Young cat just went into labor help please


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
If the kittens are really hungry from lack of nursing, it also prompts them to try the wet food dish too.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
If Simba is eating all the kittens food I wonder if she is getting enough to eat.  She needs lots of food to produce milk to feed the kittens.  As they get bigger and eat more she needs to eat more as well.
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  • #183


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
No, do not wake them up to use the litter pan.

I think you should offer the little gray baby a bottle. He really seems to need it.

They are very young still, so you may need to coax Simba into nursing more. Of my four kittens, 2 took to mush at 5 weeks, and the other two at six weeks. So you can see that it's a process. Simba needs to keep nursing more than once a day. You may need to put her in with her babies, or bring the babies to her, to get her nursing more for a couple more weeks.

When you see the kittens trying to eat the litter you should stop them. Even though it's non-clumping they do not need to eat it.

It's great your black kitten is already going for the food plate! They all will eventually.

Keep up the nice job!
Hi thank you. She has nursed 2 times since I been up today and lil grey was eating. I'll weigh them tonight and let you know the weights. I hope lil grey will take bottle if his weight is not good. Any tips when giving the bottle if lil grey refuses at first. Please let me know. If lil grey doesn't I just pray she will nurse more and the mush I know takes a while to get. I do pick her up and put her in or if she hears them crying. They are really good babies. Should I leave a small bowl of the born free for lil grey or any of them to lap up. Right now they have hard food water and mush. I woke up to the litter all out of the box everywhere. In last 12 hours she has nursed 3-4 times but before that she didn't during the day from what I saw of yesterday. When they are sleeping she does go by them and makes a weird sound maybe to wake them up to be nursed. It's not a meow or cry it's a different sound. When they are separated walking around she does the same sound. When I saw them nibble litter I cleaned face and removed them from box and put by mush meaning to eat the mush then the litter. I was very gentle. When they sleep during day can I take off the bright light. I am going to buy a lamp I don't have one. They never have been completely in dark all this time I've had a nightlight on other side of room. Everything you said thank you :-)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Of course turn off the bright light when they are sleeping during the day. Once you get a lamp, i'm sure you will enjoy the lower lighting.

I'm glad to hear Simba is nursing more. The sound she makes to call her kittens is known as "trilling".

You could try leaving some Born Free in a small dish. Hopefully little grey will take to the bottle. You may have to squeeze a couple of drops into his mouth so he realizes it's milk. No other tricks other than just keep trying.
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  • #185


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Of course turn off the bright light when they are sleeping during the day. Once you get a lamp, i'm sure you will enjoy the lower lighting.

I'm glad to hear Simba is nursing more. The sound she makes to call her kittens is known as "trilling".

You could try leaving some Born Free in a small dish. Hopefully little grey will take to the bottle. You may have to squeeze a couple of drops into his mouth so he realizes it's milk. No other tricks other than just keep trying.
If the kittens are really hungry from lack of nursing, it also prompts them to try the wet food dish too.

Okay she just nursed so praying she will continue . Thank you. I worry :( trying my best. Lil grey and orange were nursing while the others were playing. Still eating the litter but I put them in n luck and no spills today simba must be cleaning up. Okay I'll report weights and if you think I should try bottle for lil grey I will. Today she is nursing more. Thankfully.

That is so interesting the cat does trilling.

Thank you.
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  • #186


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
If Simba is eating all the kittens food I wonder if she is getting enough to eat.  She needs lots of food to produce milk to feed the kittens.  As they get bigger and eat more she needs to eat more as well.
Hi thank you I think she might ofheard the can open and she just thought. She always has her water hard stuff about 10 treats 2 times a day and she is eating 5 3oz cans. She never has any empty plate of even the soft. I keep putting more and more. As long as she wants it. Good news she didn't eat the mush recently. She hasn't used their litter box I know it's small but maybe I can put a little of her bathroom in their litter maybe in a few days. It just worries me them nibbling on the non clump litter. I know they are exploring. I'm mostly their but the times I'm not I hope all is okay. Thank you :)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
When you're not around to supervise, just pick up their litter pan for now so they don't eat it. They really don't need the pan until they start eating the mush.

