Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I knew about the whisker thingy=thats why we use these weird cereal bowls but that makes sense. They drink out of cups instead of dishes except for honeybee and floey-they drink out of anything with water.

the bloodwork for The Flo Monster showed same results as last time in Feb. The only concern is the urine is not concentrating. its at 1.025 instead of 1.04 ish. But they didnt find any junk in the urine except he said there were some bacteria- but i cant remember the name of it-one that belongs in the bladder. he decided to try cerenia and see if its viral. the other girls were sneezing 2 weeks ago and we had that yucky hot hot weather. then he asked me when i turned on the ac and he wonders if she is afraid of the AC. Hmm. I really like him. He and his assistant were faboulous and flo didnt even hiss or bite. She was really good for them. She is now 12.8lbs down from 13.8lb last july. I have been working on cutting her back. there were a few values of the minerals that were high and glucose was 160 but they said its from stress. she gets stressed easily. the weird part is she purred for us. they had a fellaway difusor going so maybe that helped. plus the assistant sprayed himself with fellaway before handling Floey. So it was abit of sticker shock but I have to say she looks good and didnt find anything alarming. no masses. no nothing with ears eyes n heart. Said everything was good. I had him read the notes for the heart scan in sept last year-something about the left atrium wall thickness was thicker than usual and a faint enlargement but nothing critical=we are doing a watch and wait. So we don't know what the problem was. Although Jon DID go to mass from Mon night till friday-I wonder if she was picky because she missed Jon?

Here are pictures of her harness. I got it on Amazon for $20.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I just finished a complete dog grooming experience. My mom and I brushed her malamute, clipped her nails, trimmed the hair around and inside of the pads of her feet, and brushed her teeth. Phew. That's a lot of grooming.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I'm impressed.  How did they get all that on there?  I also like your wording: "Indoor only, if I'm out, I'm lost!"  Very nice.

The tag is lazer-etched (where you can input a file that tells the machine exactly what to etch into the metal), so basically the etching/size of text can be adjusted.

The tag is also a 1 and 1/2 inch square so it has plenty more room than our other 1 inch tags that they have (which still have all the same info on them).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I groomed Floey at the vets. We had to wait 15 min for bloodwork. I used their metal tooth flea comb and gave Floey a good brushing. She put up with it and even purred while I was brushing her. 

Margd I would just eat it too! or run it under hot water and reduce it to something I can store. Its just sugar water but still yummy. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Just a curious question, does anyone else get chased around and howled at when they're in the kitchen?? Sam follows me around basically howling at me until I turn my back and he climbs up my body. He follows me to sit down and swipes at my food or gets on the dining table to get the food or the breakfast bar to get to the counter if I'm cooking!! Anyone else to through this?
When Rose was new to the house, she used to stare at me when I did dishes, certain I was doing something fun that I wasn't sharing with her. One day she leaped up and planted ten claws in my rear (through cargo shorts!). AWM burst out laughing. According to her the cat screamed (I know I did), and she just thought the whole thing was funny as heck.
I have a bit of a problem.  My groceries were delivered today, an order that included 1.5 quarts of sherbet.  To my astonishment, dismay and secret delight, they were out of the 1.5 quarts so they substituted a gallon instead.  Do you know how big a gallon of sherbet is?  It's huge!  There is no way it will fit in my freezer.    Until I figure out how to resolve this puzzle, I will be having sherbet for dinner and dessert.
That is a situation that calls for friends and/or family for a sherbet party! Don't forget the 7up.
I'm impressed.  How did they get all that on there?  I also like your wording: "Indoor only, if I'm out, I'm lost!"  Very nice.

We ended up with a grass fire in a local park from illegal bottle rockets.  I would say, "I don't understand what people are thinking when they do things like this," but I suspect the answer is that they're not thinking, at all.

Good pictures, even though I'm not "quoting" them.

