Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Thanks Margd. I figured it was coming. I was reading some sad posts on facebook about others cats. one of them looked like Floey. I lost it. Poor Jon kept saying why am I crying and I couldn't answer him it hurt so bad. I just sometimes explode with emotions and I cant do it around people. This is one reason why I prefer to live alone. Then I can melt down without affecting anyone else. He was pretty upset all night but I told him I cant help it. This time I asked him to help me pill her. He says she is fine-I said no she keeps getting regurgitation when she drinks water-it could be why she cant eat. I said if nothing else it will get started in the body then when I get home tonight we will pill her again. I said it has to be given every 12 hours. This is one reason why I am firing my vet. They kept saying its 24 hours. so no wonder she hastn eaten in 4 days. First the transdermal isn't strong enough then its not often enough. no wonder she feels crummy.

I spoke to MFK (My friend Kelly) and she said if she had a raging bladder infection ontop of pancreatitis its no wonder she doesn't want to eat then the meds with weird side effects=Honeybee used to get mirtazapine and it doesn't do half the things to her as Floey but I will say I prefer Cypro as it wears off in 12 hours so we don't have to wait 3 to 5 days for effects to wear off. She thinks once the pain and fluids get started up that she will eat again. She said do the fluids twice a day as iv fluids are the gold standard for pancreatitis so since we upped the fluids she does appear more comfortable. she was curled up last night a couple times until she heard me creeping by to pee. The bad thing about crying=it makes me so dehydrated that I need tons of water=peeing all night part of the reason i couldn't sleep. otherwise crying gives me such a wicked headache.

New York=I love your cat tails. Even now 3 yrs later Honeybee still tries to make friends with the older girls but they don't want nothing to do with her BUT the other evening I got pictures of floey reaching over to sniff honeybee who was in my arms. Honeybee is always in my arms. She loves being picked up and kissed. She purrs like crazy and swishes her tail. She is so sweet-I love that girl to bits and when she was sick once with low platelets I remember that crippling fear as I sat at the ER and they were telling me some BS line about how sick she was=she wasn't sick=she was in pain and had a cold=that was the last time I used the local ER that's why I have been hunting for 3 years for some decent vet care.

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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@foxxycat   Are you taking Floey to the new vet tomorrow for the ultrasound and exam?  Do you know if they will be doing a urine culture as well?   The part about the new vet taking the time to really get to know his patients and to talk to the humans is an awfully good sign.  Every good vet I've ever had has done that - it's a sign of basic compassion for animals and humans  that is really essential in a vet.  

Those crying headaches are the worst.  Crying is supposed to be good for you and cathartic but when you end up with your head in a freezer trying to block out the pain, it detracts from the overall benefit!  

 Do you have to work today?  


TCS Member
Jul 27, 2016
Hey there everyone i was looking up some things on google and got brought here.This is a wonderful especially considering my kitty, Thug, is my life its perfect to find information.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Welcome to our corner of the Net!

I think we all think our kitties ROCK!

Margd yes I am at work. tomorrow is off. I will try to sleep in but I may just get up and take the cats for a walk in the morning. they like to poke around and chew grass and Honeybee licks the water off the blades of grass. She drinks a ton of water=but she splatters more than she gets in her.

Last night I had an ice cold bottle of water and let her lick the condensation off the bottle=she loved it! She loves Ice cream from Dairy queen. my angel Kitty Flash used to share a vanilla cone with me when we swung through at the end of our vacation. it was the ending of our vacation before the long ride home.

Speaking of Vacation-Jon says we can't go on vacation if she is sick. I said well she may not even be here by then so it won't matter. I was ticked off that he would assume I would loose all that money when we stick close to the camp anyways. I told him they wont be doing anything that I don't already do. If there is an issue we can take her to Portland and take her home to bury if it comes to that. I said I don't think she is going anywhere soon as she isn't looking sick yet. Yes she looks slimmer but her fur is still clean and she still grooms herself. I also brush her and wash her face every night. I don't like to have her with dirty fur-so I am always fussing.

I think it will be awhile before things end at least that is what I keep telling myself. Lets hope tomorrow they do what they need.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
[@]Margd[/@right now I am sitting on my love seat downstairs practically alone because everytime my husband goes upstairs to use the computer ( for me this time ) the cat runs up with him and goes in our bedroom and sleeps on my side of the bed which means I'm stuc down here with his dog who is waiting for him to come down because she can't climb the steps either. I only go up at night so here the two of us are me waiting for my Cat to come back down and the Dog waiting for her Daddy to come down and neither one of us looking at the other !


