Young cat just went into labor help please


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
All sounds well on your end! So glad that the transition for Mittens went so effortlessly, and that she has a new cat friend.

I think 12 hours before surgery is plenty of time to remove the food. It sounds like the top opening might be easier and quicker for putting Simba in the carrier. I would leave the carrier out with the top open until the day of the appointment so she is used to seeing it. Then pick her up and quickly pop her in that day.

All cats sleep more than they are awake. It's good that she has enjoyed playing with you. It's also normal that her appetite has greatly decreased. It sounds like she prefers the dry kitten food over her adult dry food. That's fine, but it has more calories in it, and some cats tend to put on weight after they are spayed.

It's nice of you to consider neutering her tom cat friend. After she is spayed she may have less interest in him, but to neuter him and take him in will help him greatly. Do you feed him now?

You should be proud of yourself for caring for Simba and all of her kittens! You did a great job all the way through, and you are now richer for having the experience!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and let us know how Simba is after her spay surgery :).


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Honestly I don't think it is a miracle, I think the smooth transitioning is mostly due to your 'thinking like a cat' and the love and dedication you have given them all.

Even your care luggage is darling and just the way you have handled all of this, you are truly the best kind of caregiving parent we all admire :)!!
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  • #303


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Sarthur2 Sarthur2

catwoman707 catwoman707

Hello my dear cat friends I am so sorry for the delay I was in hospital for my heart for a few weeks. I am weak but ok. Sorry I haven't had energy to come on. Reading what you wrote I am reading for the first time a month later and deeply touched. ♡

Simba is going in the morning for her spay surgery finally. I have taken food away but left a little water. I am quite nervous to get her in carrier because she has been through so much especially my heart was broken when I was away but my mom took car of her at my apartment and also all my feral cats including simbas boyfriend who yes I do feed. I feed any and every cat in need. I have 6 ferals. When I get stronger I will be taking a trap and release class so I can help my ferals as well as the community ferals.

Also the kittens are doing so wonderfully. I've recieved emails and updated photos. The black kitten is doing so great she has another cat and the cat looks just like her and they been best friends. The 2 boy oranges are doing so wonderful with the family as well as the grey and big orange. All have kept in touch and even have checked on me while I been very ill. I'm quite emotional reading your messages that I did a good job. It has been such a blessings and honor. And both your help has been everything to me. Thank you so so much. I will let you know how her surgery goes. The Vet wants her in by 10am and surgery is 12.

Please keep her in your prayers. She is my everything. Thank you again. Happy late thanksgiving and early Happy Holidays. You both are the best. God bless, Nicole :-)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It's wonderful to hear from you! I am so sorry you had heart troubles and had to be away in the hospital for so long. I'm sure Simba missed you, but it's wonderful that your mom stepped in to care for your cats for you. And it's truly lovely to hear that all of the kittens are doing so well!

Today is Simba's surgery, and I am anxious to hear from you that all has gone well.

I like your TNR plans very much. It is so rewarding to save ferals and give them a chance in life.

Happy holidays and God bless until you post again.
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zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I just read through this thread and have to say you have been an amazing kitty mom. You have been so caring thoughtful to the kittens and momma Simba. You really have a special way with animals. I am sorry you were not well, and I hope the worst is behind you. Have a wonderful holiday season. BTW you should consider a career working with animals.
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  • #307


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Sarthur2 Sarthur2

Hello thank you for the well wishes. Simba in one try I did the superman technique where I picked her up gently gave her kisses and put my hand over her eyes and swooped her inside the carrier that I put on my bed. I saw a man who was so gentle on YouTube do it and it worked. The last week I had tried my best to pick her up and cover her eyes for a few seconds and do the motion to swoop and then play with her. I felt so terrible my heart broke when she was crying the whole time on way more like screaming so loudly. She did calm down. I tried for her not to sense my anxiety or worry because I didn't want to upset her more. She has been prepped for surgery and is going in right now. Praying everything goes good. I will post later today to let you know when she is home safe and sound. She is such a trooper.

