Recent Content by riahf

  1. R

    Why Does My Cat Try to Pull Feather Toy into Other Room?

    My cat is obsessed with any "toy on a string" game. He will often try to herd me into whatever room the toy is currently in and yowl at me to start playing until I give in. However, once he pounces on it a couple of times, he will bite it and tug it away from me until he and the toy are in the...
  2. R

    Cat Pee Dark Red

    Thank you so much, I will be sure to take her to the vet ASAP. I appreciate your help.
  3. R

    Cat Pee Dark Red

    Thank you all so much for the quick replies. After closer inspection I think the red might be from the red paint on the Target bags she was tinkling on. (whoops). I'm a bit embarrassed, sorry to sound the alarms so quickly. However, I'm still concerned about how strongly the smell of ammonia...
  4. R

    Cat Pee Dark Red

    Thanks for the quick reply! Does she need to go to an emergency clinic or do you think I'd be safe making an appointment for tomorrow morning?
  5. R

    Cat Pee Dark Red

    Hi All, I have a cat who has had issues peeing in the litter box since I adopted her as a kitten. She's now about 3. She always seems to prefer to go on anything on the ground (or on a flat surface) over her box. She especially loves clothing/paper. This is part one of the problem, but not...
  6. R

    How Much Cleaning Should I Do With Cats That Have Ringworm?

    Thank you so much! That was a really helpful article and a bit of a relief! :)
  7. R

    New Kitten Peeing On The Sofa

    Cats can be finicky with their litter preferences. Try experimenting with litter levels or types to see if there are any that she has a preference for. I have one cat that prefers coarser sand and one who does not like deep litter. Also maybe get another box to put in a different area so she has...
  8. R

    New Cat Introduction May Not Be Going So Well....?!?!?

    In my experience introducing cats to each other always involves them trying to figure out who the boss of the house is. I think as long as there's no yowling, puffed tails, or barred teeth they should be ok. Even a bit of play wrestling should be ok, just make sure you're keeping an eye on it to...
  9. R

    How Much Cleaning Should I Do With Cats That Have Ringworm?

    Hi there, I have three cats that have ringworm. We're working on doing a sulfer soak to treat them, but my vet also gave me an extensive list of things to decontaminate the environment so they don't get reinfected (or so I don't get infected, too). The list that I was given was really long...
  10. R

    Cats Suddenly Went Bald Around Their Eyes

    Hi All! Thank you so much for your responses and help. The vet thinks they most likely have ringworm, though we have to wait for the cultures to come back to know for sure. Treating them is going to be an ordeal, but at least it's not something worse. Thank you for your help!
  11. R

    Cats Suddenly Went Bald Around Their Eyes

    Hi there! I have two adult cats (one 6 and one 1 1/2) and just recently adopted a kitten. My cats have all been in good health up until this afternoon. After I got home from work today, I noticed both my adult cats were completely bald above and around their eyes. Daisy (the 1 1/2 year-old) was...
  12. R

    My Cats Are Obsessed with Onions?

    Good to know I'm not alone! I love my little weirdos, but sometimes they can really confuse me. Your kitty sounds like he was adorable, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  13. R

    My Cats Are Obsessed with Onions?

    Ok, before I start I want to preface this question with my understanding that onions are toxic to cats. I would never, and have never given either of my furry babies onions to eat. Despite the fact that they've never even tried onions, every time I break out the knife and cutting board and...
  14. R

    Sticky Tape wrapped around Cat's Whiskers

    Hi Everybody! Thank you so much for your responses! I tried olive oil, which mostly worked, she did wriggle out of my arms halfway through, though, to hide under the bed. When she came out, it looked like she had done the rest herself and licked her whiskers free. Thank you all so much for your...
  15. R

    Sticky Tape wrapped around Cat's Whiskers

    Hello There! I'm new here, but have a rather pressing issue. I have double sided tape placed around the house on furniture where my kitten frequently scratches. Normally it hasn't been a problem except for the times where I've had to take it off the kitten's paws when she decides to scratch...