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Margd[/@right now I am sitting on my love seat downstairs practically alone because everytime my husband goes upstairs to use the computer ( for me this time ) the cat runs up with him and goes in our bedroom and sleeps on my side of the bed which means I'm stuc down here with his dog who is waiting for him to come down because she can't climb the steps either. I only go up at night so here the two of us are me waiting for my Cat to come back down and the Dog waiting for her Daddy to come down and neither one of us looking at the other !
Well that sounds like a bit of a dilemma.   Maybe it is time to make friends with the dog!   That's quite an image of the two of you waiting for your true friends to come back downstairs again. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Found out how to prepare Slippery Elm Bark-looks like I can make it in the microwave. I ordered the NOW! powder on Amazon. you take a cup of water and add 1 to 1.5teaspoons of slippery elm bark then stir it up. nuke for 30 seconds. keep stirring and nuking but don't boil it over-you can use  1/4-1/2 teaspoon in wet food to help with digestion. something in it sooths inside if there are ulcers or other issues. you can give up to 4 times a day-this is on the Tanya's kidney site-evidently kidney kitties often have upset tummies from the higher levels.

So tonight that gas company is coming over to swap tanks and check out the fuel tank for the oil. I think that salad idea someone gave in another thread is a good idea. I had some honey ham for my lunch and turkey then crackers. that's all I want. I need sleep more than anything.

Jon texted me earlier this morning that a stray cat peed on the cat carrier I have outside that was getting rinsed off from the vets. He washed it down with 409 cleaner. I put the carrier up on the porch to dry off from the dew. I bet Honeybee and Floey were sniffing like crazy!!!
  Those two sniff every tree as if they want to know who peed there??!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Do you have Firefox set to full screen?  Even with Win 10 I'm pretty sure you can click on the little button with two squares in the top right corner.
Don't you hate it when something like that happens?
I went to the mall with some co-workers once. The co-worker's car broke down right at the only entrance to the mall. She called AAA to get a tow truck to come and take the car to a repair shop and gave the name of the mall and all that. AAA said someone would be by in half an hour or so. An hour later, no one had shown up. Co-worker calls AAA back and was told that someone was on the way. Another hour goes by and still no tow truck. Co-worker calls AAA again and was told that the two truck driver drove to the mall and didn't find us so he left which was a complete lie because there is only ONE entrance to the mall. Co-worker expressed anger and frustration to the AAA customer service person. Another hour later a tow truck finally shows up. I think afterwards the co-worker made a really big complaint to AAA about their awful service.
That's awful! I hope your coworker made them regret not having good service of some kind! Speaking of problematical encounters, I went to a different branch of my store last night to get AWM a bottle of water (and me a container of nachos, because I had a craving). As I was headed to the nacho serve area the woman working the store let me know in no uncertain terms that she had to close the bathrooms to clean them and that I should have used the restroom at home. 
 I wasn't even headed  towards the restrooms! (Not to mention that we're not allowed to close them for cleaning--just clean them between customers.) I'm caught between understanding why my customers love that I'm polite and understanding when they come in--to wanting to report her conduct! (I won't report her; we might have to work together one day.) It just frustrated me. 
We were living in a basement apartment in the low-rent part of town many years ago, and the toilet quit working.  It had gotten so bad in the apartment that Roger had gotten sick, so, after calling the manager about it for something like the third time I took Roger to my parents' house, leaving a note on the door saying that it was unlocked.  Nothing happened.  The manager finally showed up, telling me that it was all my fault because I wasn't there so his guys couldn't get in to fix the toilet, and demanding the rent, which I was darn well not going to give him.  As I recall he called both me and our upstairs neighbors c***s and threatened to evict us all, at which point I informed him that I was already packing and he was welcome to take me to small claims court for the rent.  We never heard from him again.  Of course, we also didn't tell him where to find us.

Unfortunately, your customers love your politeness because it's in very short supply.  I've noticed when in the hospital that I'm always treated with a little bit of extra care, simply because I always say "please" and "thank you."
Last night sucked. I had a meltdown about euth and Floey. I almost called lap of love and just got it done with. I just hate seeing them ill. I have a good friend in Mass who messaged me to have me see her vet. I called just now and we will be there at 1pm in Concord MA. They have ultrasound right on site. There is nothing but good words about them. I am excited to finally find a decent vet. This case is complex because Floey doesn't do the classical signs of illness.

We pilled her with Pepcid last night because the transdermal isn't working for crap. Jon hugged her and I got her head back and dropped it in. she spit it out then I got it better-shut the mouth, blew on nose, rub the neck and waited for her to swallow-then followed with water 3 times. she kind of foamed but I wiped it up. she growled but didn't fight too much. She is still loopy from the mirtazapine. we wont be using that on her again. no interest in food. even 2 hours after Pepcid.

this morning i didn't sleep more than an hour. I layed on the floor and had a meltdown in my bedroom far away from her. I just cant hold it in anymore. I am an empeth and sometimes I erupt from emotions that I don't know how to get rid of. Jon was upset that I am even thinking of this but I told him if she doesn't eat by next week, the kindest thing is to let her go. I will not let her suffer and starve to death. I did fluids this morning. She tolerated it good. purred the whole time. was still wormy squirmy. Hopefully tomorrow we get some answers. We already did blood work 3 times this year and urine twice. the only step next is an ultrasound and hopefully they will help her-we have a few other drugs to try for nausea-incase the Cerenia is wearing off. So that will be disgussed. I also asked on the phone that I am needing a script for injectable Pepcid because of the faulty transdermal gel. I think some medicines work better this way. The Pepcid going through the ear bloodvessels may be too big to be absorbed properly into the stomach when the blood circulates to that area.

So hopefully we will know if they find anything. i doubt they will find anything because nothing was found on xrays and palpation exam but who knows?

I cant wait to get out of here. using  8 hours of pto tomorrow but I can sleep in a bit and we wont hit too much traffic on the way home.
Oh, my dear.  I am so glad that you've finally found one place where you can take her for everything.  Please don't lose hope too soon.


handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Isn't a picture was worth a thousand words. 

@foxxycat I hope this vet figures out how to help Floey.   You're so stressed out worrying about her.  Hang in there.

So this Yoga class is going to kill me.  I thought I had no stomach muscles, but I have a few and they all ache.  Along with my shoulders and gluts.  It's been so hot here I've been walking/jogging in the pool.  But it doesn't register on my pedometer (clipped to the top of my suit) unless I move my arms.  Last night I was so sore I could barely lay down in my bed.    Maybe I should move my arms above the water instead of through it.  Not even going to try for 10,000 steps today.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
Do you have Firefox set to full screen?  Even with Win 10 I'm pretty sure you can click on the little button with two squares in the top

right corner.

We were living in a basement apartment in the low-rent part of town many years ago, and the toilet quit working.  It had gotten so bad in the apartment that Roger had gotten sick, so, after calling the manager about it for something like the third time I took Roger

my parents' house, leaving a note on the door saying that it was unlocked.  Nothing happened.  The manager finally showed up, telling me that it was all my fault because I wasn't there so his guys couldn't get in to fix the toilet, and demanding the rent, which I was darn well not going to give him.  As I recall he called both me and our upstairs neighbors c***s and threatened to evict us all, at which point I informed him that I was already packing and he was welcome to take me to small claims court for the rent.  We never heard from him again.  Of course, we also didn't tell him where to find us.

Unfortunately, your customers love your politeness because it's in very short supply.  I've noticed when in the hospital that I'm always treated with a little bit of extra care, simply because I always say "please" and "thank you."

Oh, my dear.  I am so glad that you've finally found one place where you can take her for everything.  Please don't lose hope too soon.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Do you have Firefox set to full screen?  Even with Win 10 I'm pretty sure you can click on the little button with two squares in the top right corner.
Well...THAT worked like a charm!  I have the lowering feeling that @Margret is continually amazed at my lack of knowledge concerning computers.  Poor dear spends half her life explaining how to do the basics to me.  Rather, explaining to me how to do the basics,


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Do you have Firefox set to full screen?  Even with Win 10 I'm pretty sure you can click on the little button with two squares in the top right corner.
Well...THAT worked like a charm!  I have the lowering feeling that @Margret is continually amazed at my lack of knowledge concerning computers.  Poor dear spends half her life explaining how to do the basics to me.  Rather, explaining to me how to do the basics,
Hey, at least I'm not trying to explain to you how to program in BASIC
!  If you ever do decide that you want to learn to program, let me know and I'll set you up with something sane, like Pascal.



The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK

So this Yoga class is going to kill me.  I thought I had no stomach muscles, but I have a few and they all ache.  Along with my shoulders and gluts.  It's been so hot here I've been walking/jogging in the pool.  But it doesn't register on my pedometer (clipped to the top of my suit) unless I move my arms.  Last night I was so sore I could barely lay down in my bed.    Maybe I should move my arms above the water instead of through it.  Not even going to try for 10,000 steps today.
   I can totally identify with this, or could if I had used my non-existent stomach muscles in the last few years. 
   Well done you. 
    I have found myself contemplating a few toning exersises or yoga positions recently as have a serious need to tone up a bit (I'm sure the waist line is not meant to be where you have the largest measurement around your body 
 ) and the thought of how painful it is going to be is a real deterrent.  
  I fear I am rapidly developing a more spherical body than Mouse but the action required is painful to even thing about. 

