Quitting smoking....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2005
Oxford, UK
Well, yesterday I was not having a very good day - and was becoming quite overwhelmed

I guess finally realized what a BIG decision I had made, in deciding to stop smoking. Yesterday, it was 2 weeks till my quit day... and it seemed like this big shadow approaching...

I decided to go to bed early and start today with a fresh attitude.

Well, it is 5:30 pm and I have only had 3 cigarettes today!

I know it may not seem much a milestone - but I tend only to smoke when I am at home and board. Today I was both of those, and yet I managed to restrain myself.

I know I will still have my up days and down days - at least now my goal seems achievable.

I just want to say thank-you to everyone for your support, especially Chris, for starting this thread and for sharing



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2005
Oxford, UK
Originally Posted by Snake_Lady

Wow, this morning has been hard to put off that first cig. I've been wanting it for the last hour. Got up at 7, had my coffee...and am craving bigtime. 3mins till my 2 hour min wait time is up.

But you still made it to 2 hrs
I think that's fantastic!


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
You folks are doing really well. Keep up the good work and don't worry if you fall back a little - you are on your way.

I have to say those 9 days in hospital were a great kick-start for me. It seems to have made it much easier for me to quit this time. Hubby is also still not smoking so he's doing well also. I'm keeping my eye on this thread and rooting for all of you even if I don't post.
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  • #64


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Originally Posted by Yosemite

You folks are doing really well. Keep up the good work and don't worry if you fall back a little - you are on your way.

I have to say those 9 days in hospital were a great kick-start for me. It seems to have made it much easier for me to quit this time. Hubby is also still not smoking so he's doing well also. I'm keeping my eye on this thread and rooting for all of you even if I don't post.
Thank you.

Yes, the 9day hospital stay would be a great start. My surgery is only day surgery, scheduled for 9am but we have to be there at 7am.... I should be home by mid-afternoon..... but its still a start. One day of surgery + the next few days I'll be pretty sore and getting bundled to go outside will not be the first thing on my mind. I highly doubt I will go anywhere (out) for the first few days because I don't have a coat that will accomodate the bulky dressing they will put on my hand/arm.... I'll be wearing loose baggy no zipper pants, and baggy tshirts with big armholes for a bit.


This week I'm allowing myself 6 cigarettes per day.

I also talked to my hubby about a reward.... which in itself is hard for me to come up with because if there's something I truly need, we have the means to go get it. Occassionally I splurge and buy something for myself, such as books or a webkinz.

When I quit for the contest I had no problems quitting (some withdrawl for the first 3-4 days...) because the desire to win the car was very strong.

My goal/prize/motivation: a new camera.

I love photography, and my current camera is pretty decent but its a few yrs old now, and the ones I've looked at that are better quality than mine are now cheaper than when I bought mine. We're still looking at $500-600 for it, which is a major purchase for us, especially since I don't spend that much on cigs per year. I spend maybe $200 on cigs per year.

My conditions are this: I have to remain smoke-free for at least 30 days. No drag, no slip ups, NO SMOKING at all for 30 days. After that, I will begin researching my camera. (I'd do it now, but there's new ones all the time...)

My dh asked, what happens once I get my camera, what will make me continue not smoking..... Once I get it, if I slip up, the camera will be put away.

I also hope that after a month of not smoking, I see improvements in my health (even though I don't see any negatives now) and that will keep me from picking it up again. I know things will taste better once I quit
so that's one health difference I see.

I KNOW that I need alot of strength, because I don't 100% want to quit. I see my surgery as an oppurtunity (not a reason) to quit, and am working with that.... Rewarding myself with an expensive non-essential item, helps make me want to quit. I've wanted a new camera for over a year now, but could not warrant spending the money when the camera I have now is only 3-4yrs old and in good condition.

It's definately going to put a dent in our wallets, but so it's not as big of a dent I am sacrificing now.... no new webkinz, no books, no non-essential items, no going out to dinner or ordering pizza, etc. That will help offset the cost, as will thinking about my health long term. If I keep smoking I may end up with health issues that cost more than my camera will.

