Sadie's Story

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I posted yesterday about how Sadie got his silly head caught in the lattice.  The poor kitty must have been so terrified as I had the power drill inches from his (covered) head while I frantically undid the screws.

He is okay, but needless to say he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

I went in and sat with him and read today and had the window open a bit while I was in there for some fresh air and wouldn't you know it?  He jumped up to the window and started trying to get out again.  As I approached to get him back from the window, he held his ground and hissed away at me refusing to leave his perch.  I won and he jumped back down to his safety box.

Well, at least he is talking to me now.

The window is closed and locked tight.  I then removed the lattice work so at least he can get a decent view out the window onto the duck pond behind my house.

I feel terrible about keeping him captive when he want to go out to this gorgeous spring weather soooo badly.

But whatever attacked him 2 weeks ago, is still out there somewhere (I live in the forest) and if the creature got Sadie that badly when Sadie was healthy I can imagine (no thanks) what that creature could do now that Sade is injured.

Someone please tell me that I am doing the right thing by trying to socialize Sade to the indoors? 
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I just pat Sadie.

I went into the bathroom to clean up a bit and Sadie jumped up onto the bathtub side to watch me.

Then I sat down on the floor by the door and he came and sat about 1/2 foot away from me.

I watched him sideways and saw that he was falling asleep.

I reached out my hand and he awoke and leaned in to sniff it and I reached out my fingertip to stroke the edge of his ear.

He didn't move so I started to gently stroke the mama-lick-spot between his ear and his eye and he actually rolled his head into my finger, so I stroked/scratched the top of his head.

He seemed to enjoy this for about 5 seconds and then he hissed at me so I backed away.

There hasn't been any comments on my thread lately, that's okay, I'll just update it as kind of my own journal.


I was so concerned about our progress after the lattice incident yesterday, but this has totally restored my faith.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
AW ..... I just read your other thread about Sadie and the lattice. Thank goodness that is behind you now. Just reassuring you that you are doing the right thing for Sadie, keeping him indoors. This is a very difficult transition for a feral cat to adjust to. It can be done and I have a feeling you will have this kitty trusting you in no time. Incredible news that he came to you :thud: within a foot away. Really amazing progress :clap::clap: AND you gave him a pet too. HUGE step and he has totally forgotten about the lattice episode and does not hold you responsible in any way. In fact, just the opposite is true. That episode most likely gave him a reason to trust you even more because you were the one to rescue him. Your doing a fantastic job.... OH :lol3:..... I saw you asked this in another thread..... YES, you can use the bathroom you are keeping him in. The more time you spend in there the better. He will learn to look forward to these interesting bathroom routines that you have :winkblue: Keep up the great work with Sadie. :vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
You're not going to believe this.  I don't believe it - so I made sure I got pictures and video to pinch myself after!

I went in for a Sadie visit tonight at about 10pm and as usual, I put some treats in his cubby for him.  I then layed down on the floor with my iphone to read.

A few moments later I heard Sadie eat his treats
 and then heard him shuffle out of his cubby and go up to the window seat.  He then let out a few huge yowls that made me almost jump 5 feet up, but I layed completely still, completely quiet, completely ignoring him.  I could hear/sense him move around the bathtub ledge to sit right above where my head was.  I was adrenaline loaded and prayed he didn't attack my face.  Again, another loud YOWL and I completely ignored him.  Then he jumped to the floor to his food bowl that was 1 foot away from my head and he ate all the food in his dish (there was only dry food left - of course - and it sounded as though he was swallowing the pieces whole and not crunching them - the vet said his teeth looked excellent, do ferals do this??)  anyways...

While he was eating I remained totally still.  He then walked along the side of my - from head to toes - where he sat in front of the bathroom door and I could hear my female cat, Scraps, on the other side hissing and growling away at him.  Sadie then walked across my calves and feet and CURLED UP in the crook behind my bent knees and went to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I still didn't move, not believing what was happening!  I kept 'reading' from my iphone and thought to take pictures and some video.  He didn't move, only stretched out to reach his paws across my feet AND STARTED TO PURRRR.

About 30 mins passed and my legs were falling asleep and I told him that I had to get up and I started to shuffle my legs around and still he didn't get up.  Then I pulled my feet out of the blankets and he got pulled across the floor a bit on the blanket and he stillllll didn't get up.  Then I sat up and asked him nicely to please move and he moved off beside me and watched me put out a few more treats for him and then I left saying goodnight.  Holy camole!