When I get better fully I can't wait to take the tnr class it's my obligation to help these poor cats. Thank you fot being a blessing since August 14th :-). Wishing you the happiest and best Christmas ever. I will post later. Because I do need advice on the after post surgery. Thank you again ♡♡♡♡♡
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  • #308


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
zed xyzed zed xyzed

Hello thank you so much for such kind words wow I really so appreciate that. Doing this all on my own by myself was the scariest but most amazing experience ever. I miss the 5 kittens but still hearing from the families is the best. Simba is entering surgery right now. It was heart breaking hearing her cry because she is so tiny and precious. I love animals so much. All animals. I always wanted to be a veterinarian since I was a child but I wasn't able to pursue that. I did go to school for psychology and have helped people. I Would Love To Work With animals especially after raising 5 healthy kittens. I lost my job so praying I can get another job and I will take your advice and look for something with animals. Your comment is so sweet and I'm so grateful you stopped by on this thread. Now just waiting to see how simba surgery went and I will post later tonight when I get her home. Thanks again. ♡♡♡♡♡


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Be sure they send you home with 3 days of pain medicine for Simba. Some vets do not give it automatically and you have to ask. It helps the cat a great deal.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Prayers for Simba's quick recovery. I hope you find your perfect job, I am hopeful karma smiles upon you for all the wonderful things you did for your kitty family.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA


Hello my dear cat friends I am so sorry for the delay I was in hospital for my heart for a few weeks. I am weak but ok. Sorry I haven't had energy to come on. Reading what you wrote I am reading for the first time a month later and deeply touched. ♡

Simba is going in the morning for her spay surgery finally. I have taken food away but left a little water. I am quite nervous to get her in carrier because she has been through so much especially my heart was broken when I was away but my mom took car of her at my apartment and also all my feral cats including simbas boyfriend who yes I do feed. I feed any and every cat in need. I have 6 ferals. When I get stronger I will be taking a trap and release class so I can help my ferals as well as the community ferals.

Also the kittens are doing so wonderfully. I've recieved emails and updated photos. The black kitten is doing so great she has another cat and the cat looks just like her and they been best friends. The 2 boy oranges are doing so wonderful with the family as well as the grey and big orange. All have kept in touch and even have checked on me while I been very ill. I'm quite emotional reading your messages that I did a good job. It has been such a blessings and honor. And both your help has been everything to me. Thank you so so much. I will let you know how her surgery goes. The Vet wants her in by 10am and surgery is 12.

Please keep her in your prayers. She is my everything. Thank you again. Happy late thanksgiving and early Happy Holidays. You both are the best. God bless, Nicole :-)
Hi Nicole! Thanks so much for your kind words.

It has been my pleasure helping you through this, from the beginning, as I said before, those dedicated cat parents as yourself, who listen to our advice and appreciate it are the ones we love to help and support!

Simba is going to be fine. I am so happy to hear she is getting spayed.

Also very happy to hear your plans to TNR your feral herd! 

Anytime you have questions on this, feel free to ask, I have many years of experience in this area as well and would be glad to offer advice and support.

Happy Holidays! What a great update! Sorry to hear you have been away with health problems, I do hope you recover fast. Simba is there for you too, she will know.
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  • #313


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Sarthur2 Sarthur2

Thank you so much. I just picked her up. She is not alert or moving sleeping. I Will take a picture a little later. She is wearing an e collar is that really nessecary? The vet said 14 days to use it. I never heard of that for that long it's quite uncomfortable. I did ask for pain meds a few times and I'd pay extra for it but the vet assured me that the shot They gave her is a pain killer and lasts for a few days hope this is true. Also antibiotics for 7 days in syringe form every 12 hours starting in morning. Simba is a trooper but seeing her not moving is scary. Also can you please tell me when she can eat and drink water because they said not till tomorrow morning and I think that is way to long. I hope she comes too so she can drink a little water. If you can offer advice because honestly zi trust you and the cat site more then the vet. Thank you so much. ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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  • #314


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Prayers for Simba's quick recovery. I hope you find your perfect job, I am hopeful karma smiles upon you for all the wonderful things you did for your kitty family.
zed xyzed zed xyzed

