Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Maybe there really haven't been any threads started and all those numbers are just there to drive us so crazy with curiosity that we sign up. 
   I'm just kidding @Anne  !  


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Maybe there really haven't been any threads started and all those numbers are just there to drive us so crazy with curiosity that we sign up. 
   I'm just kidding @Anne  !  
That would be a pretty genius move though!! 
   We learn so much from our cats don't we? That would be something my Sophie would do! 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
That would be a pretty genius move though!! 
   We learn so much from our cats don't we? That would be something my Sophie would do! 
I have to admit - I just adore Sophie.  From the photos of that adorable face to all the stories of her attempts to slip into your DDs room and just generally being a rascal, she's just a real charmer.  


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I seem to having an off day today.  Only posting because there are a couple of folks who would worry if I didn't.   Nothing horrible is going on, I just don't seem to have any oomph at all. I'lll be back to my normal self tomorrow. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Aww, my heart has just melted into a puddle.  Sophie does have such sassy expression - I just love it!  
  It's obvious she's moving quickly, too.  I'm imagining Sophie with the zoomies - what a lovely image!
I seem to having an off day today.  Only posting because there are a couple of folks who would worry if I didn't.   Nothing horrible is going on, I just don't seem to have any oomph at all. I'lll be back to my normal self tomorrow. 
I'm sorry you're not having a good day.  I'm familiar with Lack of Oomph.  It's a very unpleasant feeling.  Thanks for letting everyone know and I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you. 


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I seem to having an off day today.  Only posting because there are a couple of folks who would worry if I didn't.   Nothing horrible is going on, I just don't seem to have any oomph at all. I'lll be back to my normal self tomorrow. 
I've been having a few of those 'no oomph' days recently.  
    How good it si that you feel there are people who would worry about you if you weren't out and about on here.  

On the Premier Lounge topic:   I don't think it's used any more but could be wrong.  @Anne  , can you confirm the situation?

@Donutte  Work is important in our lives when we spend many hours of our life there, and rely on an income to feed and provide a home for us and our cats.   It can be difficult taking time out to really think about it, but if that work is so toxic it is affecting your health and wellbeing then maybe it is time to look at other work situations, even if they mean less money.  Better sometimes to have fewer comforts but still be alive and well to care for the cats in your life.  (From someone who has made this change and not regretted it).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I seem to having an off day today.  Only posting because there are a couple of folks who would worry if I didn't.   Nothing horrible is going on, I just don't seem to have any oomph at all. I'lll be back to my normal self tomorrow. 
I am sorry you are having an off day. It must be the weather or the heat driving us all insane. It was cool for a few days but now getting hot and humid in another day or so. I am so enjoying not having the roaring AC running. So I don't have to have the tv all the way up.

Just got back from the gym-was packed because tonight is pizza night. I only ate 2 small pieces after my cardio. I should have ate it before but oh well. it was ok. I would have been better having my protein bar. 

Came home and Jon was gone and cats whining to go out. I didnt let them out. I figured they probably been out all day with Jon home. Plus I wanted to sit here and type without having to babysit the brats. Took some pictures of the Humbee or as I call her=Bee Kitty. She responds to "Bee" when I call her. She is so adorable! Floey is laying in the window. She ate a bit of food. the wet food was all licked up from water in it. I forgot to go to the grocery store to get her some food. We have tons of other flavors in the cabinet but no fish. other than half a can of friskys. I will give it in the morning. So funny how she whines until I hand feed her. 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I'm thinking about getting a harness for Tesla. Does anybody have any recommendations about what kind to get? He has very long fur so I don't think the ones that are velcro will work, as I don't want his fur getting caught in it all the time.
How about a walking jacket or vest? I hear those are more secure than a H-shaped or figure 8 harness. I'm tempted to get a Kitty Holster to walk Leroy but I also don't want him constantly screaming at the door and scratching the door to splinters to be let out for walks

Work was
today. We had system failures in both the old facility and the new facility
That took up time to deal with. I barely managed to get the bare basic morning work done. I got help in the afternoon from the two guys who help out on occasion. We grumbled about the lack of staff in the facility (it's just me and one other person full time) and how in the next few months we're going to be slammed with work in two facilties at full capacity and how it wasn't fair (or honest) that the lab head hired someone to be a technician but she's actually doing the work of a lab associate.

