Angel isn't doing well :(

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  • #101

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Thanks jcat, Me too!  I'm so glad the pred is making him hungry. I did have to give him an anti-nausea yesterday, for the first time since the 14th, so that's good. Only giving them if he shows he needs it. I may give him another today, depending how he acts. It may be why he only ate half of his food this morning.  :dk:  

Here is the daily log for this morning so far.....

12/20/15 I got up this morning around 8:00, Angel was sleeping in his carrier,

                 so went back to bed to sleep in a bit. Angel came in an hr. later, for

                 some snuggle time. We got up about 20-30 minutes later. I gave him his

                 2 pred. & about ⅓ can of food. (still Dave’s) w/ the last probiotic.

                 He ate half, then jumped up in his tree, to look out the window, and

                 do some scratching on the post. He is now back in his carrier.

                 I’m sure he will finish it later.

Here are some pictures for our snuggle time this morning I took for you guys.

Aww! Such sweet photos. Sending kisses to Angel![emoji]10084[/emoji]️
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  • #105

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
@Zed Xyzed,  Thank you!  I still haven't had a chance to read the article you sent me, but plan on doing it sometime this week! 

Update to todays log, he did finish his breakfast about an hour later, & has had his pure bites treats twice this afternoon. Now time for mommy to get some lunch! 
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  • #106

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
LOL! Thanks MServant! "Yup, that's my boo bear!"  

I didn't put up my tree this year, not wanting to add to to any stress for Angel, so I just put up a few decorations, & a little white tree I leave decorated & just put in a trash bag when I put it back in the shed.

So that makes it easy, & knowing I wasn't going to put up my tree, my mom bought me a little cypress at the store for my table, & I decorated it a little. OH, & the porch.

here are some pictures I took of what I did this yr. Christmas?sort=3&page=1
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Thanks jcat, Me too!  I'm so glad the pred is making him hungry. I did have to give him an anti-nausea yesterday, for the first time since the 14th, so that's good. Only giving them if he shows he needs it. I may give him another today, depending how he acts. It may be why he only ate half of his food this morning.  :dk:  

Here is the daily log for this morning so far.....

12/20/15 I got up this morning around 8:00, Angel was sleeping in his carrier,

                 so went back to bed to sleep in a bit. Angel came in an hr. later, for

                 some snuggle time. We got up about 20-30 minutes later. I gave him his

                 2 pred. & about ⅓ can of food. (still Dave’s) w/ the last probiotic.

                 He ate half, then jumped up in his tree, to look out the window, and

                 do some scratching on the post. He is now back in his carrier.

                 I’m sure he will finish it later.

Here are some pictures for our snuggle time this morning I took for you guys.

Regarding where angel's neck is shaved, I'd imagine they took blood from his jugular. It's the easiest and painless place to take it. My lotto was always too fat for the vet to find the jugular easily so used his leg. When he wasn't well and has lost quite a bit of weight she took it from the jugular and he didn't even move when she did it. All over in five seconds.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
LOL! Thanks MServant! "Yup, that's my boo bear!"  

I didn't put up my tree this year, not wanting to add to to any stress for Angel, so I just put up a few decorations, & a little white tree I leave decorated & just put in a trash bag when I put it back in the shed.

So that makes it easy, & knowing I wasn't going to put up my tree, my mom bought me a little cypress at the store for my table, & I decorated it a little. OH, & the porch.

here are some pictures I took of what I did this yr. Christmas?sort=3&page=1
Wow, I am so impressed with all the effort you have gone to!   I've got my cards out and a few little ornaments scattered in amongst them and that's it....   I love the little trees, and the snowmen snow scene.   Hopefully Angel won't like that little cypress tree on the table 'too much'.  
    It's good to have festive decoration around to help get into the feel of Christmas, and I always think the lights and colours are quite uplifting too.  (I might get round to doing something with my place tomorrow).  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York
        Angle is such a beautiful boy. When I first read your posts I felt all the love you have for him in every word you wrote. I am sending you and  Angel all the love and healing that you have filled my heart with. I have had many loved cats throughout the years and know just how you must be feeling  I have three fur babies now that I love . I know that Angel means the world to you and I am hoping that he will pull through this. Please keep posting on his progress. All my thoughts and prayers are with you both. Hoping you have all the love that this season brings, and a full and lasting recovery for Angel,


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Just catching up with this tread now. So glad to hear that Angel is doing well, eating his food and enjoying life. He's such a great cat. It's really nice that you have so many friends and clients and even people you meet at the gas station to support you. I hope all those prayers and good wishes help Angel recover from this.
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  • #111

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Morning all, just posting quick from my phone this morning before work. Thank you all so much!!
MServant,thank you, yes, I love snowmen. My mom gave me that little snowballs for sale cart. :) I rarley send out cards, just don't have the time, & would be so many, postage would be rediculous!
Lol! As far as the cypress on the table, Angel has never been a "counter surfer," or jump up on tables, so he really is a good boy, so no worries there. ;)
Kittylove53, Thank you so much, you touched my heart & made me tear up when I read that. I'm so glad you can feel my love for Angel through my words. I haven't written any poetry In years, as I said in my story of how Angel adopted me. In fact, that was the last thing I wrote creatively, so to speak. Yes, he really is my heart. Some speak of having a "soul kitty" I think he is mine. I really couldn't imagine the kind of bond we have w/ another kitty. He's so dosile, good, & sweet!
Norachan, yes, he has many, many people praying for him! It really touches my heart to feel such love!!
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  • #112

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Oh, a quick question, I gave him his anti-nasea last night at 5:10, & its only once a day, so feel like I have to at least wait until maybe an hr. Away from that, but he is crouching this morning like he is nauseous. Do you think I can give it to him any earlier? When I get home this afternoon maybe? 2:00ish?? The med is cerenia. Unless he is "waiting on a poop to happen" (read last night's log), then could be nauseous. He is slow to finish breakfast this morning again as well. I'm sure he's been awake all night from a tiny pc of a pain pill I gave last night.
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  • #113

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Getting ready to leave for work, & he's now gone under the bed. :(
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Paws crossed that Angel feels better soon. Poor boy.[emoji]128149[/emoji]
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  • #115

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Thanks Margd, just got home from work. He seemed a little better, to finished his breakfast, bowl licked clean, & few treats he had. (Always the chkn pure bites), wanted more, so fixed some more food for him, he ate about half, then came out wanting treats, so gave him some. When eating them, he suddenly ran to the door, there was a neighbor calico there. She ran downstairs. I told him it was OK, she just came to say hi. :) then he went up in his tree, looking out the window, then he was crouching in the other room again, & went under the bed, so...?? I think I will go ahead & give him his anti-nasea a cpl hrs early at 3:00, (30 more mins). I think that will be safe. ...almost 24 hrs. The box doesnt say 24 hrs, just " once a day."
...Now he's come back k out & is at the door, looking for her I'm sure.....kitties!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Oh, a quick question, I gave him his anti-nasea last night at 5:10, & its only once a day, so feel like I have to at least wait until maybe an hr. Away from that, but he is crouching this morning like he is nauseous. Do you think I can give it to him any earlier? When I get home this afternoon maybe? 2:00ish?? The med is cerenia. Unless he is "waiting on a poop to happen" (read last night's log), then could be nauseous. He is slow to finish breakfast this morning again as well. I'm sure he's been awake all night from a tiny pc of a pain pill I gave last night.
When I administer Sebastian's Cerenia, it's not always exactly 24 hours. Sometimes it's a couple hours early; sometimes it's a couple hours late. Sebastian will also meatloaf when his colon is full like maybe he's cramping. But then he feels better after he goes.  
Getting ready to leave for work, & he's now gone under the bed. sorry. Is this unusual for Angel? My heart drops when Sebastian goes under the bed because I know he's feeling pretty bad. Fortunately, it hasn't happened in a long time (knock on wood!).

I don't have experience with chemotherapy specifically, but I do have a kitty with suspected small cell lymphoma that we are treating differently. Either way, they have good days and they have bad days. I hope that Angel is just having a bad day and that he'll be feeling better soon. 
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  • #117

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Thanks GoHolistic, Sorry to hear about your kitty, & Sebastian. Yes, I hope he's just having a bad day as well. I did go ahead & give the Cerenia at 3:00. 

I forgot to put some pumpkin in his dinner, so after he ate half, he went under the bed again. I added a 1/2 a tsp in what was left, & rewarmed it. I sprinkled some of the nutritional yeast on it, because he loves that stuff, & hopefully will disguise the pumpkin!  I just took it in there, & showed it to him, he turned from it, so I left the bowl there on a paper towel, hoping he will come out & eat once left alone. 
  I hope that's all it is. I hope he's not in any pain. I gave him a small pc of a pain pill (he was only getting 1/8 a pill anyway), last night, so I'm sure he was awake all night. every time I got up, he was up in the window. I just hate for him to be awake for 48 hrs!  I wrote in his daily log, ..sounds silly, but "pray'n for poopies!" 

I even told him in words he understands, "eat din, dins, help the poopies come out."  
 "The things we Meowmys will do & say for our babies!"  

Now, just waiting for him to come out & I can give him his evening pred & pepcid!  Poor baby, I know he is sick of being pilled. I tried putting the Cerenia in a pc of pill pocket, but he wouldn't eat it, so had to just use my finger. At least it has a little coating of the pill pocket, & I still follow w/ a little water from the syringe.  
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  • #120

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
OH!! Forgot to tell you guys, I was incredibly BLESSED today from one of my clients!  This is a woman who I clean for, who used to go to the same church as my parents, where I went, growing up. 

She has had a rough year herself, fighting breast cancer, & getting surgery,& treatments throughout the year. She is also very allergic to A LOT of ingredients, so even using natural products, she her skin can flare up, so She is very appreciative to me for cleaning her house every other week. She is a very special woman of God with a generous heart. She was home today, & asking how Angel was doing, so I was filling her in, etc...

I told her about trying to raise money through the Go fund me campaign, & that I got some extended credit on my care credit, to make sure I could cover everything. She asked about the cost, & I told her.

She told me that she wanted to give me a special gift & would write a check to the vets office!  I won't say how much she gave, & it won't cover it all, but was a very substantial amount!! (more than I'd ever expect to get from one person. More that I have raised w/ the go fund me!)  I couldn't believe it!!

I was 
& when she hugged me, she was too! She said she knows how special Angel is to me & wanted to help. She said every year she gives about that amount to someone who needs it, etc.. & so this year , God put it on her heart, & she wanted to give it to me, to help Angel!  I was Beyond touched!!  
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