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Feeling guilty about not trying to get 10,000 steps.  Currently at 2,256 and it's 3:45 and mid 80's outside.  It is not going to happen but I may spend an hour in the pool without the pedometer so I can get wet everywhere.  Not sure where the cats are hiding.  It's 84 upstairs. 

Off to the grocery store.  They have A/C!

So glad I took Eclipse out this morning.  It was only 20 minutes but it was cool.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
foxxycat foxxycat , I totally get that crying so much that you're dehydrated thing.:hugs:

Been busy the last few days. I feel a bit like I'm fighting off a bug. My throat feels achy and the last few days I've felt achy all over. My 401k loan came through, so been paying bills and finally got myself insured and bonded for my business! That was one of my "big hurdles" if you will. I'm really glad to get that one out of the way. Finally taking the car in tomorrow and then Maple goes to the vet Friday morning. THAT is going to be fun - not! At least I'm off on Friday again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
we have a vca in Portsmouth but its a beech to get an ultrasound scheduled. they say oh it could be this day blah blah. this place is Domino Vet Hospital has inhouse ultrasound and they will do it tomorrow. I just got a call from Broadview asking for permission to transfer records-I just explained that my good friend recommends them and they have ultrasound inhouse and no waiting. They actually have 6 openings tomorrow. my friend Kelly I met on the Lymphoma feline yahoo is her vet-she loves them. she has a furry horde with various medical needs and she says he doenst try to break the bank and sits with the animal for an hour getting to kmow them. not a rush through and spit them out.

i don't know about the compounding pharmacy but I will be sticking to injections of meds-there is a port I can add meds on her sub fluids so I may decide to do it this way so she gets only one prick instead of 3.

We will see.
I hope their labs are just as fast. It sounds like you might have found a good vet. Good luck! 

Ruby is right around Angua's age so 1 year and a few months. She had babies in April or May though so I feel she may not have quite gotten the same being a young cat experience as everyone else. We have been playing with the cat dancer, a laser pointer, and just about anything else she can get her paws on. Right now, she is hunting a catnip banana. I feel that Angua would liker her if she gave her a chance. They both love to play and happily do so on either side of the dog gate, Ruby just can't look at her without Angua hissing and growling. 
Rose was full of energy until she started nursing. It was horrible; it felt like no matter what we (I) did she kept losing weight--and she was easily eating her body weight in wet food (plus dry, which was always down). Finally got some help--got powdered kitten formula and started adding it to her wet food. She plumped right back up, but she never did regain the same level of playful vigor she had before the kittens. (FYI, I tried  to get her spayed before her first heat, but she wasn't technically my cat, so there was nothing I could do.) Reading your post about Ruby makes me wonder though--if all the kittens had been successfully adopted out, would she have gotten her energy back again?
Do you have Firefox set to full screen?  Even with Win 10 I'm pretty sure you can click on the little button with two squares in the top right corner.

We were living in a basement apartment in the low-rent part of town many years ago, and the toilet quit working.  It had gotten so bad in the apartment that Roger had gotten sick, so, after calling the manager about it for something like the third time I took Roger to my parents' house, leaving a note on the door saying that it was unlocked.  Nothing happened.  The manager finally showed up, telling me that it was all my fault because I wasn't there so his guys couldn't get in to fix the toilet, and demanding the rent, which I was darn well not going to give him.  As I recall he called both me and our upstairs neighbors c***s and threatened to evict us all, at which point I informed him that I was already packing and he was welcome to take me to small claims court for the rent.  We never heard from him again.  Of course, we also didn't tell him where to find us.

Unfortunately, your customers love your politeness because it's in very short supply.  I've noticed when in the hospital that I'm always treated with a little bit of extra care, simply because I always say "please" and "thank you."

Oh, my dear.  I am so glad that you've finally found one place where you can take her for everything.  Please don't lose hope too soon.