The way that seems to work for de-matting Jasmine is to use good, sharp scissors and simply cut through the mat.  I don't try to entirely remove it with scissors, just reduce it.  Once I've done that it brushes or combs out with little trouble.

I certainly haven't received email notification.  By the way, recently when I tried to get on Catster my browser informed me that it had likely been hacked and Firefox thought I should stay away from it.  I informed management (with a good deal of difficulty -- contact links weren't working for a while) and never heard back.

Jasmine tries to get into the sewing room, for the same reason.  And Jasmine is now officially barred from ever talking to Sophie.  She can come up with her own ingenious schemes; she doesn't need suggestions.

We had to. A couple of those mats went down to the skin and even after chopping as much as we safely could (I won't risk injuring the cats), the rest of the mat won't untangle when we comb it. (The cats can't stand being brushed, but they all love being combed.)
I just finished a complete dog grooming experience. My mom and I brushed her malamute, clipped her nails, trimmed the hair around and inside of the pads of her feet, and brushed her teeth. Phew. That's a lot of grooming.
Is it safe to trim the hair between the pads on a cat's paw? On several of them the fur is getting pretty long there, and I'm a little worried about it turning into mats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I just finished a complete dog grooming experience. My mom and I brushed her malamute, clipped her nails, trimmed the hair around and inside of the pads of her feet, and brushed her teeth. Phew. That's a lot of grooming.
Is it safe to trim the hair between the pads on a cat's paw? On several of them the fur is getting pretty long there, and I'm a little worried about it turning into mats.
I would think so if you are careful that they wont swat you or puncture themselves on the edge of the scissors. Or Youtube it=maybe there is a trick to it? 

I have done what Margret  does to matts. I cut right into the middle of it horizontally and then vertically split it by snipping. usually combing will help separate it or I put the comb against the skin then snip the fur above the comb but normally they wont stay still long enough for me to do this.

I have a funny story. Floey had to go to the bathroom-we got home-and instead of going to the box she decided to walk around and eat grass. Then half an hour later she scuttled behind one of the boulders on my property and she was peeing. I thought she was just hiding. I walked up to her and she gave me this dirty look like MOM can I please pee without you watching?! She was almost doing it like a dog does-weirdo. 

Normally when we are outside together she has to show off her peeing skills and always seems to go somewhere near me so I can see her=like she needed reassurance. Weirdo!
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
We ended up with a grass fire in a local park from illegal bottle rockets.  I would say, "I don't understand what people are thinking when they do things like this," but I suspect the answer is that they're not thinking, at all.
I'm going to take a leaf from my father's book and chalk it up to "narrowly avoiding another instance of natural selection."


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I certainly haven't received email notification.  By the way, recently when I tried to get on Catster my browser informed me that it had likely been hacked and Firefox thought I should stay away from it.  I informed management (with a good deal of difficulty -- contact links weren't working for a while) and never heard back.
The email form on the Catster contact page doesn't work nad hasn't in a looong time. You have to email support @ Catster.com and supposedly you hear back within a few days.
You both may be having hyper-sensitive whisker issues.  Some cats have very sensitive whiskers, and will not eat food from a bowl if their whiskers brush the edges.  You might try feeding off of a paper plate, OR one of those miniature cookie sheets they make for toaster ovens.  Just a thought.
Leroy is fine with eating canned food (well, the leftovers from Emma's snack) from a bowl. It's just with raw food that has has to drop the food onto the floor before eating
Fortunately it's not frankenprey or anything really messy, just a smushed up NV medallion.

