Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 6, 2014
North Augusta, South Carolina
Hey all! Sorry for my absence but I have a good reason! I havent seen her in person yet but Kali has been pictured with the game camera in the dettatched screened in porch!!! Im certain its her but unfortunately it looks like her tail has had tremendous trauma and only like half is there :( I know she was there on the 1st and 2nd of the new year then we posted the game camera at some near by houses without checking the sd card (regrettably) and when we got the camera back she was there on the night of the 15th.  So she had at least a two week span where she has been coming i believe. She didnt come back the next night or last night :( but my husbands little brother was visiting and that may have been enough to scare her. I hope she will be back tonight. We rashly bought new furniture to put our old couch outside that she adored and would hide under when she was in the home.Maybe it will comfort her til I can grab her, maybe she will know for sure she found us, idk. After 6 months she returned to the spot she was lost from! Im so hopeful to be reunited but getting her will be tricky as she is super skittish. She didnt fall for the traps before so I need all the suggestions I can get! Heres the first photo iv seen of her in six months. Please pray and send good juju I need to hold my baby again.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Can you get a trap and start to feed her in it (with the trap not set) and then after she goes in it a few times, set the trap and bring her either right inside or straight to the vet? 

I am so happy she has returned to you.  Definitely never give up hope.
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Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Fantastic news Bita! I hope the old couch will remind her of home and keep her close by. Take it slowly, put out food for her regularly so that she knows where she can find something to eat. You could just put the trap out there now so she starts to think of it as just another part of the deck. Then when she's comfortable with it you can make a plan to trap her.

Vibes to you all, I hope your girl stays close to home.



TCS Member
Jan 16, 2015
My heart goes out to you as well.  I have a friend whose cat has two homes.  Her cat will go missing for three months and come home beautifully groomed and well fed.  Your sweet furry guy is probably having a blast!  If you have a feeling, I would trust that.  


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014

          Great news. I am so glad to hear that. Putting the couch out is good, it will have her smell on it, and maybe something with your smell on it. Did she have a blanket she slept on or anything you can add.  I would put the cage out with a pad in the bottom and tie the door open for starters. Then in a few days I would put some food in it, so she gets use to seeing the cage and maybe eating out of it.  I would still feed her where ever you are feeding her because cats are smart and if there is only food in the cage they might think something is wrong and leave. Maybe even put a litter box out there, maybe that would help keep her home. Let her get comfortable before you try because she might not go back in again. You'll get her but be patient until you think its the right time. Keep your camera on. What time of the day does she come? Maybe she knows she found you and is looking for help. If she is missing a piece of her tail she probably does need a vet, and she might be a little traumatized at what had happen, poor thing. I think if you keep the food out she might be close by if she is coming to eat so maybe go outside in the daytime and call her to see if she comes. Some times they are right there watching to see when the food comes. I wish you the best. I never found Tobby yet, she has been gone since Oct 2014 and she was missing part of her tail when I trapped her. They had given her a shot for infection. I love when a pet is reunited with its owner. I hate seeing them out there surviving on there own. To many bad things can happen. Again good luck and keep us informed.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Missing for three months? Two homes? That sounds odd...a cat that goes missing is likely not having a blast. I don't want to be harsh, but that is reality. Bad things happen when you let your cats wander outside. I do hope your cat is well
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 5, 2012
Weird Update...So...umm I still think of my TK and on my way to work today 20mins away from my house, I saw a dead Tuxedo cat that looked just like my TK(minus the diamond mark he has on his head) and was just feeling awful and thought (He's dead..I just never saw his body). SO tell me how on my way back home after work, I see a female Tuxedo cat (Still a kitten possibly 4months old), and meows a lot just like TK?
I really believe now he had babies and she's one of his kids...and also the other kitten I found earlier(Oliver) but he was born sometime in October according to the doctor. Sadly I can't keep her....I had to beg my mom to keep 3 cats(and a dog)...4 cats is pushing it XD


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
My heart goes out to you as well.  I have a friend whose cat has two homes.  Her cat will go missing for three months and come home beautifully groomed and well fed.  Your sweet furry guy is probably having a blast!  If you have a feeling, I would trust that.  
On one of these catsites I had read about somebody in Calif whose cat would visit between two homes on different sides of the canyon where they lived. I could only hoe that this cat did not meet a coyote as they are numerous especially in the canyons. Cats need to be kept inside to keep this kind of thing from happening.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014

                Haven't heard anything in a while from you. Have you got any good news about Kali?  I hope you are getting closer to catching her. Let us know.