When I was very young, and first played "store" (we had just gotten a refrigerator and SD had carved out windows in it for me to play with), one of the things AWM kept telling me was that I needed to be polite, keep calm (LS had a tendency to scream at everything--so I got in good practice there!), and always remember to smile. I'm guessing, from the way my customers react when those old lessons come to play, that not everyone experienced stuff like that. (AWM used to work convenience stores--but her companies kept getting taken over and she was let go each time.)
Well...THAT worked like a charm!  I have the lowering feeling that @Margret is continually amazed at my lack of knowledge concerning computers.  Poor dear spends half her life explaining how to do the basics to me.  Rather, explaining to me how to do the basics,
I'm pretty sure RB feels the same way about me. When he complains though I tell him I've improved leaps and bounds; shortly after I started college I had to go to the tech help desk to figure out how to turn on the cell phone LS lent me! 

Feeling guilty about not trying to get 10,000 steps.  Currently at 2,256 and it's 3:45 and mid 80's outside.  It is not going to happen but I may spend an hour in the pool without the pedometer so I can get wet everywhere.  Not sure where the cats are hiding.  It's 84 upstairs. 

Off to the grocery store.  They have A/C!

So glad I took Eclipse out this morning.  It was only 20 minutes but it was cool.
Getting to 10,000 steps does you no good at all if you suffer from heat stroke. (Trust me on this; it's so prevalent in our area that we actually have a heatstroke protocol at my store.) Since you said that it was cool in the morning, maybe you should try walking at night, if possible?

So AWM has jumped on the Pokemon Go bandwagon and had me ride around with her (so that she wouldn't be playing and driving at the same time) last night going to pokestops and catching pokemon. Why? Because she finds it enjoyable and wants to share the gaming experience--and because while the pokestops are close by if the person is driving, not so much if the person is walking. (We then used all the pokeballs we got from the pokestops trying to catch a Ghastly.) Anyway, we were talking about that and she brought up Clawless.

For those of you who don't know, some time ago IB brought home (another!) cat; this one was a declawed kitty that someone had abandoned on his friend's street.  
 (I'm against declawing for so  many reasons.) Anyway, when he first brought it home (and he knew nothing about separating the cats to let them get used to each other, he has a good heart but is a little short on common sense) our kitties (we had six at the time) were curious about the new arrival. Not hostile (at that point), just curious. IB left the new cat in my care and--perfectly aware of how cats usually  react to me--I donned my leather jacket and the leather gloves we use for gathering firewood. Naturally, Clawless (what I temporarily named the cat; presumably they gave her a better name at the shelter) attacked me. (I was expecting it; my childhood and young adulthood led me to expect it.) What I did not  expect was that my cats (all six of them!) descended on the newcomer like the hounds of Hell, determined to tear her apart. (She had to spend her brief stay with us in the small bathroom, because it has a door that shuts all the way.) For a few days afterwards, they would take turns sitting at the door, growling as they waited for Clawless to poke paw or fur out. (We took her to the shelter--after we fattened her up. I'm sure it wasn't good for her health to stay here, with six cats that wanted to kill her, but she was so thin I was afraid it would be worse to move her to another  new environment.) Sometimes I wonder what ended up happening to that cat--but I'm sure she's healthy, was adopted (they said at the shelter she was more likely to be adopted because she'd been declawed), and is living in a new, happy home with only occasional nightmares of murderous cats waiting outside the door for her. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Awww, @foxxycat  I'm really sorry to hear what's going on.  It's so hard when we have to give all these medicines to our babies and they just don't understand what is going on.  What great news that you might have found a vet who can actually help Floey, though.  I really hope the ultrasound finds something that can be treated so that she recovers.  This is such a difficult time for you - you and Floey are in my thoughts.  ((((Many hugs))))) 
  Try to get some rest and keep us informed.

@NewYork1303   Ruby sounds like such a joy and like she's so happy to be in her home.   Have you tried putting up or spraying some Feliway?
Feliway is definitely my next step. We have a diffuser, but haven't used it since Carrot first got here. 
Rose was full of energy until she started nursing. It was horrible; it felt like no matter what we (I) did she kept losing weight--and she was easily eating her body weight in wet food (plus dry, which was always down). Finally got some help--got powdered kitten formula and started adding it to her wet food. She plumped right back up, but she never did regain the same level of playful vigor she had before the kittens. (FYI, I tried  to get her spayed before her first heat, but she wasn't technically my cat, so there was nothing I could do.) Reading your post about Ruby makes me wonder though--if all the kittens had been successfully adopted out, would she have gotten her energy back again?
Not sure. She definitely seems to have energy to spare. I do know that she lost a lot of weight while nursing. When she came to the shelter when her kittens were a few weeks old she weighed 8.25 pounds. When she was weighed coming back from foster care with the kittens before they were adopted out she weighed 7.5 pounds.
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