Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I should have gotten a lawyer back in 2006. Back then the union rep screwed me out of a job. The company made me take a dif job with less pay. I should have filed a sexual harassment suit then because the 2 men in this position got to keep their pay. I just wanted my job and wanted to show I was not trying to screw them over. At the time my mother was dying when they took my job from me and took advantage of me. So now its years later. I got my money back by working all the overtime. We finally got a good group of people to fight for us. The company still breaks the law and we have had to call the labor board and report them. Consider this a learning opportunity and don't dwell on it. If you see more abuse then report it.

One department boss was not paying overtime when people stay over. I instructed them to stop doing the company favors. Leave at the end of the shift This is the only way to fight the abuse. Overtime needs to be paid at 1 1/2 and if the company is not willing to do so then leave at the end of the shift and DON'T stay over.  Sadly this person won't stop kissing their behind. There's one in every crowd. This person needs to be taken aside and be advised that what he/she is doing is hurting everybody and how. The supervisor needs to be reported which apparently you did, now follow up on it, ask what is being done about it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.  I told the chief and I don't know if they escalated it. I would NEVER allow the company to do to me what those guys put up with.

If enough people stopped bowing down to them then they would have to stop, you said it , sister   sometimes there are people here who take it to the extreme just because.

I would rather people work together and do even giving and taking but sadly that is never going to happen as long as people don't use respect in their life decisions.

I know it's changed for people who have had to get workers comp. They don't allow people to go to doctors appointments or PT on the clock anymore. I still think that is illegal.You bet it's illegal but again, unless somebody screams nothing will change and the company will keep on abusing their workers. I was able to do all that on the clock. It was still part of the job and I am thankful that I had those hours paid for by the company. Now it seems the people elected in state government in certain types of poliltical side have changed the laws to make it harder for the average person to fight against this. In 10 years so much has changed.Unfortunately there are always cheaters too who claim they were injured when they were not or it did happen at home etc. On top of that there are doctors who will participate in those scams.  But I guess that's what happens when people get elected who claim they don't want government intrusion but then they realize after getting injured that the law doesn't side with the worker. It sides with the company. And that's wrong. The workers are the ones who make the product/sell it etc. They should be treated with some respect and if an injury took place on the property then the company needs to pay up. Sometimes people take advantage. On both sides. This was a learning experience for me and if I ever get injured again I will definitely hire a lawyer. Good for you, more people need to do this.

If you are in a union and the union doesn't do their job-you can sue the company and the union. I know its a long drawn out process and sometimes it doesn't end the way it should but at least if people stopped putting up with BS then it would stop. Right.  Just like when we tell our children to be kind and don't be disrespectful. Sometimes grownups have to be reminded of this. I try to ask myself if I was in his/her shoes what would I want done?

I have thought about being a union rep but I think it would drive me insane because they like to play games.  Most peole think unions are only there for people who work with their hands. Not so. I have worked only in offices and the last job I had for 18 years was working for the State, I was a union rep for many years. When the manager of the office tried to scare me with threats of "insubordination" when i sat in his office complaining about the treatment another employee had received I told him that I was there in my capacity of a union steward at which time I was not his subordinate and I could complain about him to my union also. He grumbled at laid off me. Many years later he told me that he appreciated me standing my ground that day. He also never tried to pull rank on me after that day if I had a fellow employee being harassed or treated unfairly.   Both sides. I just don't have patience or decorum to wear a poker face. At least now that we have a few people who stepped up to the plate are making the company play by the rules of the contract. This has ticked off management because now not only do they have to deal with upper management in another state now they are realizing that we are not robots and we wont bow down to them. As I said, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Those with a valid complaint get the action.

Our contract comes up in May next year. There are a few departments that will be eliminated. Mine is one of them. I only hope the guys stick together and strike to keep us all. But in reality I know they don't care about anyone other than themselves. It will be interesting. I only hope I can integrate into another department if I can to keep my job.   The only reason they wont hire me back as a welder is because I can't run a grinder without my arm acting up again. I hope you got a hefty settlement for that injury.  They cut my job because I refused to go back to the job that injured me to begin with.  Its a big ball of mess. The company lied to many people and they lied to me. But now its done.

