What behavioral/funny things does your cat do?

macha 143

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 4, 2015
Ginny, I love matching bed cover and drapes, it looks really nice!

I don't know if only Macha affected by the moon? It's funny she ran like crazy all night long LOL. 

Knocking herself everywhere yet she wouldn't stop. It's three nights already and she kept this behaviour lol

She's making this noise too like yowling, talking and then running again lol

During the daytime she sleep a lot, she must be exhausted running!?! 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 3, 2014
Sinbad has developed a new passion for tv. Every night now at around 9pm he starts working to herd us down to the living room for family tv time. He doesn't care what we watch, so long as hubby and I are both on the couch with the tv on; the important thing is that we're all watching together. He jumps on the ottoman and watches with us. Here he is enjoying some Cowboy Bebop.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I've posted most of what Hekitty gets up to elsewhere, the "Naughty Kitty" thread, I think...however, there was one instance...

Hekitty is an indoor cat, but her instincts are entirely well-honed.  A small bird flew in my apartment door one night (I know, but go figure!), and said pussycat went berserk.  They chased one another in circles around my fairly small living/dining room/ office (lots of jobs for one small room) for almost 10 minutes while I cowered in the chair, trying to avoid bird excrement and cat claws.  Finally, the bird perched on a curtain rod at one side of the the room, and took off straight across to the other, Hekitty in hot pursuit.  Both of them hit the wall with a very audible THUNK, and lay there on their backs, side by side.  I scooped up Mr. Birdie and made sure he was still among the living.  Set him on top of the bookcase, and checked Hekitty.  Yep, coming to, and shaking her head.  Carried Mr. Birdie outside and set him in a crotch of my elm tree to get his bearings.  Back UP the stairs to put the cat on the sofa to get HER bearings.  She spent the rest of the night prowling around checking for the bird.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 22, 2015
my 6 month old boy moe is still a big suckler and shows no signs of giving it up. his favorite places are my left earlobe and the skin inbetween my thumbs and forefingers. he will put both paws on my cheeks to hold my head still while he latches on to my ear. then he kneads my face until i make him stop. i keep his claws cut but they still get sharp! he latched onto my neck one night and gave me a hickey! so i don't let him near my neck anymore, lol.

valentine my 15 month old hides her pole toys from the other cats (i have 5). if we are playing with da bird or any other toy on a pole she will snatch it out of my hand and run off with the whole thing, dragging the pole down the stairs. she finds really good hiding places too! she only does it with the pole toys. she's a funny little girl, lol..

tucker my 10 month old boy will sit on the back of the toilet when i'm in the shower and peep around the curtain and watch me like he's trying to figure out why on earth i would want to get wet on purpose! yesterday, moe actually jumped in the shower with me. i think he was surprised as me when he started to get very wet. he didn't stay long, lol..

my husband uses those squishy ear plugs at night. if he forgets to put them in a drawer as soon as he wakes up, tucker will run in and grab them. when he's done smacking them around, he'll hide them.

macha 143

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 4, 2015
Macha knocked down my flower vase and fell on the floor...loud bang that the poor cat hiding under the bed lol

I am not worried about my flower vase it's plastic, I bought it at dollar shop and my flowers are plastic.

I wonder what she gonna knock again?!
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TCS Member
Oct 31, 2015
My female kitten Oreo seriously sounds like a bird when she chirps, its so adorable, we can have a conversation chirping for a good 5-10 minutes! Our old cat used to sit on my shoulder as well, ok when she was a tiny kitten, not so comfortable at aged 2 haha.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 7, 2014
Jerseyville, Illinois
@FLmickey90   I live in a small apartment too and used to have a similar arrangement when I had 2 cats.  It worked fine for them.

When I brought Mouse home I decided to change the arrangement to the litter being in my bedroom which is also not particularly desireable but more for me than him:  for Mouse my room is a safe room which isn't disturbed when there are other people staying here and it seems to have worked well so far.
Sorry for the delay in responding.  I've thought about doing that with the litter box, but haven't yet.  As it's quite interesting in trying to get to the freezer with the box it right in front of it.  Have stepped on it a couple of times and have made several small messes and at least one bigger mess.  Know it might not be a good reason, but there's not much wall space to really put it without other things being along the wall or it being in the way or by a floor vent.  Would have the box more than likely more in and along the wall if we didn't have the freezer.  Like with the water bowl, I know I'd like one of the fountains, but there really isn't a plug in close to where we have the food and haven't figured out a good place to have it where it would be out of the way and by a plug in as don't want to have it plugged into a cord to a plug in.  We don't get company very often so I guess that's why we really haven't done much with trying to move it around.  I know that probably should have a second box with one cat as it's one box plus one for a one cat, but have found for now that one has been working, and had worked even with the one cat that had before that is missing.


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2015
My kitty has just started something new. If I'm not out of bed and opening the can for his breakfast, he gently tries to wake me up by nipping me on the nose with his teeth.

