The Official TCS Babbling Games - Contest Now Open!


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
LOL! Ironing vibes sent! I need studying vibes. My house needs cleaning. Hopefully during spring break I can knock some of that out.
My goodness, those vibes jcat sent have turned me into superwoman!  Here, have some....
  for study... 
  for housework and  
  just for the fun of it....

I'm going to rip through this and go to bed. 

When I wake up I suspect I'll find we have a babble-winner!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 8, 2014
Hey guys I hope everyone's day is off to a good start. I've got some studying to do today and this weekend but I've collected all my notes so things so everything is in good shape. I just need to motivate myself, lol!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Maybe you can reward yourself - one Babbling post for every 45 - 60 minutes of studying. Breaks are necessary, too!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
There are so many english accents in world that many of them are completely alien to other. Jamaican english is very difficult to understand for example. Even in UK there are so different accents that it is really hard to get what some are saying.

But of course in Lousiana they do speak differently than for example in New York or California. Our surroundings affect us greatly.
Californians don't have accents. It's everybody else who talks funny. :lol3:

Just kidding. ;) I had a fabulous birthday. Massage and dinner at the hotel, and hubby had arranged for a bottle of champagne and a birthday cake to be brought to the room. I really needed it, too--I'd been in a bit of a funk lately.

But it's Friday morning now and he says it's over, I have to get my own coffee! :crackup:

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
 If you did the sums and believe it's manageable, then spend the time preparing and enjoying.

On the babbling side of things, I just flooded the laundry.. water everywhere.. the cats are in a state of complete shock... I told them to just go somewhere where it's dry, but they'd rather stand there looking amazed..
I love this advice @Mani,  it could apply to so many situations.  So I have to go easy on the family then, and maybe not criticize so much either, and when they critique me, I'll remember the "hard-wiring" and laugh. Brilliant. And I'm being serious.  

And as  for your cats just staring in amazement, I am sure they find you a source of constant entertainment, if nothing else, they want to watch how you handle the clean up,...Hey, they are your family too. LOL
There she is still stalking, I attempted to wait, but my patience is no match for patience of stalking cat, had to give up after 20 minutes or so.

That is bit silly, cat has absolutely no patience at all when it comes to food, petting or playing, but when hunting few can actually stalk as long as well motivated cat.
Yes, @JTbo, I wish I could learn some things from my cat, like the "motivation"  or totally focused attention.  I think I am more like my dog, even my cat thinks so because he bats the ping pong ball that I throw at him and makes me go fetch it.  Since he is a senior 14 yr old cat, I do this for him, but who really needs the exercize?

You don't have to answer that,  I know who.

Hey, @JTbo, today over here in ontario, it is -19*C.  So cold that when I took the garbage out to the road, maybe 60feet (20 meters), my face felt frozen.

What do you do when you are outside and the wind is so cold?


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I am soooooo far behind in babbling. I have been no help at all! :( I've had a bit of a family crisis this week, but I will try to get a little babbling in today so we can make it to 1000. :D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Good vibes, they seem to work even if one is not around computer, just finished 3 hours of mountain biking at freezing temperatures, ice everywhere and I have no studded tires so it was bit more challenging than usual, but all that weight shifting and balancing of bike was quite nice workout.

Does anyone get back pain from ironing? I get back pain from everything of such as all tables and such are too low for me so I had to reach down and after 5 minutes back hurts so that I need to sit down, so it goes like 5 minutes of such work and then sitting down or maybe getting on back at cough or bed for hour.

For example at school my greatest difficulty was to tolerate that back pain, even sitting for long time and reaching down to too low table will eventually cause lot of pain.

It is both sides of spine, about inch from spine to sideways and about 2-3 joints from bottom to upwards, so I guess it is muscle pain, but it has been same at least last 35 years, according to our doctors there are nothing wrong with it, which is not too surprising as it is not staying for months it is not worth to spend money on it.
Oh yes, our medical system is bit different, it has very minimal costs so you pay usually no more than 30 euros from examinations, it is really good system, but really expensive so taxes are very high, when summing up all the taxes we pay nearly 60% of them, but more your income is more you have to pay.
From all of that result is then that quite often they don't do all examinations as it would cost and it is cheaper to let some suffer a little.

One can of course buy tests himself, but costs are too much for me these days. X-ray pic from lungs was bit over 200 euros when I last time bought such.