My previous cat had really bad FORLs and most of his teeth had to be removed. And then I started brushing to keep what few teeth he had healthy. Emma has had her teeth brushed ever since she was a kitten so it would be interesting to see if the blister thing is dental related or something else, maybe a minor injury as someone said. I don't feed kibble, treats are just freeze dried meat treats and rarely given. A scrape / injury from small piece of bone that didn't get fnely ground up enough from a NV medallion is a possibility. A few years ago a small bone fragment got stuck in between Emma's teeth and made her really uncomfortable. I was able to remove the fragment myself and avoid a trip to the ER.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Is it safe to trim the hair between the pads on a cat's paw? On several of them the fur is getting pretty long there, and I'm a little worried about it turning into mats.
I would think it was safe enough. For the dog, we use scissors with blunted tips. They make special ones, but many people use little kid scissors also. Dogs have trouble getting mats there, so it is probably possible for cats to get mats there too.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I love Boston Market.  I look up their menu and ingredients on the web site and excluding gluten, dairy and soy - I can have chicken, turkey and steamed veggies.  They put soy in everything!

Eclipse has one of the skinny harnesses.  He doesn't like having it pulled over his head either.  I have loosened the part that goes over his head so it can easily go over his ears and the back loop is loose enough for a couple of fingers to fit between him and the webbing.  When we walk I can see that it is loose, but he has a long body and I worry that the strip of web that connects the two loops is too short for him.  So long as I stay behind him and/or don't let him turn around so he can back out of it we're good.  I also like that he can get out of it if he has too.  He has managed to get away from me a couple of times.

I have tried a harness with the 1 inch webbing but the buckles are so large even Eclipse's short fur can get stuck in them when closing and opening.  I am tempted to get one of the velcro ones.  I have a dog coat w/fleece inside and reflective strips on the back for when we walk at night in the winter months.  Makes it much easier to find the black cat with a flashlight. That velcros at the neck and around the belly.  I have to be careful to keep his fur out ot that as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I love Boston Market.  I look up their menu and ingredients on the web site and excluding gluten, dairy and soy - I can have chicken, turkey and steamed veggies.  They put soy in everything!

Eclipse has one of the skinny harnesses.  He doesn't like having it pulled over his head either.  I have loosened the part that goes over his head so it can easily go over his ears and the back loop is loose enough for a couple of fingers to fit between him and the webbing.  When we walk I can see that it is loose, but he has a long body and I worry that the strip of web that connects the two loops is too short for him.  So long as I stay behind him and/or don't let him turn around so he can back out of it we're good.  I also like that he can get out of it if he has too.  He has managed to get away from me a couple of times.

I have tried a harness with the 1 inch webbing but the buckles are so large even Eclipse's short fur can get stuck in them when closing and opening.  I am tempted to get one of the velcro ones.  I have a dog coat w/fleece inside and reflective strips on the back for when we walk at night in the winter months.  Makes it much easier to find the black cat with a flashlight. That velcros at the neck and around the belly.  I have to be careful to keep his fur out ot that as well.
I've never taken the cats out at night or even in the evening. I worry about them getting away. I want to have plenty of time to make sure that I could find them and bring them back before evening if they were to escape somehow. Around here, a cat loose in the night would become a quick snack for an owl, coyote, or just about any of the other wild animals that we have around. I wish I could take them out at night, it seems like it would be fun. 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Back to work tomorrow. Trying to just take this one week at a time for now. And just get through each day. Today has been a bit of a rough day. Was thinking about my little man a lot this weekend for some reason. Ah well, such is life I guess.

Is it too early to be looking forward to Friday?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Back to work tomorrow. Trying to just take this one week at a time for now. And just get through each day. Today has been a bit of a rough day. Was thinking about my little man a lot this weekend for some reason. Ah well, such is life I guess.

Is it too early to be looking forward to Friday?
Ha ha. I'm looking forward to next Friday as well! I have always found it challenging to work during the summer. I think the having summers off during school really screws us.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Is it too early to be looking forward to Friday?
I'm actually at work right now but have no energy to get started
I'm feeling a bit burned out these days. I left my previous position at the company because of being burned out (among other reasons) but this new one isn't any better, just burned out in a different way
It's Monday which means I'm on my own doing the work of three people (not that we even have three people...)  Just going to focus on getting the bare basics done and hope that the lab doesn't put in last minute "get this done ASAP" requests


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yeah Some jobs do that to you. Sometimes we just have to take it one hour at a time. The guys here make it easier. They try to cheer me up or mess with me. At least not everyone is a robot. I do understand about being burnt out. My job is very boring and long hours but I stick it out because I know the other jobs around have swing shift and I am not working flexible hours. Hang in there!