Didn't hear back from the vet's secretary today so I called and left her a message. Hopefully she'll call me tomorrow to get an appointment set up.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Thanks to everyone who replied on my work situation today. foxxycat foxxycat , despite having completely different jobs, I think our situations are VERY similar. Rough day, ended not too badly though. Told my manager that I'm officially looking. I've kinda been leading up to this so it wasn't a complete surprise. I know she doesn't want me to go, but doesn't have much influence over those above her unfortunately.

mservant mservant , I have to pay off student loans, that's what's killing me more than anything. And of course keeping my mom happy. She's almost 79 and is at home most of the day and doesn't do a whole lot. Cable makes her happy. I need to take a day where I have the bandwidth to think through things (it's a lot harder than you'd think) and see where I can cut costs. My mom is also pretty expensive. Her insurance only covers her meds so much, and she had all this OTC stuff she needs to take. CoQ10 isn't cheap! Nor are probiotics or the amount of omeprazole she takes. Ugh. I will never complain about having to pay $200+ every month for her supplemental insurance though. Her hospital stays are paid 100%.

Finally made an appointment to take Sugar in to get her vaccinations, and her two week followup on a visit that was two months ago. I made an appointment for Maple for the same day, since it's been six months since she was seen. I asked if I could have transdermal Prozac for her, but wants me to try liquid first. I said I'd try but I'm not very hopeful. Apparently the transdermal has an efficacy of only about 10%. I guess my thinking is 10% is better than 0%. I'm afraid the liquid won't work for the same reason that I can't pill her with a pill gun - thrashing her head about. I cannot get those pills into her to save my life. Too smart for her own good.

Oh, and then while I'm going about trying to find a way to hide her pill-laden treat in some food, Oscar eats it. Yes, he ate her Prozac. He certainly didn't need it. His brother maybe, but not him. Thankfully it was just half the dose I give to her.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
I miss babbling and reading all of the posts on here. I never have time to catch up anymore. I've been so busy with picking, freezing and dehydrating blueberries and cheeries, that all I have time left for is taking the rest of the daily chores and taking care of the cats.

A little over a month ago, Ivy had a UTI from stress. I finally got the house back to normal, from all of her accidents, then Autumn gets one. So my day is pretty much, wake up, clean up Autumn's accidents, feed the cats, clean litter boxes, hunt for more accidents, make the bed, vacuum the litter off the floors in the whole house, eat breakfast, pick blueberries or cheeries, do whatever I have to do with them, make dinner, clean up, shower, then go to bed.

As you can tell, I've had a lot of 'pissy' days, pun intended!

Autumn is getting better though. No accidents today. Woohoo! Hope you are all having more relaxed days than me.

baby layla

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2016
Call Berman hi everyone,
I would like to edit and take a picture of baby Layla and ask them questions I love your site but I don't know how to do it I'm not very tech-savvy excuse the first two words in the beginning because my phone would not let me erase them and I love your site and I'm hoping I can somehow pushed from baby Layla and put a picture of her on there and I have learned very much from your flight thank you very much thanks in advance for your response[emoji]128149[/emoji]

baby layla

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2016
Hi everyone I love your site and joined at the beginning of July and I'm hoping I can post for baby Layla she's a little Himalayan kitten and I also love your site so much this is my first time in my life I ever owned a kitten but your site is very very informative and my favorite but I don't know how to do anything when it says post or I'm just not very tech-savvy thank you in advance for your response


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
HI Baby Layla=if you scroll to the very bottom of the screen on your phone=there should be a button that says mobile and desktop. Click the desktop one and you should get more options when you type this message on that area where it says "reply". there is an icon that looks like mountains in black and a white background with a sun/moon to the left. Thats the icon to add pictures. just click that and a window pops open. you want to click upload images=it should open your gallery for your photos and you select the photo and then select the size you want but it defaults to medium size. then it will upload once you select the ok/open prompt=I can't remember which it says-=but it should show you where it is clickable. 

I am not good with posting links here-maybe one of our other members can post the "how to upload photos" tutorial. 

I hope this helps!

Donutte-it may be very different-but we have the same idiotic mindless drones who come up with the stupidest things. Today they are running a pump test on the loop=this tests the pumps and motors that will be installed into the new reactors at the site. our loop is getting retrofited to do some oddball size pump then they will rip it all apart to reapply all the old piping/fixturing etc to go back to the original size motor/pumps. They want to flip the switch this wed. I don't think Eversource will allow them-its supposed to be 95 that day. I am sure they will have an issue with the drain of available power. I forgot how many amps this thing hogs up. Its alot. This test loop has its own switch yard just to get power from the grid. And we have lots of safety protocalls for this. I am fascinated by anything mechanical.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Call Berman hi everyone,
I would like to edit and take a picture of baby Layla and ask them questions I love your site but I don't know how to do it I'm not very tech-savvy excuse the first two words in the beginning because my phone would not let me erase them and I love your site and I'm hoping I can somehow pushed from baby Layla and put a picture of her on there and I have learned very much from your flight thank you very much thanks in advance for your response[emoji]128149[/emoji]
I use a laptop and not a phone and they are different.  I hear you can put you phone on desktop mode though to get some things done.  You should receive a PM (private message) from a mentor offering to help you get started.  The Home tab is a good place to get an overview of current happenings.

