Question Of The Day - Thursday 28 June


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
I was reading a book where the main character was asked what her allergies were and she said she was allergic to peanuts and Trump. I swear.

Anyway, I'm allergic to every OTC pain reliever known to man. I haven't had an Advil or Tylenol or even a baby aspirin now in quite a few years. Had to change my BP meds because of the same allergy. There's some ingredient in everything somewhere along the line that causes my face to swell: sometimes it's my lip, sometimes it's my cheek, sometimes it's the area right below the corner of my lip. I've been to two allergists and they both say it's too expensive to figure out just what the allergy is and just don't take any OTC pain meds. Easier said than done, I might add. When I get a migraine, I either just work through it or if it gets too bad, I go to bed. I've often said there were times when I would sell my soul for just two Advil tablets. And I do carry an Epi-Pen.
:alright: :grouphug2::catrub:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Anyone who works in retail knows that at least half of the customers are terribly stupid :D. And I don't mean low-IQ, because those who know they aren't intellectuals usually are more pleasant. No, I mean those customers who will argue for an hour and a half that Easter Seals are legal stamps. Or that 50% off $10 means the item costs $3, and they'll scream and pitch a fit if you won't give it to them at that price. You start to hope that those people's personalities aren't really like that, that maybe their brains just fall out when they go shopping, but probably not. . .

But I can see why calling those people stupid or dumb could be triggering for some. It's too bad that Americans have stigmatized learning disabilities and use the same words for that and for those customers who yell at you because the tomato soup has tomatoes in it :rolleyes2:.
I agree!!
As kids, due to our circumstances, most of our friends were learning disabled and/or mentally or physically handicapped/handi-capable and they absolutely beat the living crap out of "regular" (notice quotes) kids because they were honest and didn't talk behind your back. If they had an issue with you, they said so, and were happy to forgive if you apologized for being an ass.
Stupid people act stupid. They don't care. IMO stupid people are the ones who let their kids run wild because they're too busy sharing selfies on face book and (as I said earlier) doing things they KNOW are wrong but do it anyway. Stupid people ignore their conscience, and that little voice that says "you're being an idiot. Please stop."
The Leaning disabled are people who Do think, constantly, and are some of the worlds brightest and have the most to contribute to society IMO.
I've never heard of a person with severe LD attacking anyone with a knife or shooting someone. Most of those friendships I formed in childhood have lasted a life time.
I met a dude a few years ago that was high functioning, but had Downs according to his group. What a SUPER, SUPER amazing person. So articulate, so polite, and even our super aloof dog that usually ignores strangers was drawn to them with their absolute honesty and love. We talked for a long time. He was polite, and so honest. If you could personify honesty towards people and love towards all living things, he was it. I cannot even say how much I enjoyed talking to this person, a young dude in his late teens/early 20's, and he was such a joy that years later I think about him and how he's doing.
As muffy muffy stated, being called these names hurts. But when we grow up, we can realize that THEY'RE the ones being stupid, not us, and either chastise them or feel sorry for them, as most often people who routinely call someone stupid for no reason are the ones with issues, not us.
No hard feelings I hope. I was only being a nut =)

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
You don't know how because there's no way to do so. If you've posted something you don't like then you have two options:
  • During the first hour after you've posted you can edit the post, changing it to something you're more comfortable with. (This is true for members at the Top Cat level; the time limit is different for members at other levels.)
  • You can flag your post, and in the Comment box explain that you regret posting it and wish it to be removed. A moderator tends to show up and take care of things almost immediately whenever something is flagged.
Good advice, but I think muffy muffy comment opened up a great discussion!
I wish I could remove some of my posts, I sound like a complete dork but eh...I 'yam what I 'yam =)


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Antibiotic ointments cause the wound to swell, itch and develop a rash and good luck finding a non-steroid ointment, even good old zinc ointment has antibiotics. Johnson & Johnson once made a great first-aid cream but discontinued making it many years ago :sigh:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Antibiotic ointments cause the wound to swell, itch and develop a rash and good luck finding a non-steroid ointment, even good old zinc ointment has antibiotics. Johnson & Johnson once made a great first-aid cream but discontinued making it many years ago :sigh:
Derma Medicone is the ointment we always used when I was growing up, but it disappeared from the stores. When I did an internet search in 2013 it was still made, but only available online - a more recent search fails to find it. Predictable, I guess. Once it's unavailable in stores it's pretty much on its way out. Basically it was a zinc ointment with a mild analgesic added. Safeway has an acceptable substitute, Signature Care brand "Itch Relief Cream" (Signature Care is a store brand). No steroids, no antibiotics, just zinc ointment with mild analgesic. At this point I keep one tube in the medicine cabinet and another in my purse. The key here is that it isn't being marketed as a first aid ointment, so you don't find it when you're looking for something to use on minor wounds. :dunno: I'd give you the UPC, but the tube I just pulled out of my purse doesn't have it, just the naked bar code. I'll try to get past Safeway in a day or two and get it for you from the packaging the tube comes in - once you have that you can ask your store to special order it if they don't already carry it.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
Thanks, Margret. There have been many times I've wanted to remove my post because I didn't like what I said but I did not know how.
No need to apologize.
FWIW I've read your posts for a long time and I think you're very caring, intuitive and have a lot of common sense =)

Thanks, 1 bruce 1.
That is nice of you to say. There are times when I feel like everybody dislikes me. I have also enjoyed your post, too,


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Just face paint, randomly! I was suspected to have a dairy allergy as a toddler but my results came up as negative.