Floey ate when we got home and ate tons of grass. Which I found this morning in various places.So tonight I will clean it up. Honeybee slept on my belly all night. I didn't even make her lay on me. I had her on my chest around 9sih and she hopped down after. It must have been 3 or 4 am when I woke to a warm bundle of purring cat on me. I didn't want to get up but I did because nature called. She went into her window afterwards. Then at 5:30 when its time for puffs she kept fighting and pulling her head away. Its a new canister and I think she just wanted out. So after opened the window and out she went. It was wet out. She didn't stay out long. Came back 10 min later soaking wet. She was on her red blanket when I left for work. Making biscuits and sprawled across it. She was purring and I gave her a kiss. She is just the sweetest girl when she wants to be. Flo n Pumps gave me some love this morning too. But they are not cuddly like Bee Kitty. Weird how they are all so different.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I would think so if you are careful that they wont swat you or puncture themselves on the edge of the scissors. Or Youtube it=maybe there is a trick to it? 

I have done what Margret  does to matts. I cut right into the middle of it horizontally and then vertically split it by snipping. usually combing will help separate it or I put the comb against the skin then snip the fur above the comb but normally they wont stay still long enough for me to do this.

I have a funny story. Floey had to go to the bathroom-we got home-and instead of going to the box she decided to walk around and eat grass. Then half an hour later she scuttled behind one of the boulders on my property and she was peeing. I thought she was just hiding. I walked up to her and she gave me this dirty look like MOM can I please pee without you watching?! She was almost doing it like a dog does-weirdo. 

Normally when we are outside together she has to show off her peeing skills and always seems to go somewhere near me so I can see her=like she needed reassurance. Weirdo!
I'll have to check that out.
I would think it was safe enough. For the dog, we use scissors with blunted tips. They make special ones, but many people use little kid scissors also. Dogs have trouble getting mats there, so it is probably possible for cats to get mats there too.
Only problem with kid scissors--they don't cut much of anything  very well. They're good for construction paper--and that's about it.
Back to work tomorrow. Trying to just take this one week at a time for now. And just get through each day. Today has been a bit of a rough day. Was thinking about my little man a lot this weekend for some reason. Ah well, such is life I guess.

Is it too early to be looking forward to Friday?
Wouldn't know. I work Friday. 
 Hope your week gets better though. 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Nope :bigwink: I'm actually at work right now but have no energy to get started :sigh: I'm feeling a bit burned out these days. I left my previous position at the company because of being burned out (among other reasons) but this new one isn't any better, just burned out in a different way :frusty: It's Monday which means I'm on my own doing the work of three people (not that we even have three people...)  Just going to focus on getting the bare basics done and hope that the lab doesn't put in last minute "get this done ASAP" requests :nothappy:
You sound like me a bit. The last position I had, that group re-org'd and made changes to how they wanted things done. Their goals weren't really in alignment with mine anymore, so moved to a different group in my company (where I'm at now). More re-org'ing, and not for the better in my opinion. I had hopes for it but no, it's not worked out much at all. Friday was really the straw that broke the camel's back for me though. It took every ounce of my being to not send my resignation letter right then. I'm completely burned out, spending more time doing stuff that makes me wonder, "why the heck am I doing this, this isn't my job!" Yes, I get that sometimes we do things outside of our job descriptions, but some things are just better left to people that are above our positions.

