Young cat just went into labor help please


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Hi thank you. I am dreading when they leave you have been with me thru day 1 with my worries so you know everything :-). I can't thank you enough. I'm blessed to have found such wonderful homes. Simba is doing so amazing with them. She wakes them uo to be fed. Not all 5 are nursing some will still sleep or play. Bit last 3 times ive seen all 5. We still do walks on leash everyday and after they leave I'll wait a week or 2 for milk to dry up and take her to be fixed. What a journey. Would u say the biggest orange can go first. Or the doble adoption orange 2 and orange 3. I'm trying to figure out which ones to go at what times. As I type this 2 are on my bed they climbed up to sleep. They have so many beds I purchased but now been sleeping on couch or behind bed on a blanket or anywhere. Simba and I have each other but it's going to be very hard. Can you comment on the weights please because I don't know how much they should weigh. I posted above a few threads up. Thank you so much :-)
I sure have, seen this through since day 1, and you have done an amazing job with this family!!

Your weights are fantastic!

Did you know that at 9 weeks is when most kittens are 2 lbs? Some big kids will at 8 weeks but on average it takes until 9.

Yours are all over this, and even near 3 lbs!

No need to weight them anymore. Really.

They are strong and healthy and perfect.

It doesn't matter who goes first honestly.

But do it in front of her so she knows okay? We don't want her looking for the missing child :)
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  • #262


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
I sure have, seen this through since day 1, and you have done an amazing job with this family!!
Your weights are fantastic!
Did you know that at 9 weeks is when most kittens are 2 lbs? Some big kids will at 8 weeks but on average it takes until 9.
Yours are all over this, and even near 3 lbs!
No need to weight them anymore. Really.
They are strong and healthy and perfect.

It doesn't matter who goes first honestly.
But do it in front of her so she knows okay? We don't want her looking for the missing child :)

Thank you so much I really feel so emotional this journey. Wow I didn't know that. I feel so much more confident that there weights are that good. I can say I truly gave my everything to these kittens. I knew nothing and remember she went into labor as I was on the site. This site and you all have really helped that I can't even ever repay you. I will pass on everything I learned.
When I show her I'm taking the kitten do I put the kitten in carrier or carry the kitten. I want her to see me take it but not take it out the door because she will try to escape. Now that they all sleep seperate when napping sometimes most time together she goes around counting so I hope I will do it right that she won't panic because simba isn't the easiest cat as we know. She has terrible anxiety. But since the kittens have come she calmed a little but wakes them up with her grilling sound. Also I see her calling to nurse them. They are sleeping and she just woke them up 4 went to nurse. I know u said it's for comfort. I checked her nipples they don't look inflamed or infection from to much nursing. But I noticed she nursed 3 times in shot period today all her doing. She crys to nurse them. They are pretty big now. ♡


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I wouldn't make it a dramatic exit, basically just take the kitten away so that she sees and doesn't think it's missing later.

Because she is a higher anxiety cat its hard to say her reaction but as I said, don't make too much of it, just do it and be done, and dont let her come out the door either.
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  • #264


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
I wouldn't make it a dramatic exit, basically just take the kitten away so that she sees and doesn't think it's missing later.
Because she is a higher anxiety cat its hard to say her reaction but as I said, don't make too much of it, just do it and be done, and dont let her come out the door either.
Hi thank you okay I will show her so she knows. Nothing dramatic. I have another week till it all begins. Let's see how she does with the first kitten. I'll keep posted.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Hello! :)

I'm so sorry to hear that you were sick. Glad you're better now, and hope your dad is too!

The weights are fantastic! As Catwoman said, they are nearing 3 pounds already and that is the goal for three months, so they sound well-fed and healthy.

It's fine if they are curious about Simba's food and eating it. Just continue putting kitten and adult food down and let them eat what they please. No need to weigh them anymore.

Yes, your hardest job is ahead, which is saying goodbye to the kittens. I'd go ahead and give Little Gray to the family that wants him at 10 weeks. Like Catwoman said, just let mom see you give him to his new family.

The two who are going together can go at 10 weeks as well, as they will have each other.

The other 2 can go anytime between 10-12 weeks.

It won't take long for Simba's milk to dry up, and she can be spayed. I also think she will feel less anxious once she recovers from the surgery. Again, just do not let her out in the meantime other than supervised walks on the leash.

Expect to feel sad for a few days - Simba too. It's normal when it suddenly becomes so quiet again, but you have done a beautiful, caring job since day one, and the kittens will be going to great homes. Please ask that they be spayed/neutered immediately by their new owners.

