Search Results

  1. les26

    Struggling now with anxiety after putting Stanley down

    Yesterday was a month since we put Stanley down, and we both (mostly me) have been dealing with anxiety. Two weeks ago it was 80 degrees here and I was very agitated thanks to an issue with my parents in the nursing home and late in the afternoon went out to split some firewood, but I was in a...
  2. les26

    Anyone else feel the 4.8 magnitude Earthquake centered in New Jersey today?

    At work here in Allentown, PA. and awhile ago I heard some rumbling, thought someone was moving stuff around upstairs but all of a sudden lots of workers talking about it, turns out it was a quake in New Jersey! I called Deb at home to make sure she was okay and she was, felt it too but thought...
  3. les26

    We had to put our Stanley down this morning

    A few days ago Stanley, about a 9 year old grey/black Tabby that I rescued from my old place of employment about 8 years ago or so ago, wasn't acting right, lethargic, mopey, not interested in anything and that wasn't him, he was always active but over the last few months Deb said several times...
  4. les26

    7 hours in vet ER last night with Stanley

    Well our in house "hospital" continues, the last couple of days our 9 year old tabby Stanley has been really lethargic, just laying around, not eating or drinking and that's not him, he's usually up everyones butt getting in the way, meowing at us, so we know he isn't right, so when I got home...
  5. les26

    Simba's still hanging in there, but Deb & I are struggling

    I have posted on here about how our old guy of at least 23 Simba was getting fussy with his foods, getting thinner, vomiting a lot, but is still hanging in there, still interested in eating but we really have to mix the foods up for him. We give him baked chicken, turkey, lean hamburger and...
  6. les26

    What sickness is going around in your area?

    Here in Eastern PA. we are dropping like flies from a "non Covid virus" and also from tons of mold from the unusually wet weather that we had in the past few weeks. I started to notice a little irritation about 10 days ago where the sinuses and throat meet, but it went away, only to be replaced...
  7. les26

    Chicken hearts and Nutritional yeast and cheese for cats

    A friend of mine told me that he gets chicken hearts at the local farmers market for his cats so we decided to try it for the old Lion King Simba, our 23 year old. We talked to the lady there who was very helpful and said many people feed their cats this, some raw, some baked or boiled, we...
  8. les26

    Deer laying in the birdseed this morning!

    Last week at night Deb was going to choir practice and there was a deer in our backyard, we have homes all around us but we do see deer from time to time but not in our fenced in backyard! I said it probably comes and eats the birdseed, and it had snowed and was cold and it must've found that to...
  9. les26

    And now Suzy is gone....

    About 5 weeks ago I put on here how my wife Deb had to take her mother to have one of her two cats put down, Ivy. Then on December 12th we put one of ours down, Slim, which I also posted on here. Then I talked about how the other week we were at the ER vet with her other cat Suzy until 2:20 in...
  10. les26

    Trying to give 23 year old Simba variety of foods

    I've been posting on here about Simba who has to be 23 years old and what we are doing to keep him around with us as long as he is okay. We bought different kinds of foods for him awhile back, some he likes, some he turns his nose up at, but we also started to give him lunch meat and cheese...
  11. les26

    MORE stress, another trip to the ER vet last night, and now eye floaters, ugh....

    As some have seen on here I have been dealing with my elderly parents and their nursing home and selling their properties and cars and lawyers and banks and working full time, and having to put Slim down Tuesday night, LOTS of stress, not much sleep, etc. etc. etc....I finished up work...
  12. les26

    We had to put Slim down tonight

    I had posted on the Cat health thread about our all black little fella "Slim", he was losing weight and throwing up more and looking like he wasn't doing so well, so we took him to the Emergency vet Sunday night, and at first we had hopes that he might just have Hyperthyroidism based on the...
  13. les26

    Watching Slim get thinner and worsening...

    Slim is a cat that we brought in from our back yard many years ago, he is one of the last ones alive from that group. He is all black, and when we would feed them outside I noticed his thin legs and told him "you're a slim little fella", so the name fit. A few years ago he put on weight so I...
  14. les26

    Solong Garfield

    A little over 2 years ago, one of our clients at Sights for Hope where I work had to put her cat down, and we got talking about cats and I told her that if she wanted another one I easily could get her one from Virginia, the lady who feeds strays in Allentown, that is who I got my buddy...
  15. les26

    Diarrhea from Epsom salt baths all of a sudden?!

    Once in awhile I will take a nice, long, hot Epsom salt bath to relax and breathe in the steam etc., but about a month ago I did that and the next day as the day went on I developed diarrhea. At first I thought maybe it was a virus and the hot bath cranked up my immune system and flushed it out...
  16. les26

    Adored Beast Feline Gut Soothe, do you use this product?

    We have been doctoring Simba, our old guy estimated at around 23, for Hyperthyroidism and weight loss, and he is improved, but at times still will vomit we think from that or maybe eating too much too fast (he has no teeth), plus we are using different foods, but I searched on here and saw...
  17. les26

    Why do I keep dreaming about my old jobs?

    3 years ago I was laid off from my shipping job of 21 years because of Covid. I thought I'd go back as many people obviously did back then, but as a few months went by I took a part time transport driver job for a visually impaired business, it quickly led to full time, I enjoyed it and quit my...
  18. les26

    Trying to get Simba to gain weight by trying other foods, need help please!

    Our little old man Simba has to be 22, 23, maybe older, we took him in as a stray a LONG time ago and back then they thought he was 6-8 years old. He still eats, drinks water, loves treats, uses the litter box, but over the past few weeks we noticed he is getting thinner, but they all do as they...
  19. les26

    Simba, the Lion King, 22 and getting thinner

    We are watching our "Lion King" Simba getting thinner and we know that is normal, he was a stray that we took in about 16 years ago and at that time they guessed his age between 6 and 8, so he's really up there at least 22 maybe more! He hasn't had teeth for a long time now, and we cannot get...
  20. les26

    Dealing with the toughest period of my life these past 7+ months

    I haven't been on here for a long time as I have been dealing with the toughest period in my life since last September when I realized that my parents couldn't take care of themselves or each other anymore, had to admit them to the hospital then short term rehab then into assisted living. They...