Does this count the same as ferals who one day cuddle up in their rescuers lap?

I would so much appreciate anyone/everyone chiming in a line on this for me! 

Pics to follow.....
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada

At one point I did reach down my hand towards him, but he hissed at me:  "This is my nook, go get your own!"

Pls ignore the "love june" part lol
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TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Oh, what a cuttie.

No advice cause I've never been in your (brave, patient, generous) shoes before.

Cats have such an amazing ability to forgive and forget; they live in the present.

If tomorrow Sadie ignores you don't take it personally:  she/he's a cat :)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Ah Ipod is the trick? Do you think I can try with a Ipad?   I was looking a moment ago after Ipads on our swedish E-bay...   :)

A big step forwards for both of you!  Congrats!
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Outdoor Enclosure:  Yesterday I thought to use a large dog kennel and assemble it outside Sadie's bathroom window and fill it with some grass and leaves and log, fresh catmint from my garden and added some cedar branches to hide behind.  I would like to put a 2nd level in it somehow.  I also put a bird feeder close by for him to watch the birds.  He LOVES it.  And I love seeing him outside basking in the warm sunshine with the breeze combing through his fur and knowing he is safe.

He can look out onto his backyard from 15 feet up and look onto the duck pond and watch all of the geese and ducks splahing around.

After all of our lovin this week, he is really hating on me the past few days.  Lots of hisses and flat ears.  I find it is a pattern, love, hisses, more love...  lots of hisses, love, hisses, more love....

Maybe in a few days we will have another breakthrough.

He has never swatted, bit at or growled at me, yet, so that is good.

I do leave treats on the lip of his cubby for him, about 2 inches from his head and he always watches me do this and usually gives a hiss, today he didn't hiss and I slowly reached and stroked his head, twice, and he gave me this unbelieveable look: "Just what exactly is it that you think you are doing?"  lol, quite funny fella.

He has not chosen any of his toys yet to play with and he is afraid of the flying wand toys. 

Stefan I do have a "Cat Game" on the ipad that my resident cats go mental for.  There are three games: 1 is laser, 1 is butterfly and 1 is squeaky mouse.  The squeaky mouse is the favorite and a joy for the cats for jump on the ipad to chase and squeak.  I have not tried with Sadie yet as he has been afraid of my laser tag game, in time I will try ipad.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:wow: Just a WOW at your creativity in engineering that dog crate outdoor enclosure. THAT is just unbelievable and totally cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sadie is just adorable too and must be in kitty heaven (and completely safe) with that attached dog crate. You are just brilliant to come up with that idea :bigthumb: Keep up the good work too - thing's are going really well :nod: :clap::clap::clap::clap:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 13, 2011
Gig Harbor Wa
Wow he is a lucky boy to have found you. He is not a real true feral I don't think. He reminds me of the little 5 month old feral boy I brought into my home..well a cage in my home...anyway he is doing quite well. I am happy for him.
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Sadie is enjoying his outdoors enclosure.... until...

I was hanging out in the br with him yesterday and he decided to go 'outside.'  Unfortunately it was also a time when my dog was outside and she saw Sadie and lunged at the crate barking.

Sadie growled and ran back inside.  Terrible terrible setback.

I could tell he was extremely uneasy the rest of the day so I gave him space.  As usual tho, at around 10pm I went and read in the bathroom.  At some point I fell fast asleep and woke up to find his wetfood treat 1 foot away from me all gone and found him laying beside/up above me = 1st tier of a 3 tier cat tree.  I spoke my greetings quietly and gently and tried to get up backwards but he hissed at me and went back to his cubby.

He was still understandably pissy this morning and then another very terrible setback...  I went to put a treat on the lip of his cubby, as usual, but my arm accidentally struck the edge of the counter making a loud bang/hiss noise and he  - so fast - hissed and struck out his paw, striking me in the hand.  He caused 3 teeny tiny pinprick marks, but I figure that if he really meant business
 he would have done a lot more harm.
  It was the first time he ever struck out at me. He still has never growled at me or thrashed around like a wildcat.

Nonetheless, he has not been the same today and he slinks back into his cubby when he sees me, hissing away and not eating his treats or finishing his wet catfood. 

I am so sad of these setbacks
.  I feel he hates me with his current glares.  

