My 10yr old indoor Cat Has Anemia & abdominal bleeding

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TCS Member
Nov 11, 2014
I've been thinking about Mel and her boy all week too. Hope you're OK Mel. Jx
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  • #163


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2014
Hollywood Fla.
Thanks you @janis @catwoman for your concern. I wish their were more people like you in South Florida.
As you can see... Biopsy results came back, He was diagnosed today with Hemangiosarcoma. It's a type of cancerous tumor.. And at this point, we aren't sure where it's located, but they mentioned that it's Skin Cancer. The site where it's originating from is still to be determined, but they want to surgically remove it as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading and effecting other organs. Is there anyone on this forum who has experienced this kind of cancer before with their animal? As you can imagine, I am completely devastated.. Here at home researching this cancer, chances of Healing from it, etc etc .. My heart feels like it's caught in my throat. I didn't speak with the Doctor on my case, he was off today, but will be there Monday. I was told for now, to continue giving him antibiotics and also the homeopathic remedies. I will follow up with them tomorrow morning. I will not give up on my boy... The experience with this 3 yr vaccine has changed my life forever.... :'(


TCS Member
Nov 11, 2014
I'm so sorry Mel. This is bad news. It's the same cancer as Bud had, very aggressive, it's in the blood vessels and yes it's skin cancer. Please don't let them operate. It will cause so much more suffering for your boy. It cannot be cured and is terminal. You must let go. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear but you cannot stop it but you can prevent your boy from suffering any more pain. I read back your comments and in particular the one when he was walking backwards. I had a dog who did this, it's pain that causes it and he is trying to get away from it. My dog had cancer of the spleen, another agressive cancer. Please do right by your boy and end his suffering and believe me he is suffering. There's nothing more you can do and operating is just downright cruel. By the way I'm not in America, I'm in the UK. This is so sad.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear the diagnosis
  My heart goes out to you and your boy.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 27, 2013
New England
Mel you know I once had a friend who had stage 4 breast cancer.   It really angered her the way breast cancer is characterized - as a disease she could fight, the implication being that she was a failure if she accepted that it was going to take her life or that she did something to cause it.   Her point being that aggressive cancer just is - there's no getting away from what it does - it's not a matter of giving up, it's a matter of when you will release your boy from pain and suffering, or spare him more. 

Please listen to what Janice is sharing with you - just think how fateful it is that someone who had a cat with the same very rare cancer found your thread - and she's from another country no less.  

Take care and God bless.
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sarah ann

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 6, 2013
Mel I am so sorry. I was hoping he just had an infection that would clear up with antibiotics. It is quite possible the rabies shot did not cause this. Especially if there is cancer throughout his body. He may have already had cancer to begin with and the rabies shot just pushed him over the edge.

I have a cat with a large lump on her tongue. The vet advised against getting a biopsy as even if it is cancer there is no way to surgically remove the tongue.  And if it is cancer it will continue to spread.  Chemo would be an option but the prognosis is very bad, if it is cancer. We are hoping it is not cancer but if she suddenly goes downhill. She will be laid to rest and I will be devastated.  Yet I cannot spend thousands of dollars making her sick with chemo just to have her suffer and maybe live for 1 more year.

This article may be helpful, but the prognosis does not sound good:

What is it?

Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is an aggressive, malignant cancer of blood vessels that

often grows as a mass in the spleen, liver, or heart, but can also be found growing

in other places in the body. Animals usually present to their veterinarian for sudden

collapse due to internal bleeding from the mass. In most cases, by the time the animal

is showing clinical signs, the cancer has spread to other areas of the body, such as the


Hemorrhages may occur from each cancer site, which may cause transient weakness

until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding does not stop, the patient will start to show

signs of shock and collapse.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I don't have alot to say, except I can imagine how you're feeling, and how devastated you are. I feel for you, you love him so much, and tried getting help, and was disappointed time after time. This explains why in a way, as it is so rare, just not something vets ever see so nobody thought to check, I don't know.

Regardless, it is what it is, no changing that fact, which is simply tragic, to say the least.

VERY saddened and so sorry to hear this awful news.


TCS Member
Nov 11, 2014
Hi Mel. I think I can explain a little of what is happening to your cat. It will help you understand more what is happening in his body. He has a tumour. It is bleeding. Once it starts bleeding it travels through the system rapidly and can affect any of the major organs, including the brain causing fits. If it is found before it bleeds there is time for it to be removed. Once it starts bleeding it is out of control. What happens is it bleeds, then stops, then it bleeds again then stops, this can go on for weeks until one day it bleeds and doesn't stop because the blood vessels are so damaged it can't. This results in total collapse and the animal dies from internal bleeding within 12 hours. This is the reason why your boy is anaemic and is up and down all the time. It is difficult to diagnose because they coniinue to eat and carry out normal activity. I know this because I have lost 2 dogs to this cancer. The first showed signs of being unwell for months (max 5 months) and despite regular visits to vet he collapsed one day and didn't recover. He was 9, the second dog a year later started showing similar symptoms, his spleen was removed and he was so well for a month then started having fits, it had spread to his brain. He was 9 too. So I have lost 3 much loved animals to this same cancer in the space of 3 years and that is why I knew what I had to do for Bud. It's a shocking, horrible cancer and no living being or animal should have to suffer in such a bad way but it happens, there's no treatment. They say it is rare but from my point of view it isn't. I hope you can come to terms with it, you've fought so hard for him, we're all here for you. Jx


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
@Janis  I have to say that if you have had 3 pets die from the very same type of rare cancer, I would certainly contact a veterinary teaching school, and tell them this.

It may eventually be able to help determine possible causes, you never know....................