foxxycat foxxycat , I think I'll be taking today one hour at a time. I didn't sleep much last night which hasn't helped at all. Just been dreading today.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
You sound like me a bit. The last position I had, that group re-org'd and made changes to how they wanted things done. Their goals weren't really in alignment with mine anymore, so moved to a different group in my company (where I'm at now). More re-org'ing, and not for the better in my opinion. I had hopes for it but no, it's not worked out much at all. Friday was really the straw that broke the camel's back for me though. It took every ounce of my being to not send my resignation letter right then. I'm completely burned out, spending more time doing stuff that makes me wonder, "why the heck am I doing this, this isn't my job!" Yes, I get that sometimes we do things outside of our job descriptions, but some things are just better left to people that are above our positions.

@foxxycat, I think I'll be taking today one hour at a time. I didn't sleep much last night which hasn't helped at all. Just been dreading today.
@Donutte  I can't describe how different I feel since losing Kitten. I find a great deal of dissatisfaction in a lot of things I tolerated before and some that have never bothered me. I kept waiting for things to be normal again. They aren't going to be. Some things change us or make us act in a way that isn't consistent with who we are. It's important to recognize where the anger is coming from.

Change can be good. Even necessary just don't drag all of those feelings with you to a new job or career. It can become a rinse and repeat exercise in futility.  Hugs my Punky Friend.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I'll have to check that out.

Only problem with kid scissors--they don't cut much of anything  very well. They're good for construction paper--and that's about it.

Wouldn't know. I work Friday. 
 Hope your week gets better though. 
We have ones like these: http://www.supplygeeks.com/Products...7Iouk72aHusAnt4FMo-roZ-JXqYwocKLBQaAiJg8P8HAQ 

They cut pretty well, but have the blunted tip so the cat (or child) can't stab themselves. Ours are from when I was a kid though, so I have no idea if the quality has since gone down. 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
 I can't describe how different I feel since losing Kitten. I find a great deal of dissatisfaction in a lot of things I tolerated before and some that have never bothered me. I kept waiting for things to be normal again. They aren't going to be. Some things change us or make us act in a way that isn't consistent with who we are. It's important to recognize where the anger is coming from.
Change can be good. Even necessary just don't drag all of those feelings with you to a new job or career. It can become a rinse and repeat exercise in futility.  Hugs my Punky Friend.
I think it's a messed up coincidence that a lot of the stuff that has happened, happened in the months since Lucky died. If it was just me that felt this way, I would have to have a long talk with myself about things - but it's not just me. I've had dissatisfaction in the industry in general for awhile now, not by fault of the company or even the industry, but rather the craziness that the industry has to abide by. Yes, changes is constant, but in some cases, I flat-out disagree with a lot of the changes. Then there's the ones closer to home that directly impact me.

There's also the part about WHY I started working for my company. I saw good things for the future. I've stayed with it through some really crappy times and some really good times. But the direction it's going in is not one that goes well with my morals. I get that EVERY business is in it for the money (hospitals, etc included), when the money becomes more important, I have personal issues with that. Most of our goals nowadays revolve around the concept of reducing cost basically. That has been impacting my day-to-day work in ways I'm very unhappy with, and spending ridiculously enormous amounts of time on. If I wanted to deal with the cost of things, and estimating and re-estimating to the point of exhaustion, I'd be in finance. I HATE finance. I feel like MY job has become less about testing, and more about identifying ways to lower costs. When my time is spent more on that, than what I was hired for, I have a bit of a problem.

I literally spent half my day investigating why there was a big difference between my estimate on a project, and the one done by someone else back in February. This really falls under the category of "above my pay grade". I can't explain why the other person had such a small estimate, and he can only explain what he remembers. And for some reason, the burden of proof has fallen on me. Straw, meet camel's back.

I'm at the point where my answer to pretty much everything is along the lines of "I don't care". THAT is when I know things have gotten bad. I've been beaten into the ground with all this stuff, and I give up. They don't like my estimate? Make it smaller then, and deal with the consequences later. I don't care anymore.
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