Our "little Yellow" Very Young Mother Cat


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
It's been a little over 48 hours since you rescued them from the car motor? That's not enough time to give up hope. Have you thoroughly checked the garage? If that is where they took shelter from a storm or from a predator, they may be hiding out in a nook or cranny in there, if they have access.

One thing is that female cats usually have a fairly small territory, starting with a guaranteed food source. Secondly, those kittens are 6.5-7 weeks old now? At that age they should also be staying fairly close to home base and not wandering too far. If something scared them, they may be hiding away quietly.

Hoping for you all that they'll show back up soon. :heartshape:
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  • #103

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
It's been a little over 48 hours since you rescued them from the car motor? That's not enough time to give up hope. Have you thoroughly checked the garage? If that is where they took shelter from a storm or from a predator, they may be hiding out in a nook or cranny in there, if they have access.

One thing is that female cats usually have a fairly small territory, starting with a guaranteed food source. Secondly, those kittens are 6.5-7 weeks old now? At that age they should also be staying fairly close to home base and not wandering too far. If something scared them, they may be hiding away quietly.

Hoping for you all that they'll show back up soon. :heartshape:
Yes it's been a bit over 48 hrs.
We have checked our garage carefully also.
As soon as Little Yellow was re united with her kittens, after I got them out from underneath the car, it was no time until Little Yellow got them to follow her, and she headed out with them in tow, toward the north end of our acreage.

Little yellow still shows up more than a couple of times at day, to get food we have out for her at all times. Problem is, the kittens have never, so far, followed her up to our porch, where we leave the food .
Yesterday I followed her after she finished eating. She went in the same direction she took with the babies in tow on the 21st. I was not able to locate the babies after a long investigation.
I followed her again this morning to the same area. Again, no luck. I have a feeling that they are out there somewhere. As she is still eating a LOT of food, just like she was doing when the babies were in our rock garden.
I'm pretty sure she is still nursing them somewhere not too far off.

I'm hoping that at some point soon Little Yellow will get them to follow her to our porch. I prey to God that they will show up with her!
And yes, they are in the 6 to 7 week age range.
Thanks for your suggestions, Orange&White.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
I wonder if you set her food in between the patio and the rock garden then maybe she would feel safer inviting the kittens, as they'd have an easier time "running to safety"?

Sorry...grasping at straws here.

When you pulled the kittens from the car, did they put up a great resistance to being handled, or did they relax? That has nothing to do with finding them again, obviously, but gives an idea about how easy it may be to capture them when they show up again. I'm just curious.
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  • #105

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
I wonder if you set her food in between the patio and the rock garden then maybe she would feel safer inviting the kittens, as they'd have an easier time "running to safety"?

Sorry...grasping at straws here.

When you pulled the kittens from the car, did they put up a great resistance to being handled, or did they relax? That has nothing to do with finding them again, obviously, but gives an idea about how easy it may be to capture them when they show up again. I'm just curious.
The two we rescued from the car were hard to get out from the wheel well.
But once they were out, they calmed down. In fact the yellow baby easily cuddled up with Sheila briefly before we gave her back to Little Yellow. It may have been a mistake not to keep them, but it was obvious that they were not weaned from Little Yellow. And Little Yellow was persistent about wanting access to her babies.

Little Yellow was back to our feed point three times before noontime. After the third time she decided to take a nap on the porch. She's been napping for three hours now. Sheila suggests that she may have just tired out looking for her babies. We have no way to know, as we have not seen them since we rescued them from the car. And we are worried that something has happened to her babies. And worse yet, we may never know what happened.
But we are still hoping for the best.

Do you have a suggestion as to how much longer we should keep Little Yellow outside, and us still not seeing her babies?
We want Little Yellow to join our family of inside cats, so that she will be safe.
But not until we know that too much time has passed without seeing the babies. And worse yet, there is bad weather coming our way by Sat. That adds to our concerns!
We will stay in touch.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Will she let you look at her belly? About 2 weeks after she has stopped nursing, her milk will dry up and her nipples will shrink back to normal size. I would say at that point, kittens or no kittens, you could bring her inside.

I'm so hoping the kittens turn up today.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I think you definitely need to give it more time. It seems mom is not going anywhere soon, and hopefully her babies are out there well hidden.
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  • #108

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
Will she let you look at her belly? About 2 weeks after she has stopped nursing, her milk will dry up and her nipples will shrink back to normal size. I would say at that point, kittens or no kittens, you could bring her inside.

I'm so hoping the kittens turn up today.
Things that have occurred thru the course of today and other pieces of the puzzle that I have re evaluated from today's events, tells me that I was wrong in my comments that I thought she was still nursing them. I'm 98% sure they did not survive the area Little Yellow took them to on the 21st.
Why? Because the area mama took them to was close to a outdoor dog fenced area of one of our neighbors. But that would not have kept the kittens from climbing thru the fence. What could have happened after that, I don't want to even think about!!!!!

To prove my belief that Little Yellow's kittys have crossed the rainbow bridge is the following fact:
Little Yellow spent today sleeping right outside our Patio Pool area. She has been there ALL DAY! No way would she do that if she was nursing babies.

That's when I realized that she had given up her look for her babies. It's been going on every day since she moved them. But I mistook that as meaning that she was nursing them at some location I could not find, rather than Looking for them. Now it is obvious to me she was looking for them. She would look in all directions and meow for them. She did it over and over the last few days. And I took note.