Re: asking questions, it's easy.  Go to the forum most related to your concern i.e. health, care, pregnant cats and kittens, nutrition.  At the top of the forum there should be a 'Start a new thread' box to click on.  It you can't find it, go into any thread on the forum and it will be underneath the last post.

Here is the tutorial for posting pictures

 [article="24985"]Image And Video Tutorial​[/article]    Welcome to TCS

@Mamanyt1953   I hope you feel better.  I still chuckle when I think about your drunken scot w/the blind mule.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Oh--I feel for all of you guys, I really do. I can sympathize completely. 

@Donutte   I felt the exact same way as you are feeling now. I felt that way for a very long time. Kind of Karma that I cannot work any longer. 

I was at a point where instead of saying: "I don't care", I somehow decided that the appropriate wording was: "Whatever"--- because no matter what I said or thought did not matter to anyone there. 

It took an extended extended break from there, and a real health crisis with my dad, to make me feel that way. I suddenly went back to work and saw things through so 'different' eyes. When did it happen that no one cared about the employees? The phoniness of so many people came out---and the backstabbing and gossiping. The cliques became so evident to me. If you were in the correct clique, you got everything!! and things that you did not want. You could not do anything wrong... For me, as not being in a clique, being more of a loner and not agreeing with a lot of the bull junk that was going on around me, I got the worst of it. I stood my ground a lot. I gave in a lot, but I became a beaten person. I hated what I had become.. perhaps I had allowed it to happen to me, but honestly, that place was not for me. 

Why did I not leave?  Many reasons...I was older than most people in the field. I had been around the block so to say. I saw my field grow and advance. I was a dinosaur. I also was working in a very small speciality. Very few departments around. I did not have to work week-ends or nights, or take call. Those jobs are very difficult to find. Also my salary was not bad. I had been at this one place for so long, it was impossible to count 13, 14, 15, years. 

I knew people around the hospital. I was also going through taking care of my dad. It was very complicated...I was kind of at the end of my rope. 

@Tallyollyopia, I did go into counseling for all of this. It was easy for them to see that I was being harassed. It was obvious, I had proof of it...It was very obvious. It was also obvious that this place was a toxic environment for me. I could not leave, and I felt trapped. 

When I had a break from that place--- everything became evident to me. I saw things with fresh eyes. I disliked things so much.. I seriously thought of leaving, at that point. but then, because my dad had just died, I did not feel it was a good time to make so many changes. I had to discover myself first, before I changed jobs. 

I used to go in everyday saying, "X amount of days until Friday"...and "I can do this", "Put on a fake smile--act--academy award winning performance"...and during the day, "X many hours until I can leave"...

Problem was, we never, I mean, never got our breaks. We could never plan on having lunch at a set time--that is if we go lunch at all. We never left on time. Anywhere from 15-60 minutes past our end of shift...and sometimes it turned out to be an 1 - 1.5 hours. We did not get overtime. We got "comp" time if we were lucky...Comp time never worked out because it had to be when the supervisor 'sent you home'..you never knew when--and that time was straight time. 

It was all so dysfunctional.  The supervisors, people in charge, were all saying the 'correct' things, but the bottom line was they said things but never went by what they said. When you pointed things out to them, forget it...you were then tagged as a 'bad egg"... and a troublemaker. 

It was disgusting to work there. The moral was horrible, yet, the happy face had to come out..it was such a sham. 

No one was sincere. Blow ups were rampant. When my supervisor, had one, watch out--the workroom door closed, she actually threw the appointment book and a pencil, across the room, started screaming at any one around, and then turned bright red, and burst into tears...It was horrible. and that was not the only person who had meltdowns. 

Working in the medical field, you would think people would be more understanding and helpful to each other...as much as we were trying to be helpful and kind to our patients...but no...people were getting written up for stupid things, people were getting fired left and right. It was being run like a big business with dysfunction people in charge. It was horrible....People were such hypocrites..incredible..