Good points and bad points as it is with everything, good bit is that when I had to be rushed into hospital in ambulance one night, it did cost me only 50 euros, including all the lab tests, transportation costs etc.

We have kind of medical insurance by the government.

Oh but cats must love ironing, all that warm and soft clothing to snuggle on :D

I don't really iron anymore, come to think there is not even need anymore as I have moved to sports and outdoor work wear, those are such that they don't crumple, no matter how hard one tries it is impossible to get any kind of crumple on them.

I'm well past the stage where I would need to look good, that would be futile attempt anyway :D

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Maybe you can reward yourself - one Babbling post for every 45 - 60 minutes of studying. Breaks are necessary, too!
This is fantastic motivation.  Maybe I can get more done this way.  I admire such dedication and  rewards.  Sounds like a great plan.
Californians don't have accents. It's everybody else who talks funny.

Just kidding.
I had a fabulous birthday. Massage and dinner at the hotel, and hubby had arranged for a bottle of champagne and a birthday cake to be brought to the room. I really needed it, too--I'd been in a bit of a funk lately.

But it's Friday morning now and he says it's over, I have to get my own coffee!
Aww, I thought the Birthday time is supposed to last all week or atleast a few days till the weekend is over.  I guess the rules say otherwise.  Well you californians are a laid back bunch anyway.

Have you ever watched "the Californians" on Saturday Night Live?  Talk about accents and highways.  lol.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
This is fantastic motivation.  Maybe I can get more done this way.  I admire such dedication and  rewards.  Sounds like a great plan.
Aww, I thought the Birthday time is supposed to last all week or atleast a few days till the weekend is over.  I guess the rules say otherwise.  Well you californians are a laid back bunch anyway.

Have you ever watched "the Californians" on Saturday Night Live?  Talk about accents and highways.  lol.:lol3:   and
Well it's not really over yet--we have dinner out with friends tonight, dinner at our house tomorrow night with other friends, and breakfast with my family Sunday morning to celebrate my mom' and my birthdays, hers was the 25th, mine's the 27th. I guess hubby meant he's done with his share of pampering me. LOL :D

I haven't watched SNL in years. That sounds funny, I'll have to see if I can find it.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Belated Happy Birthday to you!!! :clap: I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend. :D

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
 Well it's not really over yet--we have dinner out with friends tonight, dinner at our house tomorrow night with other friends, and breakfast with my family Sunday morning to celebrate my mom' and my birthdays, hers was the 25th, mine's the 27th. I guess hubby meant he's done with his share of pampering me. LOL

I haven't watched SNL in years. That sounds funny, I'll have to see if I can find it.
I'm with your hubby on that one, that would have been way too much Birthday services spread over four days. LOL.  He would need a vacation just to recuperate.

Sounds good about celebrating with your mom.  Does that mean that you still have to buy her presents, or is that all in the past.?

Have a great Weekend @betsygee   and glad you are out of that "funk",  growing older becomes fun, I promise.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Hey, @JTbo, today over here in ontario, it is -19*C.  So cold that when I took the garbage out to the road, maybe 60feet (20 meters), my face felt frozen.
What do you do when you are outside and the wind is so cold?
We have 0C, has been quite long about that and during nights it is about -5C, really nice weather for outdoor activity.

-19C is not so nice indeed, but face is quite easy to sort out, you need kind of beanie that special forces use, where there is only one hole for eyes or three holes for eyes and mouth.

I don't even use regular beanie anymore as I have found those, they are so much better especially when bicycling or windy!

I could not find a pic of myself when I had to bicycle when it was near -40C, but I had regular beanie addition to that 'commando' beanie, also 'kaulaliina' which is long piece of fleece which you wrap around your neck, then two winter jackets and pants, quite lot of clothes, but it is needed at those temps.

Of course even in here at large cities wearing such might cause some undesired attention, but as I'm really far from cities I don't get odd looks, even at shops they smile and greet happily as it is bit of custom here.

One problem is eyes, my eyes water even at these 0C temperatures, so I need to use similar goggles what are used in skiing fast downhill.

At big cities they are bit silly at times, afraid of all kind of terrors and horrors, so there warm and comfy clothing might get one arrested quite quickly, especially if one would be cycling to shooting competition with rifle bag on back, so I guess you need to be bit careful about what to wear there :D

Best way to remove that annoying cold is to cover skin, so that it is not exposed directly to cold, finding best means for that is then sometimes bit problematic because of other people and their prejudices I believe.