I'm totally convinced that she was "looking for her babies", not nursing them.
And today she finally gave up and sent me a message by her spending mostly all day sleeping right outside my pool enclosure. And she was obviously exhausted too!

As I'm sure you realize, I've been obsessed with my Little Yellow kitty for months now. But it has become clear that the results I hoped for just are not gonna happen. But at least I can save "little Yellow" and love her!!!.

Bottom line: We have storms approaching over the weekend that could be at hurricane level. So I't time for us to securer Little Yellow into our fold of "indoor" cats

What are your thoughts on my comments?
Thanks so much for your input, Orange&White. God Bless you and your cats!! Cats rule!!
We'll keep you posted .
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  • #109

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
I think you definitely need to give it more time. It seems mom is not going anywhere soon, and hopefully her babies are out there well hidden.
Because of this storm situation I'm very concerned about Little Yellow's safety.

Please comment on what I just posted to Yellow and White about the realities, as I see them. I could be wrong, but I don't think so, Sarthur2


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Unfortunately her staying close to your house all day with not kittens in sight does likely indicate the kittens are gone. :sniffle: I'm very sorry.

You could leave her out a while longer just to be sure, but yes, I would bring her inside before the storms hit.

We usually have dozens of feral kittens born here every year, and sadly, only about 4-6 seem to survive to adulthood for the next year's breeding season. Too many dogs and cars and just plain mean humans; they disappear while young.

I have noted that others are apparently using the TNR program for the first time, and for the first time, I have not seen a single kitten yet this spring. I am seeing snipped "TNR" ears on the 3-4 survivors from last year.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How about paying a visit to the neighbors with the dogs to ask if they have seen the kittens?

They may have “rescued” them and have them inside their home or have taken them to a shelter.

It’s worth a try!


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
I agree there's nothing wrong with asking the neighbors, but I also think it's time to bring Little Yellow inside & also bring her to the vet for spaying and a wellness check.
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  • #113

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
Orange & White, Sarthur2, and all the others that are following Little Yellow's thread:

8:45 pm
A miracle has occurred about an hour ago. I prayed to God for him to help aim Little Yellow back home to her rock garden with her babies following her. And he did!!!!
About 7pm something moved me to go out on our patio and look around our rock garden to see what was going on. I quickly spotted Little Yellow bringing her babies back down to our rock garden. I was overwhelmed! She had returned using the same route, with no followers, for the last three days. But not this evening. I had almost given up, but here came Little Yellow and two of her babies following her. Her third baby is still missing.

Quickly the two babies started playing by climbing up and down on one of our oak trees, just like they were doing prior to 5-21, when they got into our car and I had to rescue them.

First they just chased each other and played. Then they settled into Little Yellow's arms and they started nursing. When they finished, they went back to more play time. All the time, I'm praying "thank you God" for bringing them back to us!

I'm convinced God preformed the Miracle, and alerted me to visit the rock garden at just the right time so I could observe their return.
I followed their play time for quite a while then it got too dark to see what was going on.

I'm going to be very apprehensive about tomorrow morning. Hopefully they will still be in our rock garden, or close by.

One thing is for sure, they have returned to the safest place they could be, short of being in our home. And I truly hope that we can manage to bring them into our home somehow real soon.

I just pray that the coming storms will not upset our attempt to bring Little Yellow and her babies into our household. We are scheduled to be getting a named tropical storm by Saturday or Sunday.

God Bless all of our thread followers of the story of Little Yellow.

We will keep everyone posted.
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  • #114

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
I agree there's nothing wrong with asking the neighbors, but I also think it's time to bring Little Yellow inside & also bring her to the vet for spaying and a wellness check.
Hi Ileen,
See my latest post.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Ohhh, that's wonderful! I was praying for you and Sheila that the kittens were safe too.


I would definitely try to catch them any way you can now and get them inside. Maybe a humane trap, a drop trap, or moving the dog kennel out closer to the rock garden?

Great news anyway for at least two of the kittens! :jive:


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, please try to bring the kittens in tomorrow. Play with them with a string toy and try to nab them.

I had a suspicion they were still nearby.


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
How wonderful! I agree you should act quickly to bring them in. Bless you, Sheila & the kitties.
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  • #119

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
To: Orange&White -- Sarthur2 -- talkingpeanut
8:30am update on our Little Yellow story.

Little Yellow and her two babies are still here, and doing well.

We kept our indoor cats in the house this morning, so that we could hopefully entice Little Yellow and her babies into our patio enclosure. We put out three bowls of food on the patio and left the door open.
Little Yellow came right in, no problem. And began eating. Problem is, the babies just continued to play out at the rock garden. Then Little Yellow finished eating and headed back to the rock garden. End of our chance to do a capture for now.

Even tho the kittens are now almost eight weeks old, so far they have never followed Little Yellow to the feeding area. If they had joined Little Yellow this morning, we would have gotten control of them all.
I sure don't want to push the issue at this point and end up having Little Yellow lead them off again.
I'm going to try and entice them into the patio later today, and hope for the best.

The dog kennel will not work at the rock garden because there is no way I can trigger it if they enter it. When I had it set up on the porch, I could trigger it from within the house. But they never showed up at the porch feeding point.

I've heard about cat traps, but don't have a clue about how they work, or where I could buy one.
Any advice would be appreciated.

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  • #120

George T

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 29, 2018
How wonderful! I agree you should act quickly to bring them in. Bless you, Sheila & the kitties.
Hi Ileen,
Thanks for your note. I just posted an update on Little Yellow in the last few minutes. It will give you an ideal of what is going on this morning.