Awww bless you for that Thank you. I strongly believe I've never turned down a homeless animal or cat that finding such wonderful homes is amazing karma and I hope it will continue. Happy Holidays so nice to meet you ♡♡♡
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  • #315


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
catwoman707 catwoman707

Hi thank you for everything. We are home now and she seemed like she wasn't moving but then I opened the carrier and pulled blanket gentley to get her out then tried unscrewin the carrier but she ran out so scared and the ecollar is terrifying her. I hope I didn't do the wrong thing but I removed it and she is now hiding behind something. She is pretty dramatized. I was so worried. What time can she eat or drink water the vet tech sid not till tHe next morning but she might be hungry later I don't want to deny her food. Please let me know. You have gone above and beyond and from the begining. Many blessings to you. ♡♡♡♡
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  • #316


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
handsome kitty handsome kitty

Hi thank you so much. You also have been their from the beginning I can't thank you enough. She is pretty scared and starts her antibiotics tommorrow morning. She's so scared it breaks my heart but hoping she will recover soon.♡♡♡♡


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I agree the e-collar may not be necessary. Does she have dissolving stitches or external ones? She will likely not be running around to open her incision, so she will lick it a lot but be fine. I have never used the e-collar on my spayed females either. Licking the incision is okay.

I also leave food and water out and allow my spayed cats to begin eating at will. She may be groggy tonight from anesthesia and not eat much, but my cats have all eaten the same day they had spay or neuter surgery.

I don't know why vets say a pain shot lasts for several days. There is no pain shot that will last more than 24 hours. You may have to call back tomorrow for pain meds if you think Simba needs them. I do not use them on kittens, but I have found that my adult females need them for about 3 days. It's major surgery.

Glad she's home and doing well. She will eventually forget all about this, so try not to worry. It sounds like she came through with flying colors! [emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128149[/emoji]
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  • #318


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Sarthur2 Sarthur2

Hi I feel so much better you telling me about the collar. She was very in distress with it. I thought she was going to not be able to move but as soon as she knew I was trying to get her out she dashed but then panicked because of e collar. I took it off. She is hiding now I checked on her and I'm here but she's not sleeping she is up. I think she is a real trooper. I did put fresh water down and food and litter but she hasn't at all gone near any of them. As far as the antibiotics for 7 days they told me to administer it 2 ways the first using the syringe in her mouth which might be impossible for me. They said one person hold her and then squeeze her mouth a little open. I'm by myself and I don't want to squeeze her hoping I could maybe pick her up. Can I do that since she just had surgery to get a better angle to give her medicine that might not even work. The second way they said put in her soft food. Do you know any other options on administering liquid antibiotics please. Because to me she has feral tendencies. She's very tough even though she is tiny. Yes the stitches are dissolvable. I made sure of that because I didn't want to bring her back. I hope she will eat and drink water tonight. Right now she is awake laying down but hiding in a new spot Behind boxes. There is a pillow I put she is on. And the pain meds I asked a few times and offered to pay extra and the vet tech said no she will be fine. How would I know she is in pain I feel so bad if she will be. The tech told me the shot lasts for a few days and I kept asking. If there is a sign to know she is In pain maybe crying? They really didn't want to give me pain medication to take home. I don't know why. Just happy she is home but please let me know what to do. Thank you from bottom of my heart

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
You can try mixing the antibiotic w/ baby food.  Make sure it is just the turkey or chicken in gravy, no spices added.  Tuna juice is also ok.  If she doesn't eat it, you'll need to syringe it into her, so use small amounts.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Eh, you should be able to grasp her by the scruff and squeeze it into her mouth. If not, as Handsome Kitty said, mix it into her food. My cats have never had an antibiotic post- surgery, so your vet is ultra-conservative. If some is wasted, it won't matter, it's being given as a precaution.

She will probably sleep a lot the next couple of days. If she seems anti-social or meows, she's in pain. As I said before, no shot lasts longer than 24 hours.

I don't know why vets want clients to believe cats do not need pain meds. All they have to do is give you about 6 pre-filled syringes so the cat gets measured dosages 2x a day for 3 days. I've always insisted, and it works just fine.

See how Simba is tomorrow, and please follow your own instincts.