Let us know how it goes!
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  • #266


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Hello! :)

I'm so sorry to hear that you were sick. Glad you're better now, and hope your dad is too!

The weights are fantastic! As Catwoman said, they are nearing 3 pounds already and that is the goal for three months, so they sound well-fed and healthy.

It's fine if they are curious about Simba's food and eating it. Just continue putting kitten and adult food down and let them eat what they please. No need to weigh them anymore.

Yes, your hardest job is ahead, which is saying goodbye to the kittens. I'd go ahead and give Little Gray to the family that wants him at 10 weeks. Like Catwoman said, just let mom see you give him to his new family.

The two who are going together can go at 10 weeks as well, as they will have each other.

The other 2 can go anytime between 10-12 weeks.

It won't take long for Simba's milk to dry up, and she can be spayed. I also think she will feel less anxious once she recovers from the surgery. Again, just do not let her out in the meantime other than supervised walks on the leash.

Expect to feel sad for a few days - Simba too. It's normal when it suddenly becomes so quiet again, but you have done a beautiful, caring job since day one, and the kittens will be going to great homes. Please ask that they be spayed/neutered immediately by their new owners.

Let us know how it goes!

Hi thank you so much. You also like cat woman have been with me since day 1. I can't thank you enough. Orange 1 the big one her adopter already has the food the bed the toys everything she said she just needs the kitten she's the sweetest so I was thinking to have him go 2nd.

I found out the sexes. The 3 cream orange are males and the black and lil grey are girls :-) since lil grey is smallest I really didn't want her to go at 10 weeks. But I feel better you said that it's ok. I know from when they were a Few days old that orange 1 lil grey and black Been waiting patiently for over 9 weeks. The family with the 2 she has to get prepared with getting all the food litter litter box toys etc. I also will be sending them with toys and some of their beds and blankets. Food also. Litter. I have extras. Anything I can do to help.

I am so emotional that I actually cried today thinking about them leaving because I am really attached to them. I know that it's going to be hard. Simba is constantly with them as they have access to whole place even though it's a studio apartment and we are all together. I made sure they had every need. I go to bathroom they follow. I give them 2 different hard kitten chow brands the soft food adult food. They love the adult hard food.

Last few days I noticed they been sleeping behind my bed where they were born so I put a blanket down. They stopped sleeping on their beds and will sleep on couch or chair or my bed. I can't imagine Simba feeling so sad. I'm so concerned because I can't imagine. I feel bad I'm not keeping any but since the last 2 were double adoption I wouldn't keep just 1 and separate they will have each other.

Thank you for the well wishes my dad is recovering home from hospital and I am also getting better. I know cat woman said that they can go 1 or 2 days apart. I hope Simba won't be mad at me because if I show her I'm taking them and the kitten never comes back wouldn't she hate me for that? I will show her because I don't want her going crazy looking for the kittens. This is probably the most hardest part.

They haven't been eating the soft food and really concentrating on hard. It's always refreshed and always available. Simba also is nursing these last few days more then the days prior. I know cat woman said it's for comfort. She will thrill sound till she wakes them up. Some will nurse some won't then all of them. But I fee like its more her doing.

Yes I will tell them to get spayed. I told lil grey family they wanted to wait a few months they didn't want to so young. I will be checking on them when they go to new homes. I can tell them again but they all need to take them to vet for shots and check up. Everyone has been nice. And I also said if anything gosh for bid that you can't take care of kitten or even years later do not bring to shelter contact me and I'll take them back no questions asked. Because you never know if lil grey or black with the other cats will accept but I think they will but still never know. We did a scent exchange for lil grey. I will leave out the blanket tomorrow somewhere and place lil grey to smell on it the other cats who will be in home. He also left her carrier. I'm dreading Friday when lil grey leaves. Black is the crier and needy to Simba.

I'm so happy about their weights. I'm very thankful that they all were born healthy and never needed the supplementing I was worried. I can't believe this journey is almost over.

Thank you for everything. :rbheart: you truly have giving me such support when I lacked the confidence. You are the best!
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  • #267


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA


Cat lady extraordinaire
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Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I know this will be hard for you, but the kittens are going to good homes where they will be loved and cared for. They will adjust quickly and bring lots of joy to their new owners. You've made it clear that if things don't work out you'll take them back, which is all you can do.

