Name three things - 2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i'm not sure i could watch that one. maybe too dark for me. but thank you for the link! 

today i got a lot done, but was very surprised that i was able to finish my 'to do' list in one day. well, i put off making the pizza until tomorrow. it's really rare these days when i'm able to finish my list in one day. highlights from today were:  shoveling the driveway, moving more firewood to the back enclosed porch, and doing a load of laundry. i also heaved (think: bulky and heavy) some items, moved them to a different location in the house.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2016
-Went to the mall with my 4 and 2 year old.
-Went to Walmart with my 7,4 and 2 year old.
-Played in the snow with all three kids after school :)
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  • #963


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Remember I said yesterday that Rick cleaned the ice off my car yesterday morning? Well, when I got home from my meeting last night, he had also made supper. We had sloppy joes and they were delicious. Food always tastes so much better when you don't have to cook it! He told me those were his good deeds for 2016 and not to expect much else out of him for the rest of the year. 
 Ok, then.
  • Breakfast for the furkids, 3.5 miles on the treadmill, made the bed, grabbed my shower
  • Threw some gas into Hannah this morning. In the winter, once she gets to 100 miles, then I fill the tank up...I don't let her get down any lower than that.
  • Going to run down to the cheesemaker during lunch today to pick up a wheel of baby Swiss for my sister's Christmas basket. 
  • Hair appointment tonight. 


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Already been out and about and finished some things. I had to go by the doctors office and have lab work done. Then I had to go up to the bank, deposit money for the grandchildren's bank accounts, open new account for newest baby. Then I had to pick up some refill lights for the window candles. For the rest of the day.

put icebox fruitcake together.
get started with the wrapping.
bake sweet potatoes for freezer
make citrus cranberry relish

I picked up some package of already cooked ribs from Wal Mart for our meal tonight. So I don't have to cook much, just some sides to go with the meat. It is a busy time of year for everybody. :lol3:
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  • #965


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I feel pretty good today. Still have that headache, but it's down to a low roar.
  • Breakfast for the kids, made the bed, 4 miles on the treadmill, went out to help Rick clean the truck and car off from the snow last night, separated laundry, grabbed my shower 
  • I'm going over to our candy shop in town for the chocolate-covered pretzels for my sister's basket, then stopping off for some roasted cashews for same. If I have time, I'd like to hit the farmers market for some yeast and some fresh garlic. And go to the store for a package of Ferrero Rocher  chocolates. I don'[t think I'm going to have time for everything.
  • Laundry tonight
  • Trash night


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
I feel pretty good today. Still have that headache, but it's down to a low roar.
Pam, I cannot believe your forebearance with your headaches. My very occasional migraine makes me MENTAL & you have headaches much more often than I do. Three Excedrin Migraine take mine out very slowly, but to have one linger like yours do would tip me over the edge.
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  • #967


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Most of the time, the headaches aren't too bad; they're pretty much at a dull roar stage. Some days, though, they're just flat-out nasty and then I just go to bed for the day. I've learned to just do my thing through most of them. I go to work, I hit the treadmill, just go about my day. But there are days when I would sell my soul for just two Advil tablets. Excedrin for Migraines used to work beautifully on my headaches, but then I developed that allergy and I can't even take them.  I did go to a migraine specialist, but she told me right out that since I'm not completely incapacitated, she doesn't want to deal with me....she only works with those who have them more than 15-20 days a month.....and I'm not at that point.

Today, the headache is gone and I feel pretty good. Tired, because the headaches take a lot out of me sometimes), but other than that, I'm fine this morning. I do try to watch what I eat, try to stay away from deli meats and such, stay away from red wine, things like that. I'm not staying away from chocolate; I don't care what anybody says!
  • Breakfast for the kids, made the bed, 3.75 miles on the treadmill, grabbed my shower
  • I may go up to this store in the area during lunch today, never been there, so I can't say much about it yet.....Rick and I want to try to roast our own peanuts and almonds this year. Supposedly this store sells raw nuts at a good price. On the way back to work, I want to stop in at the beverage place in town; there's a case of Smirnoff Ice there with my name on it and I'm bringing that baby home! 
      If I don't make it today, I'll definitely go tomorrow (Friday). I think the Christmas luncheon is today, here at work, and if I leave, there's no way I'll get my parking space back because people come from all the county satellite buildings for the luncheon and we don't have a lot of parking.
  • Scoop boxes tonight (I can't walk more than 3 miles and scoop the boxes in the morning, not enough time, so when I walk, then I scoop at night and try to do a more thorough job. 
And that might be it. Rick is bowling early, so while he's gone, I may go to bed with my Nook and the fur-girls.
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  • #968