On the upside I came to terms with it.  I want so much for Sadie to settle in quickly but I realize that even if Mr. Hissypants does not, currently, appreciate that I love him and am trying to help him and keep him out of the dangerous outdoors and make him a part of my family , we have all the time in the world for him to do this.  It is not going to be accomplished overnight.  He will adjust, and he will have setbacks, but I must appreciate how far we have already come in only 2 1/2 weeks.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
On the upside I came to terms with it.  I want so much for Sadie to settle in quickly but I realize that even if Mr. Hissypants does not, currently, appreciate that I love him and am trying to help him and keep him out of the dangerous outdoors and make him a part of my family , we have all the time in the world for him to do this.  It is not going to be accomplished overnight.  He will adjust, and he will have setbacks, but I must appreciate how far we have already come in only 2 1/2 weeks. :nod:
Really great attitude to have and to remember :lol3: You must be able to come to "terms" with these setbacks and accept and expect them. I can't tell you how many times I would "stumble" or knock thing's over in the foster room by accident and then :dash: the kitty would be gone and hiding for a day or two. The incredible result is that after each setback they learn that life is going to be filled with some scary happenings and they learn to deal with it. They have too :lol2: That is just life and we can't walk on eggshells forever :bigmouth: Sorry he clawed at you like that. He was just very fearful and lashed out. :( Not to worry though - Sadie will come around again and trust you even more and more. As far as the dog episode outside while he was in his window enclosure, he will get over that too. He will want to venture outside again :nod: and it will be very soon. He will also learn eventually that the dog cannot bother him or get to him. He will just retreat back inside when the dog comes around. Also, the dog will get used to seeing the cat in the crate above his head and just get over it. You will probably have more of these setbacks as time goes on. A few steps back and then many steps forward. Back and Forth :lol3: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #34


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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Thanks Lauren

You made an excellent point about the dog jumping at Sadie's kennel and it made me realize that this was actually maybe a good thing.  Sadie was safe in his kennel when it happened and when the introductions happen between the two I want to be able to predict my dog's behavior.  My dog was scolded immediately for doing this and she has been cautious around the kennel ever since.

This casual viewing of eachother through the kennel is a good start to introductions I think they will get better use to and accepting of one another while Sadie is completely safe.  Sadie does still enjoy going out to the kennel so long as he doesn't think anyone is watching him.

I haven't had anymore cuddles or pets this week, Sadie is still not in the best of moods but I still go in regularly to read and talk to him.  When I lay on my blanket on the floor at night, he does always come and sit beside me in the 2nd tier of his cat tree.  I think this must be a good sign cause he must know I am lying there and he choses to come closer and sleep beside/up from me.  He may not be in the best of moods this week because my 5 year old has been home for a full week now and she is loouuuudd and tantrumy.  She goes to her Dad's this weekend and it will be interesting to see any difference in Sadie with the much quieter house.

One thing he is absolutely fascinated by is me brushing my teeth
(can't believe there is a smiley for this :) , he pops right out of his cubby to look at me with complete perplexity (word?).

He's just so beautiful!  I love seeing the sun sparkle off of his shiny black coat when he is outside.

He sleeps a lot and I wonder if a feral cat 'pretends' to be asleep when he is scared?  Cause many times, as soon as I am out the door he POPS right up to go inspect his treats.

Thanks everyone for reading


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
OH now that you tell me that your daughter is home AND on top of the dog episode.... that could very well be why he is retreating from you a little more right now. He WILL get past the loud little girl :heart3: :lol3: :hugs: He will. Everything is new to him right now, every noise, every smell, and your touch. Again, a few steps back are to be expected. Don't get disappointed at all. When he comes back for pets again, and he will :rub: It will be better than ever.

:lol3: About the teeth brushing.:teeth: Are not they the most curious and cutest creatures on the planet??!!! :D :clap::clap: Maybe - he would like his teeth brushed someday :flail:

He probably is sleeping when you are in the room at times - but yes, I have seen some kitties just close their eyes and be frozen :lol3: in their hideouts and hope that the big monster goes away. AND if you leave and they come out right away - that IS progress :clap: meaning they are more and more comfortable in their new "territory" (room :)). You are very observant and Sadie is too :lol3: You both are learning about each other :clap::clap::clap::clap::D
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
OH now that you tell me that your daughter is home AND on top of the dog episode.... that could very well be why he is retreating from you a little more right now. He WILL get past the loud little girl
He will. Everything is new to him right now, every noise, every smell, and your touch. Again, a few steps back are to be expected. Don't get disappointed at all. When he comes back for pets again, and he will
It will be better than ever.
About the teeth brushing.
Are not they the most curious and cutest creatures on the planet??!!!
Maybe - he would like his teeth brushed someday

He probably is sleeping when you are in the room at times - but yes, I have seen some kitties just close their eyes and be frozen
in their hideouts and hope that the big monster goes away. AND if you leave and they come out right away - that IS progress
meaning they are more and more comfortable in their new "territory" (room
). You are very observant and Sadie is too
You both are learning about each other
 Thank-you so much - your advice is so fantastic!!