Not enough to hurt, just enough to say, "Hey I'm hungry, when are you getting my food down?" I finally took the hint and put his food in his dish, because it's a little hard to sleep with a cat nipping at your nose. :lol:

What little quirky things does your cat do?
So my cat I've been told is an odd cat. He loves to cuddle and be pet and wants attention more then I guess is normal for a cat. Lol he also loves to sleep under the covers at night and other odd places. He was also raised from a bottle around a small dog who helped me raise him and never new any other cats so he has the of tendency to wag his tail from time to time and in cats that normally means like annoyance or hunting but nope with him it means he is extremely happy lol when he was younger before I moved out of my room mates place who owned the dog he also picked up growling when threatened or when hunting something, not the normal low cat yawl I mean out right growl. Like a dog. He's my baby though and I wouldn't trade him for the world :3


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2015
My girl Ava likes to use her kitty litter at the same time I go to the toilet everyday. Sometimes I wonder if shes busting to go but will just wait to go at the same time as me.
She also likes to watch people shower, even if she was sleeping in another room once she hears the shower go on she will run in and watch you. I dont mind but my boyfriend gets upset if she sneaks in and watches him shower, he yells for me to come get her.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 21, 2015
Dublin, Ireland
When I go to scoop the litter, Fuzzy runs up and does a loop run around me. Just for the first box. I think he's just making sure I know he's watching me so I do it right


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 3, 2014
When I go to scoop the litter, Fuzzy runs up and does a loop run around me. Just for the first box. I think he's just making sure I know he's watching me so I do it right
Hehehe. Litter box antics are so funny. Sinbad will stand next to me and watch as though inspecting my work. Then he'll look up at me, let out a little series of meows, jump in and poop in the now clean litter box. Then he chatters at me. It's like he's saying - You like my poop so much that you take it, have some more!!!

Sometimes he will do this 2 or 3 times in a row. Where on earth he "stores" it all, I have no idea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Hehehe. Litter box antics are so funny. Sinbad will stand next to me and watch as though inspecting my work. Then he'll look up at me, let out a little series of meows, jump in and poop in the now clean litter box. Then he chatters at me. It's like he's saying - You like my poop so much that you take it, have some more!!!

Sometimes he will do this 2 or 3 times in a row. Where on earth he "stores" it all, I have no idea.
My youngest cat Casey also has to hang out with me when I scoop out my 4 litter boxes.  Sometimes he has to pee in the first litter box before I am allowed to scoop it. After I am done he has to leave a piece of poop in each litter box.  I am not sure where he stores it either.

My nine year old cat Starbuck used to jump in one of the boxes and spray me with litter after I cleaned it when she was a baby.  The first time I went out of town when she was still a kitten I warned my cat sitter about Starbucks need to spray litter at me.  When she went to scoop the litter box Starbuck decided to climb on her back and ride around on her shoulder to watch her scoop out the boxes and never sprayed litter at her.  When I came back she went right back to spraying me with litter. I was very happy when she outgrew this behavior.


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2015
Ava doesn't talk much, but after she does her business she calls us from the bathroom to let us know the deed is done.


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2015
1 quirk? Oh no. Not possible. Mookie has a stuffed pig named pigbert (the name is my quirk - not his[emoji]9786[/emoji]). This pig gets around. I find him face first in the food bowl, sometimes with mookie eating in the bowl around him. If you pick up pigbert and act like you're going to throw it, mooks eyes follow every move. When you throw it, he'll jump up in the air and catch him, then bite him, then groom him. The most entertaining however, is when there is an incident. Something spilled or broken while I am at work is clearly the work of the pig, he is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime.

Mookie is also a licker. To the point of making flesh raw. He licks to say hello, and if you pet him, he may catch your hand and stop you, so he can lick you in gratitude. Oh, and lotion seems to be a food group for him.

He also "warbles". I'm guessing there's a better word for it, but it's like some strange purr-meow-bark-growl thing. He'll walk up to you warbling, jump in your lap with big purrs and start to lick whatever body part that isn't covered up.

He will fetch and sit on command, but only if you have a treat to offer.
When he hears loud noises like fireworks, he patrols the perimeter of the house, doing a low belly growl thing.

He will roll over and over, warbling, loving on his own foot as if he hasn't seen it in ages and loved it tremendously.
Laser pointer? Oh dear, prepare to laugh. Most cats will chase, he will literally run up the wall after it, turn on a dime, and wobble his head if you shake the light back and forth too quickly.
I swear this cat has more personality than some people. Here he is licking my knee. Why? Why not!


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
A cat and his pig. It's a rough life.
How cute.   It sounds like Mookie and Pigbert are best buds so of course Pigbert is going to be at the scene of every 'crime' - Pigbert must be a bad influence of Mookie as obviously Mookie is such a kind and loving kitteh he could not possibly get up to 'no good' on his own.  
   I wonder if it was Pigbert that tought him to behave like a guard dog too?


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2015
Lol, could be. Before I got married and it was just me and mook, he would make a sweep of the house with his pig in his mouth. I called him my puppycat. Maybe he was in training!
Hard to believe someone was going to put this little fella down cause he wasn't "a good fit" for their family. He's a needy little guy, but he gives it back. He meets me at the door every time i walk through it, he's never met a stranger (all visitors are loved on), and he is an endless supply of entertainment.
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TCS Member
Nov 4, 2015
Jasmine likes to talk to us. She does it when my fiancé opens the door to his man cave, when she is playing and on occasion to back sass. Gabrielle (aka Gabby) follows me in the bathroom all the time and loves napping in boxes. They both like to cause all sorts of mayhem running around the house and playing together. Never a dull moment with Jasmine and Gabby around!