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I feel good this morning and ready to rip! 
 Can't wait for 4:00 and my weekend to start!
  • Breakfast for the kids, made the bed, 4 miles on the treadmill, grabbed my shower
  • Didn't make it to the beverage place yesterday, so am heading out today during lunch. My co-worker said he'd like to go along with me, so maybe we'll hit that store, too. I think we can get it all done in an hour.
  • Errands tonight: Staples ($10 in Rewards that I'm going to use on 2017 date book stuff), Ulta (B2G1F sale, plus I have points to use up), maybe the mall
  • Scoop the boxes


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2016
- take oldest to school

- drop off two youngest with my husband

- get to walmart to pick up bikes from 'santa' 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
-  Finish Christmas cards

-  Take out recycling

-  Play wild games with Paul and Chula.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
  1. Walked to Super Stop and Shop & took Fast Trak back. So easy as it stops just round the corner from my house.
  2. Several people have told me they saw me on television on Fox News lately. Wish I'd remembered to tune in that day.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
regular morning stuff.

Medicated Artie throughout the entire day

made a quick box mix of banana bread--came out so-so; I am spoiled as to my moms real recipe, but did not have any bananas

ate some of said banana bread

sandwich of deli roast beef and cheese on whole wheat

daily chat with Artie's Vet

Made an appointment with specialist along with an ultrasound for next week

washed some towels

sat down and having a drink or two of scotch on the rocks..needed it today. Artie is not eating..really not eating...such an ordeal for him this past week...I think I am losing him...

trying to love and cuddle love..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
regular morning stuff.

Medicated Artie throughout the entire day

made a quick box mix of banana bread--came out so-so; I am spoiled as to my moms real recipe, but did not have any bananas

ate some of said banana bread

sandwich of deli roast beef and cheese on whole wheat

daily chat with Artie's Vet

Made an appointment with specialist along with an ultrasound for next week

washed some towels

sat down and having a drink or two of scotch on the rocks..needed it today. Artie is not eating..really not eating...such an ordeal for him this past week...I think I am losing him...

trying to love and cuddle love..
's to you, and very gentle scritchins to your Artie...

today we had frigid weather, just plain frigid. i went out and shoveled the driveway early this morning, so it would be clear for the contractors should they come today -- they elected not to work today, too cold and the roads too slippery for their trailer. we're forecast to have several days break from the frigid starting tomorrow, then back to more cold/frigid. after shoveling snow, i continued with the load of laundry (the bedding), then made the bed. i laid the fire in the wood stove, then got cleaned up with a shower, and got the wood stove going.
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  • #977


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
@Artiemom, how is Artie doing today? 

It's snowing like crazy this morning and is to turn over to freezing rain later on this morning before turning over to rain this afternoon. If we go anywhere, it won't be until later on today. It's only mid-December, winter's not even here yet, and I am so over this winter crap.
  • Breakfast for the kids, made the bed, emptied the dishwasher, and am hanging out back here for a while (Rick is going to do the litter boxes, then he'll take the trash outside)
  • Vacuum, dust, wipe down kitchen and bathroom, etc.
  • Need to do something with my sourdough starter today; I may just throw my cup of starter out this morning (gosh I hate to do that though)
  • Do a bit of straightening-up back here this afternoon as my desk looks like a hurricane hit it and my cookbook bookcase isn't much better. I have stuff all over the place!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks @mickNsnicks2mom   and @Winchester  

Artie is going back to the Vet this morning--yes in the snow storm.. for another exam and an X-ray.. We need to know if he has passed the area of constipation in his distal small intestine and ascending colon . If he has, then I can stop the lactulose and he can possibly have a better appetite..

The regular Vet is also going to see if he is dehydrated and if so, then sub-q fluids, again... She will also try a very small dose of valium, to jump start his appetite---yes, it does have that effect on cats..