So my other options would be maintenance or machine shop.   In 2013 I started taking online classes to build up my biology background so I could transfer into the vet world either in research or hands on. I would have to work off shift to go to school for vet tech license. So for now I am probably shooting myself in the foot staying here but the money is ok and I don't have to deal with any management. My department is self run and we just have certain things that need to be done on certain days. For now I think management is happy with me because I don't make waves or play games with attendance or other foolishness that other people do here. Time will tell what happens. Hopefully I get back into my online classes but lately I having a hard time focusing on too many things at once.

The other option would be going to work for one of the other companies who build similar things. It is scary when I remind myself what is at stake. I am trying to pay off the house so I have freedom to work a job I love without worrying about  keeping a roof over my head. I hope I am wrong and we get another contract but I think there will be a shake up next year. I will be prepared.  That is really all you can do at this time. I don't think the company will mess with you since they know you won't take it lying down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Years ago, we had  a similar situation where I worked.  My bosses ran a real estate development company, and each project was a separate Limited Partnership.  They would work someone 20 hours on one job, 20 on another and 20 on a third, but call it different jobs, so no overtime.  The workers were scared to say anything at all.  I called the Wage and Hour division of the Labor Board, and they took my deposition, opened a case, investigated and fined him $50,000, PLUS all the back pay for overtime, some $350,00 over seven years (statute of limitation).  My deposition was kept totally confident, and he never knew I was the one who turned  him in!  He ranted for almost an hour one day about how he had ways of finding out, and that the person was gonna be sorry.  SNORTLE,,,sometimes the government does work for you, and I didn't even have to hire a lawyer!  If I had, I'd probably not have gotten very far.
People need to educate themselves about their rights. Being scared (of what?) solves nothing. There are so many government agencies that can and will help. Labor Board (Labor Commission) for unpaid wages such as overtime, Sunday and holiday work, having to work through lunches and breaks; ACLU for discrimination; OSHA for unsafe working conditions, the list goes on. Only when it comes to Workers' Compensation one should immediately think of getting a lawyer as nobody ever tells you that if you have a permanent disability/injury, no matter how small, you are entitled to a settlement for that apart for lost wages and medical expenses.

A co-worker hit me with a door (it should have had a window in that door as it also had a crash bar and people kept coming through a door like idiots) and hurt both my wrists when I put them up to keep from being hit in the head. That injury gives me trouble every now and then even now some 20+ years later. At times just picking up a piece of paper on my desk sent shooting pains up my arm and working on a keyboard all day did not help. For a while I worked part time (on doctor's orders) and I was paid half of my pay by workers' comp which is not taxable and the other half with my regular paycheck. For retirement purposes that time was counted as full time work and also for medical insurance purposes. After my wrists healed up some I was put back on full time work. Eventually I received a settlement for $50,000 from which my attorney got 1/3 as the law in Calif allows. There is nothing that can be done about my wrists, they just have a permanent bruise and so far I have been lucky that arthritis has not set in. 8 years ago I retired so I don't use the keyboard as much anymore, but I have noticed that when I have been on it a lot I can feel those wrists again and it's time for me to stop for the day. Like now.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
@Tallyollyopia   I have been thinking about your sugar and caffeine consumption at work and RB saying it effects you too much.  He might be right considering how many hours you have been working - that could be a lot of sugar and caffeine.  I can't think of an alternative way to stay away.  Maybe unsweetened ice tea?  All the caffeine and none of the sugar.  I like your random acts of kindness stories.  It's nice to know it still happens.

Eclipse did not get his evening walk yesterday.  I decided I wasn't up for taking him out at dusk because he would not want to come back in and it's not easy to bring him in if he wants to be out.  Yeah, never assume that you're in control just because you are on the end of the leash.
  This morning when I was going to go out and get in my hour walk before it got too hot, he sat by the back door.  So I said ok and we went out for almost an hour.  He was well behaved (I'm sure my neighbors love hearing "Kitty, mom can go there" and "There's that Fluffy girl"whenever we go out.) and we stayed out almost an hour.

All this union talk is interesting.  I've never had a union job.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I should have gotten a lawyer back in 2006. Back then the union rep screwed me out of a job. The company made me take a dif job with less pay. I should have filed a sexual harassment suit then because the 2 men in this position got to keep their pay. I just wanted my job and wanted to show I was not trying to screw them over. At the time my mother was dying when they took my job from me and took advantage of me. So now its years later. I got my money back by working all the overtime. We finally got a good group of people to fight for us. The company still breaks the law and we have had to call the labor board and report them. 

