The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
If you can get to a store, most places have a generic regular clay litter for about $1 for a 10-lb bag. It's not exactly terrific on odors, but probably better than dirt from outside, lol. And you could probably find $1 even when money is tight. I know Walmart and Hy-Vee have it anyway, I haven't checked other stores. I just buy it to keep in the car for emergency traction :D.

But thanks for the Amazon alert! I ordered a couple boxes too, that is a really good price.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You posted this over a day ago, how is the hand doing now?  I worry.  I'm good at it.  Positively talented, in fact.

Still numb, still weak, but it doesn't hurt.  I'll call Dr. DesSantis on Wednesday and see about getting it checked.  It's playing havoc with my typing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Still numb, still weak, but it doesn't hurt.  I'll call Dr. DesSantis on Wednesday and see about getting it checked.  It's playing havoc with my typing.
Could it be carpal tunnel?  I know that causes numbness and pain but I don't know if the numbness is ongoing or sporadic.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I'm having a bit of a dilemma
I'm currently involved with one of the employee resource groups at work. The group is planning a small get together after a workshop in January, drinks and/or dinner. The workshop is until 5pm which mean I'll be at work from 6am-ish to 5pm, a very long day for me. Add in an hour commute home at rush hour unless I use a ride share likely with price surge at the time. The last thing I want to do is socialize
Plus I'm a really complicated introvert so I don't like get togethers and parties and the like. I need quiet "me" time after being around people all day. I've already declined the invitation but someone sent me an email saying that the entire group has already accepted and that I really need to attend, even if that means the entire group deciding on a different day so I can attend. Should I just go for drinks (I don't even drink) for half an hour and try not to be overstimulated and uncomfortable?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Yes, you should. I can commiserate with your discomfort because I am very much like you. But you do need to show your face and your teeth at these get -togethers. It's really important to socialize to continue in your job.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Yes, you should. I can commiserate with your discomfort because I am very much like you. But you do need to show your face and your teeth at these get -togethers. It's really important to socialize to continue in your job.
She already said her workday with these people is from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Why on earth should she spend more time with them "to continue in [her] job"?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
It's a matter of being part of the group. If you isolate yourself, you will lose. It's better to put up with a few minutes of discomfort than it is to be labeled as misfit.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I was never very good with gatherings, either.  But, after a lot of things in my life, I've developed a pretty thick skin and nothing anyone can say is gonna faze me.  I don't care what people think anymore and it's easier to be myself.  And I have a lot more fun now.  I very rarely drink anymore, but getting out is still fun sometimes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
So we put an offer on a house and it was accepted! The inspection is Thursday. Fingers crossed that it goes well. 

We could be in a home by the middle of January. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
So we put an offer on a house and it was accepted! The inspection is Thursday. Fingers crossed that it goes well. 

We could be in a home by the middle of January. 
Congratulations!  That's wonderful news!  

