Name three things - 2016

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  • #881


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I love our electric blanket. I really hate being cold and if I'm toasty at night, I sleep much better. If my feet are chilly, I can't sleep. I've noticed that since we put the blanket on the bed, I'm sleeping better than I was. 4:45 still comes awfully early though. 

  • Breakfast routine with the kids. The usual stuff
  • The dentist's office was closed yesterday, but it is to reopen this morning. Will call about that cracked crown.
  • I have a planning commission tonight right after work. The county commission meeting was last night; tonight's it's a borough commission meeting. I'm hoping that it's not real long as meetings after work make for a long day.
And I'm thinking that's pretty much it for my night anyway. Unless something comes up
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  • #882


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • The breakfast thing
  • Stop at the store for sour cream (I didn't put it on the list because I thought I'd remember it anyway 
     and, of course, I forgot!)
  • Laundry night
  • Trash night


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Pam, the thread got closed, but I wanted to say that I agree wholeheartedly with your remarks about Sarah Palin. Frightening that she might be in the cabinet. Moving along ...

***Saw an all-black youngish kitten & a b/w kitten on my daily walk. Probably siblings. Too far from my house to do anything & in any case they bolted when they saw me. Depressing to think how they are surviving.
***Finished Springsteen's autobiography last night. Not as much fun reading it as I thought it would be. Clapton's was so much more entertaining.
***Thought some little thief had stolen from my mailbox, but relieved that I was mistaken. Love living in the 'hood!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
among the things i did today were:  moved more firewood, baked some very tasty carob brownies (with walnuts), and did the usual morning things (washed dishes, scooped litter boxes, took trash out).

if anyone is interested in an excellent brownies recipe, here's the one i used (i just substituted carob powder for the cocoa powder) --
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  • #885


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
among the things i did today were:  moved more firewood, baked some very tasty carob brownies (with walnuts), and did the usual morning things (washed dishes, scooped litter boxes, took trash out).

if anyone is interested in an excellent brownies recipe, here's the one i used (i just substituted carob powder for the cocoa powder) --
I really like Smitten Kitchen. I took her cookbook out of the library and I think I'd like to have it. There are some really good-sounding recipes in there. I must be the only person in the world who does not like walnuts. For a long time, I didn't eat any nuts, other than almonds and peanuts, but I've gotten more adventurous in my old age and will eat pecans, macadamia (I love macs now), and cashews. 
  • The breakfast thing
  • Dentist appt at 9:00 this morning. 
     I hate the dentist, I just hate the dentist. They're going to clean my teeth and then he's going to look at the crown. I have my molds with me, so I'm hoping they can use them. I was supposed to go for a six-month check-up back in June, but ended up going to Physical Therapy for my butt instead and I never bothered to make another appointment; again, I really hate the dentist. I'm thankful that we have dental insurance, but it's still going to be an expensive replacement. (And I'm really thankful that the crack isn't really very noticeable; I've been trying to keep my mouth shut this week so it's not seen, but well, it's difficult. 
  • Rick is bowling early tonight, so I'll need to get dinner on the table. And then I'm calling it an early night.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
I really like Smitten Kitchen. I took her cookbook out of the library and I think I'd like to have it. There are some really good-sounding recipes in there. I must be the only person in the world who does not like walnuts. For a long time, I didn't eat any nuts, other than almonds and peanuts, but I've gotten more adventurous in my old age and will eat pecans, macadamia (I love macs now), and cashews. 
  • The breakfast thing
  • Dentist appt at 9:00 this morning. 
     I hate the dentist, I just hate the dentist. They're going to clean my teeth and then he's going to look at the crown. I have my molds with me, so I'm hoping they can use them. I was supposed to go for a six-month check-up back in June, but ended up going to Physical Therapy for my butt instead and I never bothered to make another appointment; again, I really hate the dentist. I'm thankful that we have dental insurance, but it's still going to be an expensive replacement. (And I'm really thankful that the crack isn't really very noticeable; I've been trying to keep my mouth shut this week so it's not seen, but well, it's difficult. 
  • Rick is bowling early tonight, so I'll need to get dinner on the table. And then I'm calling it an early night.
yup, me too! Smitten Kitchen has so many truly great recipes, and was the first site i went to when looking for a cocoa (carob) brownies recipe. i can totally understand you not liking walnuts, because i feel the same way about pecans. i simply don't like them. the only way i'll eat pecans is in a pecan pie, but pecans are so expensive that i only ever make a version of pecan-type pie using peanuts -- and i love peanut pie!