They sure are cute!
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  • #269


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Hi I need advice as you know lil grey will be leaving Friday. I wanted to check first and hear opinion on if orange 1 who is the biggest he is going to the home with a puppy and woman who has bottle fed kittens and experienced. She wanted to pick him up Friday also. Would that be too much for simba to handle. And would I make the appt for both to come at same time and show simba I am taking 2 or is that to much. Remember we are dealing with simba who is over anxiety so I don't want to cause more issues with her. I could ask for Monday but she would like to pick him up this friday. Whatever is best for the kitten and simba. Thank you
Sarthur2 Sarthur2 catwoman707 catwoman707
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  • #271


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
catwoman707 catwoman707 Hi thank you you don't think that would be overwhelming for simba? Like a few hours apart? I feel so bad. I don't want to make simba anxious. I know lil grey leaves at 530pm friday so if orange 1 left what time would I tell the woman. I feel.heart broken thinking 2 leaving but these 2 homes the families are exceptional.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
@catwoman707 Hi thank you you don't think that would be overwhelming for simba? Like a few hours apart? I feel so bad. I don't want to make simba anxious. I know lil grey leaves at 530pm friday so if orange 1 left what time would I tell the woman. I feel.heart broken thinking 2 leaving but these 2 homes the families are exceptional.
It's very important that these kittens have as you said exceptional homes, so I would try to work it so they are able to get their kitten when they would like.

I would simply space the appts as far apart as possible. 

Simba will probably feel a bit anxious but this is to be expected and normal :)
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  • #274


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Why don't you have the orange kitten picked up Saturday morning?

I spoke to the woman and Monday I will be delivering the big orange. Give 2 days in between. It made me too anxious thinking of Simba having 2 going in one day. I'm not in a rush but lil grey and orange 1 have really amazing home they all do. The 2 going together I feel better because they have each other and black has been a little needy and sleeps with me on bed and so that will be the hardest. Thank you. Tomorrow lil grey leaves and this will be very hard. I have a big care package for her. I am hoping Simba will be ok. I will show her I am taking the kitten in front of her. I am worried when I come back without kitten if that will present a problem. Hoping for the best. I think this is the hardest part thus far. Praying all goes well.
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  • #275


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
It's very important that these kittens have as you said exceptional homes, so I would try to work it so they are able to get their kitten when they would like.
I would simply space the appts as far apart as possible. 
Simba will probably feel a bit anxious but this is to be expected and normal

Hi yes I agree thank you. The woman was more concerned with Simba since she is high anxiety so Monday she was sweet to say ok too. I made friends with her and she said I can come anytime to visit that's very nice of her. Lil grey is leaving Friday today. I'm feeling pretty sad but I keep saying to myself I did the best I could do and hope the kittens will not be too homesick. I will let you know how it goes. I have lil grey carrier with blanket of hers. For scent and a toy inside when she goes. I've had the carrier out for a week but she didn't show to much interest to explore. I'm giving her bed and a care package. Thank you again
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  • #277


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Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Let us know how it goes today.

Hi it was really tough to be honest for me. I showed Simba I was taking lil grey and put lil grey in the carrier the family had brought a week before and I had his blanket and 2 toys inside. I showed Simba she was inside and that was the last. Simba I think has favorites and it's the 3 orange boys. So far Simba seems ok occupied with the other 4. I did cry before and after and it hit me later on because lil grey was the runt that when the kittens were playing with each other she was missed. I know people say they are animals but to me it's family. The family texted me when they got home and sent me pics. The cats had been exposed to her scent by the scent introduction I had did a week prior so they didn't bother with her. She has her bed I gave them from here and her blanket and toys and they also got the bigger toys that they play with. They had gotten the soft kitten food and I also gave them 2 bags of hard food and nonclumping litter and litter box even though the family has the 3 cats and litter boxes I had extra and wanted the same litter so she will recognize it. She is all set up in their sons room. The daughter who is 15 sleeps with the other cat so right now didn't want to overwhelm little grey. They said they will send me more updates and pictures tomorrow. She did eat they said a little soft food. The family offered me money I said no absolutely not this is out of my heart. Knowing she is going to a great home is all that matters. I did say to please take to vet for her shots and when a few months old to have her spayed to prevent my mistake with Simba. They agreed. Monday I bring orange 1 and Simba sleeps with him last 2 days so that might be harder on her. I spoke to the family for ,Monday on phone for over and hour and I know it's a forever home. I have to build relationships with the last 3 kittens adopters. They are reffered by my 2 best friends but for black she hasn't come over to so scent introduction for her other cat. And the family taking the 2 kittens I would like to talk more too. No rush for the last 3. Thank you for caring and asking. Today was a hard day but Simba and I made it through. So for everyone is ok I'll watch for Simba behavior. :rbheart:


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Bless you! I know that was incredibly painful for you. The family that took Lil Gray sounds wonderful and caring, however, so I think you can rest assured that the placement is a fine one. They sound very amenable to giving you updates and pictures as well.

