Not Sure If My Cat Is Pregnant..But Concerned :(


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
That's just how they are unless you see actual infection, which would be pus or green/yellow pus/discharge. Things sound normal for now!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Okay awesome! And no there's no discharge at all she looks great
I'll post a couple of pics! And yes I have a heatpad in her nest at all times so she doesn't cool off, I'm never gone long and if possible I have someone check in on her. She's usually passed right out the whole time haha I always get Bella to feed her right before I go.
I think you can trust mom and baby to do their own thing more.  Bella is clearly communicating well with you and she seems happy.  I wouldn't separate them, and I would let mom dictate when she feeds the baby as long as the baby is gaining each day.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That's just how they are unless you see actual infection, which would be pus or green/yellow pus/discharge. Things sound normal for now!
 They'll be a bit watery at first. She's still getting used to the light. As long as she's not sneezing, doesn't have a runny nose and her eyes aren't crusty I think she's doing fine.
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  • #204


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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
:yeah:  They'll be a bit watery at first. She's still getting used to the light. As long as she's not sneezing, doesn't have a runny nose and her eyes aren't crusty I think she's doing fine.
Yah there's no crust or anything and no discharge at all! Her nose is totally fine :) she yawns a lot it's really cute lol she's starting to get really playful already and plays with her legs a lot haha
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  • #205


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
So Baby is 14 days old today :) growing like crazy! She is 347 grams today and her eyes are fully open, ears are following slowly. However, I do have a concern :/ Baby has favourited one particular nipple to feed from and will not feed from any other nipple. The "chosen nipple" for lack of a better term lol has become a lot larger and more red than the other nipples now and I'm a bit worried about it. Does she not feed from the others because they are dried up? And is this one nipple like this because she's constantly feeding and chomping on it?! Bella seemed to be in a bit of discomfort from it when baby started suckling this morning so I put a warm cloth on it for her, milk came out when I HARDLY squeezed/touched it. The milk was definitely a normal colour though. I'm just wondering if I should be worried or not? Otherwise they both are doing great :) I'll post a picture below of baby with her eyes open now!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Adorable! [emoji]128149[/emoji]

The particular mammary gland is clearly producing lots of milk since it is being used so much. It may be slightly inflamed, so applying the warm, damp compress several times a day will offer relief. Please follow this up by applying coconut or olive oil to the nipple several times a day as well to soothe any chapping or drying and cracking. This will hopefully take care of the issue.
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  • #208


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
Adorable! [emoji]128149[/emoji]

The particular mammary gland is clearly producing lots of milk since it is being used so much. It may be slightly inflamed, so applying the warm, damp compress several times a day will offer relief. Please follow this up by applying coconut or olive oil to the nipple several times a day as well to soothe any chapping or drying and cracking. This will hopefully take care of the issue.
Okay great! Thank you so much for your quick advice :) I was worried about something I had read about mastitis (i think that's what it was/how it's spelled) the other nipples are quite dry and chapped as well so I've been putting olive oil on them as well. I'll put it on more and put a warm cloth on the inflamed one more often for her and hopefully it will relieve some of her discomfort! I can't believe how big the kitten is! Seems like every other day she gains 20 grams and every other day she gains between 10 and 15 grams. Bella has definitely been putting more time in between feeds though, especially at night. Sometimes she'll only feed her once between 10:30 pm and 6:30 am but will feed her at 6:45 am or 7:00 am on the dot as my boyfriend is getting ready for work haha so weird!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Good! Hopefully this protocol will prevent mastitis. If it does not improve you'll want to see the vet. Keep us posted!
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  • #210


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
I've been doing sone reading about feline hyperesthesia syndrome and I think Bella may have it. She shows maNY symptoms of it including the muscle spasms and rippling in her back and vocalization, she's also extremely ocd/anxious about certain things. Could this be genetic and possibly have been passed down to Baby? Maybe this is why the little one has spasms and tremors throughout the day..almost like anxious tremors or being frightened.
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  • #212


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
No. Unfortunately I think I need to switch vets :( I went in there to get the last round of flea med for Bella and Buttons and they gave me nothing but attitude and basically put me down as a pet owner for "letting my cats mate" as if I had put them in a room together and told them to go at it. Even after I had explained what happened the lady I was speaking to told me that if I was "this irresponsible" I shouldn't have any pets at all nevermind a newborn kitten. She even suggested that I put the baby down and assumed I'm unable to care for her. When I asked if I could schedule an appointment for Bella and the baby to make sure everything is progressing okay, she told me that a "responsible owner" would have made an appointment before the baby was born and that she can't fit me in for 4 or 5 weeks. I asked to speak to someone else but I could see her speaking to the person she brought out before I had a chance to say anything so I got the same response. There is another vet sort of close by, I would have to cab there but I've heard they have better service and more compassion so I think I'm going to to go there. I was really really upset about with the vets office since I've been going there for almost 2 years and have heard these kind of stories about themand now it happened to me. Just disgusted with them altogether.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 28, 2016
London, UK
So sorry to hear about your experience with your vet. That's awful. Definitely change vets and I'd write a public review or several saying what you just said here. Others need to be warned about this. Given you're amazing and love your cats so much, that's ridiculous and super insensitive of her. You need help moving forwards with the situation you already have not judgement.

We have 3 cats and 2 are unneutered around a year old. We would love to have kittens with them and after getting hit at every possible sniff of a hint of it on here we asked out vets for advice. They said take all forum advice with a pinch of salt and ideally wait longer as they're still young. She's not pregnant as we are being super careful and no doubt I'll now be hit with more get them spayed advice lol- just making the point that our vets weren't judgemental at all and would support us either way so you should find ones like that too.

