The Weight Loss Support Group - 2016

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 24, 2015
Hi everyone! I would love to join your group, if it's not too late. I'll post my weigh in results on Monday, February 8th. I'm glad that I found this group! Best wishes to everyone! [emoji]9786[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Hi everyone! I would love to join your group, if it's not too late. I'll post my weigh in results on Monday, February 8th. I'm glad that I found this group! Best wishes to everyone! [emoji]9786[/emoji]
It is never too late, welcome to path that leads to new life! :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 24, 2015
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, JTbo!!! [emoji]128568[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I am down 0.6 more lbs this week. I've lost somewhere around 4 pounds now. I don't have an exact starting number, my scale needed a new battery and now it seems to be working fine. 26 pounds to go by my goal of August 6 (my 30th birthday).


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
Yes! Thank you! Let's do this! Let's make February awesome! I'm going to force myself to get out on my elliptical again. It's in our attached garage. I've had it over 10 years, used to a lot when I first got it and it wasn't even that much of a chore. With my back pain, even simple tasks are difficult. I refuse pain meds or cortisone injections. I need to drink more water. I literally used to drink a 6 pack of soda per day, I've cut back to 2 (OK, sometimes 3) pops per day. I have 2 cups of coffee per day. I NEED caffeine. I get severe caffeine withdrawal migraines if I even drastically cut back. Have you guys tried Atkins? I love carbs. [emoji]128549[/emoji]
I see the Nutrisystem commercials with Marie Osmond, she looks fantastic... I'm sure it's expensive.
I make plenty of excuses for myself. Sometimes I get so lazy!
My will power is super weak. I feel as if my fiancé sabotages my weight loss bc I have to cook for him. Lol, if I'm not around food, it'd be easier to avoid, ya know? Maybe I'm better off single. No, I love him, we've been together for 15 years but when he's eating ice cream and Snickers and asking me to make mashed potatoes and fried foods, it's a temptation. He is scrawny and doesn't gain weight. He's 52, 5'11 (Thank goodness, he's taller than I am if I wear my flat shoes!) He weighs only 175. Still wears his size 32x32" Levi's. It's not fair how men age so well. He looks my age and he's 9 years my senior.
I'm going to weigh myself and post my weight even if it's really bad. Oh no, worse than I thought, all time high=148#! Ok, trying not to think of suicide, this can be remedied, right? Ugh. Well, Nala Ava Marie is 5.1 pounds so she's getting fat too! Lol. She'll be 5 months old on Tuesday.[emoji]128571[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I don't follow any real diet, more of I try to form my own with information I have found.

For example here is some warnings about Atkins and information how carbohydrates are quite useful:

My view is currently that measuring waist is better than measuring weight loss, as measuring weight tells reduction mostly in fat while measuring weight tells reduction in muscle/bone/water/fat.

Another point is that when I put on pound worth of clothing, weighted myself, then took that pound worth of clothing off and weighted myself, I got same readings, even I repeated that several times scale did not register that pound, even scale should register roughly 1/5 of pound.

Caffeine can be like drug, maybe try one cup and one 3/4 cup for longer period of time, would that help to reduce coffee, if you want to get away from it?

My best result have been by weighting all I eat and keeping diary of nutritional data of what I have been eating, it is just a spreadsheet table where I have made formulas so I just need to input weights of different stuff and I get calories, vitamins, proteins and so on, also it calculates what I need to get from calories burned and my weight, so in theory I have chance to eat healthy.