  Let this happen!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Yes, I would have gotten the heck outta here, too.  He turned himself in later that day, but still.  And yes, the gift card definitely came at a good time.  I was wondering if they would use the litter box if I dug up some dirt from outside.  LOL
That dirt from outside may have have all kinds of things in it that you won't want to expose your kitties to. If you are that hard up you can shred newspaper and junk mail to put in the box, it will be better for your kitties than dirt from outside. Shred it as small as you possibly can, you will have to discard all of it once it is messy and start from scratch with more shredded paper. Since the kitties are used to the litter box they probably won't care what's in it as long as it's SOMETHING that they can dig in.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
That dirt from outside may have have all kinds of things in it that you won't want to expose your kitties to. If you are that hard up you can shred newspaper and junk mail to put in the box, it will be better for your kitties than dirt from outside. Shred it as small as you possibly can, you will have to discard all of it once it is messy and start from scratch with more shredded paper. Since the kitties are used to the litter box they probably won't care what's in it as long as it's SOMETHING that they can dig in.
I was exaggerating.  I always manage to figure something out.  Actually, we were considering one of those title loans but we got everything figured out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
What a beautiful tree! (Unfortunately we can't put ours up--the last time we had a family get together, about the same time someone swapped my The Story of Holly and Ivy  for The Velveteen Rabbit  someone stole the pole that's the center of our tree. 
 We don't have the money to get one right now, so we're keeping our eyes on artificial trees for the after Christmas sales.) You know, come to think of it, I don't think our kitties have ever seen a Christmas tree...
I wouldn't classify the brits so harshly, I'm in western colorado USA and in the same situation as far as neighbors and strangers. I would compliment a stranger on her shoes, but I wouldn't knock on somebdy's door to return a coupon, and I don't think it's stuffy, just a bit reserved.
Wow. That's way  different from down here, where it's common to not only give them their mail (if it was misdelivered) but also hold onto packages for your neighbors whether you usually talk to them or not!
Thanks for that! About my cats, oh my... I have five cats, all hard luck cases that came to me from one source or another. Everybody who knows me knows I won't say no to another cat. I love them all so much. Little white long hair Phoebe with blue crossed eyes and lots of attitude. Wee Jock and Annapurna, tabbies found on a Wyoming oil well rig. Taz, a chunky tuxie who almost died from swallowing a string as a tiny kitten. And fluffy, autistic calico Lady who really doesn't get social interaction, but loves a good pet on the kitchen rug now and then. I also have 3 sets of fosters, waiting to be rehomed except for the four who have FELV, they will be with me in their own part of the house for as long as they live, hopefully a good long time.
That's--a very different story than how I got cats. (Long story short--IB brought one home, our local shelter wouldn't let me take her to get spayed before her first heat because she wasn't mine, she had five kittens, rehoming failed, one passed, one left with IB. Now I have four cats and while they wouldn't have been my choice, I'm still really  happy to have them.)
I might end up being a foster mom for a cat for a while.  My neighbor across the hall died.  I heard sirens and didn't really think much of it til they stopped right outside.  I guess a couple of his friends had tried calling and he didn't answer so they came to check on him - they had a key.  I'm pretty sure he had cancer.  Anyway, he had a cat.  So I told the one friend if they needed someone to take care of it, to let me know.  I think they're feeling a bit overwhelmed - who wouldn't be?  John might be a little irritated, but he'll get over it.  I mean, the cat probably did more for him than the doctors - especially his mental state.  And I know he would want it to be taken care of and not just end up at a shelter.  I didn't know him well - just a random hi and chitchat when I saw him in the hall - but he seemed like a nice guy.  It's really sad.  Just seems like the least I can do.
You've  had a rough couple of months, and now this? Good luck to you!
I am in the terrible conundrum that many cat owners face. Having to pee, but also having two cats on my lap. 

On the buying the house saga- got preapproved, now trying to find a house in the price range. Such a complicated process on the whole. Looked at one house yesterday that was in my price range, but absolutely terrible. Roof was completely ruined and leaking everywhere. 

That's great
Is the real estate market hot where you are? Here houses and condos get snapped up right away, sometimes as soon as they are listed and haven't had an open house yet. Bidding wars are common. You do have to be wary about houses that are in your price range. There could be a whole slew of issuse with them that would be extrememly expensive to fix or replace or bring up to current building codes. I've heard of people bringing home inspectors along to look for issues in potential houses.

No plans today other than to the grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner. I'm thinking a one pot chicken and rice dish. I guess Mom had some kind of minor surgery yesterday so she's pretty much going to stay in bed all weekend. No idea what kind of surgery she had. No one in my family will their discuss their health
It's just "I'm having surgery tomorrow so don't come home for dinner" 
No idea what my two adult brothers who still live at home are going to do. Neither cook or help around the house. Dad is too lazy to do anything but sit on the sofa all day being a big cranky grouch. 
Yeah, I get it. I just finished cleaning a mountain of dishes that got left in the kitchen and living room since the last time I had a day off to do dishes. 

They went home because they saw the supervisor murder his wife?  Gee, how could they possibly think that was cause to go home?!  (I'm being sarcastic, of course.  This is exactly the time when you want to get out of there -- when there's an angry man waving a gun around in the parking lot and shooting people.  Not to mention when you're a witness to a murder, and the murderer knows it and is right there and still armed.  Good for them.)

Sounds like you guys have had a really rotten couple of weeks.  I'm sorry to hear it.  I'm glad the gift card came when you needed it, at least.

Personally, I'd call the police first, wait to make sure they're coming, and then book it like the hounds of Hell are chasing me. 
Yes, the human version does have alcohol in it, but you're only supposed to use a few drops.  The alcohol is not the active ingredient.

It's never done anything for me, either, and I haven't tried it on pets.  But even prescription drugs have different effects on different people, so that doesn't mean very much.

Isn't that the truth? Back in high school my dentist prescribed me an anti-anxiety medication that was supposed  to be mild (and the dosage was only five mg!). One of them though, put me in a loopy state that could, quite literally, accomplish nothing
So we put an offer on a house and it was accepted! The inspection is Thursday. Fingers crossed that it goes well. 

We could be in a home by the middle of January. 
Good luck to you! I know you've been looking for a long time!
I was exaggerating.  I always manage to figure something out.  Actually, we were considering one of those title loans but we got everything figured out.
You've got to watch the fine print on the title loans. Some can be helpful, and some have the shady practices of their less-than-legal counterparts.

Well, I finally got a day off. 
 It's been crazy hectic at the store (everyone's throwing parties as well as sales and people on their way to those tend to swing by for gas and other goods), I'm in the middle of crocheting scarves for my coworkers in their favorite colors (hopefully they'll be pleasantly surprised), and Asia has been bullying Princess and in my (exceptionally limited) free time I've been trying to mediate. Okay, first AWM has been letting the cats sleep on her bed (it's bigger than mine, and they all like having room to sprawl--what is it about a cat that adds surface area when it sleep?) when Asia took Princess's pride of joy spot on  the bed. Not really that big of a deal, Princess moved to another spot of the bed and all seemed fine--for a while. Now Asia won't let Princess on AWM's bed at all; if Princess jumps up there Asia will force her back down. So, since Princess likes having company when she sleeps, she moved into my room on my bed (and changed her sleeping hours so we're on the bed at the same time). Then Asia started keeping Princess from entering my room at all  (Asia doesn't go in there much), so Princess moved to sleeping in one of the cat-bed made boxes (we have a few of them lying around for the kitties) in the living room, and I caught Asia poking Princess until she jumped out of the bed. She isn't trying to keep Princess from eating (yet), but I'm worried it's coming. I have no idea what the source of this new behavior is, but I know why Princess isn't fighting back: she's cold. Princess has the thinnest fur of any of the cats, and she keeps burrowing (as much as possible with Asia keeping her from her regular sleeping spots) for warmth. (I've been leaving my heated blanket on for her, but Asia won't let her in my room.) I'm getting worried. Does anyone have a similar experience about what's going on and how I can fix this?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
What a beautiful tree! (Unfortunately we can't put ours up--the last time we had a family get together, about the same time someone swapped my The Story of Holly and Ivy  for The Velveteen Rabbit  someone stole the pole that's the center of our tree. 
 We don't have the money to get one right now, so we're keeping our eyes on artificial trees for the after Christmas sales.) You know, come to think of it, I don't think our kitties have ever seen a Christmas tree...
The house guests from hell threw away the center pole of our Christmas tree.  Fortunately, they kept all the branches.  I went to Home Depot the other day and bought a new pole so I can drill holes into it and have my tree again.  Now all I need is a stand; the only ones I've been able to find in stores so far are intended for "live" (i.e. dying) trees, and they expect a larger trunk diameter.

What with my mother's death in February, this year it somehow seems more important to have a Christmas tree.  Something from my childhood.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
The house guests from hell threw away the center pole of our Christmas tree.  Fortunately, they kept all the branches.  I went to Home Depot the other day and bought a new pole so I can drill holes into it and have my tree again.  Now all I need is a stand; the only ones I've been able to find in stores so far are intended for "live" (i.e. dying) trees, and they expect a larger trunk diameter.

What with my mother's death in February, this year it somehow seems more important to have a Christmas tree.  Something from my childhood.

The tree in the post above is a real tree.

But you can easily make a stand for a real tree fit the pole tou are making for the fake tree. You just have to drill 2 holes comletely perpendicular to each other into the base and make sure you get "pins" (aka the things you twist into the holes in the stand to secure the trunk of the tree) which are long enough to screw into the homes you make in the pole. They sell the large pins at Home Depot.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I've gotten a title loan before.  Everything went fine - the interest rate was a bit high (20%) but I didn't have any other options and I paid it off really early so it wasn't too bad.

Asia sounds like she's being a little witch with a b.  I have no idea what to suggest.  Mickey was being an arse to Connor and Murphy.  I picked him up, told him "no" in a very stern voice, and put him back down.  He stopped but it was about a week after his neutering so I don't know if my stern "no" did anything at all or if it was the hormones settling down after the neutering.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
What is on my mind ??? lol Do cats have built in time clocks. No joke. They wake me up around same time every day. They know when it is food time, + they also know when to settle down for the night. Most of all we must not forget snack time. lol
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