What Breed is My Cat?

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TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
Nottingham, England.
Hi everyone! I was hoping you guys would be able to help me identify what breed my cat is! 

My little Cookieman is a beauty! She's super playful, extremely fast and very affectionate! Towards me anyway, she doesn't bat an eyelid at anyone else haha.

Anyway, here's a few pictures which should hopefully help!



I have researched and narrowed her down to have a lot of similarities to the Egyptian Mau, but then of course, some slight differences.

The characteristics I have noticed is the 'scarab' shape on the top of her head, the proportions of her head (large ears) and body (such as longer hind legs compared to her front), a completely spotted belly, green eyes etc etc. The only thing I don't understand is the pattern across the side of her stomach! 

Anyway, hopefully someone can help? :) Thanks!

book worm

TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
I realize he's a domestic shorthair, but I'm just curious what you all think he looks like (just for fun, in no way to say "I have a ___ cat"). When I adopted him from an animal rescue, they told me he was part Nebelung (we all had a good laugh about that when we looked it up!). He's a year and four months, weighing in at 10 pounds.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
 Dean,  can you tell something about where the cat came from  ( how you got the cat  & what, if anything,  you know about her parents / background,     and what geographical location she came from.  doesn't have to be specific as to town. but country might possibly be helpful info)    

She's a wonderful looking cat!    

 the M on the head  ( or it can sometimes resemble a scarab) is  seen in nearly all cats with a tabby pattern.

 Spots on the stomach are also common in many tabbies all over the world. 

The markings on her side are part of the "classic tabby" pattern ,  that is seen in domestic cats in Europe and the Middle East.  It's less common than the striped tabbies,  because it is from a recessive gene that has to be inherited from both parents in order for it to show. 

I do have other thoughts but will wait to hear more.    

I have researched and narrowed her down to have a lot of similarities to the Egyptian Mau, but then of course, some slight differences.

The characteristics I have noticed is the 'scarab' shape on the top of her head, the proportions of her head (large ears) and body (such as longer hind legs compared to her front), a completely spotted belly, green eyes etc etc. The only thing I don't understand is the pattern across the side of her stomach! 

Anyway, hopefully someone can help? :) Thanks!


TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
Nottingham, England.
 Dean,  can you tell something about where the cat came from  ( how you got the cat  & what, if anything,  you know about her parents / background,     and what geographical location she came from.  doesn't have to be specific as to town. but country might possibly be helpful info)    

She's a wonderful looking cat!    

 the M on the head  ( or it can sometimes resemble a scarab) is  seen in nearly all cats with a tabby pattern.

 Spots on the stomach are also common in many tabbies all over the world. 

The markings on her side are part of the "classic tabby" pattern ,  that is seen in domestic cats in Europe and the Middle East.  It's less common than the striped tabbies,  because it is from a recessive gene that has to be inherited from both parents in order for it to show. 

I do have other thoughts but will wait to hear more.    
Thank you for the quick response! Well I originally got the cat from my older sister, who got a job which meant she moved to Bolivia, so I spent a while looking after her, and definitely couldn't let her go to a new home or a cat shelter, so now we are inseparable. Unfortunately, that means that I have literally no information about her, so it's completely up to interpretation. She is in the UK, so that would probably put her down to just a standard Tabby cat, as they're extremely common over here. I originally had a tabby cat who seemed to have found me, and again, got very attached to me over this summer whilst I was at University. But they're completely different, shape, size, personality, fur patterns etc - which led me to looking into other possible breeds. Personally, she looks a little like the bronze, Egyptian Mau from what I've seen and read, but again, I'm no cat expert and although there are similarities, she's probably just a typical tabby.

If you have any other questions, I'd love to do what I can to hopefully help. What other thoughts did you have in mind? Thanks.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
 I'm gonna guess that the 'part Nebelung'  was because his mom was a Blue Tortie Domestic Longhair who was predominantly blue.  so they just  ignored the cream bits and called her a Nebelung. LOL.

  I think there are more Blue DLHs  labeled as "Nebelungs" in shelters than there are Nebelungs total!      Especially if they're also calling Blue Torties that too! 

 He is a very pretty boy.  he's a really nicely colored Cream Tabby and that gold eye color with the light cream coat is just wonderful.   and I would   like to see some more pictures that show  tabby pattern off better  (  side views of him stretched out , in good lighting where one can see whatever pattern is on his side.   made by the lighter and darker cream color fur )   Right now i can't tell if he's mackerel or spotted.  and he could even be heterozygous ticked for all I can tell!  