15 days and counting till my quit date.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2009
Good luck on quitting and I think it's a great decision. I have smoked for 10 years, and just quit about 3 weeks ago (for the 5th time or so.. heh..). Not sure if someone has already suggested this, but the nicotine gum has worked GREAT for me. I use the generic Target brand which is only $30 for a box of 170 pieces and is actually cheaper than smoking. As far as I know the gum isn't all that dangerous so it gives you the freedom to be on it for as long as it takes for you to quit. Good luck and take it one day at a time!!!!



TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
I just want to say up front that so far I don't feel a whole lot better. That may be due to the other issues I've been dealing with, i.e., the hospital stay, prednisone, antibiotics, etc, etc. I've been smoke free since Jan. 16 and like I told my doctor last Monday, I don't feel "improved". I'm having leg and toe cramps, headaches (and I rarely get headaches) and heartburn so bad I had to sleep sitting up until this past Tuesday. The doctor gave me Losec for the heartburn and it has helped tremendously. He also told me that feeling better doesn't happen overnight and that it takes time. Just some food for thought for your folks - don't expect overnight miracles. I have to admit I did expect more and was disappointed until I talked to my doctor.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
Originally Posted by Snake_Lady

The toughest one I think is going to be the one I have before bed. It's my "signal" the day is done and I'm going to bed. I've been trying to put it off, even if its just by 20mins. If I'm going to bed at 11, normally I have one at 10:55... I've been trying to lengthen the time between the last cig of the day and bedtime to disassociate smoking with going to bed.

It's that way for me, too. My "final" ciggy of the day, the first one when I wake up, and the one after a meal will be the most difficult to give up. And also the ones when I'm stressed out. But both me & my s/o are determined to quit the nasty habit - especially now after his current health related issues. So I guess something "good" has come out of all that's happened recently.

I haven't read the entire thread just yet, but plan to. I'm trying to catch up with everything after all that's been going on. I just had to comment when I noticed the above quote, b/c I sure can relate to it.

I hope you do well in your quest to quit smoking, Christina. Kudos to you!
It sounds as if you're off to a good start.
I'm not so sure if I can manage to go cold turkey either, but I think I can handle cutting back, and then giving it up completely. If I can manage to not smoke when I know I can't (like when I'm at a friend's who doesn't smoke), then I think I can manage to eventually not smoke at all!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 31, 2005
queens, new york
Originally Posted by Snake_Lady

Thank you.

Yes, the 9day hospital stay would be a great start. My surgery is only day surgery, scheduled for 9am but we have to be there at 7am.... I should be home by mid-afternoon..... but its still a start. One day of surgery + the next few days I'll be pretty sore and getting bundled to go outside will not be the first thing on my mind. I highly doubt I will go anywhere (out) for the first few days because I don't have a coat that will accomodate the bulky dressing they will put on my hand/arm.... I'll be wearing loose baggy no zipper pants, and baggy tshirts with big armholes for a bit.


This week I'm allowing myself 6 cigarettes per day.

I also talked to my hubby about a reward.... which in itself is hard for me to come up with because if there's something I truly need, we have the means to go get it. Occassionally I splurge and buy something for myself, such as books or a webkinz.

When I quit for the contest I had no problems quitting (some withdrawl for the first 3-4 days...) because the desire to win the car was very strong.

My goal/prize/motivation: a new camera.

I love photography, and my current camera is pretty decent but its a few yrs old now, and the ones I've looked at that are better quality than mine are now cheaper than when I bought mine. We're still looking at $500-600 for it, which is a major purchase for us, especially since I don't spend that much on cigs per year. I spend maybe $200 on cigs per year.

My conditions are this: I have to remain smoke-free for at least 30 days. No drag, no slip ups, NO SMOKING at all for 30 days. After that, I will begin researching my camera. (I'd do it now, but there's new ones all the time...)

My dh asked, what happens once I get my camera, what will make me continue not smoking..... Once I get it, if I slip up, the camera will be put away.

