Search Results

  1. cmshap

    What to do with recently OPENED dry cat food no longer needed?

    Sadly, I lost my cat today after his battle with cancer. I still have almost an entire bag of Hills ONC dry food, which was the only food he would eat during his cancer months, and kept him nourished. I also have another almost full, recently opened bag of another type of dry food, which I...
  2. cmshap

    At-home euthanasia... your experiences?

    I have a massive thread going about my cat's battle with large-cell lymphoma, and it is starting to look like he has a particularly drug-resisgant case that is not responding to treatment anymore. I won't go too far into the particulars (please participate in my thread, linked above, if you...
  3. cmshap

    Neighbors are not supposed to have dogs, but they do. How would you respond?

    I live in an apartment building that allows cats, and has a monthly fee attached to rent if you have any cats. Dogs are specifically prohibited. This building has maybe 40-50 units, and I see dogs all the time. The landlord sends out reminder emails/texts about 1-3 times a year with something...
  4. cmshap

    Found a stray (I think) that is hiding under a car

    I was walking home from a nearby grocery store with two bags of groceries. I live in the city of Milwaukee, in a heavily populated area, but the walk to this store passes through a residential area that does not have a ton of regular traffic, like the main city streets do. On my walk back...
  5. cmshap

    It's time again for those "Christmas morning cars with bows" commercials

    I can't believe these are still being made in 2023. I just saw one on TV tonight. As if you can just go out and buy a new car without telling your spouse, and somehow stick it in the driveway overnight with a giant bow on it and make it a total surprise... and not get screamed at for making an...
  6. cmshap

    Cat is scratching surgical site. Typical remedies aren't working.

    Willy recently had biopsy surgery on some masses growing on his neck area, which were ultimately determined to be from lymphoma. Here is a link to to the main thread about his cancer. I have attached some photos of the area in question. They are healing very well, but he has understandably been...
  7. cmshap

    Purina Hydra Care alternatives? Other short-term hydration tips?

    After a recent urinary blockage and catheterization, Willy was sent home with some Purina Hydra Care packets which I am supposed to give him twice a day to make sure he is well hydrated. The problem is, he won't touch the stuff. It's liver-flavored, and he's never cared for any wet food with...
  8. cmshap

    Agitation after general anesthesia earlier today

    Willy just had surgery 9-10 hours ago, and has been home for about 4 hours now. See this thread for details. The time since the vet called me and told me he had woken up has been about 7 hours. I am starting a new thread here specifically to ask about whether his level of agitation is normal...
  9. cmshap

    Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

    The following has links to important aspects of Willy's treatment and has obviously been added later. To read the initial post, scroll down. Willy has large-cell lymphoma (LCL), also called high-grade lymphoma. When I started this thread, I hadn't received a diagnosis yet, hence the title...
  10. cmshap

    You know what's fascinating? The radiator knob.

    There's a window right above Willy's head, with great cat-TV playing 24/7 (people, animals, traffic, other city commotion)... but the radiator knob was more interesting this morning. It makes a hissing sound sometimes when the heat is on, but the heat is not on yet. Our cats are weirdos sometimes.
  11. cmshap

    Cat burned whiskers on a candle

    My mom's cat recently burned her whiskers on a candle. Just the ends of them, as she was sniffing the candle and got too close. I found a photo in a Reddit thread about this same issue. This pic is from Reddit, but it looks just like my mom's cat's whiskers (I wasn't able to get my own pic when...
  12. cmshap

    What my cat does when I play piano

    I just play piano for fun, although I take lessons and try to practice regularly. But whenever I play, Willy gets jealous of the attention I am paying to my piano. He can be asleep in another room, but when he hears me start to play, he is at my piano within seconds.
  13. cmshap

    Source of blood?

    Late tonight, I randomly discovered drops of blood in one spot on my hardwood floor. There were about 4-5 droplets 1/8" in diameter, and one larger one maybe 1/4" in diameter. It was fresh -- bright red, wiped up easily, and smelled coppery. No blood anywhere else that I can see in my...
  14. cmshap

    The luckiest shot ever...

    I just dug up this photo from about two years ago. This was not edited or staged... Willy used to play a lot harder than he does today. His toys of choice have always been little toy mice, and it wasn't unusual to see him toss them up in the air, especially when really excited. However, on...
  15. cmshap

    Ear mites on an indoor-only cat?

    Willy has never has been outside, including on a balcony or catio, for at least 8 years. There are no other cats or animals in my household. I live in an apartment building which has a lot of other cat owners, but he has not been exposed to any other cats for several months. There is one other...
  16. cmshap

    Little pieces of poop left in sleeping spots

    My 10-year-old cat Willy has had pooping issues often throughout his life since being rescued at age 1. He's had both diarrhea and constipation as I was figuring out his dietary needs and making adjustments over the years. All has been good for quite a while now, despite some food pickiness...
  17. cmshap

    Does your cat chase shadows?

    I was just over at my mom's, and she has a Siberian named Mika who is OBSESSED with shadows. Like they send her into manic mode. My mom lives in a condo with lots of windows and natural light, and in the morning and afternoon, when the sun is rising/setting and shadows are moving, Mika goes...
  18. cmshap

    Toxicity of coffee?

    I drink a ton of coffee, and I've been leaving cups out around Willy for 9 years as I drink it. I've seen him sniff in my mug a few times, then move on with complete disinterest. The vast majority of the time, he completely ignores it. I came out of the bathroom this morning to find him lapping...
  19. cmshap

    Cat afraid of stairs?

    While reading another thread about harness training, I posted that it made me want to harness-train my 10-year-old cat, Willy, just to walk him around the hallways of my apartment building (because outside is a busy, hectic city with a ton of traffic... people, cars, bicycles, dogs, you name...
  20. cmshap

    Anyone ever seen an entire cat colony follow a person?

    This is one of my most vivid childhood memories, and I was wondering if any of you have ever seen or heard of anything like this... When I was growing up, my family lived in a rural-ish suburban area. One of our neighboring properties was a farm owned by an elderly couple, and the husband died...