He is alert, just does not eat...just a few licks at a time.. if that...

I made an appointment with the Internal Medicine specialist for an exam and ultrasound on Thursday. That was the first available appointment. I feel so bad for him.. His life has been a living He@@, this entire month.. especially the past week...

I have so many foods in the house for him to try.. I am staying away from anything with chicken because he is allergic to it..I am also trying all the limited ingredient foods I can find... I have rabbit, pork, lamb, venison, tuna, tuna with mackerel, tuna with sardines, all different brands and some prescription foods also.. He just takes a few laps and then turns around and walks away...

Artie is cuddling with me, all night long...

The Regular vet is really nice.. daily updates, and is not charging me for any exams--only treatments.. and the last time did not charge me for the sub-q fluids...she is very young and is caring.. She said that Artie is a 'high-maintance" cat....

I also asked her, to be honest with me and if she ever thought his 'time' was coming to please be upfront and let me know....

I know he is really exhausting my bank account.. but I love him...I cannot, refuse to treat an animal who is bright and alert and in control of his daily functions.. he is just losing weight.. I need to have an ultrasound, I guess because I was an ultrasound tech. I need to know if there are any masses or if his IBD has gotten worse, or it shows lymphoma....... No, he will not be having any biopsies.. only if a mass shows up, or enlarged lymph nodes... then perhaps, but it will be a fine needle aspiration... 

I am a fighter.. It does an number on my emotionally..especially when all my friends are telling me to put him down.. I just cannot do it.. he is alert, he is full of life...just not eating..and had the constipation and the enema last Saturday..

I spent a good part of yesterday, staying inside because of the bitter cold, trying to stay busy, but also in tears...trying to keep my mind off of things.. but it is hard to do...

I needed to ask the Vet to be honest with me, and I believe she will be. Once I heard that she was not even thinking of putting him down, then I felt better...and I spoke with a friend from the humane society--she made me feel better also...

I may not tag along on an adoption, Monday, depending on what today's outcome is with Artie...and how tomorrow goes..

So that is what I am doing today.. 

Regular morning stuff

getting snow off car,

warm up car, 

medicate Artie in between

drive over to Vet--wait

Come Back, 

and just nothing the rest of the day....

Oh---wanted to go to the liquor store.. Josh wines is having a Promo with a special label making device--so you can put your name on a bottle of their wine, to pretend it was you own vineyard. I thought that would be a cute Christmas Gift for some people...a bottle of wine with their last name as the Vineyard....

The liquor store is also having wine tastings.. I only try one or two wines cuz I have to drive...

That will not be until later this afternoon.. and then I will be doing nothing...

Gotta get off my butt and start my day....
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  • #979


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I just want you to know that I am thinking of you both. It doesn't help, but......
, one for you and one for sweet Artie. You're in my thoughts and I hope it goes well for him today. Don't worry if nothing else gets done today (or any day). Worry about him. He is what's important. 


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I just want you to know that I am thinking of you both. It doesn't help, but......
, one for you and one for sweet Artie. You're in my thoughts and I hope it goes well for him today. Don't worry if nothing else gets done today (or any day). Worry about him. He is what's important. 
Thank you so much for your hugs.. and wishes.. 

We are back from the Vet.. She said there is one piece of poop left to move out of him, then I can stop the lactulose..Artie was feisty with them today.. a sign he is feeling better.. also very vocal in the car..

Of course, during the first snowstorm of the season, I have to drive to the Vet-- only me would be doing that.. but Artie had to go to the Vet..

She hydrated him again, and gave him a tiny shot of valium. As soon as he got out of his carrier, at home, he made a bee-line to the food. He did not care for the Hound & Gatos pork, so I opened up a can of NV Rabbit.. He ate 1/3 of a large can.. more than he has eaten in a while.. 

I have to update her again on Monday.. She gave me a big hug!! She is glad that I scheduled an ultrasound for him on Thursday...

I am staying in for a while, and then I will go out to pick up those wine bottles, later today...not sure about supper.. I really do stuff myself when I am anxious and upset.. so I ate a ton of the banana bread I made yesterday....Today, I am still full from it...
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