Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Mamanyt1953 thanks for the tip about the eye dropper I know they absolutely have to have water that's why I was freaking but thanks to you I now know how to remedy the situation without freaking if it arises
If your cat is eating wet food they are getting liquid there as well.  Glad to hear your cat is better.

Off to walk Eclipse.  The front door blew open earlier (hope it didn't have help from a furry friend) he ran outside and we didn't see him do it.  We shut the door did a quick look inside and out and found him under his favorite bush.  Spent a 10 minutes chasing him to catch him and he finally laid down by the gate to the yard.

Had 1/2 of a gluten free pizza from Domino's - other than the cheese I stuck to the whole 30.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
Well a Very Good Night to EVERYONE at Tcs.com especially to the people who put the Site together and are finding me babbling in all the wrong places " forgive me" i don't know my way around as you can see and don't understand directions some times but I am trying. Thanks to all of you who were with me with my scare earlier today with my cat not drinking she is resting comfortably As is my husband and our dog so again to all of you Lots of Love and Good Night


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
Handsomekitty glad your Cat is Ok too 11:49pm.Eastern Standard time am very tired for now keep an Eye out for kitty so you Always know he's safe and GoodNight


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
As long as employees let the employers get away with it instead of fighting the injustice and law-breaking on the side of the employers they will keep doing it. AWM broke the vicious circle, good for her, now it is up to other employees there and everywhere else to do the same thing instead of laying down like a doormat and let employers walk all over them. The Labor Commission, Labor Board or whatever they are called in your state, is a good place to start for wages not paid, being paid under the table, discrimination of every kind (although if it is wide spread in your area maybe somebody should contact the ACLU for that), But somebody has to start it, complaining and whining about conditions with out action will not change a thing.
The biggest problem is how widespread the problem is; AWM was one of the contributing members of the union and the union did--nothing. She went to the union rep at work, she went to the area rep, she went to the regional rep, and had actually plotted a course that would take her to the next one up in the union down in Florida--and the ones who believed  the problem existed were the ones who were perpetuating  it. I hear in some places the union will actually fight for its members--but not, it seems, here. (One AWM finally managed to get all of her back pay--she quit before they could owe her more money.) Out of curiosity--because several of AWM's friends are still in the job--how does someone go about contacting the ACLU?
My husbands company just got into a lot of trouble recently for some racist hiring practices. They are making a bunch of changes thank goodness. So definitely companies can break the rules for a very long time. This company is 30 years.
At least they're making changes. That's good! 

If your cat is eating wet food they are getting liquid there as well.  Glad to hear your cat is better.

Off to walk Eclipse.  The front door blew open earlier (hope it didn't have help from a furry friend) he ran outside and we didn't see him do it.  We shut the door did a quick look inside and out and found him under his favorite bush.  Spent a 10 minutes chasing him to catch him and he finally laid down by the gate to the yard.

Had 1/2 of a gluten free pizza from Domino's - other than the cheese I stuck to the whole 30.
Domino's has gluten free pizza? This is the first I've heard of it! (And good job sticking to your diet! I know that has to be hard.) 

Here's a couple of heartwarming stories from last night for those of you who need them. Last night I was witness to two random acts of kindness, and I'm going to tell you about them. The first one had to do with a little boy. He had just enough in his piggy bank to get a frozen drink--with a coupon. The problem was that the coupon was for another store, and I couldn't accept it. The poor little boy was crushed, and he went to stand by his mother, who offered to get his drink. The man behind  the little boy in line bought the little boy a frozen drink. Not just that, but the largest drink size we carry at my store. (He then left, so it's not like he was expecting anything from it.) The little boy was so happy when he and his mother made it to the counter and I told him what had happened.

The second story happened much later last night, more early this morning. A man came into the store to buy a gallon of milk, a carton of eggs, a two-liter bottle of ginger ale, and small box of saltine crackers. He went to pay for it with his food stamp card--but there wasn't enough for everything. He'd forgotten that the milk is higher (about five dollars a gallon) at my store than at the grocery store (where it's about two and a half dollars). He was frantically going over his items, trying to figure out what to put back (he needed everything) when the customer behind him leaned forward and handed me enough money to cover the entire  order. 