I was actually embarrassed and disrespected, right in front of several patients. Patients were telling me they were so sorry for me...that is how bad it was.. report them,, yes, I did.. to human resources. It had to be the first step. They became sickening sweet with the backside comments then.. they dared me to go further, and once the word got out I was a 'bad person'..... I had to go to HR first before I followed through with the labor board or thought of suing. 

I am so grateful that I am not there anymore. I actually am much happier to be away from that toxic environment. 

I lasted through a lot of tuff times there, and I never gave up.. but then it just got too much for me. When you see things with different eyes, and see the wrong, then it is time to leave..

Donutte, I am so glad you are aware that it is time to leave. Please leave before things get worse. 

You are young, think of your future...

I hope you feel better soon. 
 I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Good luck. 


Site Owner
Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Maybe there really haven't been any threads started and all those numbers are just there to drive us so crazy with curiosity that we sign up. 
   I'm just kidding @Anne  !  
It's the TCS version of Area 51!  
  Everyone knows that it is there but you need top secret clearance to get in 
  I think that @Anne  would be the best person to ask about this one. 
The Premium Lounge was shut down years ago due to lack of interest. The paying members stopped posting and it died "of natural causes" 
 We decided to lock it down which means it's not showing any threads (none of them are new enough to be displayed on the forum's main page). 

The main benefit of the paid membership at this point is the ability to turn off advertising. I know many of us (ok, all of us, myself included!) prefer to surf the web without any ads. However, advertising is essential to keep free websites running. Server costs alone for a website like TCS are at the $2-3K a month zone. Some people just use ad blockers but that means TCS isn't getting any ad revenue from them. If everyone were to do that, the site would be shut down within weeks. I just would never be able to keep up with the costs and time needed to run the site. So, the solution for people who prefer to browse without ads and still support the site is to get a paid membership. I hope that makes sense?
Really , I pay 20 bucks at a time. I'm not real regular as I don't get a reminder. I mostly do it to help support the site.
Thank you! 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
The Premium Lounge was shut down years ago due to lack of interest. The paying members stopped posting and it died "of natural causes" 
 We decided to lock it down which means it's not showing any threads (none of them are new enough to be displayed on the forum's main page). 

The main benefit of the paid membership at this point is the ability to turn off advertising. I know many of us (ok, all of us, myself included!) prefer to surf the web without any ads. However, advertising is essential to keep free websites running. Server costs alone for a website like TCS are at the $2-3K a month zone. Some people just use ad blockers but that means TCS isn't getting any ad revenue from them. If everyone were to do that, the site would be shut down within weeks. I just would never be able to keep up with the costs and time needed to run the site. So, the solution for people who prefer to browse without ads and still support the site is to get a paid membership. I hope that makes sense?

Thank you! 
Ahh, so now we know the story behind The Mystery Lounge.  
   I agree that the main reason to join is to support the site.  The ads never bothered me much.  I was moved to download an ad blocker though after grinding my teeth in frustration at a couple of political sites.  Unfortunately  I think my ad blocker may have been activated for TCS as well, though I thought I turned it off. I've not noticed ads for awhile now. 
   Anyway, now with my $20 in TCS's "kitty" (sorry couldn't resist) I have a clean conscience.  I wish there was some way to sign up for a recurring payment so the $20 is automatically deducted - or at least a reminder when time is drawing near.   My memory is sometimes a bit forgetful.  


Site Owner
Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Ahh, so now we know the story behind The Mystery Lounge.  
   I agree that the main reason to join is to support the site.  The ads never bothered me much.  I was moved to download an ad blocker though after grinding my teeth in frustration at a couple of political sites.  Unfortunately  I think my ad blocker may have been activated for TCS as well, though I thought I turned it off. I've not noticed ads for awhile now. 
   Anyway, now with my $20 in TCS's "kitty" (sorry couldn't resist) I have a clean conscience.  I wish there was some way to sign up for a recurring payment so the $20 is automatically deducted - or at least a reminder when time is drawing near.   My memory is sometimes a bit forgetful.  
I wish there was. I'm not very good at collecting money, I'm afraid 
 And don't get me started about my memory. 

What were we talking about just now?
Last edited:


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I wish there was. I'm not very good at collecting money, I'm afraid 
 And don't get me started about my memory. 

What were we talking about just now?
We were talking about how you're going to give a second prize in the scratching post contest and surprise!  I'm the winner!  

I'll just put it in my calendar and theoretically my phone will then sound an alert to remind me.  I say theoretically because it has a mind of its own when it comes to fulfilling its obligations in that respect.  
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