I also hope that after a month of not smoking, I see improvements in my health (even though I don't see any negatives now) and that will keep me from picking it up again. I know things will taste better once I quit
so that's one health difference I see.

I KNOW that I need alot of strength, because I don't 100% want to quit. I see my surgery as an oppurtunity (not a reason) to quit, and am working with that.... Rewarding myself with an expensive non-essential item, helps make me want to quit. I've wanted a new camera for over a year now, but could not warrant spending the money when the camera I have now is only 3-4yrs old and in good condition.

It's definately going to put a dent in our wallets, but so it's not as big of a dent I am sacrificing now.... no new webkinz, no books, no non-essential items, no going out to dinner or ordering pizza, etc. That will help offset the cost, as will thinking about my health long term. If I keep smoking I may end up with health issues that cost more than my camera will.

15 days and counting till my quit date.
Not to mention, the cost of cigarettes can definitely buy you a camera over time! Even at a pack a week you are spending $350 a year........Any smokers knows you are smoking more then 1 pack a week...........
I was a smoker for 20 years, quit several times, longest 9 months...... Now I am anti cigarettes! Quit 2 years 2 months ago, haven't wanted a cigarette since! No more yellow fingers, teeth are brighter, clothes don't stink of, oh yeah and my health????? I could actually run a mile within months, I have so much more energy, no more anxiety attacks, I suffered from severe plantar Psoriasis which now has completely cleared up, my skin is so much clearer and healthier looking, my finger nails and hair grew in stronger.............No joke!
You have to do it for you! You have to tell yourself when you are ready and do it because enough is enough, because it is unhealthy, because it is running your life! Why should a stick of tobacco that you pay for and some a**hole profits from control your life and possibly kill you? At the very least have detrimental health effects and physical symptoms, as well as those you love around you.
How miserable is it to constantly think about when you can, how long you have to wait till, how many can you have........
Don't get me wrong, I applaud
you for talking about it, the first step is to tell others and then even more challenging, follow through!
It's not just the nicotine, it's also the habit that consumes you several times a day........ Maybe I'm just rambling on, but maybe this makes some sense to you............ You need to find an activity that you can immediately turn to every time a cigarette comes to mind. Doing dishes, doing laundry, writing a letter, cleaning your refrigerator or oven....whatever you can do to distract your feeling of wanting a cigarette....I can tell you right now, you never need one, you just want one, and this is what your challenge is, to not to want one.

lil maggie

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 14, 2009
I'm trying very hard to quit for all the reasons you just mentioned.

Thank you Chey! That's a great pep talk


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
I've had a chance to read the entire thread now, and I just want to say that y'all have some good ideas to use to quit, and thanks for all your advice & suggestion!

I can't guarantee that I'll be able to go cold turkey, but I'm definitely gonna start smoking only outside. I know I'll be able to cut back quite a bit that way, b/c I've done it before when my son & granddaughter came to visit and I didn't want to smoke around them. I think I only had about 8-10 cigarettes a day that way - which is better than a pack or more a day. I definitely need to find a hobby to keep my hands busy, too. Most of the time I smoke out of boredom - especially since I haven't been working and am home so much of the time. My biggest motivation right now is quitting for the sake of my s/o - and my precious furbabies, too.

I've been smoking since I was 15 - over 35 years. I've tried quitting several times - and actually got to the point where I didn't even want a cigarette anymore. Then like a dummy, I took a puff off my ex-husband's ciggy one day - just to see if I really kicked the habit. I didn't like it, and it made me dizzy. But that one puff was all it took to start up all over again.

I would love to join the TCS quitters group.
I think it's a good idea, and maybe we'll all have success if we have a support group and stick together.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 26, 2005
Originally Posted by Yosemite

You folks are doing really well. Keep up the good work and don't worry if you fall back a little - you are on your way.

I have to say those 9 days in hospital were a great kick-start for me. It seems to have made it much easier for me to quit this time. Hubby is also still not smoking so he's doing well also. I'm keeping my eye on this thread and rooting for all of you even if I don't post.
How long has it been for you now? How long until it felt like this quit was going to stick?

edit: sorry - you answered a moment later! (Jan 16 quit date). I went to my doc for the pneumonia last week. She said the crappiest I will ever feel, I will feel up to three months after quitting smoking. Seems counterintuitive but I did some reading and I have to remember that chemically my brain is adjusting after years of poisonous abuse (I still want to smoke, no matter how awful it is!)