TCS Member
Nov 11, 2014
Thanks for that. i intend to, when my second dog, related to the first one, contracted the same cancer I mentioned it to my vet but he dismissed it as unlucky. I was too distraught at the time to take it further. However, over the past week it has all come back to me and I will be discussing it with him at the beginning of the week and if he doesn't help then I will be talking to others about it. Around the same time 2012, my neighbour's young horse contracted the same cancer, we talked about it at the time too but I will bring it up again with her when I next see her. Too many unanswered questions and I have 4 other dogs and 3 cats to think about. Thanks again. Jx


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Thanks for that. i intend to, when my second dog, related to the first one, contracted the same cancer I mentioned it to my vet but he dismissed it as unlucky. I was too distraught at the time to take it further. However, over the past week it has all come back to me and I will be discussing it with him at the beginning of the week and if he doesn't help then I will be talking to others about it. Around the same time 2012, my neighbour's young horse contracted the same cancer, we talked about it at the time too but I will bring it up again with her when I next see her. Too many unanswered questions and I have 4 other dogs and 3 cats to think about. Thanks again. Jx
See that's too coincidental to me for a rare condition like that???....odd.

Who knows, maybe by taking this to someone who listens and is interested, maybe someday we will find that it's for instance from too high of fluoride in the water.....(???)



TCS Member
Nov 11, 2014
These are only the ones I know of that have been diagnosed, it would take a great deal of research to come up with numbers, If it were for instance fluoride then why aren't there more animals/people affected. I've asked myself so many times why it happened, vaccines, wormers, flea treatments have all crossed my mind, preservatives in food, crop spraying even bracken, the list is endless.
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  • #174


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2014
Hollywood Fla.
Hello everyone, just a follow up to all of you who have been such wonderful support for me on here.. I thought you all should know that ADD has passed away in my home, after all LONG BATTLE with cancer, it finally claimed his life. I slept with his lifeless body for an entire day & night... I couldn't cope with what I saw, and what I knew was the heart wrenching truth. I am completely destroyed by this... And can barely see as I type, cause my eyes are swollen nearly shut from all of the crying. :'( he was a fighter my little man.. I continued giving him all his homeopathic meds and dosed him daily. Things got harder, but I fought with him, until 6/28/2015 Sunday, he was struggling to breathe and just gave out. I'm devasted, completely. But now there is a fight in me to expose the Vet who killed my boy along with Banfield Pet hospital all together for the despicable way I was treated after they poisoned my baby. My heart is heavy... No words can describe how I feel. But Karma is real, and he will get what he has coming to him. I will make sure there is change, and that pet owners are fully informed on the way vets profit from Vaccines along with their agenda and the side effects to giving them. I only WISH I knew then all I know now. :'( my best friend is gone. May he Rest in peace. I love you ADD! [emoji]128148[/emoji] always have always will. Rest in Gods arms now.. No more pain & suffering.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Now, at least, he is pain free


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I am so terribly sorry for what you are going through, so many of us on here truly understand and have been in your shoes at some time.

It's very, very painful, nearly unbearable. I know how much he meant to you, and just know that he knew how loved he was.

For every tear you shed, and I also know that you will cry what seems like a river of tears, but crying brings your heart one tiny step closer to healing. 

It is how we heal ourselves, until one day you will stop crying and put him in a corner of your heart, surrounded with all of the happy memories your life has had with him in it. He will be there always.

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  • #177


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2014
Hollywood Fla.
Thank you :'( I am trying to find peace with this matter, but I can't & I won't till I find justice. He was poisoned, and Banfield pet hospital has a BAD reputation for killing people's animals due to NOT knowing what to do!

Check out these sites, and you will see the clear picture here. Banfield hires inexperienced interns and vets who are in it for profit and bonus, NOT your pet!. The more they sell, the more they make. It's a sick industry! I don't trust ANY vets anymore and have chosen to study integrative medicine and homeopathic meds so I can care for my other pets in the future. These stories are horrifying... And the leg ADD received the vaccine in was completely eaten up from the inside out... It was the rear right leg..... I am in agony!!! They need to be SHUT DOWN FOR GOOD! They don't offer "wellness", they do the exact opposite for profit! My cat was WELL!! Beyond well! He was VERY healthy!! And they KILLED Him!!! [emoji]128555[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128148[/emoji] I can't even sleep.. The last 10 months have been a nightmare for me. I want JUSTICE FOR ADD! And I will make sure they are EXPOSED!!!

Taken just 5 days before he died

Taken just 20 minutes before he died suddenly out of no where [emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128148[/emoji]

My Memorial for him [emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128148[/emoji] before taking him to cremation....

"ADD, your death will NOT be in vain. I only WISH I KNEW THEN what I know now about Vaccines and Banfield"
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The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@MelsBabies    I am so saddened to read your latest updates.  

The TCS team would like you to know that we are so very sorry for your loss.  Throughout your thread it has been clear how much you love your cat, have fought on behalf of his health, and how much energy you put in to trying to regain his health.   He was lucky to be loved so much and I am sure he will remain with you always, his spirit wrapped around your heart.   May your anger grief in time allow you to feel him there and take some comfort from your memories of the healthier and happier times you shared.  Your heart is broken but ADD is still there and will always be part of you.

Threads are locked after someone has suffered a loss such as this, as a sign of respect.   You are invited to place a tribute at    as an enduring testimony to your friend, to share your thoughts, and find support from others here on TCS where we can relate to your devastation on loosing such a close companion.    We can not take away your pain but we can share your tears.    

   Run pain free and happy across the bridge dear one, and know how much you are loved.

With respect, this thread is now locked.   
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