I need to start making 3rd pizza for today, 2850 calories burned today and my today's pizzas are around 700 calories.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Yes! Thank you! Let's do this! Let's make February awesome! I'm going to force myself to get out on my elliptical again. It's in our attached garage. I've had it over 10 years, used to a lot when I first got it and it wasn't even that much of a chore. With my back pain, even simple tasks are difficult. I refuse pain meds or cortisone injections. I need to drink more water. I literally used to drink a 6 pack of soda per day, I've cut back to 2 (OK, sometimes 3) pops per day. I have 2 cups of coffee per day. I NEED caffeine. I get severe caffeine withdrawal migraines if I even drastically cut back. Have you guys tried Atkins? I love carbs. [emoji]128549[/emoji]
I see the Nutrisystem commercials with Marie Osmond, she looks fantastic... I'm sure it's expensive.
I make plenty of excuses for myself. Sometimes I get so lazy!
My will power is super weak. I feel as if my fiancé sabotages my weight loss bc I have to cook for him. Lol, if I'm not around food, it'd be easier to avoid, ya know? Maybe I'm better off single. No, I love him, we've been together for 15 years but when he's eating ice cream and Snickers and asking me to make mashed potatoes and fried foods, it's a temptation. He is scrawny and doesn't gain weight. He's 52, 5'11 (Thank goodness, he's taller than I am if I wear my flat shoes!) He weighs only 175. Still wears his size 32x32" Levi's. It's not fair how men age so well. He looks my age and he's 9 years my senior.
I'm going to weigh myself and post my weight even if it's really bad. Oh no, worse than I thought, all time high=148#! Ok, trying not to think of suicide, this can be remedied, right? Ugh. Well, Nala Ava Marie is 5.1 pounds so she's getting fat too! Lol. She'll be 5 months old on Tuesday.[emoji]128571[/emoji]
I log everything I eat. I keep my notebook and pen handy at all times. I have found if I log what I eat I tend to lose more. I have a food scale and my measuring cups. I measure or weigh everything. I am determined to lose weight this year. I have tried versions of about every diet out there and have found that just logging and being in groups like this helps me more. Nutrasystem can get pricey and I dont have the money for that. It's what I am doing now just they do the measuring for you. I like my pasta and bread to much to do Atkins. 

It's funny its like were in the same situation. My boyfriend is 6' and weighs about 170 if that. He wears a 32 34 and is 46. He is 8 years older than me and can eat like a horse. For dinner tonight he had a bowl of veggie soup and FOUR hot dogs. He has a major sweet tooth. He love's Little Debbie's and Resee cups. He is like I feel guilty when you dont eat with me. I was doing good staying away from them until a few nights ago. Him and my three year old wanted a cake so I made him a chocolate lava cake. I couldn't resist. It wont happen again because I won't be making them any more. 

I hardly fry anything though. I have problems with acid reflux so fried foods are a no no. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Welcome all Newbies to the thread " waves person"!! I can't do that on my phone :(

My scales and waist measurement have always- always gone down when I eat less and always gone up when I overeat. In the past I have gone too low in calories and then I get so hungry and cranky that I get to after dinner and binge/ overeat everything in sight. This comes from impatience. I want it off and I want it off now!!! Anyways I've been consuming 300 cals less than my maintenance cals for 15 days now. This is a good amount of food for me. I do feel a little hungry at times but it's manageable. I feel in control and I really need that. My delemma is that at first it was working and then the past few days I've had a swing up on the scales and waist measurement. I did eat pickled pork ( very salty) and I cooked some marinated beef which I suspect was also salty. I also had a small serve of icecream but that was within my cals. I don't really eat refined sugar as a rule so maybe that has made an impact?? My first reaction is to cut cals drastically but I'm telling myself to hang in there and trust the process. Someone please tell me it's normal to have ups and downs. It really is isn't it??? Bloating, particularly in women seems to be quite common. I honestly think this is happening to me. Please tell me to hang in there. I need encouragement. Please.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
Welcome all Newbies to the thread " waves person"!! I can't do that on my phone