(I'm having trouble today)

Snake Lady - I understand how that two hours is tough; remember though - once you are quit for good and thru the initial uncomfortable stage - you will not be struggling every two hours anymore! I'm trying to stay focused on that/ I'm sooooo uncomfortable today, but eventually I will not have to feel that need for smoking anymore! The tradeoff is worth it! (just hard for now)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 26, 2005
Originally Posted by MiaMaria

Good luck on quitting and I think it's a great decision. I have smoked for 10 years, and just quit about 3 weeks ago (for the 5th time or so.. heh..). Not sure if someone has already suggested this, but the nicotine gum has worked GREAT for me. I use the generic Target brand which is only $30 for a box of 170 pieces and is actually cheaper than smoking. As far as I know the gum isn't all that dangerous so it gives you the freedom to be on it for as long as it takes for you to quit. Good luck and take it one day at a time!!!!

MiaMaria - thank you so much for coming in! We are at about the same point! (day 23 for me). I want to hear how your experience has been! I was doing well but the last week has been really brutal and I want to smoke again to get away from feeling so terrible!

ALso - she reminded me - I have a box of gum I didnt use minus one little panel. It cost like $70 and I hate wasting it. If anyone wants me to mail it to them, will do.

Surprised the gum is working Miamaria but good to hear. If I have to do this again I'll try the patch and/or drugs....major drugs.
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  • #73


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Well, yesterday I overshot my 6 cigs by 2... I had 8 in total ( but I was also up till 4am which had something to do with it). But, I'm feeling it today. My throat hurts.....just from those extra 2 smokes. (I'm not sick, my throat is just very dry and raspy, like when I go out drinking and smoke like a chimney).

Part of the problem yesterday, is that I went to a neighbours house and had 2 smokes there. Meaning I had 3 of my 6 cigs before 12 noon. I also don't butt them out halfway when I'm over there either.

I'm not going too far today, I'm in some serious pain today plus lack of sleep...so I'll prolly end up snoozing on the couch off and on. I should have no issues with staying with 6 or under today.

How's everyone else doing? Julianne? Cat? Hows the charting, cutting back and not smoking in the house going?

to all who are journeying with me. Together we are strong, and will beat this demon controlling our lives.

Think about it, look at your day and think how much the cigarette controls your life.... the cravings for it, the mental attachment to it (for me.... the cigarette helps relieve stress.... but its not the cig itself, it is the combo of leaving the situation to go outside + the deeper breathing).


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Just signing in. I've had a few cravings lately but generally tend to find something to do until they go away. I'm determined I will not smoke again so I can't give in now.

Chris, 2 over isn't huge. I think you are doing very well. Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself up for slipping a bit.
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  • #75


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Originally Posted by Yosemite

Just signing in. I've had a few cravings lately but generally tend to find something to do until they go away. I'm determined I will not smoke again so I can't give in now.
Great way of thinking. Do you keep NRT on hand just in case the cravings get too much for you? That's one thing I have done, bought the lozenges to keep on hand when the cravings get so bad I'm ready to drive to the store to get a pack.

Chris, 2 over isn't huge. I think you are doing very well. Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself up for slipping a bit.
I know 2 over isn't horrible, but it's a sign of the battle of willpower. I could have said to my friend that I don't want a smoke.... instead of wasting 2 of my day's cigarettes.

But I definately feel it in my throat.... to me is a good thing. I don't like that feeling... so it will help me to not step over what I'm smoking now

On a very POSITIVE note....

I've been up for 3hrs and haven't had my first smoke.

(writting another reply, charting my cigs online today.... prior to going out for my smoke).
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  • #76


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Chris's Cig Diary for March 4, 2009

Goal: 6 cigarettes in total today.