When I was young I went to shoot with air rifle, I had to cycle trough the city center and I surely did not have any gun bag or case, so there I was cycling, one hand at handle bar, another hold the gun, then police car came from opposite direction, but even they did not take any notice of me as did not anyone else, that was when I lived in one of our big cities, which is really small by international standards, bit over 100 000 residents.
Doing the same today would get me arrested really fast I think. How our world has changed so much =:-0

the1who feedsus

TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 19, 2014
oh i just got the best pic of Dave. lol...i do a lot of handicrafts, and i have a table in my room where i make my mess.(don't worry, im very careful about what gets left on it when im not there to supervise.) I also have the kitty basket on there. im very selfish and want furry company when i work lol. so i had a couple of orders to fill, and im painting away, and peek over, and Dave is sound asleep with his paws covering his face. it looked just like he was playing hide and seek and he was "it".  kept waiting for him to myerp" ready or i come!!!!"

i cant wait to get it off my phone and onto my puter and post it lol....

now im going to make  a second cuppa since ive been trying to drink from an empty cup for the last 15 minutes...sigh.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I am soooooo far behind in babbling. I have been no help at all!
I've had a bit of a family crisis this week, but I will try to get a little babbling in today so we can make it to 1000.
I hope things are better now @AbbysMom.  I think it was jcat whose MIL had to go to the hospital earlier this week.  I hope your family stuff is better now.
Does anyone get back pain from ironing? I get back pain from everything of such as all tables and such are too low for me so I had to reach down and after 5 minutes back hurts so that I need to sit down, so it goes like 5 minutes of such work and then sitting down or maybe getting on back at cough or bed for hour.

For example at school my greatest difficulty was to tolerate that back pain, even sitting for long time and reaching down to too low table will eventually cause lot of pain.

It is both sides of spine, about inch from spine to sideways and about 2-3 joints from bottom to upwards, so I guess it is muscle pain, but it has been same at least last 35 years, according to our doctors there are nothing wrong with it, which is not too surprising as it is not staying for months it is not worth to spend money on it.
Oh yes, our medical system is bit different, it has very minimal costs so you pay usually no more than 30 euros from examinations, it is really good system, but really expensive so taxes are very high, when summing up all the taxes we pay nearly 60% of them, but more your income is more you have to pay.
From all of that result is then that quite often they don't do all examinations as it would cost and it is cheaper to let some suffer a little.

One can of course buy tests himself, but costs are too much for me these days. X-ray pic from lungs was bit over 200 euros when I last time bought such.

Good points and bad points as it is with everything, good bit is that when I had to be rushed into hospital in ambulance one night, it did cost me only 50 euros, including all the lab tests, transportation costs etc.

We have kind of medical insurance by the government.

I don't get the back pain unless I pull a muscle and then it takes very long, sometimes two months to go away.  I usually put "Ice gel" on it, which is really just "menthol and eucalyptus".  It helps,  but I also take Ibuprofen called "Advil".

Over here in canada, we also have paid for health care in all the provinces, but some things are not covered such as ambulance transportation, medications, eye and dental care, etc.

It is for the most part a good system, but very long wait times for certain procedures which are non-emergencies.  I guess all of it is paid through our taxes, but I have not figured out what percentage we pay in taxes,  that would be interesting to know.  Here we have all sorts of taxes, such as property, income tax, sales tax, extra provincial taxes, so basically, the government takes our money and divides it out to whatever programs they choose.   We Canadians may complain alot about the taxes, but it is a safety net and there are services that people see.   


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I hope things are better now @AbbysMom
.  I think it was jcat whose MIL had to go to the hospital earlier this week.  I hope your family stuff is better now.

I don't get the back pain unless I pull a muscle and then it takes very long, sometimes two months to go away.  I usually put "Ice gel" on it, which is really just "menthol and eucalyptus".  It helps,  but I also take Ibuprofen called "Advil".

Over here in canada, we also have paid for health care in all the provinces, but some things are not covered such as ambulance transportation, medications, eye and dental care, etc.

It is for the most part a good system, but very long wait times for certain procedures which are non-emergencies.  I guess all of it is paid through our taxes, but I have not figured out what percentage we pay in taxes,  that would be interesting to know.  Here we have all sorts of taxes, such as property, income tax, sales tax, extra provincial taxes, so basically, the government takes our money and divides it out to whatever programs they choose.   We Canadians may complain alot about the taxes, but it is a safety net and there are services that people see.   
Especially with such small population as ours (just hint over 5 million in whole country) it has been really good and allowed larger percentage of people to live good productive lives as everyone has had chance for healthcare, I'm not sure how things will develop in future though, but it is one thing that has added a lot for our good living quality.