Do build relationships with the other families, and make certain the one taking the two oranges has the financial means to feed and neuter and vaccinate both kittens.

Do you feel confortable with where the first orange kitten is going tomorrow?

Is Simba's milk drying up further yet?


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I've just read through this thread and could really feel your "first time kitty mama" jitters when Simba went into labour and the babies were born.  I too would have been exactly like you, questioning everything and worrying myself sick. 

So glad all the babies thrived and are ready to go to their fur-ever homes.  Though I see letting them go isn't as easy as it sounds.

You've done a great job though, and I'm sure their new families are excited about welcoming them into their homes.

Are you keeping any kittens?  Or will Simba be an only cat?
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  • #280


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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Bless you! I know that was incredibly painful for you. The family that took Lil Gray sounds wonderful and caring, however, so I think you can rest assured that the placement is a fine one. They sound very amenable to giving you updates and pictures as well.

Do build relationships with the other families, and make certain the one taking the two oranges has the financial means to feed and neuter and vaccinate both kittens.

Do you feel confortable with where the first orange kitten is going tomorrow?

Is Simba's milk drying up further yet?
Hi thank you for hose kind words. I will share some pics they sent me of lil grey. I spoke to the family today and they said lil grey ate a little more and slept with his son in his bed all night. The lady taking orange 1 on Monday I am going to her house is amazing if she would take 2 I would give her all of them that's how wonderful she is. I spoke to both her and her husband they have the financial means very well to do thankfully. They adopted a cream puppy from north shore animal league and it just happened that orange 1 is cream colored which will be so cute. I am very secure with my decision. They are older their children have married but they are so wonderful all the 3 children live on the same block. Years ago they found in a lumber yard a cat that had kittens and the cat passed away and the woman bottle fed them and raised them. They were thinking of getting another one from me but I have homes for all of them but if they really wanted I would see what I can do because that's how much I trust them. I've made friends with them. But also I gave my word. Waiting 10 weeks lil grey and orange 1 adopters have been heaven scent. The black I think she wanted her when she was already a few weeks and the 2 orange were the last to get adopted I think they were 7 weeks.
Simbas milk I checked nipples they seem smaller but she was nursing yesterday and I know it's nursing for comfort because they eat soft and hard and get treats. I know I'll cry. For the 3 that will be left I have to talk more to the family who is taking the 2 kittens she is mostly a stay at home mom of 2 boys and she lives close. Since their are no animals in house do I need to do scent introduction? I offered her to come over and see the 2 kittens but she said it was okay. She said she is excited and her 2 boys. I didn't do scent introduction for orange 1 because she is quite far and I will be bringing him over and she bought ever toy the bed the food everything set up In a room and kitten will have run of their huge house but she set him up she's just waiting. Simba is close with the 3 orange. The lil grey and black are girls so I did notice her attention Is more for the boys but she has been great. She as you know I've said she's tough and rough never that loving because of her circumstances of kitten dumped on my property and was living in a tree. So for me to see her play and be happy it warms my heart. How will I know when milk is dried up since she is nursing still? Yes I will talk to the family with 2. She had 2 cats 20 years and 19 years old who passed away a year apart. I will confirm she has the financial means. The black has been sleeping on my bed also the orange 2 and I woke up and the black was holding onto my finger. Or I am sleeping and have licks on my nose from black and orange 2. My heart melts. They are all sleeping behind my bed I moved it up and put blankets they have their beds but they sleep anywhere they want. The black is the crier. I can't think of her leaving or any of them but her since she is the needy one it breaks my heart. The girl still hasn't come to do a scent exchange since she has a cat. I wanted to place in homes with families or houses. She is a single girl in apartment with room mate. I've seen alot of unfortunate scenarios. A girl meets a boyfriend he doesn't like that cat and that's it the cat goes to shelter. She is very sweet. I am in no rush. I've invested so much time and money and want them to be in real forever homes. I know you agree. I'm hoping Simba will be ok because I know he's a favorite of hers. Thank you so much truly you don't know what your support from day 1 has done for me. :rbheart: