Booboo is confusingly not well


TCS Member
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Mar 7, 2008
Hurray for normal poop! Thanks for keeping us updated.
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  • #382


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Oh honey, don't you worry LOL I can't wait to tell you guys of the good things that happen. I finally fixed my (nearly brand new) buzz clippers and got them back to cutting through his hair like melted butter. Boy was he purring. He loved it. I even got a few more mats out, but we had to take a break because the clippers were getting hot and his patience short. So I will get back to it. I will take some pics and upload them as soon as I'm done. I am seeing little pink spots in some areas. Maybe his itching is being caused by hot spots?? He MAY have ringworm, I think that's unlikely though. Chickster hasn't been scratching and going nuts like him. I am hoping I don't see fleas and it's just a skin thing. He loves his cut in the summer. His fur is sooooooo soft you guys, his coat before shaving it was just beautiful and soft. so that's good. Anyway. Gotta get back to it. Thanks guys
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  • #383


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Okay. Here is a link to my photobucket account, and the first 5 of 6 are of him after his shave. didn't get as much done as I wanted because Boo started getting really upset about it, so I will finish it later. I've given him his Amforal and going to give the 1/4 (Which IS actually only about 3 drops in a dropper!) of a mL like told.
I see a couple of pale red/pink spots on his sides, but as for now he won't let me close enough to look at his chest and I couldn't shave his legs, even after I tried putting the full face muzzle on (Claws claws claws, he's like Jackie Chan or something)
But as for now everything is great!
Edit: (Sorry, sleepy) I picked throughly through his fur, what I cut and what was still on him, no fleas. Can't find a solitary single one. He does have those little pink spots though, and I've seen those before on him where mats have been for too long. Hopefully this is what this is!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
Could he have allergies that are causing him to itch? Maybe it's even a reaction to his shampoo?
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  • #385


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
He could have dry skin, which is why I had bought Derma-Soothe Anti Itch Cream Rinse and a separate bottle of Shampoo for him, but I didn't use that last time because it never seemed to do a darn thing. As for allergies, I have no clue. But I searched very thoroughly for fleas and couldn't find one, but he is licking the areas I couldn't get to that still have a few small mats or very thick fur on them (legs for example) and he still has a couple on his belly that I could not get to earlier. He's eating like a horse, though, and he's slept during the day. I am certainly scratching my head over this. I didn't go get any cap stars because when I saw those spots I thought I'd give him today to see if it calmed down, I don't want to give him a pill he doesn't need. I used EarthBath Totally Natural Pet Shampoo "Conditioning Formula with Aloe Vera". He's itching in the same spots all the time. I'm really not sure. Guess I will have to consult the vet again... Edit: It could even be arthritis couldn't it? He is definitely licking at only a few direct spots. Arm, hind quarter, side and chest, and in particular spots there.

Thanks guys. It's so frustrating. I don't want to bother him and annoy him, but I want to help him stop itching and be comfortable.
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  • #386


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Apparently after air getting to his skin over the course of the evening, he was calming down and getting comfy, rarely scratching or licking those spots. It seems it may be working but we will see in the morning how itchy he still is. Poor baby, it looks like Picasso got a hold of him



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
If a cat has a flea allergy, even one flea could cause as much irritation as he is experiencing, even if the flea is now gone, it may take time for the reaction to go away.

I know you'll keep us posted. (I don't hold much faith in any of those special shampoos. An oatmeal bath is probably what I would recommend for irritated skin, if you ever decide to bathe him again
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  • #389


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Hi mews!!
Boo is on Amforal for his runny poop, which has stopped, they gave him 5 syringes of 5 CC's of it. He has his last dosage today. 5 cc's a day. He has his Lactated Ringers Solution everyday still at 200mL, and I started giving him 1/8 of a mL of Pet-Tinic supplement. I put Frontline on him about 2 weeks ago, but he still continued itching. As far as meds go, that's it. He hasn't needed Pepcid or Miralax and hasn't had it in about 2 weeks I believe.

He is feeling so much better today. He even started purring while I was doing his fluids. Purred all the way through it and then through his treat. He's very talkative today and seems very energetic. He was grooming his face but I haven't seen him scratching yet.
He does have a few areas, one of which I took a picture of:

This was on his side, one of the areas he had been licking.

He isn't licking or scratching ... so we will see. I usually don't wait this late to get his lion cut done, so this could have contributed, as well as one or more fleas. Now he's in front of my monitor so I have to go, he is demanding my immediate evacuation of the internets. <3
EDIT: My mother and I were also wondering if his itching could be coming from lotions we (More mom) use on our hands then go to pet and scratch him. possible yeah?
Thanks guys <3


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
Is it hot there?
My coco gets real itchy sometimes and all her fur fell out when she was 10.
Is your cat allergic to anything?
Coco and some of the other cats have allergies which are way worse this time of year.
The lotion could have made him itch also.
I am glad your cat is not on many meds.