One department boss was not paying overtime when people stay over. I instructed them to stop doing the company favors. Leave at the end of the shift Sadly this person won't stop kissing their behind. I told the chief and I don't know if they escalated it. I would NEVER allow the company to do to me what those guys put up with.

If enough people stopped bowing down to them then they would have to stop, sometimes there are people here who take it to the extreme just because.

I would rather people work together and do even giving and taking but sadly that is never going to happen as long as people don't use respect in their life decisions.

I know it's changed for people who have had to get workers comp. They don't allow people to go to doctors appointments or PT on the clock anymore. I still think that is illegal. I was able to do all that on the clock. It was still part of the job and I am thankful that I had those hours paid for by the company. Now it seems the people elected in state government in certain types of poliltical side have changed the laws to make it harder for the average person to fight against this. In 10 years so much has changed. But I guess that's what happens when people get elected who claim they don't want government intrusion but then they realize after getting injured that the law doesn't side with the worker. It sides with the company. And that's wrong. The workers are the ones who make the product/sell it etc. They should be treated with some respect and if an injury took place on the property then the company needs to pay up. Sometimes people take advantage. On both sides. This was a learning experience for me and if I ever get injured again I will definitely hire a lawyer.

If you are in a union and the union doesn't do their job-you can sue the company and the union. I know its a long drawn out process and sometimes it doesn't end the way it should but at least if people stopped putting up with BS then it would stop. Just like when we tell our children to be kind and don't be disrespectful. Sometimes grownups have to be reminded of this. I try to ask myself if I was in his/her shoes what would I want done?

I have thought about being a union rep but I think it would drive me insane because they like to play games. Both sides. I just don't have patience or decorum to wear a poker face. At least now that we have a few people who stepped up to the plate are making the company play by the rules of the contract. This has ticked off management because now not only do they have to deal with upper management in another state now they are realizing that we are not robots and we wont bow down to them.

Our contract comes up in May next year. There are a few departments that will be eliminated. Mine is one of them. I only hope the guys stick together and strike to keep us all. But in reality I know they don't care about anyone other than themselves. It will be interesting. I only hope I can integrate into another department if I can to keep my job.   The only reason they wont hire me back as a welder is because I can't run a grinder without my arm acting up again. They cut my job because I refused to go back to the job that injured me to begin with.  Its a big ball of mess. The company lied to many people and they lied to me. But now its done.

So my other options would be maintenance or machine shop.   In 2013 I started taking online classes to build up my biology background so I could transfer into the vet world either in research or hands on. I would have to work off shift to go to school for vet tech license. So for now I am probably shooting myself in the foot staying here but the money is ok and I don't have to deal with any management. My department is self run and we just have certain things that need to be done on certain days. For now I think management is happy with me because I don't make waves or play games with attendance or other foolishness that other people do here. Time will tell what happens. Hopefully I get back into my online classes but lately I having a hard time focusing on too many things at once.

The other option would be going to work for one of the other companies who build similar things. It is scary when I remind myself what is at stake. I am trying to pay off the house so I have freedom to work a job I love without worrying about  keeping a roof over my head. I hope I am wrong and we get another contract but I think there will be a shake up next year. I will be prepared.
I didn't know it was possible to sue the union. Something to remember if I get a job where there's one and it's doing the poor job that the union at AWM's previous place of employment did.
@bootse Don't forget the rules of the Babble thread

Just woke up and feeling bleh
My back hurts for some odd reason. And the carpal tunnel is painful but it's been like that for years. The weather certainly isn't helping - another cool cloudy day with rain later
No real plans for today. I do need to go to the library to return a movie, Furious 7. Action movies generally aren't my thing but I've gotten into the whole Fast and Furious series.
From what I understand, it's the cars. Hope you feel better better after seeing all that adrenaline!
Jon loves fast and Furious. I love action movies with lots of action. Car chases. Hand to hand fighting. Complicated situations. Salt is one of my favorites. I love Angelina Jolie anyways. I love the twists and turns in that movie.

