somebody help me... HELP


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I'm thrilled for you! Good job!!

I'm also hoping the other kitten did not directly witness this one getting trapped. But even so, use their hunger! It never seems to fail with persistence. Perfect!!
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  • #62


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
I was telling my husband this morning the same thing about the other kitten witnessing the "catch"...  What I can say is there was no sound of a trap door closing so hopfully the other kitty is not afraid.  I hope it was o nly my movement that made her scatter last night.  But I bet the other baby is terrified all alone in that lot.  The one I caught is the one that I thought would be the hardest to catch.  And this is definately the one in the picture. -- "the larger one" ...  Last night I just left him alone so he could settle down but I did sleep in the room with him.  The one I have is also the one that I spooked in my missed catches.  If I had to catch one, this is the one I would have chosen, because I thought if he wittnessed anything, then he would never come back to the shed around me.  I think the little one will be easier.  The little one walks in and out of the traps without setting them off.  

Last night mama sat on the bed and called him and he actually jumped up there.  When he saw me, he jumped down.  They both ate evo for breakfast this moring.  I have some acana out for him to munch on as well. 

When I woke this morning, he was sitting on the stairs at the foot of the bed, on the step just tall enough to peek at me sleeping and to see mama on the bed with me.  My husband build our bed frame and there is a hidy hole near the head of it.  He has been sitting in that spot hiding.  There are two exits so he feels comofortable there.  I think I'll stick a pillow back there for him.  We have concrete floors in our bedroom right now and that way he will have something soft..  He did not get in the crate I have for him, or at least I am not aware of it if he did. 

I am off work till saturday so hopefully I can gentle him a little.  He is a cute little guy.  And I do think this one is a boy, but I could be wrong.  There is just something about his face that looks manly. 

Can't wait to have pics of the girl kitty.  She has a tiny little face.

 I am going to put some DE in their food to worm them.  I am not comfortable giving them chemicals at this young age.  As soon as I can touch him, I'll put some DE in his fur.  I am going to wait a couple months to get him fixed.

Heading back out at daybreak with mama.  I left two live traps set with fish and fried chicken from KFC.

He has the tiniest little meow.  It's just a little "mew"..  And mama is thrilled her baby is with her.  I can tell.  She talks to him constantly.   I can hear her now..   Haven't seen a mama kitty with her young in so long.  This is great!

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  • #63


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
I went in the bedroom and lay down.  Mama was up there with me and the little guy jumped up on the bed.  He didn't stay long,   Probaby about 10 seconds, but he's learning.  I have not seen him use the litter box yet, but he did watch mama use it.  I don't see any signs of him using any where else either.  I think I am going to make a long pillow today and put behind the bed for him.  It's time for him to feel pampered.

I think in a week or so, I will be petting him and holding him. I am not introducing him to the dogs or any other cats yet.  It might be a few weeks.

I am half dressed.  I have on blue jeans plus my gown.  It is 7:20am here.  I am thinking about going ahead and heading to town to check my traps and sit for a bit with mama at the baby site.....
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angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
  I'm so glad you got one. Hopefully now, as Willowy said, the other one will come easier, wanting to find momma & sibling.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
That post brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations, you are a heroine of the first order. You have been so dedicated to this. I am sure that the next few weeks will be hard, but so worthwhile. Keep on posting as to their progress.
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  • #69


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
This has been a great day.  I took the vcr in the bedroom to watch a few movies and lay on the bed hoping to catch a glimpse of them. 

They have discovered the big crate is a better den than behind the bed.  I took the door off today so they have free rein....  And this is their first clean bed!!  And it already smells like mama kitty.  I draped a towel over the front so it feels more den/cave like.

They are such so cute.  I did touch the small one today and petted it slightly.  It just doesn't know what the think.  They are already calmer just being out of the environment of cars racing past them, dogs barking and running, kids screaming and having to hide all the time.  They will be gentle in no time flat.

Here's their first pic of them together in their new den...  Aren't they precious???  Mama is keeping a close eye on them.  The smallest is in the front and is also the one I petted.  I was so hoping they would find this den I made for them and they did.  It's dark inside and they acan peek out the sides and tell what's going on and still feel hid.  Perfect!!

This is the one I petted.  (very slightly).  It's scared but wants to trust like it's mama.  This one was also on the bed in a cover roll and I didn't know it.  I sat down and felt something soft in the covers and there it was.  Rolled up.  If I am correct in one being a boy and one being a girl, I think I will name them Tootsie and Hershey.   Just my first thought and that could be prone to change, kinda like the mama is Beauty/Ally.  And I might choose some indian name for the boy, but I do like Tootsie.  I have a lot of cats but I will say "every single one of them knows their names"...  Now off to buy groceries and do domestic stuff.

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 30, 2012
Aw, those guys are so cute and so scared looking.  Good job on catching them.  They look like one feral that was our favorite, we named him Schmoo, because he was such a little Schmoo.   He had been coming around for about a year and suddenly disappeared .  We hope for the best but know in our heart something bad happened to him.

Here is a picture I took of him when he was younger.


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  • #71


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
Oh wow, Schmoo looks just like these kittens.  He is beautiful!!  I'm sorry that he disappeared.  It's hard when they do that.  I know first hand.  And it is not impossible that he'll be back.  I've had cats disappear and then come back weeks later.  He might be back Don.



TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I am just thrilled for you and the kitties!! They will have a great life now, unlike what it would have been if not for your persistence and dedication!

It's important to de flea them, guaranteed they are full of them and getting their blood sucked out. It causes anemia in the little ones.

They are def. big enough for flea meds.

Excellent work there miss!!
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  • #74


TCS Member
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Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
How old do you think they are????   I am going by pics saying I believe they might be 10 weeks old.  But I'm not sure.  I know once when we went out, the mama let the littlest one nurse a little after surgery....
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  • #75


TCS Member
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Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
omg...... mama is so freaking happy her babies are here.  She is playing, jumping, biting me, chasing paperballs....  She is a changed cat.  Some of it might have to do with her nutrition now, but she is different.  If I run my hand over the covers, she attacks me and puts her teeth gently on my arm...... and then sometimes not so gently.  But she is playing and having fun.  That is so good!.  
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  • #76


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
I have DE in their food.  And I also have DE in their bedding.  Right now, I can't do anything to them that require touching.  I'm working on it.  Hopefully just a few days.  One of them keep sitting under the stair while I am in there, so that' s a good sign.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:wow: :wow: :wow: Wonderful job, Jenn!! I am SOOOOO darn happy for you AND FOR THIS LITTLE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: What beautiful babies too. :love:
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  • #78


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
In them thar hills...
Thank you Feralvr.....!

Mama is now running all over the bedroom, dashing at breakneck speed playing with her babies.........omg...  I put an empty toilet paper roll and a paper ball in there for them to bat around.....  Plus a firewood log...  Is her energy due to EVO and Acana?  Quite the diet change from trash and lizards.

And the littliest one was lost earlier...  I could not find it anywhere.  I searched every cubie hole in the bedroom.  Then I remembered how it crawled inside a comforter roll earlier.  So I started looking in the bed.  I found it inside one of the pillowcases tucked in sound asleep under the pillow.  I'll have to be careful and watch out for it.  I made a point to tell my husband too so he can watch.  He is afraid to sleep in the bed right now.   I got it out and held it for a minute against it's will.   It did not act terribly afraid, but it definately wanted AWAY.. This is the same one that stood a couple feet from me when I wiggled my fingers.  And also the same one that drank close to me too.  The bigger one just wants to sit on the bed with mama but only if I am out of the room.  I've been watching them through the window.   Mama will not leave the bedroom either.  She knows I will feed her and her babies and she is acting very carefree and content.  

And her name might end  up being "little mama".  That's what I have been calling her and she is a little mama.   She is so happy that it really does my heart good to see her this way.

We have been in the process of converting our spare room downstairs into a bedroom.  I need to step it up.  It is a larger room.  We want our current room to be an office/computer room/TV room.  We  never use our upstairs.  I don't let the animals go up there.  It is my arts and crafts area.

As soon as I can handle them and they will come to me, I can put them in the enclosure some, but I suspect this first winter will be indoors in front of the fireplace..  They need a tree with shelves on it in the corner.  I'm going to get them some toys tomorrow.  I'm trying not to take too many pics.  The flash startles them and I want them to be relaxed.  I will post some more, but probably not for a few days.

I have not seen them use the litterbox, but I also have not seen one single accident.  They must be using it.

The coyotes are out too.  We hear them close to the house.  The cats are so smart.  They all stay in the enclosure when the howling starts.  They know they are safe in there.  The babies by spring will be big enough to know as well, or big enough to learn their safe spot outside.  But that's a ways off, but I am still planning for it. 

And today snoopy and Hank were sitting on a rock in the middle of the creek resting .....  They rock jumped to get there.  In the middle, there are huge flat pieces of bedroom that absorb heat and they were enjoying themselves.  I have never seen them there before.  They were the last kittens I had and they are brothers.  They have a sister named Minny Pearl that I have as well, but she is scared to go outside.  They are adults and way way past kittenhood. 

I need to open a post that show current pictures of all my kitties.  Not sure what I would put it under..
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 4, 2012
Northern NSW, Australia

All your hard work and effort has paid off. I am so happy that you managed to get kitten no.2. I have just gotten home from work, I started early so couldn't check before I went out this morning. You have put a huge smile on my face. They are very lucky kitten and Mum to have you as their carer.


How many cats do you have? It sounds like you have quite a few. Please keep posting updates on  your new babies and I would love to see some pics of the rest of your furry family.



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I have been following your adventure and I'm so happy for you and your conquest!!  Sounds like the kitties are doing well considering their rough start in life.  Keep up the good work!