 Honestly the breeds he most resembles are the ones who came from breeding the random-bred shorthair cats  of a certain area   

 for example American Shorthair.   which he most resembles in the last photo.      The other photos show he is a bit longer in the body and narrower in the muzzle than they are .    Actually probably looks closer to a European Shorthair.   but Stefan could give a better opinion on that since that is originally a Scandinavian breed .  from the shorthair farm cats.   People will probably think this is nuts but in the 2nd photo he has a little expression that reminds me of an Aby.   but probably just a coincidence.. or just in my own mind!  . maybe he is thinking Aby-ish thoughts. lol.   .It's very subtle.    & he sure does not look like one in the last picture.  

 What's his name?  
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oh wow!    Iroh is a Cream Ticked Tabby .  still has some stripes on the legs and tail because he probably just has one copy of the Ticked Tabby gene,  and hasn't been bred to breed out those stripes.  

 ( Actually in the top photo of these last 3, the color looks  more red.   most of the others look borderline or more cream .  The 3rd photo from the first group,  the close-up  head shot,  that  definitely looked cream  so if that's accurate color, he is cream.    ( Cream is the dilute version of Red.  It's what happens if a cat who would have been Red, gets a dilute gene from both parents.   It makes a paler version of the color. ) 

 This makes it  funny that I fancied I saw a little  expression in the one picture that reminded me of an Abyssinian.   Maybe he was "thinking Aby-ish thoughts" because he is a ticked tabby like them!     I swear I didn't realize he was ticked.   I thought maybe because he's a cream that his pattern is rather subtle.  but I thought he might be spotted.    but no, he is ticked. 

  I'm not saying he has any Abyssinian ancestry.  He really does NOT look like an Aby of today.  and not even like an Aby of 1950.    but  he does look a bit like  some of the pictures of Abys from farther back,  maybe 80 or 100 years ago ---  or really probably, it's more that he looks like some of their  ticked tabby moggy ancestors from Britain.  ( They are not all descended from imports from Abyssinia!   or even mostly! They were to a large extent bred from English cats with a ticked tabby pattern. )    

Iroh is a very handsome boy.   In that photo of him standing up stretching at the door, he looks like a mini- mountain lion!

He would be a fun cat to show as a Household Pet if he had the personality that would enjoy it.   judges would just love that coat and those eyes! 


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Mittens pattern is a black and white (some may call it tuxedo), she [edit: he ] is like most cats, a domestic, or moggie...

Good luck!
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hi and welcome to thecatsite! 

You have very pretty cats! Unlike dogs 97% of the cat population is not a particular breed or mix. Your cats are considered domestics. 
Gato1107!  Agree with the above by FranksMom.  Their pattern, is,

the many coloured is Tortoiseshell and white, some call it for calico. 

The other you could say has a Harlequin pattern,

ie Van pattern with some extra blotches on the body.

A typical Van pattern has color at the top of the head at the ears, reddish or blackish, and coloured reddish or blackish tail, whitish otherwise over the whole body.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
Gato1107!  Agree with the above by FranksMom.  Their pattern, is,

the many coloured is Tortoiseshell and white, some call it for calico. 

The other you could say has a Harlequin pattern,

ie Van pattern with some extra blotches on the body.

A typical Van pattern has color at the top of the head at the ears, reddish or blackish, and coloured reddish or blackish tail, whitish otherwise over the whole body.

Good luck!
I knew they were calicos, but I had never heard the term 'harlequin pattern' before. I very much like that terminology. Thank you! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Thank you for the quick response! Well I originally got the cat from my older sister, who got a job which meant she moved to Bolivia, so I spent a while looking after her, and definitely couldn't let her go to a new home or a cat shelter, so now we are inseparable. Unfortunately, that means that I have literally no information about her, so it's completely up to interpretation. She is in the UK, so that would probably put her down to just a standard Tabby cat, as they're extremely common over here. I originally had a tabby cat who seemed to have found me, and again, got very attached to me over this summer whilst I was at University. But they're completely different, shape, size, personality, fur patterns etc - which led me to looking into other possible breeds. Personally, she looks a little like the bronze, Egyptian Mau from what I've seen and read, but again, I'm no cat expert and although there are similarities, she's probably just a typical tabby.

If you have any other questions, I'd love to do what I can to hopefully help. What other thoughts did you have in mind? Thanks.
 Sorry I missed seeing this.  

