worry. I still have Chickster. I plan on bringing him back and letting Chickster see him so maybe she will understand what has happened.
And yes, they are not hurtful, they are helpful. Thank you so much


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Oh my God, Snickerdoodle, my heart is breaking for all of you: you, your mother, Boo Boo, Chickster. Like Otto, I'm sitting here crying my eyes out, with Stinkpot lying on the desk in front of the monitor getting upset because I'm crying so much.

I'm so sorry it has come to this so quickly, and don't know what else I can say other than what Otto has already said. Just make him as comfortable as you can for whatever time he has left.

Also, though, I certainly wouldn't blame myself for giving him a few bits of food that he really loves, when the Vet said it's the Anemia that's taking him versus the CRF. You've done so much good for him, and after all, it's quality versus quantity, so if special treats are what he likes, at this point, I'd give him all he wants.

Be strong, and know that we all care.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 11, 2005
I am so sorry the vet didn't have more positive news, fingers crossed Boo can fight longer than the vet thinks. You will know when it is the right time though, I always sit with mine and tell them that all they have to do is let me know when they have had enough, and I will let them go. Some cats I have had sedated, some I haven't - the first one I regretted as it took her longer to pass over, but with Sam I wish I had pushed it (the new vet had a different method to sedation, and I dont think it was right for SAm). I wouldnt worry about the food, as others have said, it doesnt' sound like it is ultimately his CRF, and if he has limited time, it is better for him to have the odd treat. You will be in my thoughts.
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  • #437


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I got home with the same fear as always, that Boo had passed away in the night. As you know, the vet said he didn't have long to live, yada yada yada. I walked in the door and he came BOUNDING down the steps, went to his scratching post, scratched like a strong man, then I said, Okay Boo, let's go outside. I figure heck, if he's on his "death bed" then might as well let him do everything he always likes to do, fleas or no fleas. Put his harness on him and took him outside. Before i know it one of our wanderers ("Rocky", a black and white unneutered male) was standing there. Boo ignored him, but Rocky was curious. I kept Rocky away, a good five feet away. Boo continued to ignore him and started to walk down the driveway path towards the road, one of his many paths. He sat down half way and looked around. His breathing was normal. I was looking towards the road when I heard a great big hiss and was nearly jerked onto my face by Boo charging at Rocky, who had gotten too close while I wasn't looking. Rocky was all the way in the backyard in 1.5 seconds FLAT
and the hiss I heard was ROCKY, not Boo (He makes no sounds when he attacks a cat) I mean to tell you, even then, his breathing didn't change. He meandered over to his flowers and bushes to smell of them, then wanted to go back in. I took him in, undid his harness and he got up on his carrier to look out the window. Rocky peered in the window and Boo smacked at the screen, HARD, and Rocky hissed and ran away as fast as he could. I was LMAO. I said, "Well. I guess you're telling us that you'll let US know if you're on your death bed or not, huh?"
He came upstairs and jumped up to eat some Purina One, then got back into his box. His breathing still normal. He hasn't done the "laying-flat-as-a-pancake" can't breathe sort of thing yet. I said hold on, let me get your glass of water freshened. Before my butt left the chair he was running into the bathroom and into the tub to drink water. He drank for maybe 2 minutes, not as long as he usually does. Then it was back to his box, where he is sitting now.
I am not going to give up hope on him until he shows me he's really had enough. He is purring and his nose is pink, though he is trembling just a bit. The vet said he was dehydrated, but I saw his skin turgor and it went back down, just not all the way, and he has been shaved. He is old. His skin doesn't just snap back anyway, it's always been loose since he got that "spay sway" underneath. I saw it when he was severely dehydrated, like a potato chip, it would stick up straight. So he may be dehydrated, but it's not something I would consider to be deadly dehydration.

in any case, I am going to give him 100mL (Or less if he gets a 'tude) His breathing is normal right now. The regular exhale, long and calm, and the shorter inhale with no obvious distress or struggle.

I am shocked. At all of this. I know he will eventually go, but I would not put any bets down that it will be this Friday.

Just don't know what to say. Oh, that 8 pounds he weighed? Maybe it was because he hadn't pooped since last Monday. He pooped last night, a great big huge (Poor baby I don't know how he got it out) normal poop. Solid but soft, not hard.
And it didn't stink.

And he seemed to feel better after that. I would certainly believe that weighing .6 ounces, but of course, he weighed less than 8 when I took him in yesterday. In any case, he peed quite a few times last night, and I think maybe some of that fluid, if there were any in his chest somewhere, hopefully soem of it has drained off? I don't know but he seems VERY comfortable right now. I'd say 80% more than he did.

Boy what a morning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Oh what a terrific story! I was laughing out loud at Booboo going after Rocky and showing him who is BOSS!

I'm glad he's feeling so chipper. I know you'll be careful not to let him overdo on his good days. He was emphatically letting you know yesterday that he is NOT ready!

This time in a cat's life can be a real roller coaster, and every good day is a precious gift, and another cherished memory.

Love to you and Booboo (and Chickster too)
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  • #439


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Thanks Otto. I am desperately hoping that the overhydration was what caused most of this. He is still breathing normally. I tried moving his box to the window so he could get some fresh air, and he sat there for a minute, then left and went back to where his box WAS. Like, No, I did NOT tell you to move me! I want to be next to you! So I put it back, and here is sitting here purring loudly and breathing very normally. I'm shocked. If this continues I am thinking about letting the vet know. Just so he'll be aware that it didn't get WORSE.

When he jerked the harness I looked down at him, terrified, and he sat his butt down and his eyes kind of looked up at me like "Oops. Busted. Don't be mad, Mommy" and I just started laughing. I won't let him overdo it, but I don't think he even wants to overdo it. He's not jumping off the walls or anything, but he hasn't left that box for what, days, except to go Pee and maybe eat, but to see him trot down the steps, scratch on his post, regular routine things he always does, that's a good sign for me. I am going to let him do what he likes, but I will certainly keep an eye on him. Since he didn't get any fluids Sunday, and only about 50 yesterday (He threw a fit, and I was considering quality to quantity, I was just a wreck) I gave him 100 today, and his .25 of Pet-Tinic. THe vet said to give it to him twice a day. I'm not sure if I should or not... Thank you guys. Hugs to you and your babies


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Boo's a fighter! I guess maybe he overheard the Vet saying his time had come, and he's saying "no way, doc!"

I"m SO glad he's having a good day today, and hope he has many, many more.