Was the black kitten eating mush today?
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  • #188


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
When you're not around to supervise, just pick up their litter pan for now so they don't eat it. They really don't need the pan until they start eating the mush.

Was the black kitten eating mush today?
Hi I just read this yes the black ate and also an orange ate from my hand a good amount I couldn't tell which one I didn't want to weigh when I had just weighed them and they weren't to happy on scale. I put a paper plate on scale and then weigh them because the digital food scale is now too small. I am posting weights now. I also took 1 litter box away. The little black goes into the litter box by herself himself I'm having a hard time seeing the sexes. I think 2 orange are boys. Then again I was told and thought Simba was a boy so I'm not the best judgement. I don't know when I look if black went pee pee I saw a dark few non clumping yesterday she might so would I confuse her by removing it while I'm away? Or it's okay since they are young to move it when not there. She doesn't seem to be eating it. A few of them nibbled the litter I brushed off face and took them by food. Okay let me know what you think of weights. I wasn't here from 4pm to 10 pm.q But when I came back she was nursing and she is nursing now. And you were right I did the mush with the soft can with the milk replacer and seems much better. :) Simba ate some and I noticed when I got back tonight Simba had eaten most of the kitten chow but I leave a lot. Her hard food bowl was filled and a soft can food was mostly eaten. I did see one of the big oranges go by the hard kitten chow. I didn't mix it with anything because I didn't want it to spoil while I was gone. I have a small water bowl out. And will do the milk replacer in small bowl. How long can the bowl of milk replacer be out for before spoiling. Before I poured it on the food to make mush I took my finger dipped it and tried for each to lick some. Just so they can taste. But they love simbas milk. While she is nursing I'm hearing her trilling is that because they are hurting her. If when she is done nursing should I put them in litter box or just let her clean them like she is Doing since they are still young. I didn't see no urine on tile floor or towel. The orange little teeth were sticking me I don't mind but a nipple that would hurt. Also a few are teething is there anything to give them for teething. One was chewing side of litter box the other the pet bed i have for them that they climb right now they still sleep on tile with the towel. I'm just so happy she hasn't moved them. In middle of nursing she gets up and goes to eat she's done this throughout they cry sometimes or sometimes just go to sleep. She just did this now while I am typing this. So,strikes her nursing is long sometimes short. ;):rbheart:
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  • #189


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Weights are in for Tuesday September 8th Sept 7 skipped.

Sept 3. Sept 4. Sept 6. September 8th

Orange 1. 13.8oz 14.2oz. 15.5oz. 1.09oz reached over 1 pound!!!! :-)
Orange 2. 13.0oz 13.9oz. 15.3oz. 1.03oz over 1 pound!!!!!!! :-)
Orange 3. 11.4oz 11.7oz. 13.6oz. 14.3oz
Black. 13.7oz. 13.8oz. 15.0oz. 15.9oz
Grey. 11.0oz 11.4oz. 12.7oz. 13.7oz

Post #162 has more weights from previous days
Born August 14


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
The weights are fantastic! Simba must be doing a good job after all :).

Since one or two are beginning to use the litter pan you'll need to leave it down all the time now.

Nothing to do for teething. They'll just gnaw on things. Perhaps they will begin crunching on kitten chow soon.

The kitten milk should be okay for an hour or so.

I'm glad they like their mush with kitten milk. It sounds like it won't be long until they all learn to eat!
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  • #192


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
The weights are fantastic! Simba must be doing a good job after all :).

Since one or two are beginning to use the litter pan you'll need to leave it down all the time now.

Nothing to do for teething. They'll just gnaw on things. Perhaps they will begin crunching on kitten chow soon.

The kitten milk should be okay for an hour or so.