I really hope bella doesn't have the issue you speak about and you can find nice vets to take care of her and baby xx hugs xx
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  • #214


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
So sorry to hear about your experience with your vet. That's awful. Definitely change vets and I'd write a public review or several saying what you just said here. Others need to be warned about this. Given you're amazing and love your cats so much, that's ridiculous and super insensitive of her. You need help moving forwards with the situation you already have not judgement.

We have 3 cats and 2 are unneutered around a year old. We would love to have kittens with them and after getting hit at every possible sniff of a hint of it on here we asked out vets for advice. They said take all forum advice with a pinch of salt and ideally wait longer as they're still young. She's not pregnant as we are being super careful and no doubt I'll now be hit with more get them spayed advice lol- just making the point that our vets weren't judgemental at all and would support us either way so you should find ones like that too.

I really hope bella doesn't have the issue you speak about and you can find nice vets to take care of her and baby xx hugs xx
Thank you for your kind words! :) I'm sending positive vibes for kittens yur way when you and your fur babies are ready! I hope I can find a vet that is as supportive and unjudgemental as yours! I try to take care of my cats as best I can and it hurt to hear those words from that vets office. Especially when Baby is doing as well as she is other than the shake/tremor. She's already teaching herself to walk today and she's 421 grams, eyes and ears open and playing with us! She's going to have a great life with us and her fur parents :p I'm doing everything I can to get Buttons in asap to get neutered and then as soon as it's been 8 weeks I'll get bella in to be spayed and Baby will follow afterwards :) this is a good home for them, I don't need that vet telling me I can't provide a good home and that im a "bad parent" because I know that I'm doing everything I can to be the best for them


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I'm sorry that the vet's staff was so utterly lacking in compassion, and that you had such a negative experience. I hope you never go back there. I also hope the next vet you go to treats you appropriately. Every human and feline client deserves the utmost care and respect.

The Cat Site is a pro-spay/pro-neuter site, and it is stated up front when members sign up. However, we do try to help everyone to the best of our abilities regardless of circumstance.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 28, 2016
London, UK
Thank you for your kind words! :) I'm sending positive vibes for kittens yur way when you and your fur babies are ready! I hope I can find a vet that is as supportive and unjudgemental as yours! I try to take care of my cats as best I can and it hurt to hear those words from that vets office. Especially when Baby is doing as well as she is other than the shake/tremor. She's already teaching herself to walk today and she's 421 grams, eyes and ears open and playing with us! She's going to have a great life with us and her fur parents :p I'm doing everything I can to get Buttons in asap to get neutered and then as soon as it's been 8 weeks I'll get bella in to be spayed and Baby will follow afterwards :) this is a good home for them, I don't need that vet telling me I can't provide a good home and that im a "bad parent" because I know that I'm doing everything I can to be the best for them


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 28, 2016
London, UK
Also just to add in the 3 times Mia our female has been on heat so far we fully realise now what a powerful instinct cats have to mate and how easy and fast it is for them to reproduce! Ours seem very chilled so far but they are young! Definitely we will get ours spayed ASAP after one litter or if they get more agitated and less chilled, maybe rethink our plans. Please stay positive and spend as much time as you can with them both and find a nice vet and see how you go. I have a lifelong nerve condition and I twitch sometimes lol when falling asleep so don't see why it couldn't be the same for cats?! I hope it turns out to be nothing, really good idea to get it checked out. The link to the human transfer factor I posted really helped boost our angels immune system. If we hadn't given him that the vets next step was to cut his face open under general anaesthetic to see where the infection was... And all was cured with transfer factor. Can't think it would hurt with your bella, obviously massively reduce the dose for a kitten and hope one of the advisors on here can help. I just know it did wonders for us xxxx
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  • #219


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
Also just to add in the 3 times Mia our female has been on heat so far we fully realise now what a powerful instinct cats have to mate and how easy and fast it is for them to reproduce! Ours seem very chilled so far but they are young! Definitely we will get ours spayed ASAP after one litter or if they get more agitated and less chilled, maybe rethink our plans. Please stay positive and spend as much time as you can with them both and find a nice vet and see how you go. I have a lifelong nerve condition and I twitch sometimes lol when falling asleep so don't see why it couldn't be the same for cats?! I hope it turns out to be nothing, really good idea to get it checked out. The link to the human transfer factor I posted really helped boost our angels immune system. If we hadn't given him that the vets next step was to cut his face open under general anaesthetic to see where the infection was... And all was cured with transfer factor. Can't think it would hurt with your bella, obviously massively reduce the dose for a kitten and hope one of the advisors on here can help. I just know it did wonders for us xxxx
That's great news! Thanks for the advice, I will definitely take a look :)
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  • #220


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2017
Vancouver Island, Canada
I need some advice/help :( I think Bella's nipple has progressed into mastitis.. it's sort of lumpy/hard now. She's still feeding Baby and eating normal. Baby gains weight way differently everyday but its been like that since day one. One day she will gain 5 to 10 grams and the next day she'll gain 20 to 30 grams. Baby weighs 428 grams and is 19 days old today. I don't know what to do since I don't have a vet right now! I'm sitting here with a warm compress on it as we speak and have been putting olive oil on all of her nipples a few times a day. The milk is white but maybe a bit thicker than the other nipples? I'm going to try to get a picture. Help! :( I will never ever forgive myself if something happens to her or baby! I've put my heart and soul into raising both of them, what can I do or what should I be doing?!