LTS3 I hope you get some relief soon. The rain bothers my shoulder and elbow but I just keep on keeping on. I'm just glad that its finally cool enough that Floey is breathing better. She still being fussy with food. insists that I hand feed her. She ate this morning. I think she is sick of her turkey food. I had a can of salmon friskies and she lapped it up. She drives me crazy. Some days she won't touch fish then for a long time she loved chicken and turkey food. Now she is back on fish. Tuna is daily only because its the only way I can get Miralax into pumpkin face. I only use a teaspoon of tuna and bunch of water. She laps the water and leaves the fish. The fish is usually caked onto the dish when I come home from work. I have tried every brand of food but many are not pate so its hard to get the juice to be thickened. We tried those packets of Natures variety and they wouldn't touch it. Fussy Cats!
I alternate flavors of wet food. I figure that I don't like eating the same thing all the time, why should the cats?
Last night, For some reason, while I on my recliner; I suddenly realized my body was aching me!!  weird.. back, hips, both shoulders. It had to be from a change in the weather..It was weird; as if a wave of aches just hit me. 

Yes, today is a very gloomy day with storms predicted for later. 

I have to get my butt moving, but I am so lazy, my butt is sore from sitting!! LOL!
I hope you feel better soon.
I am going to the bakery to talk about wedding cake today. I already ordered it, but want to see if I can put the deposit down on it now. Or just pay for it entirely. 
When you get the wedding cake, please post pics! 
I've not been on-line much the last couple of days and see I've missed some interesting babbling.  The union talk took me back - I had a job at one point with a very strong and committed union.  They got us the most incredible health insurance.  It covered 100% of almost everything and we didn't even need to pay the premiums - the company did.  When my daughter was born, my only cost was $1.50 for the phone in my room. 

Paul does not want me to babble.  He is handing me his paw and trying to walk on my keyboard.  Recently he's decided he needs a mid-afternoon meal and he pulls out all the stops.  I swear he even sucks in those pudgy cheeks to make himself look gaunt and hungry.  
Slipper was the master of what I called "the silent mew." She suck in her cheeks, widen her eyes, shudder her body, and open her mouth like she just didn't have enough energy to actually mew. (I always gave her a treat when she did that; I thought it was adorable!)
Years ago, we had  a similar situation where I worked.  My bosses ran a real estate developement company, and each project was a seperate Limited Partnership.  They would work someone 20 hours on one job, 20 on another and 20 on a third, but call it different jobs, so no overtime.  The workers were scared to say anything at all.  I called the Wage and Hour division of the Labor Board, and they took my deposition, opened a case, investigated and fined him $50,000, PLUS all the back pay for overtime, some $350,00 over seven years (statute of limitation).  My deposition was kept totally confident, and he never knew I was the one who turned  him in!  He ranted for almost an hour one day about how he had ways of finding out, and that the person was gonna be sorry.  SNORTLE,,,sometimes the government does work for you, and I didn't even have to hire a lawyer!  If I had, I'd probably not have gotten very far.
Glad to hear it, and good for you! 
@Tallyollyopia   I have been thinking about your sugar and caffeine consumption at work and RB saying it effects you too much.  He might be right considering how many hours you have been working - that could be a lot of sugar and caffeine.  I can't think of an alternative way to stay away.  Maybe unsweetened ice tea?  All the caffeine and none of the sugar.  I like your random acts of kindness stories.  It's nice to know it still happens.

Eclipse did not get his evening walk yesterday.  I decided I wasn't up for taking him out at dusk because he would not want to come back in and it's not easy to bring him in if he wants to be out.  Yeah, never assume that you're in control just because you are on the end of the leash.
  This morning when I was going to go out and get in my hour walk before it got too hot, he sat by the back door.  So I said ok and we went out for almost an hour.  He was well behaved (I'm sure my neighbors love hearing "Kitty, mom can go there" and "There's that Fluffy girl"whenever we go out.) and we stayed out almost an hour.