Here medication is partly covered and there is limit which after it is free, for example cancer treatment can be ridiculously expensive, one shot of medicine was many thousands, of course depends what is the medicine, but normal people could not afford if they would have to pay it all by themselves.

This is quite old link, had to dig it with internet archive, it does not show how much one pays taxes, but more of how large percentage of gross production is circulated by taxes, company taxes and individual taxes are in so it is bit different, but maybe gives some direction to how much taxes are paid in each country:

It is interesting to see however how one's own country ranks related to other countries in those statistics, we often get told things by media and we get some impressions, but how things really are related to every other country, finding that is always interesting.

Many things that can feel bit bad, when put into context and compared to rest of the world, are not then bad at all. But I guess that is why there is saying, grass looks always greener at other side of the fence :)

Little iita did not catch the mouse, or then she ate it, maybe later I will found out if there is sounds of mouse around, but at least she was very happy cat when I picked her up and brought back to upstairs, she seemed very happy about her time at downstairs too as she was open and friendly, if she would of not liked it she would of been pulling away and generally not asking petting, they show their bad mood such way, but she was at good mood, so perhaps she did catch and eat that mouse :D

edit: I think I found correct tax graph and how happy for me as we are still far from 60% which I have heard being quoted for our total taxation being :D

If that is 2012 data, then some need to be added as our taxes has been rising since then and they will rise in next few years too.
Last edited:


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I am soooooo far behind in babbling. I have been no help at all! :( I've had a bit of a family crisis this week, but I will try to get a little babbling in today so we can make it to 1000. :D
I hope things are better now @AbbysMom
.  I think it was jcat whose MIL had to go to the hospital earlier this week.  I hope your family stuff is better now.
Thank you! :hugs: that's really sweet. :heart2: My brother went into the hospital Tuesday night. It was a bit scary at first. He's still in the hospital for a bit longer, but is going to be OK. I'm starting to cook food to put in his freezer for when he gets home. Macaroni and cheese is in the oven right now. I keep popping in to babble while cooking. :lol3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Thank you! :hugs: that's really sweet. :heart2: My brother went into the hospital Tuesday night. It was a bit scary at first. He's still in the hospital for a bit longer, but is going to be OK. I'm starting to cook food to put in his freezer for when he gets home. Macaroni and cheese is in the oven right now. I keep popping in to babble while cooking. :lol3:
But that is very nice and sweet that you are making all that food for him! I nominate you as world's best sister then :D

I should start cooking too, it will be bit of minced meat on top of bread today, quick and simple, but really good. Actually it is wheat buns that have cheese on top of them. Lot of Heinz ketchup will act as a sauce. Odd thing is that I prefer such over what you get at top restaurants, but I like things simple and that taste good, which is the most important thing, everything else comes after that :clap:

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
When I was young I went to shoot with air rifle, I had to cycle trough the city center and I surely did not have any gun bag or case, so there I was cycling, one hand at handle bar, another hold the gun, then police car came from opposite direction, but even they did not take any notice of me as did not anyone else, that was when I lived in one of our big cities, which is really small by international standards, bit over 100 000 residents.
Doing the same today would get me arrested really fast I think. How our world has changed so much =:-0
LOL....Yes, there are many things we did when we were kids and younger, that now would definetly get us  

I know about those ski masks and ski hoods which we also call "balaclavas".  I have some somewhere so I must go find it, or else just stay inside.  I guess a scarf would also work, too, but may get caught while working on something outdoors.

Thanks for that tax link.  That is some interesting information.  I knew Sweden was heavily taxed, because I saw a television program about it.  It said that in Sweden they take care of you from the "cradle to the grave", meaning that they pay for services at birth and also for burial., but that they paid the most in taxes.

Yes, the "grass does always look greener" until you notice "the weeds"

now im going to make  a second cuppa since ive been trying to drink from an empty cup for the last 15 minutes...sigh.
LOL....I have to go grab a coffee too, because I just hit "x" again on the computer, and shut down my websites.  I think I should stay away from all letter "x's " today.
That is a good thing.  And I am sure he will love to eat anything you cook as opposed to hospital food.  Hospital food may be healthy food, but somehow it never tastes substantial.