TCS Member
Mar 4, 2015
i am so sorry about your cat. I know how you feel.  my cat went away just like yours, but he has been gone for 6 months.  I am still hopeful because that cat meant everything to me, but I am trying to move on even though it is the hardest thing to do. I hope you find your cat soon. it is a very hard time for anyone that has lost a pet

kitty kisser

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 21, 2015
After 12 years my beloved Tequilia returned to me it was crazy! On the back porch meowing to come in the house was neutered hadn't seen him in years! Best of luck to you!

barbara danley

TCS Member
Feb 5, 2015
So sorry you are having this worry-it's so hard not to know if your friend is OK. I had thappen one time. My rescue cat Spot, who was 2 or 3 when he came to live with me, very happy at my house even though the cats I already had were not very friendly. I made sure to give him extra affection. About six moths after I adopted him he just disappeared ( I have cat doors). I did all the things you have done and he had been chipped so I kept hoping he would turn up. After five months I had lost hope and assumed he had met with a predator or accident and was very sad. Then one sunny day, I turned from some yardwork I was doing and there sat Spot, watching me calmly, fat and happy. He's never done it again, and I did later find out he'd spent some of the time at a neighbor's house with her cat, though not the whole time and she also has a door, so he wasn't trapped. So it can happen.

However, two years agoa, during a bad drought, two 12 year olds I had had most of their lives did disappear for good, within weeks of one another.. They were not roamers and were pretty smart cats so I finally came to accept that desparate predators had expanded their territory and made a meal of my friends-that was hard.

I will keep good thoughts for you and that your buddy will make his way home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
After 12 years my beloved Tequilia returned to me it was crazy! On the back porch meowing to come in the house was neutered hadn't seen him in years! Best of luck to you!
I am surprised that he found his way home and wondering where he had been the whole time considering the short memories of cats. I think somebody in the neighborhood kept him inside and now that he is an old cat with possibly some health issues they just put him outside and he went back to his old home as the "new" home was closed to him. Just love him a lot and DON'T LET HIM OUT AGAIN!!! At least the other people got him neutered which you should have done before or he would not have been roaming. How old is he now?

kitty kisser

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 21, 2015
Well I was only 12 yrs old when we got Tequila from the animal shelter for my 13 th birthday I asked my mom to have him neutered for my present. I think she started letting him outside cause when we moved from our trailer up the road to a 3000 sq ft home he always me owed at the door wanting outside for some reason. He also became unsocial after the nuetering we thought it went bad for him[emoji]128546[/emoji] . I thought maybe he ran back to the old place but he wasn't there. Maybe your right about the neighbor. I was only 15 when he came up missing during the move and sadly was too excited about getting my own room at that time. I moved at age 20 hadnt seen him in years . :clap:At 26 I moved back to town and was told a gray cat was roaming around he was in great shape. Yes it was Tequila my old cat just goes to show you when you least expect an animal does come thrue. It wasn't great timing for me though I had just had a baby with major complications.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
So now the cat is at least 14 years old and you can only wonder where he has been all this time. I'm sorry to hear about you having such a hard time having a baby of our own and hope that everything is going well now. I also hope that now that your cat has come home you won't just put him back outside, he deserves a good home inside although he may not realize at first that being inside only is good for him and he may whine and cry to be let outside. Don't give in to that, he needs a re-education. Soon he will appreciate a good warm home again and live out his last years as the good, well-loved cat he was when you first got him.

Also: Don't worry about people saying having a cat around a baby is not good for the baby: actually, it has been shown that babies and small children are less likely to have allergies if they have been around animals ( or big dirty brothers!) Good luck to you, baby and Tequila. Let us know how it goes.