All this union talk is interesting.  I've never had a union job.
The problem is that my shift is six to eight hours long, and I get free fountain drinks (as long as I bring my own cup). My choices on the fountain machine are water, soda, powerade, and an energy drink (I have established that energy drinks just don't work very well for me). There is something we sell, called Energems, which are basically vitamin and caffeine infused chocolate--but it's almost a dollar per piece of candy and I'm afraid of getting too much caffeine at once if I try. (Powerade works--but makes me have to use the restroom, which isn't conducive to working.) I don't see a lot of options. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Do you have any pictures of this cake?!!
 I can't help it-I love cake! So happy for you!! Are you still trying to decide on any changes or do you know what you want?
Oh I would like to see pictures of the wedding cake as well! Even if I can't eat it, I'd still like to see it so I can pretend! haha.
For now, it is only a concept. It is going to be a two tier cake that has royal blue ribbon along the bottom of each tier and silk fall leaves down the sides. It also will have some leaves on the top and a topper made of grapevine in the shape of a heart with the words Fall In Love in copper wire in it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I hope so!

I bought one of those cat food puzzle towers from Amazon. This one:  

Angua figured it out right away, but Carrot bats food down from the first level and then gets frustrated. He has taken to lying in wait for the food to fall when she bats it through.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Well Emma might need to go to the vet soon. She's had this small red blister-like thing in between two molars for a few days now. It's sensitive to being touched so that makes brushing her teeth a little hard. I emailed the vet pictures and got his out of office message
He's not back until Wednesday. The issue isn't urgent so Emma can wait until then. Emma has her teeth brushed every other day (she doesn't tolerate any more than that) with CET seafood tartar control toothpaste. It would be odd if she still had some kind of dental issue.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I hope so!

I bought one of those cat food puzzle towers from Amazon. This one:  

Angua figured it out right away, but Carrot bats food down from the first level and then gets frustrated. He has taken to lying in wait for the food to fall when she bats it through.
I have an earlier model of this cat food puzzle tower.  Chula is like Angua - she figured it out right away and enjoys playing with it.  Paul couldn't figure it out at first so he just knocked it over on the floor so everything fell out of the holes.  Your model probably doesn't tip over that easily.   Hopefully Carrot will get the hang of it soon.  Paul eventually did.   This was one of my better purchases for Chula and Paul.  I only fill it up at night but it means they have something to play with and something to eat while I'm asleep.  Sometimes I can hear these sweet little munching sounds in the quiet dark - it makes the place seem so cozy.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I have an earlier model of this cat food puzzle tower.  Chula is like Angua - she figured it out right away and enjoys playing with it.  Paul couldn't figure it out at first so he just knocked it over on the floor so everything fell out of the holes.  Your model probably doesn't tip over that easily.   Hopefully Carrot will get the hang of it soon.  Paul eventually did.   This was one of my better purchases for Chula and Paul.  I only fill it up at night but it means they have something to play with and something to eat while I'm asleep.  Sometimes I can hear these sweet little munching sounds in the quiet dark - it makes the place seem so cozy.  
The one we have definitely cannot be knocked over. Thus Carrot's frustration. His first instinct was definitely to knock it over, but it couldn't be pushed over.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Just checking in to see if anything has been going on since I last signed in some 8 hrs ago. I too got one of those food puzzles from Amazon but noticed that only one of my cats is smart enough to put up his paw to scoop anything out of there. None of them is interested in kibble being in there, they only want treats in there and then still act stupid.  So tonight I will put kibble in there and leave none anywhere else, not even in the bottom tray, and see what happens during the night. Usually there is no kibble left in the morning when I feed them canned food and Patrick gets his meds with it.

Looks like just about everyone has been suffering with awful weather. We don't have "weather", we have "climate". That's why I live in SoCal and I have noticed only 2 people besides me living here and one lives in San Diego approx 100 miles away and the other in Newark which is close to San Francisco some 400 miles away. We don't like to brag to others about our weather, it makes others want to move here and we don't want everyone to move here, we are already overcrowded which makes everything expensive. Those of us who are working people are often forced to drive an hour or more to get to work and public transportation for that kind of commute is practically unknown. We have the highest prices in gasoline and we drive he most. We think nothing about driving 5 miles to buy groceries but we also make sure that we run all our errands at the same time to save on gas. 

Finally got the patio cleaned up, there was potting mix and orchid mix scattered all over, the litter box (one of several) needed to be cleaned out, there were two caterpillars chewing on the geraniums so I had to clip all those leaves that had been chewed on and dispose of that stuff plus the two caterpillars, water all the plants and really clean the cushions on the patio chairs. The cats like to hang out there and they leave fur all over them.