   This is a pretty exotic looking cat  and there are a few ideas I had.     I would ask your sister what she knows, though.  

I almost hesitated to say this without knowing more -- it is a very very rare breed  so I'm thinking  "COULD someone have one and not know?"..... but she  looks quite a bit like a Sokoke.    That's a naturally occurring native breed from Kenya.         I think that classic tabby pattern isnt normally seen in Kenya .  so  it made me wonder if British folks working there  in private business or in the colonial government,  might have brought cats from home,  and those mated with the local feral  cats.   

 I think this is the first time in answering questions about "what breed is my cat? "  ( or "What breed does my cat resemble?" )  that  I have been the one to mention Sokoke even as a possibility .    There's been times when other people thought their cat was a Sokoke but I don't think I ever thought that possible.    Instead the cat usually looked like a classic tabby moggy  or a probable marble Bengal or Bengal mix.    

The other ideas are that she might have some  of an exotic hybrid breed such as Bengal or Savannah  or even both .   I  see some features that could come from the Asian Leopard Cat and some that might come from African Serval  .  

That Classic Tabby pattern is from domestic cats, it's seen in both Europe and the Middle East.    In Bengals , they've bred from that to get the marble patterned Bengals.   She has the bull's eye pattern which is common in the domestic Classic tabbies,  both moggies and pedigrees,  but it's considered a "fault" in Bengals.   She does NOT look like an SBT Bengal  ( the ones who have been bred enough generations that they should be looking consistent )     

 Ad she  is also almost certainly not an Egyptian Mau .   but could possibly have some ancestry of that breed since it's been used in Savannah breeding. 

Very very beautiful and interesting cat and I hope you will stick around and share more pictures and stories about her!  


TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
Nottingham, England.
So from what you think, she's a pretty rare cat to have inherited? Especially in the UK? I've never seen any like her here to be honest. She's definitely not common looking.

Here's a few more pictures I posted in another section of the forum of me and Cookie. Don't worry, I love her, and cats, so I'm definitely going to stick around and get involved on the forum.

Thank you again!



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Dean, Maew.  Yeah, I too have some thoughts, I too missed this your answer to Maew questions.

Me to thinks, if comparing her to something unusual, so sooner Sokoke than Egyptian Mau.

The cat living in UK makes it perhaps slightly lesser impossible then you think, the british had and has often much connections with other countries, including in Africa.

Very vague indicies, so please talk again with your sis, Dean.

Exciting cat!

Good luck!
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TCS Member
Aug 17, 2013
Nottingham, England.
Dean, Maew.  Yeah, I too have some thoughts, I too missed this your answer to Maew questions.

Me to thinks, if comparing him to something unusual, so sooner Sokoke than Egyptian Mau.

The cat living in UK makes it perhaps slightly lesser impossible then you think, the british had and has often much connections with other countries, including in Africa.

Very vague indicies, so please talk again with your sis, Dean.

Exciting cat!

Good luck!
Yeah, most definitely. I was just reading on a site about various breeds and stuff, but never came across the Sokoke, so the Egytian Mau had a lot of similarities, except the 'bullseye' pattern.

Oh really? Yeah I suppose, that does make sense. I would have loved to have known what her parents were, maybe I could trace down who had given the cat to my sister. 

I will, most definitely try and talk to her again, with her being in South America at the moment, it makes getting in contact with her slightly hard, and I know she didn't really have much information to start with, maybe the first owner didn't even know what she was, and told my sister she was just another tabby - as that's what my sister thought when I asked.

But even I know (a little) enough about cats to not have that as a satisfactory answer. I really hope we manage to narrow this down and find out!

It's exciting for me, and I'd love to know what heritage she has!

Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate it.


TCS Member
Aug 20, 2013
What breed is my cat?
Her name is marceline.
At first it was all grey but now is showing some lines

I took this cat in when it followed me home. love this cat so much. She's very friendly. Really active. Can entertain herself. Doesn't really need me unless is to feed her or clean the box Lol.
I did the breeder test and there was one that did look like her and its this

What do you think?
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
SlenderCat.   Has Tom a reddish tail?  Which I do guess he has.

In that case, his pattern is called for Van pattern, after the Turkish Van. That breed is quite unusual,  but the pattern as such is not unusual at all.

My guess is, Tom is like 97% of cats, he doesnt belong to any breed, is a domestic or moggie as they sometimes say.

With this Van pattern.

The pattern can also be blackish, black blotches at the ears, and blackish tail.

Good luck!
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