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  • #391


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I am so glad he is not on many either. I went and got Cap Stars and pilled both Boo and Chickster, and right afterwards Boo was shaking his head like mad, so I am glad I pilled him. He is not going on crazy scratching spells though, and I showed the pic of the "hot spot" area and they recommended for me to put some neosporin on it. Mom just went to go get some so I will read the packaging.
He's still eating like a pig today! It's so good to see, no poops yet though.
No, Boo has never had any allergy issues. We started getting him a lion cut when his fur began matting (We brush, but not often enough and he won't let you brush his belly or legs, or back end) and sometimes in winter we think he gets dry skin. It's running in the 80's (F) here right now but it is cool in the house, it is about 72. I have my bedroom windows open and it feels more like 75 in here, but he's in Mom's room right now where it is even cooler and there is a ceiling fan. He also has a small case of stud tail, which I've read some people recommend putting a dandruff shampoo on, I did that a long long time ago, years ago and it cleaned his tail up nice and it stayed nice for awhile, but I am not going to do that again nor bathe him until recommended by vet.
Other than maybe touching him when we have just put lotions on, I don't know of anything else that has changed here that would give him itchy skin, THOUGH it could be the food perhaps? He gets 4-5 pieces after fluids of Purina One (Which I'm nearly out of and only have a handful of left) but like I'd said before, Boo never really had any issues with changes (Except, obviously, for litter)
If he is continuing to itch tomorrow I will consult the vet about kidney-safe options.
It also could very well be an allergy to the fleas, and if he's got any it's only a couple because I sure as shoot cannot find them, I've looked so hard, but that capstar had him going crazy for a few minutes afterwards.
Well, I am going to try to get some rest and see if Boo will cuddle with me. He's been acting like such a nice boy today. I couldn't believe he purred through his fluids. The treats help his attitude I believe.
Thanks guys
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  • #393


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Well, I don't know what to say today. Mom said Boo was restless all night, jumping from one surface to another. He is still shaking his head but not scratching at his ears, and rarely he will lick at his chest or side. His appetite has skyrocketed like crazy, he is eating like a pig all of the sudden. He has not pooped yet, so this will be I think day #2 that he has not pooped. He has not vomited. He is peeing, and drinking water.
This is driving me nuts, as I know a Cap star works for 24 hours (Supposedly) Chickster is just fine. She's lazing about and knocking bottle caps, she seems perfectly fine. Boo is just absolutely restless. He has a few more mats that I will gently try to get to throughout the day, but he is a little grumpy (I would be too)
Well, Boo is sitting directly on top of my mouse and rubbing neosporin all over my monitor (Only a small amount placed on a couple more of those hot spot looking things at his hip area on both sides) so this is another internet evacuation order. :T See you guys later
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  • #395


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I will have to talk to the vet tomorrow. This is becoming absolutely insane. He won't sit still, he's eaten again, quite a lot, and he drank water. But he also tried to go after my milky way and my tea. I gave put a small bowl of water on top of my tea glass and he drank that and now he's in his box. I just don't know, I'm confused all over again.

Will talk to the vet asap. I thought he was calming down but about an hour ago (6pm) he woke me up meowing and what not. He's not -scratching- at all! I noticed some of his fluids are still in his belly flaps though, ... kinda worried about that. Maybe we are giving him too much every day or maybe he is just not absorbing them like he should? So confused.

Thanks guys. I will let you know what the vet says tomorrow...

Mews2Much, did you say you used pet-tinic? Has it worked well for your kitties? I am currently giving him 1/4 of a mL once a day...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
If you see fluid still there, do NOT give him any more, until all the pouch is gone!

<edit>Call your vet tomorrow and tell him the fluid is not absorbing. Ask about getting new blood work for hyperthyroid disease.

It is very common for CRF kitties to develop hyperthyroid disease and it's just coming together in my brain, with his itchy skin, and now this excess appetite, excess activity, excess vocalization(?) that that's what might be going on with BooBoo now..
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  • #397


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
His pouch is always gone by morning, but by toniht around 8 (I give him fluids at 8AM) he still had a bit in there. SOmewhere I'm guessing around 50-70 mL's left. I will speak with the vet tomorrow about testing him for Hyperthyroidism.
He has excessive itching, his appetite has suddenly exploded and his activity, yes, he is definitely up and down constantly. Before I left for work he had been laying in his box for about 30 minutes without moving, so I figured he was calming down. His vocalizations have not gotten worse, in fact they've got quieter. No more hollering for tub water. But he still talks to me when I talk to him. Little mews and what not. Geesh. Let me go read up on hyperthyroidism so I can be ready in the morning. Thanks Otto


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
Coco last had Pet Tinic 8 years ago when she was very sick with severe anemia.
It did help her.
It sounds like your cat might have a thyroid problem like what the others said.
I hope you get answers soon.
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  • #399


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Would a thyroid problem come on so suddenly? it seems sudden, anyway. Ok, I will call the vet this morning and I am reading over Tanya's CRF site, but what test should I ask for specifically? I believe I've read something about a T4 test on another thread here somewhere.

Thank you guys. I'll just hate it if he does have a thyroid issue. He's gone through so much already, and more meds is not what we wanted.!!

Edit: I checked Tanya's CRF site and see the tests recommended. I will go over this with the vet and see if I can afford it. I am hoping this is not what it is. I have a sheet written out with his new symptoms and questions to ask, and his current treatments/meds he is on. Please send vibes that everything will be ok! <3
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  • #400


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Ok -- I got home and Boo has been eating, drinking normally. He's been resting all night and hasn't scratched once. A T4 test is all my vet does and that is 44.94, and no exam fee, so it is just that. I will let you know as soon as I get it done, I hopefully can get it done today or tomorrow, though I'm wondering if I should let him rest. It has been very stressful lately, which his diarrhea, that icky antibiotic and going to the vet for all of that, then having his litter changed and being poked by me constantly to get mats off. Maybe he is just extremely stressed?
He is laying in a small cardboard box on my table with a lamp over him for warmth (in case) and a pillowcase underneath him and one of my shorts over the side that he's laying his face on. I think his tummy might be upset so I am going to try to get him a 1/4 of a pepcid.
I am just worried that I am going to stress him out even more, and he's been through it this last week.... *sigh*What do you guys think?