Closed the verticals to keep the place from heating up too much now that it is getting warmer. Although 75F is not all that warm but with the windows closed and the sun blasting on them from sun-up to ca. 2 pm it can really get hot in there. Leaving the windows and the verticals open is not an option either, it gets even hotter and the heat will then come through the patio sliders into the apartment.

So far I have done without the AC, just keep the fan running on LOW and it stays around 75F inside. With the humidity at 60 percent it is quite bearable. Of course we will get these 4 to 5 day heat waves when it gets over 100F several times a year and then I do turn on the AC. On those days the wind blows out of the desert really hard, the humidity is so low (30%) everything crackles and you get shocked whenever you touch metal, your skin gets itchy, your sinuses dry out which gives you a headache and you are just waiting for the heat to stop and the humidity to go back up. It's misery. But I'll still take that over freezing cold and SNOW in the winter and humid heat in the summer any day.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Just checking in to see if anything has been going on since I last signed in some 8 hrs ago. I too got one of those food puzzles from Amazon but noticed that only one of my cats is smart enough to put up his paw to scoop anything out of there. None of them is interested in kibble being in there, they only want treats in there and then still act stupid.  So tonight I will put kibble in there and leave none anywhere else, not even in the bottom tray, and see what happens during the night. Usually there is no kibble left in the morning when I feed them canned food and Patrick gets his meds with it.

Looks like just about everyone has been suffering with awful weather. We don't have "weather", we have "climate". That's why I live in SoCal and I have noticed only 2 people besides me living here and one lives in San Diego approx 100 miles away and the other in Newark which is close to San Francisco some 400 miles away. We don't like to brag to others about our weather, it makes others want to move here and we don't want everyone to move here, we are already overcrowded which makes everything expensive. Those of us who are working people are often forced to drive an hour or more to get to work and public transportation for that kind of commute is practically unknown. We have the highest prices in gasoline and we drive he most. We think nothing about driving 5 miles to buy groceries but we also make sure that we run all our errands at the same time to save on gas. 

Finally got the patio cleaned up, there was potting mix and orchid mix scattered all over, the litter box (one of several) needed to be cleaned out, there were two caterpillars chewing on the geraniums so I had to clip all those leaves that had been chewed on and dispose of that stuff plus the two caterpillars, water all the plants and really clean the cushions on the patio chairs. The cats like to hang out there and they leave fur all over them.

Closed the verticals to keep the place from heating up too much now that it is getting warmer. Although 75F is not all that warm but with the windows closed and the sun blasting on them from sun-up to ca. 2 pm it can really get hot in there. Leaving the windows and the verticals open is not an option either, it gets even hotter and the heat will then come through the patio sliders into the apartment.

So far I have done without the AC, just keep the fan running on LOW and it stays around 75F inside. With the humidity at 60 percent it is quite bearable. Of course we will get these 4 to 5 day heat waves when it gets over 100F several times a year and then I do turn on the AC. On those days the wind blows out of the desert really hard, the humidity is so low (30%) everything crackles and you get shocked whenever you touch metal, your skin gets itchy, your sinuses dry out which gives you a headache and you are just waiting for the heat to stop and the humidity to go back up. It's misery. But I'll still take that over freezing cold and SNOW in the winter and humid heat in the summer any day.
It's just been hot here. Hot and dry. There are so many things I need to do outside but everything is too hot to touch. I heard my husband yell yesterday on the way to work. Looked out and he was pointing at a snake on the path. Non lethal. It slithered into the Yucca plants.

Mercy had her vet follow up today and her gingivectomy was successful and she now has a normal mouth. The vet clinic was a mad house. I forgot it was the weekend.

My cats use their food puzzle. I just keep some kibble in there all the time. Once I stopped putting treats in it sat for a long time then Mercy decided it was fun.  I mix a few treats in with the kibble.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I've been using the puzzle tower for kibble since Carrot has an obsession with the stuff and I'm trying to get him to eat more wet food. He gets less dry just given to him this way and has to work for it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Just checking in to see if anything has been going on since I last signed in some 8 hrs ago. I too got one of those food puzzles from Amazon but noticed that only one of my cats is smart enough to put up his paw to scoop anything out of there. None of them is interested in kibble being in there, they only want treats in there and then still act stupid.  So tonight I will put kibble in there and leave none anywhere else, not even in the bottom tray, and see what happens during the night. Usually there is no kibble left in the morning when I feed them canned food and Patrick gets his meds with it.