I'm glad they like their mush with kitten milk. It sounds like it won't be long until they all learn to eat!
Hi I'm so happy you approve of the weights.! I'm happy myself. So for lil grey since lil grey is gaining weight do I need to bottle feed yet? He's so tiny compared to rest even the lil orange. I don't know for sure if the black is using litter box but I do put black in and black has gone by itself but don't know if just playing but don't see black eating it from what I can tell. I left it down but I saw a few more eating the litter So I pulled up both now when I'm not there because I don't want them poisoned or get tummy obstruction. I think black was looking for the litter box this morning black who never crys was crying so I ran and got litter box but didn't seem to be litter box black wanted. I picked black up and gave kisses and black stopped crying. I put black down crys again. Tried to place by others and by Simba. It's just really hard for me to know what each 5 want.
This morning I tried mush again today late morning and none wanted not even black. Right now they are happy with the bigger space. Simba is very nervous to begin with. I took her out 2 times and 1 time it was drizzling she loves the rain so I took her on leash for a few the 2nd time. I offered mush again since they not eating it really I haven't done every 4 hours to waste it but I know it's a process so little by little. No takers for the mush black licked my hands a little with it on but no one else and black didn't go by plate. They all started crying and I picked up Simba and put her where she nurses and they ran to her. So they might be holding out for her milk. There was one urine spill I cleaned just now.
The kittens are going great!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
The mush every 3-4 hours is for when they are all eating well. Right now they are just experimenting with it.

It does sound like they wanted mom when they were crying.

Little grey appears to be doing well without the bottle for now.
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  • #194


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
The mush every 3-4 hours is for when they are all eating well. Right now they are just experimenting with it.

It does sound like they wanted mom when they were crying.

Little grey appears to be doing well without the bottle for now.

I agree they love their mommy. I did the mush again in evening 3 times today no reaction tried each of them with my finger even made it more wet with the milk relaxer. A lil lick from the black but nothing more. The big orange did nibble one piece on the hard kitten chow so cute. I placed them all by orange but no takers. Lil grey looks like he wants to but is too tiny. Melts my heart. They all had weight gains I will post when I do the weights tomorrow but I did record today also. If the lil grey is sleeping and they are feeding I will wake him to feed and lil orange. Really any of them but my main concern is the 2 smaller ones to get to that weight they need for 4 weeks. They cried tonight I picked Simba up and put her down but she wasn't having it this time it worked earlier she had just nursed them a little before but 2 were sleeping and i didn't notice till end of nursing. To clean the floors I been using water but can I use soap they do lick the floors so I don't want to use antibacterial or toxic anything on floor. If you can recommend anything or just continue to use water and scrub. Everything is sticky and messy I am constantly cleaning. It's ok though. I feel bad for taking away the litter box but right now once again I put it down and they munch so till they start eating mush and actually going to bathroom Simba is doing a great job cleaning all of them. During play time there was another oops pee pee on the pet bed so that's being washed. They are so active I don't know whose doing what. They really enjoy playing with each other and there's a few loners that just relax. Not to excited about the balls and mice toys. But they sleep altogether but I did notice a few times during nap one was alone sleeping. I can't believe 4 weeks old Friday. Time flys. ;):rbheart::D thank you again for taking the time always to help. 3 over 1 pound and the little 2 hopefully can get to it soon.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They sound like they are doing well. The little runts will catch up eventually. In another week I think you'll see some of the bigger ones taking to the food more. It's good if they can watch Simba eat too. It may help them get more interested.

They will get more interested in their toys too as they get bigger. They are unbelievably cute when they are chasing balls or have a toy mouse in their mouths!

I would continue to use just water on the floors for now. You can return to using product when they get just a little bigger and are less likely to lick the floor.
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  • #196


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
They sound like they are doing well. The little runts will catch up eventually. In another week I think you'll see some of the bigger ones taking to the food more. It's good if they can watch Simba eat too. It may help them get more interested.

They will get more interested in their toys too as they get bigger. They are unbelievably cute when they are chasing balls or have a toy mouse in their mouths!