today i've just got 'the basics' going on (after 3 days of mostly trimming down and stacking firewood -- my muscles are a bit sore). so i'll wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes, then do some online research. i'll check the turkey that's in the fridge thawing, see how that's moving along too. then i'll watch some tv -- i've just started watching the tv show 24, from the beginning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Computer jigsaw puzzles? Are there such a thing? I've done hundreds of jigsaws, but can't now with cats jumping on the pieces.
oh yes!!! there are computer jigsaw puzzles, and i like them so much because i can work on them not worrying about my cats playing with the pieces. the program i have allows me to create new jigsaw puzzles using any pictures i find on the internet, or even photos i've taken with my digital camera. here's the jigsaw puzzles program i use --  i've had this program for over 5 years, and have installed it on two computers of mine so far.

and added to my things i've done today -- i got those calculations done re the homemade tang mix vs the store bought...the store bought costs less. and i made a phone call.
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  • #888


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick is taking a vacation day to work outside. This may very well be our last day in the upper 60s for a while and he wants to take advantage. A cold front is coming in Sunday and our highs won't get out of the 40s for a few days. And there's a slight possibility of snow flurries and squalls on Sunday. Today is a good day for him to get some work done. He emptied the dishwasher and is going to scoop boxes this morning.
  • I fed the kids this morning, made the bed, grabbed my shower
  • We need to buy some disposable foil cake pans at the store tonight. Going down to the grands to make sticky buns and cookies tomorrow. When I take my cake pans and equipment down there, I don't get my stuff back! So we're going with disposable cake pans. I'll have to get all my stuff together tonight as I take all the ingredients and everything down there when I go. (yeast, butter, flour, sugar, cookie cutters, everything)
  • Errands: grocery store, banking, winery (We won't be home Saturday to do anything, so we have to get it done tonight)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
well, today is turkey roasting day here! i'll get that going soon, then when it's done i'll cool it for 1/2 hour, move the 'bird' to a foil lined baking sheet, and into the fridge with foil over it. i'll carve the turkey and make the gravy tomorrow, while i'm getting a few other household chores done.

other than that, it'll just be getting/keeping the wood stove going, wash the dishes, and scoop the litter boxes.

i'd like to find the time to read for a while today, as well as work on my jigsaw puzzle, maybe even watch a tv show or two -- but i'll have to see how everything 'coalesces'.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
I must be the only person in the world who does not like walnuts. For a long time, I didn't eat any nuts, other than almonds and peanuts, but I've gotten more adventurous in my old age and will eat pecans, macadamia (I love macs now), and cashews. 
As a vegetarian it's lucky that I love nuts. Macadamias are delish, but expensive

Pam, how did you feel when PA went red? At least in CT, we stayed blue as did all the neighboring states.

oh yes!!! there are computer jigsaw puzzles, and i like them so much because i can work on them not worrying about my cats playing with the pieces. the program i have allows me to create new jigsaw puzzles using any pictures i find on the internet, or even photos i've taken with my digital camera. here's the jigsaw puzzles program i use --  i've had this program for over 5 years, and have installed it on two computers of mine so far.
Wow, will check out the link. I truly never knew such a thing existed.

I hate the dentist, I just hate the dentist.
You and me both. My dentist is very gentle & we don't thrive for perfection. She is allowed to do just enough to keep me going for 12 months. I refuse to go twice a year.

it'll just be getting/keeping the wood stove going,
Do you do it all by yourself or do you have someone to help you? I cannot make or deal with a fire. We have a wood furnace in the basement (with electric baseboards), but the furnace is husband's domain. We used to have a house in the Catskills and the only heat there was a single fireplace. Brrrr.
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  • #891


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Pam, how did you feel when PA went red? At least in CT, we stayed blue as did all the neighboring states.