My scales and waist measurement have always- always gone down when I eat less and always gone up when I overeat. In the past I have gone too low in calories and then I get so hungry and cranky that I get to after dinner and binge/ overeat everything in sight. This comes from impatience. I want it off and I want it off now!!! Anyways I've been consuming 300 cals less than my maintenance cals for 15 days now. This is a good amount of food for me. I do feel a little hungry at times but it's manageable. I feel in control and I really need that. My delemma is that at first it was working and then the past few days I've had a swing up on the scales and waist measurement. I did eat pickled pork ( very salty) and I cooked some marinated beef which I suspect was also salty. I also had a small serve of icecream but that was within my cals. I don't really eat refined sugar as a rule so maybe that has made an impact?? My first reaction is to cut cals drastically but I'm telling myself to hang in there and trust the process. Someone please tell me it's normal to have ups and downs. It really is isn't it??? Bloating, particularly in women seems to be quite common. I honestly think this is happening to me. Please tell me to hang in there. I need encouragement. Please.
Hang in there. It's been an up and down journey for me since 2012. I have slipped a few times this week. I am expecting it to show on the scale too. I dont measure my waist yet because when I do I get so depressed. I weigh myself once or twice a week. The main thing is to keep trying. If you mess up one meal make better choices at the next. 

The bloating thing I hate it. I finally was able to wear a pair of jeans again this week. One day they fit comfortable and I could sit fine a few days later they were a little snug. I keep a sharp eye on calories. I think I am not getting enough water in. When my water is off I retain it. 

You say your hungry between meals and over eat at dinner. How often are you eating? On most days I eat 3 meals and a snack. I try not to go over four hours without eating. How much water are you drinking? Sometimes your body mistakes thirst for hunger. 

Another thing I try to do on good days is drink at least a half a bottle of water before each meal along with my bottle for my meal. It helps fill you up. 

I hope this helps. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Welcome all Newbies to the thread " waves person"!! I can't do that on my phone :(

My scales and waist measurement have always- always gone down when I eat less and always gone up when I overeat. In the past I have gone too low in calories and then I get so hungry and cranky that I get to after dinner and binge/ overeat everything in sight. This comes from impatience. I want it off and I want it off now!!! Anyways I've been consuming 300 cals less than my maintenance cals for 15 days now. This is a good amount of food for me. I do feel a little hungry at times but it's manageable. I feel in control and I really need that. My delemma is that at first it was working and then the past few days I've had a swing up on the scales and waist measurement. I did eat pickled pork ( very salty) and I cooked some marinated beef which I suspect was also salty. I also had a small serve of icecream but that was within my cals. I don't really eat refined sugar as a rule so maybe that has made an impact?? My first reaction is to cut cals drastically but I'm telling myself to hang in there and trust the process. Someone please tell me it's normal to have ups and downs. It really is isn't it??? Bloating, particularly in women seems to be quite common. I honestly think this is happening to me. Please tell me to hang in there. I need encouragement. Please.
You also started new difficult training program, right?

Thing that happens is that your muscles start to break up, which is good, they get sore, which is good and your body starts to heal your muscles, which is also good.

Weight increase is at least partly because now your body is transferring all kinds of repair tools and gadgets to your muscles to make your muscles stronger, liquid is used to get stuff in right places and that is what increases your weight.

It might take couple of weeks to settle down.

There is more about why weight increases when starting workout or starting new program:

So keep doing what you have been doing and ignore weight increase, it is not real, it just looks like a weight increase :)

When you have calorie deficit, it is really difficult to increase weight, it is possible to increase amount of fat while loosing weight, but it would require horrible amount of carbs and very little protein, you have low carb diet, so for you it is not possible to gain weight when you have calorie deficit, imo. Now remember you did not gain weight, it just looks that way, but it will go down after you find that new workout easier.