I would continue to use just water on the floors for now. You can return to using product when they get just a little bigger and are less likely to lick the floor.

Hi sorry for delay I had no wifi on my phone or iPad for 5 days. I am going to post the weights so you can see after this below. I started litter box training again today. Because I think last week I overwhelmed them with all at same time the litter box hard food and mush. They all have taken to the hard food nibbling every few hours. The mush not so much either with water or the kmr. I started just putting a can out mushing it with a spoon and throwing in some kitten chow hard and they ate a little. I thought they would be wanting the mush before the hard. Maybe the fancy feast flavor turkey they don't like. Theybdomhave ocean fish I bought 10 cases of the turkey because simba loves it. The little grey did first bowel movement today and I think they all have today. Litter box 2 orange nibbled at the non clump I cleaned it from face then moved them to food. The black used the litter box when I put in and I think even lil grey some pee pee. Simba is feeding less or if she goes and calls for them not all are going at same time but then I noticed out of no where they cry and jump on her for feeding. So I guess it depends on the time. Two observations I been cleaning a lot with the water. I noticed the kittens have been scratching here and there. I did see some mosquitos last week and tried looking for fleas on them but didn't see anything. I keep everything really clean so don't know since I been walking simba 2 times a day in backyard and there are bugs and Mosquitos everywhere that have attacked me. I don't know if she brought them in. I don't even know what a flea looks like. Simba never had fleas. I changed the bedding pet bed they now like and use it and also fresh towels because where they are is on tile. The other concern is the black has been crying but if you pay attention and play she's ok and happy. She is eating and playful but she does cry more then others. I don't know if it's medical or attention because if I pick her up,or she climbs on me she seems great. They have started playing with the balls. I opened up the space more I will take a picture of it. Simba doesn't sleep with them at all. She's near around and will pop in to clean them or feed them. I play with them more this past week because I want to socialize them. I have now 3 forever homes for 3 of them and 2 left. When the time comes to seperate from each other and simba I will need advise. I read about scent exchange from each home but don't know how 5 kittens that will work out. i know you told me the sooner I can get simba fixed I tried to go back in the thread but I couldn't find it if you don't mind to let me know again. I think ideal was 8 weeks and soonest was ??? Sorry I forgot. I don't want to dramatize simba with more anxiety then she has. She crys but not that bad and the walks on lease help. She's not really playing with them. They are 5 weeks this Friday. Time flys. :rbheart:;)
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  • #197


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 14, 2015
New York, USA
Weights In!

***********Sept 9 Sept 10 Sept 11 Sept 13 Sept 15 Sept 16

Orange 1 17.3oz. 17.7oz. 18.5. 20.2oz. 21.5oz. 22oz.

Orange 2 17.1oz. 17.04oz. 18.3oz. 19.6oz. 21.3oz. 21.8oz.

Orange 3 14.6oz. 15.3oz. 15.9oz. 17.0oz. 18.0oz. 18.4oz

Black 16.4oz 17.1oz. 17.9oz 18.9oz. 20.4oz. 20.5oz. ( Sept 15 & 16 little gain?)

Grey 14.2oz. 14.6oz. 15.3oz. 16.4oz. 17.7oz. 18.4oz. Catching up :-) :clap:

Skipped Sept 12 and Sept 14 weigh in.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 16, 2015
Because mum is ginger you can sex those babies by their colour... all gingers will be boys and the 2 dark ones (torties) will be girls :)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
The weights are great!

Since you are feeding them wet kitten food there is no need to add water or kitten milk to it. They should show more interest in their wet food over the next week or so.

You'll need to put a tube of Advantage on Simba's neck. If they are scratching then they have fleas. It's not mosquitos. You can put a q-tip's worth of Advantage on each kitten's neck as well. You'll have a full-blown flea problem otherwise and they will get tapeworms from the fleas.

You can spay Simba when the kittens are 7 or 8 weeks old, so in about 2 weeks.

It sounds like all is well :).