It just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I should have gotten a lawyer back in 2006. Back then the union rep screwed me out of a job. The company made me take a dif job with less pay. I should have filed a sexual harassment suit then because the 2 men in this position got to keep their pay. I just wanted my job and wanted to show I was not trying to screw them over. At the time my mother was dying when they took my job from me and took advantage of me. So now its years later. I got my money back by working all the overtime. We finally got a good group of people to fight for us. The company still breaks the law and we have had to call the labor board and report them. 

One department boss was not paying overtime when people stay over. I instructed them to stop doing the company favors. Leave at the end of the shift Sadly this person won't stop kissing their behind. I told the chief and I don't know if they escalated it. I would NEVER allow the company to do to me what those guys put up with.

If enough people stopped bowing down to them then they would have to stop, sometimes there are people here who take it to the extreme just because.

I would rather people work together and do even giving and taking but sadly that is never going to happen as long as people don't use respect in their life decisions.

I know it's changed for people who have had to get workers comp. They don't allow people to go to doctors appointments or PT on the clock anymore. I still think that is illegal. I was able to do all that on the clock. It was still part of the job and I am thankful that I had those hours paid for by the company. Now it seems the people elected in state government in certain types of poliltical side have changed the laws to make it harder for the average person to fight against this. In 10 years so much has changed. But I guess that's what happens when people get elected who claim they don't want government intrusion but then they realize after getting injured that the law doesn't side with the worker. It sides with the company. And that's wrong. The workers are the ones who make the product/sell it etc. They should be treated with some respect and if an injury took place on the property then the company needs to pay up. Sometimes people take advantage. On both sides. This was a learning experience for me and if I ever get injured again I will definitely hire a lawyer.

If you are in a union and the union doesn't do their job-you can sue the company and the union. I know its a long drawn out process and sometimes it doesn't end the way it should but at least if people stopped putting up with BS then it would stop. Just like when we tell our children to be kind and don't be disrespectful. Sometimes grownups have to be reminded of this. I try to ask myself if I was in his/her shoes what would I want done?

I have thought about being a union rep but I think it would drive me insane because they like to play games. Both sides. I just don't have patience or decorum to wear a poker face. At least now that we have a few people who stepped up to the plate are making the company play by the rules of the contract. This has ticked off management because now not only do they have to deal with upper management in another state now they are realizing that we are not robots and we wont bow down to them.

Our contract comes up in May next year. There are a few departments that will be eliminated. Mine is one of them. I only hope the guys stick together and strike to keep us all. But in reality I know they don't care about anyone other than themselves. It will be interesting. I only hope I can integrate into another department if I can to keep my job.   The only reason they wont hire me back as a welder is because I can't run a grinder without my arm acting up again. They cut my job because I refused to go back to the job that injured me to begin with.  Its a big ball of mess. The company lied to many people and they lied to me. But now its done.

So my other options would be maintenance or machine shop.   In 2013 I started taking online classes to build up my biology background so I could transfer into the vet world either in research or hands on. I would have to work off shift to go to school for vet tech license. So for now I am probably shooting myself in the foot staying here but the money is ok and I don't have to deal with any management. My department is self run and we just have certain things that need to be done on certain days. For now I think management is happy with me because I don't make waves or play games with attendance or other foolishness that other people do here. Time will tell what happens. Hopefully I get back into my online classes but lately I having a hard time focusing on too many things at once.

The other option would be going to work for one of the other companies who build similar things. It is scary when I remind myself what is at stake. I am trying to pay off the house so I have freedom to work a job I love without worrying about  keeping a roof over my head. I hope I am wrong and we get another contract but I think there will be a shake up next year. I will be prepared.
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
@bootse Don't forget the rules of the Babble thread

Quote:Originally Posted by Anne  

Woohoo! A Babbling Contest!
The Rules

To make things fair and fun, a single member can win once in this contest. Once a member has won, he/she is more than welcome to keep on babbling with us here but if they end up the next winning post, we'll move up one post to choose another winner.

1. Minimum of 15 words per post. Don't bother with counting words. Just make sure your posts are longer than one line and you should be ok.

2. Proper English. Please don't just hit randomly at your keyboard. No gibberish allowed and as with other posts on the site, try to avoid texting abbreviations.