I hope you got encouraged, isn't science wonderful? ;D

Oh yes, something interesting I stumbled upon:

Want to increase bone density?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
Hang in there! I'm trying as well. I'm going to try a food log. I can also try measuring and weighing my food. I've kept food diaries before in the past and as i recall, it was helpful! Never had a food scale though. I used to sometimes eat out of measuring cups though I really had no need to lose weight at those times. I have my little handy tape measure, it's just been put in a cupboard. Ugh! Depressing. Actually my waist isn't as horrible as I had anticipated but still 5"-6" bigger than before I gained the 30-35 lbs. I had a fairly tiny waist (I just have this big, fat, curvy a$$!) my waist was 24" now 29 1/2", that's actually pretty bad bc I remember around Halloween I measured my waist and it was only 27". It's below my waist that's puffy & fat. I look like I'm 3-4 months pregnant. I forced myself to get on the elliptical but it's such a pain bc the left foot pedal thing is really wobbly and unstable. 20 minutes again today. I'll eventually do more time but don't want to overwhelm myself since I'm so far out of shape. I ate a spinach salad, a grilled ham & cheese on rye and tater tots, only a few. I should look up the calories. I did have a Pepsi. I'm not going to buy anymore when this case is gone. I'll just have to find a better alternative. I've read some positive information about coffee so while I may cut back, I don't think I need to completely eliminate it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
You also started new difficult training program, right?

Thing that happens is that your muscles start to break up, which is good, they get sore, which is good and your body starts to heal your muscles, which is also good.

Weight increase is at least partly because now your body is transferring all kinds of repair tools and gadgets to your muscles to make your muscles stronger, liquid is used to get stuff in right places and that is what increases your weight.

It might take couple of weeks to settle down.

There is more about why weight increases when starting workout or starting new program:

So keep doing what you have been doing and ignore weight increase, it is not real, it just looks like a weight increase :)

When you have calorie deficit, it is really difficult to increase weight, it is possible to increase amount of fat while loosing weight, but it would require horrible amount of carbs and very little protein, you have low carb diet, so for you it is not possible to gain weight when you have calorie deficit, imo. Now remember you did not gain weight, it just looks that way, but it will go down after you find that new workout easier.

I hope you got encouraged, isn't science wonderful? ;D

Oh yes, something interesting I stumbled upon:

Want to increase bone density?
Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou :hugs: I really needed reassurance. I'm going to get reading those articles pronto :D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Hang in there! I'm trying as well. I'm going to try a food log. I can also try measuring and weighing my food. I've kept food diaries before in the past and as i recall, it was helpful! Never had a food scale though. I used to sometimes eat out of measuring cups though I really had no need to lose weight at those times. I have my little handy tape measure, it's just been put in a cupboard. Ugh! Depressing. Actually my waist isn't as horrible as I had anticipated but still 5"-6" bigger than before I gained the 30-35 lbs. I had a fairly tiny waist (I just have this big, fat, curvy a$$!) my waist was 24" now 29 1/2", that's actually pretty bad bc I remember around Halloween I measured my waist and it was only 27". It's below my waist that's puffy & fat. I look like I'm 3-4 months pregnant. I forced myself to get on the elliptical but it's such a pain bc the left foot pedal thing is really wobbly and unstable. 20 minutes again today. I'll eventually do more time but don't want to overwhelm myself since I'm so far out of shape. I ate a spinach salad, a grilled ham & cheese on rye and tater tots, only a few. I should look up the calories. I did have a Pepsi. I'm not going to buy anymore when this case is gone. I'll just have to find a better alternative. I've read some positive information about coffee so while I may cut back, I don't think I need to completely eliminate it.
I use " myfitnesspal" it's a free Ap. It's easy to use and others on this thread use it too. Good luck.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Welcome to our new weight-loss friends!

My Fitness Pal is a good app. But keep in mind that when you get close to your daily allotment, it will tell you you're getting close. If you don't drink enough water, it will tell you that, too. If you're below your calorie allotment, it will tell you that, too. It does like to "nag" you! 
 But it's a good app to use to keep track of things. And I do think that one of the best things you can do is keep some kind of a food journal. You may think you're not eating all that much throughout the day, but when you look back on your journal, you might see something that you could work on. Or something that will help you realize when you're doing all your munching. It's a really good idea.