You and me both. My dentist is very gentle & we don't thrive for perfection. She is allowed to do just enough to keep me going for 12 months. I refuse to go twice a year.
I was not amused....let's just leave it at that. 

I go twice a year because our cleanings are covered by the dental insurance, so I may as well go and get it over with. I hate flossing, but I do it, simply because it helps decrease the tartar build-up and then I don't have to be in the chair that long. In, out, done! 
  • Did the breakfast thing
  • Just put the second load of laundry in the washer (I did a load last night, too, because sweats take up a lot more space than just normal tee-shirts and I pretty much have a load in sweats alone) I have only three loads as I am not going to change the bed sheets this morning.
  • Baking the imitation Lofthouse sugar cookies this morning. Making cranberry relish. Making some kind of yeast rolls for Thanksgiving. I also need to feed my sourdough starter in the fridge, so I'll need to make something with the discarder starter. 
  • Taking some of Sarah's sticky buns and some cookies into Rick's mother sometime today
  • I ordered Sarah's Christmas presents this morning (from American Girl). Also ordered something extra as her birthday is December 23, so she'll need a birthday present, too. That place is insanely expensive and what kids see in American Girl is beyond me. Do you know that American Girl has a spa for the dolls? 
     A spa. For the dolls. For $16 you can get your doll's ears pierced. I forget how much it costs for a hairstyle.  She wants to go to the spa so badly, so that may be on our list for a summer event next summer. *SMH* Oy
  • A quick vacuum about the house....I might be able to talk Rick into that as it's going to be way too windy outside to be raking up leaves today.
  • We need to figure out where the darn Christmas tree is going, which will mean moving furniture around in the living room. That gate has to come down.
It has been one year since The Beast came to live with us. One very, very, very, very, very, very long year. 
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At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
- get another round of groceries for Thanksgiving
- I've got a to figure out a few birthday gifts
- got to get the meat for the stuffings out to start thawing


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Do you do it all by yourself or do you have someone to help you? I cannot make or deal with a fire. We have a wood furnace in the basement (with electric baseboards), but the furnace is husband's domain. We used to have a house in the Catskills and the only heat there was a single fireplace. Brrrr.
yup, i deal with the wood stove, and the firewood, by myself. i grew up in a house with several fireplaces and two wood burning stoves, and learned to lay/start a fire in those at a young age. the radiant heat from the wood stove is so much more...thoroughly warming than the heat made by the furnace -- so it's well worth my efforts.

today i've got the usual things -- wash the dishes, scoop litter boxes. and i'll make another loaf of bread in the bread machine, as well as restart my netflix subscription -- i alternate between hulu and netflix. and i'll get the wood stove going, keep it going until i go to bed tonight. i'm not going outside today -- 31 degrees F and gusty winds, snow still falling here. i'll wait until tomorrow morning, when i'll need to do some shoveling.
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  • #894


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Back to work this morning. I wore my winter coat and a scarf. And brought my ear muffs and gloves for walking during lunch. That wind is horrible and the advisory will be in effect until 7:00 tonight. 

  • Breakfast for the furkids, Rick emptied the dishwasher, so I could do 3.5 miles on the treadmill, made the bed, grabbed my shower
  • Walking over to visit with Rick's mother during my lunch today; it's going to be cold!
  • Grocery shopping tonight, I have my final Thanksgiving list ready to go; it's basically dairy and fresh produce at this point as I have everything else
  • Scoop the boxes because I didn't have time to do them this morning


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
***Had a cold & windy two-hour walk. Better dressed than when I went to Mass yesterday & was kicking myself for not wearing Long Johns under my pants.
***OptumRx has to be the worst mail order co. for prescription drugs in the world. Yes, my Tier 1 drugs are free, but it's like pulling teeth sometimes to fill an order with these bozos.
***Off to ortho tomorrow for removal of final cast. Scary that I will then have to deal with wrist without a cast. Imagining the worst & hoping for the best.
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  • #896