Looks like just about everyone has been suffering with awful weather. We don't have "weather", we have "climate". That's why I live in SoCal and I have noticed only 2 people besides me living here and one lives in San Diego approx 100 miles away and the other in Newark which is close to San Francisco some 400 miles away. We don't like to brag to others about our weather, it makes others want to move here and we don't want everyone to move here, we are already overcrowded which makes everything expensive. Those of us who are working people are often forced to drive an hour or more to get to work and public transportation for that kind of commute is practically unknown. We have the highest prices in gasoline and we drive he most. We think nothing about driving 5 miles to buy groceries but we also make sure that we run all our errands at the same time to save on gas. 

Finally got the patio cleaned up, there was potting mix and orchid mix scattered all over, the litter box (one of several) needed to be cleaned out, there were two caterpillars chewing on the geraniums so I had to clip all those leaves that had been chewed on and dispose of that stuff plus the two caterpillars, water all the plants and really clean the cushions on the patio chairs. The cats like to hang out there and they leave fur all over them.

Closed the verticals to keep the place from heating up too much now that it is getting warmer. Although 75F is not all that warm but with the windows closed and the sun blasting on them from sun-up to ca. 2 pm it can really get hot in there. Leaving the windows and the verticals open is not an option either, it gets even hotter and the heat will then come through the patio sliders into the apartment.

So far I have done without the AC, just keep the fan running on LOW and it stays around 75F inside. With the humidity at 60 percent it is quite bearable. Of course we will get these 4 to 5 day heat waves when it gets over 100F several times a year and then I do turn on the AC. On those days the wind blows out of the desert really hard, the humidity is so low (30%) everything crackles and you get shocked whenever you touch metal, your skin gets itchy, your sinuses dry out which gives you a headache and you are just waiting for the heat to stop and the humidity to go back up. It's misery. But I'll still take that over freezing cold and SNOW in the winter and humid heat in the summer any day.
Here it's been hot and humid. Lately it's been hovering around 110 degrees F, and it's expected to get to 115 sometime next week. 
 Considering that, for a while, it was cold for so long people here were beginning to wonder if summer would ever come, that's really saying something. When it first started getting hot I found the best energy saver to be turning the machine off during the night (too hot for that--still 95 out there) and opening the doors and windows (screens in place) in the early morning. I don't know if you can do that, but closing up the house again at noon keeps the coolness in, and--again--helps save electric. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
This morning was rainy and cool. Around 60, and I still woke up sweaty. I didn't put the fan on because I didn't want to hear static that its too cold. I didn't have any kittahs on me either.

I have been struggling with an issue online for a few days now. I didn't sleep too well but got a few hours.

I also have been trying to get Floey to eat better. I opened a new bag of food and she took a few bites but then pulled away. I think she is nauseated. I called the vet to see if they could send me home with an injection of Pepcid since I tried every which way to get it in her. They said that the vets on this weekend have not seen Floey so they were unable to send home an injection of Pepcid to help hold over until Tuesday. and of course they said I need to bring her in sooner. I said she isn't sick, just nauseated. I said she has early kidney and heart disease. The heat really affected her and it takes a few days for her to bounce back. I said I don't think anything serious is going on to say its an emergency but they said it would be better to see her sooner. Honestly this really annoys me. I am a regular there-they all have my file. we go there almost every 3 months. For various issues. I understand why but I think its a crummy way to make more money. They charge an extra $35 ontop of the ridiculous price of $54. I miss the days when it only cost $20 for the vet to see the cat. All they do is look in eyes ears mouth and palpate. The same things I do at home. I am just frustrated with the way the world is nowadays-no one has any trust or allows people to handle things on their own.

So I have to switch money around because I wasn't expecting to spend an extra $450 until Tuesday. Not that 2 days makes a dif but I have other bills I just paid. I prefer to pay cash but this time I have to do carecredit AGAIN!
 I want them to: xray/blood work and hopefully its just simple cold or early kidney disease. I also have to feed her tuna because she won't eat anything else. Tuna bothers her thyroid but they said something is better than nothing. I definitely notice she gets antsy and her thyroid speeds up from that reaction from tuna on a cats thyroid who is older. I haven't been feeding fish for a few weeks now other than Pumpkin face's miralax in the morning. pretty much throw out the meat after she licks the juice. She lapped a few times at the salmon friskeys this morning but its only a few tastes. She is another one who wont eat anything else.