And yes, while measuring, weighing your food is a hassle, it's important, too. How else are you going to know that you ate 1/2 cup of corn? Eye-balling doesn't work and your 1/2 cup of corn could easily become 3/4 cup! I have a food scale, so I usually go with scaling my food. 

I think I mentioned before that January has not been a good month for me overall. I've haven't gained, but I've only lost two pounds this whole month. Some of it is depression; I'm not fond of winter at all. Some of it is just that I've gotten used to eating junk from the holidays and I continue to do so. I need to get my head out of my butt and get back on track. And I know that's easier said than done.

Monday is a new week and it's also a new month. I'm going to start my food journal back up....keeping track is important and it gives you sense of taking responsibility for your actions. So whether you use My Fitness Pal (which is an excellent method, even with the nagging) or you use another way, start your food journal. I'm also going to start weighing my portions again. 

JTbo, I think you're amazing. You have all this wealth of information and it's always good stuff. Thank you for being there for us. It's appreciated more than you realize. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
I have not got on the elliptical yet for today. I'm dreading it bc I'm afraid with my back pain I could be doing more harm than good. Trying not to make excuses but my elliptical is ancient and clunky and the left foot pad pedal thing is loose. Feels scary and unstable. At risk of sounding whiny, I'm having a difficult time having these weight issues now. I took for granted being naturally slim. This has been gradual, I didn't just gain 30+ pounds overnight. Realistically I know I'm not gonna lose 30 lbs overnight either. I love to eat. I don't like feeling like I HAVE to exercise. Why can't it just be simple and fun like it used to be. I never consciously exercised for the purpose of losing weight. I was just active bc it was fun. Sigh. I'm the fat, old lady I never wanted to turn into. [emoji]128549[/emoji] Well, Nala Ava Marie loves me and she could not possible care any less about what size my jeans are or how much I weigh. In fact, sometimes it seems she wishes I had bigger thighs for her to walk on without her paws sliding off! Lol! [emoji]128568[/emoji] February is a new month, it's still early 2016, January wasn't great. Omg, Iowa winters suck! I can get back on track. I still weigh 148 today. [emoji]128549[/emoji] Waist is 30" for some reason yesterday was 29 1/2... I'm still bloated though.

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
@Adoringangel72  it sounds like the elliptical isn't safe. I wouldn't use it. I have two slipped discs in my back and from time to time one hits a nerve. I also have arthritis in my back and legs. I walk at home to Leslie Sansone and it doesn't take long and you can do it as often as you like. There are several different ones on Youtube and it helps me to do a quick workout before the kids wake up. 



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
Awesome! Thank you. I'd never even heard of Leslie Sansone! Yeah, I didn't even get on that elliptical machine today, don't want to risk worse injury. I had failed back surgery in 2013. I have an MRI on Tuesday. The surgeon thinks scar tissue is what is irritating the sciatic nerve. I don't know if I even want to endure another surgery but I'm curious to know why I'm still in so much pain. I'm going to do these walking exercises. I definitely need low impact. I think this will be fun. [emoji]128522[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Monday morning in Australia and I did it, I hung in there and the scales went down yesterday. For the week I lost 200grams. That's ok with me anything lower than last Monday is better than higher. My waist is 1/2cm bigger or about the same? I'm trying not to pull it tighter these days ;) overall I know I've been doing well so I'm sticking at it. Today is the first official day of my new exercise programme with my trainer. He will work me super hard which is great but I'm also keeping in mind what JTbo said. Yes your words of wisdom are very much appreciated JTbo:D Thanks.

There is a movie called " That sugar film" You can buy or hire on iTunes plus I'm sure you can get elsewhere. I highly- highly recommend. It's an Australian documentary and it's extremely eye opening.

Good luck everybody :nod: Febuary is a great month to put this weight loss into action and make 2016 the year we get fabulous ;)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 24, 2015
Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy "Fantastic February!"[emoji]127823[/emoji][emoji]127815[/emoji]
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