3. Comprehensible posts. Your posts can be drivel, but they still need to make sense. Avoid using automated text generators. It's a babbling thread, but we still expect you to communicate with your fellow members.

4.Original posts only. Please do not copy and paste text from another source. Not even from this site. Not even if you were the author. Just write something fresh for this thread.

5. No consecutive posts.  You can't add a reply if yours is the last post in the thread. If anyone starts talking to themselves to speed things up, they risk getting banned from this thread.
Just woke up and feeling bleh
My back hurts for some odd reason. And the carpal tunnel is painful but it's been like that for years. The weather certainly isn't helping - another cool cloudy day with rain later
No real plans for today. I do need to go to the library to return a movie, Furious 7. Action movies generally aren't my thing but I've gotten into the whole Fast and Furious series.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Jon loves fast and Furious. I love action movies with lots of action. Car chases. Hand to hand fighting. Complicated situations. Salt is one of my favorites. I love Angelina Jolie anyways. I love the twists and turns in that movie.

LTS3 I hope you get some relief soon. The rain bothers my shoulder and elbow but I just keep on keeping on. I'm just glad that its finally cool enough that Floey is breathing better. She still being fussy with food. insists that I hand feed her. She ate this morning. I think she is sick of her turkey food. I had a can of salmon friskies and she lapped it up. She drives me crazy. Some days she won't touch fish then for a long time she loved chicken and turkey food. Now she is back on fish. Tuna is daily only because its the only way I can get Miralax into pumpkin face. I only use a teaspoon of tuna and bunch of water. She laps the water and leaves the fish. The fish is usually caked onto the dish when I come home from work. I have tried every brand of food but many are not pate so its hard to get the juice to be thickened. We tried those packets of Natures variety and they wouldn't touch it. Fussy Cats!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Last night, For some reason, while I on my recliner; I suddenly realized my body was aching me!!  weird.. back, hips, both shoulders. It had to be from a change in the weather..It was weird; as if a wave of aches just hit me. 

Yes, today is a very gloomy day with storms predicted for later. 

I have to get my butt moving, but I am so lazy, my butt is sore from sitting!! LOL!
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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Just realized I hadn't been here in a couple of days! Spent a good chunk of my free time the last couple of days looking more into the pet sitting stuff. I felt like I was studying for finals or something! I think the last time I put so much effort into putting so much information in my brain in a short amount of time was... when Lucky got sick.

Wednesday and Thursday at work were not so bad. Yesterday, omg, I was this close to quitting on the spot. I have definitely reached my "I don't care" point. That is really not a good thing when I get to that point. I am at the point where I'd rather cash in my 401k and live off that till I find a job and deal with the consequences. That is much more appealing to me now. Unfortunately, my dislike for my job is on so many levels - some of it is the organization I report to, some of it is another one that impacts ours, some of it is the company itself, some of it is the industry as a whole. There have been a lot of changes that to be honest, a lot of people are not fond of, and find disconcerting. So, at least I know it's not completely just me.

But, to be fair, some of it is me too. *I* have changed. I know I say that Lucky dying changed me, I just don't think I truly realized how much it did. I've been spending the last 8 months trying to figure out how to satisfy this need to do something - without knowing what that "something" was. I adopted another kitty to honor his memory. I've donated to various shelters on a regular basis. I started volunteering. But when I started thinking about switching my entire career to something geared toward pets, THAT is when I felt like I truly found that "something". It just feels right. And for the first time since losing him, I don't feel like I'm in utter despair about it.

My best friend and I went out last night and I just spilled everything I've been feeling and thinking about work over a beer and pizza at a really cool BYOB pizza place that we'd never been to. My friend (the one that lost then found his kitty awhile back) works there actually. Anyway, That's the first time I've truly verbalized how I've felt, without holding back. It felt good.

Anyway, enough about that. Interesting and random thing I saw yesterday when we were going toward the highway - someone was walking a goal on a leash! It was near a farm that is not far from my house (I still can't get over the fact there is a farm so close to me), but I never have seen that before!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I am going to the bakery to talk about wedding cake today. I already ordered it, but want to see if I can put the deposit down on it now. Or just pay for it entirely. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 22, 2016
Vancouver, Canada
Oh I would like to see pictures of the wedding cake as well! Even if I can't eat it, I'd still like to see it so I can pretend! haha.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I've not been on-line much the last couple of days and see I've missed some interesting babbling.  The union talk took me back - I had a job at one point with a very strong and committed union.  They got us the most incredible health insurance.  It covered 100% of almost everything and we didn't even need to pay the premiums - the company did.  When my daughter was born, my only cost was $1.50 for the phone in my room. 