- Woke up shortly after 7am.... tired, sore and my throat hurts.
-started writing this at 10:19
- I've finished 2 coffees so far
- I've been posting on here which has kept my mind off of cigarette, although posting about it does remind me of it.
- I've been "wanting one" on and off since I noticed it was 2hrs past wake up
-I think its time to change my minimum of 2hrs, to 2.5hrs instead.
-drank 8 oz water
- refilled my water bottle

10:25am: I'm getting ready to go outside for my first cigarette. I'm not really craving, I would class this one as a want. I could go for my nap now, curl up on the couch and it wouldn't bother me. I know I am choosing to have this cigarette, not the cigarette making the choice.
10:27: going for my smoke now.
10:34: back in from my cigarette. When I was out having it, I sat outside enjoying the sun but an increase in my pain from the dampness outside. I'm also thought about why I was having it, and why I dont want to go outside for another for a while. (pain related) and that I really did not need that cigarette. Now I'm off for a nap. I'm so tired today (only got about 3hrs sleep)
I should have just laid down instead.

1:32pm: heading out for cig #2. I didn't really sleep much, got up and had a sandwich.
Again, not a need cigarette, but a want.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2005
Oxford, UK
I have not posted a update for a few days... so...

Things are going well, I am down to 6 cigarettes a day and can last 4hrs + between smokes.
For me that is good.

I am really struggling giving up the first cigarette of the day, I still have it at the same time every morning (8am)
but having said that my next cigarette will be at lunchtime.

I have also found the cigarette's I am having are 'want' cigarette - I do not necessarily need a cigarette, but I will look at the clock I see that I last had a cigarette 4 hrs ago, so almost to 'celebrate', I will go outside for a smoke.

Does that happen to anyone else???

Just over 9 days till my give up day!

to everyone cutting down or giving up!



TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Originally Posted by Julianne

I have not posted a update for a few days... so...

Things are going well, I am down to 6 cigarettes a day and can last 4hrs + between smokes.
For me that is good.

I am really struggling giving up the first cigarette of the day, I still have it at the same time every morning (8am)
but having said that my next cigarette will be at lunchtime.

I have also found the cigarette's I am having are 'want' cigarette - I do not necessarily need a cigarette, but I will look at the clock I see that I last had a cigarette 4 hrs ago, so almost to 'celebrate', I will go outside for a smoke.

Does that happen to anyone else???

Just over 9 days till my give up day!

to everyone cutting down or giving up!

One thing I did that may help some of you (or may not) was I stopped having any cigarette in the morning. I came straight to work, got my toast and jam next door at the restaurant and came upstairs to my office. I never did go out for a break morning or afternoon so that meant no cigarette until at least noon. To break that habit I stopped taking any cigarettes to work with me (so did hubby) so we didn't have any cigarettes to smoke until we got home from work. Then of course we'd make up for lost time by having 6 in the evening.
But our lungs did get a chance to take a break from at least 11 pm until 6 pm the next day. The drive home was a killer sometimes though when you want a cigarette so bad but you have to wait.

We also smoked a brand that a lot of places didn't carry and we could only get them at 2 or 3 locations which also helped. It wasn't easy to just go get a pack.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 26, 2005
Originally Posted by Julianne

I have also found the cigarette's I am having are 'want' cigarette - I do not necessarily need a cigarette, but I will look at the clock I see that I last had a cigarette 4 hrs ago, so almost to 'celebrate', I will go outside for a smoke.

Does that happen to anyone else???

Oh my goodness - like all the time!

I think that statement of yours is very telling - you are definitely noticing your own behaviors - which will help you be a successful quitter.

Have any of you read Allan Carr's book "THe Easy Way to stop Smoking" ? I read it and I think it is worth reading while you are smoking (he even says to keep smoking while reading it). I was already quit when I got it on day 5, but I do pick it up on weekends to reinforce what I am doing is the right thing. As far as quitting "easily" I'm not sure that would work for me, even though I follow his logic and agree with it.

btw - I've been crying a lot today. It feels like despair. Not uncommon with a quit but oh so painful to live through. (day 24)