The Weight Loss Support Group - 2017

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Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I'm working hard on getting a lot healthier now that I really have the time. I have been going to the gym six times each week and am keeping a food diary to help me eat a lot better as well. We'll see how this goes. Need to actually weigh in and see how I'm doing starting Monday so that I can get on track with this. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Ginny don't beat yourself up. Just learn to do it one day at a time. I do understand the weight last time I weighed myself is 213. BUT I tell myself I'm lifting heavy weights and I do notice my arms are twice as thick now as they were last year. I got some images from a year my belly is round. I have started using different machines at the gym but I really need to eat better. I have worked hard to only have a small snack once a day that is sugar-my plan is 2 weeks of this then go every other day of this sugar then cut it out. I can't do abrupt cutting. BUT  I have upped my veggie intact. It helps. Sad to say broccoli and cabbage and beans give me gas but I will take the gas if it means it won't stick to my belly and thighs.

I am working on my portions and cutting them in half. Slow goes the road but the slow changes are the ones that stick.

Ginny when you mention kidney pain-is it hot or warmer than usual? Is it possible you were dehydrated? Eating fruits n veggies is a good way to add water and fiber into your diet. Have you tried doubling your water intake? I know I get those pains when I push myself physically and don't drink enough. I found a home made mixture for a gaterade type of drink-going to try that this summer-basicly salt, water, sugar and a couple other things-I like Gatorade but it's loaded with sugar...If they could make it with just the minerals that would be great!

I will weigh in see how I did this week. I also been staying at the gym later so I don't snack at night..if I eat dinner at 7 then I can't snack because I am full...that's what gets me into trouble.


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Apr 21, 2012
Thanks @foxxycat   I had a bad day yesterday.  Nothing went as planned at work and had to skip the big salad I had made for myself with my own kinda paleo viniagrette dressing (it has some raw honey in it).  Well, the day didn't go as planned and I went way too long with nothing to eat or drink, so by the time I HAD to eat, my choice was a sugary soft drink and KFC tenders.  Definitely NOT on my diet!  
It didn't even taste good., but it was food and drink.  So, weigh in will not go well tomorrow.  We'll see. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Ginny don't beat yourself up. Just learn to do it one day at a time. I do understand the weight last time I weighed myself is 213. BUT I tell myself I'm lifting heavy weights and I do notice my arms are twice as thick now as they were last year. I got some images from a year my belly is round. I have started using different machines at the gym but I really need to eat better. I have worked hard to only have a small snack once a day that is sugar-my plan is 2 weeks of this then go every other day of this sugar then cut it out. I can't do abrupt cutting. BUT  I have upped my veggie intact. It helps. Sad to say broccoli and cabbage and beans give me gas but I will take the gas if it means it won't stick to my belly and thighs.

I am working on my portions and cutting them in half. Slow goes the road but the slow changes are the ones that stick.

Ginny when you mention kidney pain-is it hot or warmer than usual? Is it possible you were dehydrated? Eating fruits n veggies is a good way to add water and fiber into your diet. Have you tried doubling your water intake? I know I get those pains when I push myself physically and don't drink enough. I found a home made mixture for a gaterade type of drink-going to try that this summer-basicly salt, water, sugar and a couple other things-I like Gatorade but it's loaded with sugar...If they could make it with just the minerals that would be great!

I will weigh in see how I did this week. I also been staying at the gym later so I don't snack at night..if I eat dinner at 7 then I can't snack because I am full...that's what gets me into trouble.
I don't think it's the weather.  When I do too much lifting, bending over and straining, I have pain in my left kidney.  It feels like a muscle cramp.  Sometimes when I eat too much, especially sugar and grain, I'll notice some sharp pains.  Then sometimes the pain goes away and then the right one will feel kind of sore.  My last BUN/creat (last april) were fine, but that doesn't really mean anything.  I think you can lose up to 75% of function before your numbers start going up.  I've become thick wasted too, just like my daddy did.  Daddy went on dialysis when he was 58 yrs old, the age I will turn this December.  Yeah, getting old isn't for sissies.  Neither is this diet I'm on.  I'm no domestic goddess (actually I'm The Drive-up Queen) and now I have to make everything myself, including my own breads, mayonnaise, and dressings (actually those are kind of fun and very simple to do.) 

I've been researching the ketogenic diet (I'm not on that) and polycystic kidney disease.  Cutting out sugar seems to be the key.  Sugar is very destructive to the vascular system, that much I know already and It's hard on damaged kidneys as well.  Why does sugar have to be the devil?  Why?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Today's weight is 170.6.  

Last week was 172 point something and I don't remember the exact number so I'm down almost 2 pounds, we'll say.  I'm still disgusted with myself but not as much, as long as the weight continues to go down.  Btw, I'm almost 5 feet tall.  My weight goal is 110 pounds.  Sixty more to go.  I may start weighing every 2 weeks or once a month in order to stop focusing only on weight.  My goal is health through increased nutrition, avoiding diabetes and dialysis.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I would kill to still be at 170! GRRRRR. the scale said ERROR message. maybe I broke it?! It's sad when Jon weighs 30 lb less than me! And I can pick him up! LOLOL. sigh. I have been a good girl with snacks. I will try again later. got some dratted cold/flu and feel like crap. going to bed asap at 4pm. no grocery shopping tonight. good thing I got plenty of oj.


TCS Member
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Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Today's weight is 170.6.  

Last week was 172 point something and I don't remember the exact number so I'm down almost 2 pounds, we'll say.  I'm still disgusted with myself but not as much, as long as the weight continues to go down.  Btw, I'm almost 5 feet tall.  My weight goal is 110 pounds.  Sixty more to go.  I may start weighing every 2 weeks or once a month in order to stop focusing only on weight.  My goal is health through increased nutrition, avoiding diabetes and dialysis.  
Try doing measurements and photos not just weight. January 10, I weighed 175 pounds, I workout every day and I'm now 169 pounds. The weight isn't dropping but I've lost like 17 inches from my body and I'm gaining muscle. I weigh myself the odd time during the week and do my weight, measurements and photos every Monday.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I would kill to still be at 170! GRRRRR. the scale said ERROR message. maybe I broke it?! It's sad when Jon weighs 30 lb less than me! And I can pick him up! LOLOL. sigh. I have been a good girl with snacks. I will try again later. got some dratted cold/flu and feel like crap. going to bed asap at 4pm. no grocery shopping tonight. good thing I got plenty of oj.
Yeah but I'm only 4'10!  I'd compare the same as 5'6" at 300 pounds.  So that keeps things in perspective.  Hope you get to feeling better.  Btw, gelatin (like even jello brand with a tablespoon of the powder in 8 oz hot water) helps sore throats, and pure honey (one tablespoon if you can handle it) helps with cough and sleep.  Try not to use those sugary cough drops, they don't help.  Who knows if they really contain honey?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Try doing measurements and photos not just weight. January 10, I weighed 175 pounds, I workout every day and I'm now 169 pounds. The weight isn't dropping but I've lost like 17 inches from my body and I'm gaining muscle. I weigh myself the odd time during the week and do my weight, measurements and photos every Monday.
Good for you!  You've done really well then.  I'm not exercising at all so I do need to get to walking.  That'll help.  I'll look into getting some weights so I can weight lift at home too.  

I'm the kind of person where if I focus too much on numbers and weight loss, it sabotages me.  I'll start trying to restrict my diet even more to make myself lose more quickly and end up craving what I can't have and falling of the wagon big time.   So for me, it's better to focus mainly on getting in all the nutrition I need to have and noticing my energy level based on what I eat.  

Three years ago when I first went on this diet, I only weighed maybe once or twice a month, and never counted calories.  I let my clothes tell me if I was actually losing inches.  My bras started getting loose and my pants just hung on me.  That seems to work best with my particular mindset.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
you can start out with a can of soup for each hand. Get used to your posture and breathing before you add more weight. I learned to be creative and found some cheap hand tools that weigh 2-5 lbs. I just test the weight in my hand and see how it feels. anything with your arms fully stretched out will need lighter weights. With your arms bent you can hold heavier weights. I am starting to see hand weights at drug stores now. I use youtube for videos and I have found thousands of new workouts. I do a new one a day when I do use weights at work. It doesn't take much to get bored. So I think you could switch it up. They now sell a weight vest for your chest. You could get that and wear it when walking. Where you are so small I am sure It will fit you. I think that's a great way to add weights without having to hold anything. I think Walmart has it for $30 but I don't think I can wear it-they gave the measurements and I don't know if I can fit it on me.

I am amazed at all the folks who have shared their experience on here. I really appreciate everyone sharing their goals and gains/losses. It makes it seem more attainable. It's been over a year since I joined on here with you gals? I may have gained but I have learned to stick to routine and don't make excuses as far as exercise is concerned. I don't know why I was so asleep at the wheel in my 20s and 30s. I don't know what my problem was.

Zumba is fun too. you can do that at home. Good tunes and just to repetitive dance moves and steps with hand weights=you will work up a sweat I guarantee. I miss the gym too when I don't go. I feel ultra lazy and I try to go 2 times a week at a minimum.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I've also gotten more active keeping house lately. I've always been such a slob. Now I keep my bathroom counter top completely clean and clutter free as well as my kitchen sink and counter tops.  It's amazing how much time it takes to keep those two places clean and tidy.  Before I just didn't have any energy,  and now I do it every single day without fail.  It's so nice to keep those two areas clean and neat.  So, I'm much more active than before, but I will start walking again.  It makes me feel good when I do that.  I need to get new work scrubs so I'll look into those vests.  That'd be really good to wear while walking.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Still at 170.6 this morning, but at least I didn't gain.  I don't know why because I've already fallen off the wagon.  I'm just going to have to give up.  I can't beat sugar.  
Last edited:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
This is 2016 and 2017 morning weights that I have recorded, thanks to healthcare from wrecking my health, life and everything, I'm not surprised that there is people who do awful things anymore, years of work all gone. Without their 'help' I would be at my optimal weight :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I haven't given up yet..pretty close. I do eat more meats now though. Still at 212ish give or take 4-5 lbs. I found a facebook post from a year ago and I was 189. My god I would GIVE anything to be there. And I still hit the gym at least 2 times a week and walk at lunchtime or both. This week I am in the weld lab practicing so I hit it hard after work. Maybe it's menopause fluff and no matter how hard I pound away at the weights and run/walk/ride I will never get rid of it. Got to try harder but I seriously don't know how much more I can take. I already do 90 minutes a day of sweaty working out...good gracious..getting fed up!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I haven't given up yet..pretty close. I do eat more meats now though. Still at 212ish give or take 4-5 lbs. I found a facebook post from a year ago and I was 189. My god I would GIVE anything to be there. And I still hit the gym at least 2 times a week and walk at lunchtime or both. This week I am in the weld lab practicing so I hit it hard after work. Maybe it's menopause fluff and no matter how hard I pound away at the weights and run/walk/ride I will never get rid of it. Got to try harder but I seriously don't know how much more I can take. I already do 90 minutes a day of sweaty working out...good gracious..getting fed up!
Stop pushing yourself harder, make it longer and easier. Reason for doing lighter longer exercise is that it is more manageable, you don't need recovery days.

It has to be so light that it does not feel workout and you can do it non stop for an hour or two, which means that in the long run you manage to burn more calories as there is no zero days, no sore days, also easier to make it done when it is not hard.


To get energy for get going, I eat now breakfast right after waking up, after that if I can I try to do some activity, eating after activity again, need to have something quick to take and make, so the big idea is to fuel activity from food and to have deficit so that BMR takes care of the fat, exercise is to boost metabolism mostly.

I must say that I'm not believer of HIIT, it might work for athletes and such, but for normal persons, I don't believe in it, calorie burn is easier to maintain by having just enough fuel from food to fuel all activity and do light longer exercise, so that most of the days and times remain active, night time is then for fat to melt.

Available foods and pricing etc. has part of it too, to get enough good protein and other nutrients amount of calories tends to go quite easily over 2000, doubling or tripling expenses brings calories down, but for me 1000-2000 calories more burn in a day might be more realistic goal than spending so much more to food.

I have seen now that 1 hour of making firewood at slow pace is around 700 calories for me, so I need to try to get 2 hours each day, I have split that to two sessions at least for now, because I need to sleep so much, but that is what is my current plan, not many days done so far, but I'm seeing scales going down.

I'm not going to do 2000calorie deficit despite I could if looking only to calories, it has to be balanced so that all nutrients can be got too.

Around 28% deficit I guess is more realistic, it seems not to be too hard to achieve with this eating pattern, but it will probably become harder later on, probably will take 2 to 3 years to get back where I was and only if I manage to keep at it whole time, hence it has to be manageable and not too hard.

My greatest challenge is that I don't really care anymore, bit hard to get motivated then, but have to try something.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I just finished a fascinating book all about fat !!! It delves into the purpose of fat in the body and why it is so difficult for some people to lose it.
The Secret Life of Fat


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Lost 4.8kg (~10.6 pounds) from morning weight and something around 2kg (~4.4 pounds) from evening weight in during last week. Who knows how much it is really, but it's a loss, not a gain, so can't complain :p

Only 50 pounds to go now, probably will take bit more time than rest of this year.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Im going to read that book. And I have been eating bananas instead of cheezits and chips. I have increased proteins too. I did really good last week. Kept to my meal plans and cut portions. Still have some bad stuff but only half the portions that I normally have. My jeans were not as snug this morning. And gym 3 times a week while I walk at lunchtime 3 times a week. Keep going everyone!
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