Paul does not want me to babble.  He is handing me his paw and trying to walk on my keyboard.  Recently he's decided he needs a mid-afternoon meal and he pulls out all the stops.  I swear he even sucks in those pudgy cheeks to make himself look gaunt and hungry.  


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I've not been on-line much the last couple of days and see I've missed some interesting babbling.  The union talk took me back - I had a job at one point with a very strong and committed union.  They got us the most incredible health insurance.  It covered 100% of almost everything and we didn't even need to pay the premiums - the company did.  When my daughter was born, my only cost was $1.50 for the phone in my room. 

Paul does not want me to babble.  He is handing me his paw and trying to walk on my keyboard.  Recently he's decided he needs a mid-afternoon meal and he pulls out all the stops.  I swear he even sucks in those pudgy cheeks to make himself look gaunt and hungry.  :D
My kitties don't start that until around 3pm, so I have another hour.

Contemplating going to the Burger Fest in the city today. It's so nice out! I feel like I should do something outdoors. Not too hot, not raining... just gorgeous. And because burgers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Aww you better Feed your sweet baby Paulie

Yeah its been an interesting road. We had some doosers of jerks running the union. Lots of backdoor deals and we couldn't do anything about it. Now that person got fired for attendance issues so the new one who took over filed many grievances against the company the first 6 months. Now everyone walks on eggshells which is stupid. The contract is there for a reason. The company proposed the contract so it cant be that the company doesn't want it. the problem is when we try to get new jobs the labor disputes need to be at a minimum so people know that labor won't be stopped. Hopefully we win the contract for another country. Still waiting on that country to build their infrastructure so they can get materials and supplies trucked in. Right now they have no roads or power. So its been about 3 years we have been waiting for that stuff to be done. If that country can get these people hooked up to power-they would be able to progress out of poverty and the folks would have better living conditions. We have been told every month since December that they will let us know. Its now past June. We still haven't heard anything. But we do have work in 2018-2022 but for 2017 its kind of slim. They said they will keep the crew in the down time but will have everyone painting and updating the fixtures etc. Unfortunately during this downtime we have had a lot of necessary fixtures thrown out. Then we have to hope someone remembers the dimensions and how to rebuild these said fixtures. Just a big headache waiting. 

Donutte-I think that's a great idea. Besides maybe there will be a band or two playing? Maybe you will run into someone you know? Its cloudy and cool. Which I rather have than that soupy mess we had a few days ago.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
It's true that it's illegal, but they do it anyway. They get away with a lot of stuff that's illegal--like racial discrimination (it's still discrimination when it's the other way around), working employees off the clock, not paying employees for time on  the clock, and stuff like that. AWM did get a lawyer--who saw who the opponent was and half-
 the job so the best AWM got was compensation for time off work. Well, that was what she wanted anyway, so I guess it worked out.
Years ago, we had  a similar situation where I worked.  My bosses ran a real estate developement company, and each project was a seperate Limited Partnership.  They would work someone 20 hours on one job, 20 on another and 20 on a third, but call it different jobs, so no overtime.  The workers were scared to say anything at all.  I called the Wage and Hour division of the Labor Board, and they took my deposition, opened a case, investigated and fined him $50,000, PLUS all the back pay for overtime, some $350,00 over seven years (statute of limitation).  My deposition was kept totally confident, and he never knew I was the one who turned  him in!  He ranted for almost an hour one day about how he had ways of finding out, and that the person was gonna be sorry.  SNORTLE,,,sometimes the government does work for you, and I didn't even have to hire a lawyer!  If I had, I'd probably not have gotten very far.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
foxxycat foxxycat , oh, it can't have "fest" in the name without live music! There's some bands that look pretty interesting, some tribute and cover bands I like. One that describes their music as "wimp rock" (seriously!). And definitely know some folks that will be there. I have a friend that goes to it every year.
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