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Good luck with getting that cast removed, Primula!
  • Breakfast for the kids, 3 miles on the treadmill, made the bed, scooped the boxes, grabbed a quick shower
  • Separated the laundry this morning....going to do laundry tonight, so I can concentrate on baking tomorrow
  • A quick vacuum and dusting tonight (Rick will probably do a quick vacuum about the living room and kitchen first thing Thursday morning, too)
Our son made it through surgery yesterday. He ripped his bicep in two places and needed to have everything repaired. His entire upper left arm is black. He wasn't in a lot of pain until after the surgery. Now it hurts. A lot. He is not happy. And he can't do anything with the arm for at least three weeks, other than PT. He's not amused about that either.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
@Primula -- i hope your cast removal goes smoothly. when i badly strained my wrist a ways back, something that i found the hardest was finding a comfortable position for it when i slept -- which i was told is not uncommon for people with wrist injuries. some people wear a nylon fabric wrist brace (that has velcro to hold it in place) when they sleep.

@Winchester -- i'm so sorry that your son had such a serious injury! i'm glad he came through the surgery well, and with no complications though.

well, today started 'with a bang' here! i went out and shoveled the driveway, and found that yet again, this will be the third year, that the next door neighbors had their snow plowed over on to my property -- my driveway! not only on my driveway, but on top of my trash and recycling cans -- which i had to clear off and out, because the trash/recycling pick up is tomorrow. i talked with them last year about this same issue, trying to deal with it 'the nice way' first. time this happens, i'll call the police and ask the officer to come talk with the neighbors about this. after that, if this persists, i'll be returning their snow back to their driveway by the shovelful. i've got my own snow to deal with, and don't need theirs to deal with too.

for the rest of today:  i'll get the wood stove going, wash the dishes, and scoop the litter boxes. i already made the couple of phone calls i needed to make.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Went to the Dutch Country Farm Market to pick up the capon I ordered for our Thanksgiving dinner. While there I also got some heavy cream to whip for the sour cherry cobbler (this is one of the few places I can find non-ultra-pasteurized dairy.) And loose sausage with sage for stuffed mushroom caps.

We went to the bottom of our driveway and moved wood chips for about an hour. The tree crews working along the right of way generously dumped 2 loads for me to use as mulch. Except that quite a bit is on the lower parking area and that is where we need to leave the cars when snow falls and driveway stays slippery even when plowed.

And finished making crab apple butter with sorghum molasses and spices (cardamom and nutmeg), bottled and water bathed.

Plus the usual: feed us, feed cats, clean litter pan, etc etc etc.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
easy days lately. 

*I did the regular  morning stuff.; made a salad for supper with a boiled egg.

*Went to church for a few minutes

*Car Wash for exterior

**Then to Gas Station for gas.. my tire pressure monitor light came on as soon as I started the car. Their air line froze so I had take my car across the street for them to fill the tire. 

*Went to Bakery to pick up the requested Italian cookies for T-day. They also had samples of some chocolate covered mini-cream puffs!! OMG!! heaven!!  filled with pastry cream so it was similar to a mini-mini-eclair. Of Course, I had to buy some!

*put some laundry away

*washed 2 more loads of laundry

*had a long phone call

nothing else....

actually sat on my butt a lot...oh, also: I just had a cup of Trader Joe's new black tea with chocolate mint!! Yummy!
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  • #900


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Oh boy. Busy day. I'm leaving work early, so I can get a head-start on things. Did the laundry yesterday, so I wouldn't have to deal with it today.
  • Run to the store on my way home from work this morning to pick up an extra container of sour cream. I thought I'd have enough. I was wrong.
  • Make iced tea (sweetened and unsweetened), the praline pumpkin pie, the salted caramel chocolate pecan pie, the braided peppery cheese rolls, cube and toast the sourdough bread for the stuffing tomorrow, make the salad dressing and the sugared pecans for the mandarin orange and pecan salad, get the turkey in the brine tonight. Chop all the onions, celery, and carrots today that I will need tomorrow. Make the gravy tonight, so all I have to do is heat it up tomorrow and add the turkey drippings (man, I just hate messing around with gravy at the last minute!).
  • Wash the tablecloth and napkins for dinner tomorrow.
  • Clean and wipe down the inside of the fridge.
  • Wipe down the bathroom and the kitchen.
  • Oh, and it's trash night tonight, so we'll have to clean out the litter boxes
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