Floey I can get her to eat babyfood and other meats from our table but Pumps never eats anything else. you can leave a full meal on the table-pumps won't bother it. Flo n Humbee will have their noses stuck deep in the food if its accessible.

This is pretty much a whine post about money, cats and people. Floey looks so pitiful. She looks bright and alert. no vomiting or diarrhea. Her breathe doesn't stink like it would if the values were higher. Nice hydration-no tenting of skin or tacky gums.  but the picking at her food tells me either she caught the cold that Pumps had last month or its kidney disease or her heart disease. I forgot to ask about Heart ultrasound. They had an opening tomorrow at 9:40 but I have to get someone to cover my shift. I should have not called and just waited. We would have been fine. Flo has been eating out of my hand and sometimes I don't know why she wont eat out of her dish. If the cats had their way-they prefer their kibble on the carpet.

Does anyone else's cats prefer the food eaten off the carpet rather than in the dish?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The vet emailed me back even though he is out of the office. Can I just say I love my vet? View media item 360372
Does anyone else's cats prefer the food eaten off the carpet rather than in the dish?
Leroy takes food out of the bowl and drops it on the floor and then eats it. Did I mention that I feed raw? 

Hope the cats eat for you @foxycat  


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
foxxycat foxxycat , I'm confused, if you're a regular at this vet, how is it that they've never seen her before? Do they mean they have not seen Floey specifically? Hopefully you're able to get the injection.

I am SO glad I went out last night. I really, really needed that. Had such a good time. Had an elk burger and was STUFFED, saw a cover band that played all my favorite 80s songs, and sang my heart out.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Leroy takes food out of the bowl and drops it on the floor and then eats it. Did I mention that I feed raw? 

Hope the cats eat for you @foxycat  
I have my vets email too. And she , her, the actual vet, answers me usually within a few hours if we have a concern.  What is an appropriate thank you gift for a Vet. I really want to thank her. Not for doing her job and being superb. We paid for that, but the compassion she has shown to two traumatized cat owners. We ain't been the easiest pet parents.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I have my vets email too. And she , her, the actual vet, answers me usually within a few hours if we have a concern.  What is an appropriate thank you gift for a Vet. I really want to thank her. Not for doing her job and being superb. We paid for that, but the compassion she has shown to two traumatized cat owners. We ain't been the easiest pet parents.
Homemade cookies or something is usually a good bet but with lots of people having food allergies / sentivities / gluten free / paleo / vegan / etc these days something homemade may or may not be ideal. You could call and ask if the vet or any of the staff has any particular food restriction or allergy.

For the avian / exotic vets I had in the past, I've given cards and small gifts that feature small furry animals. I remember one was a picture that was of a bunch of mice with their "pets" of birds and retpiles waiting to see a mouse who was dressed up like a vet, white coat and stethescope and all.

A card with a personalized handwritten message is always welcomed. I've done that with other vets.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@foxxycat, I'm confused, if you're a regular at this vet, how is it that they've never seen her before? Do they mean they have not seen Floey specifically? Hopefully you're able to get the injection.

I am SO glad I went out last night. I really, really needed that. Had such a good time. Had an elk burger and was STUFFED, saw a cover band that played all my favorite 80s songs, and sang my heart out.
They have several vets-I have only seen 3 out of the 6 there. And it being the weekend-you know how it goes. At least now I can keep my vacation time I would have had to use on Tuesday but I will wait to pull back tomorrow after the appointment. I may still need that appointment for heart ultrasound-they have a board certified internal vet. Its not cardiology but the nearest heart doc is in Portland maine and its a LONG ride. for now will try to stay local. Otherwise I have to drive to Angell in Boston for cardiology. I still need to call one more local emergency vet VECC-I have had mixed problems with them-but at least there-I know Dr Winn as she was the one who treated Flash in 2012 with the blood issues. She is still there and is really good. So so many things to figure out, I probably should have just called VECC for heart scan but I will tomorrow after tonights appointment. We also go back to our reg vet july 19th at the other location. They have 2 buildings but separate doctors.

I am glad you got to sing your heart out. Its always fun listening to music you identify with!
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