Tonight/late last night, I was taking a bath and Sadie stayed in his outdoor enclosure, about 30 minutes into my bath he slunked through the window watching the big cat-eating monster in the bathtub.
 - I was watching him in the mirror - He went to his food bowl which was right beneath me on the floor.  My lovely dog
 took that moment to go mental barking at something outside the front window.  Amazingly Sadie did stop eating momentarily but then continued to eat whilst the crazy dog was barking just a few rooms over!!  That is so awesome.

I couldn't see where Sade went after that and all was quiet.  After several minutes I slowly peaked up over the bathtub ledge and HAHAHA  Sadie was sitting on the floor lifting himself up to his back paws watching me.  I think we spooked eachother!
 . When he saw me peak at him he went up on his paws even higher, eyes went as big as saucers :"She's looking at me!"  and he went back out the window.

A few minutes later he slunked back inside and went to the 2nd tier of his cat tree.

He watched me like a hawk and when I finally decided to turn the page of my book, he 'sneaked' off back out the window.

Ohmygosh these cats are hilarious to watch with their antics.
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  • #37


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada
We had our first play session last night.

There is a 1 1/2" gap beneath the safe room door and I have noticed my cats sticking their nose and paws underneath it to get Sadie's attention. 

So far Sadie is sweet, but my cats are defending their turf and are growly.

Last night I made a wand with 4 straws and taped around them and taped a silver curly ribbon to the end.  I played on this side of the door, with the door closed,

for about an hour with my cats.  I had my cheek flat against the floor and saw Sadie doing the same on the other side.  I finally stuck the wand under the door and

swooshed it back and forth across the floor in front of him and after a few minutes he swiped it!  He was having fun swiping and biting and I was grinning ear to ear.

At one point one of my res cats had her tail flicking under the door and Sadie swiped at that too.  Which scared the crap out of Scraps and caused me some concern too

as to why he pounced on it so hard.  I guess he was just playing?  It didn't seem like play though.

Anyways, it was great seeing Sadie playful


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
At one point one of my res cats had her tail flicking under the door and Sadie swiped at that too.  Which scared the crap out of Scraps and caused me some concern too

as to why he pounced on it so hard.  I guess he was just playing?  It didn't seem like play though.

Anyways, it was great seeing Sadie playful
If there was no blood nor visible scratches, it wasnt no serious attack.  Im sure it was play.

Attacking the tail of grown up cats is standard play for kittens.   :)    so surely for Sadie too.
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 6, 2012
Ontario, Canada

Note the laceration to his left eye.  An old war wound.

Gap at the bottom of the door for playtime :)

Enclosure looks onto duckpond and forest.  His old romping grounds.

Can only see a bit of his old house.  I took the roofed porch off last week and gave it back to my daughter - it was her clubhouse.

Scrappy is a therapy cat.  She has that certain something that makes you feel so soothed when you touch and hold her.

She was found all alone in the engine of a car when she was 3-4 weeks old.

Bubbles was dumped in a parking lot with her baby siblings and mama.  Maybe a bit of Norweigan Forest Cat in her? - Tho she is tiny at 6.5 pounds (5 years old).

Thanks Stefan, there was no teeth or nails but he pounced SO hard is all.  Probably caught up in the catmint euphoria.

Thank-you for looking at my pictures :)
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
AWW Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures!! I just LOVE Sadie's mustache :lol3: What a great view from his private outdoor enclosure. AND very nice digs for Sadie.... great bathroom :clap::clap::clap::clap:. Bubbles and Scrappy are just adorable.... :love: :love: I think it is good that there is a little opening under the door. Perfect for the cat's to smell each other but not interact. I am sure Scrappy's tail was part play and part fear !!!!! I bet your other two cat's will be spending much more time near that door :nod: Keep up the great work with Sadie. Sounds like Sadie is getting used to the dog and the barking :lol3: :bigthumb: