Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Just a suggestion:  Have you tried using Google Chrome? It is fast, intuitive and generally very good.  I have had quite a few crashes recently, but no one's perfect 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Agree 100%!  Basically, I get baseline vax and boosters and then feed high quality diet and make sure they have plentiful and clean water. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is as good a philosophy for them as it is for me 
 and it's always served my family pretty well.  We like to grow our cats big and they live long, for the most part -- we lost our beloved Rani on 29 June at age 19 and almost 2 months, and our sweet Sammi in November, age 21.  Yes, we have lost cats young, to FIP, Mast Cell Lymphoma and other scourges; but longevity and good health are the norm.  *Love the good food and vitamins for humans part, too.  That's what my family and I have always tried to follow.* 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I don't blame him. Too many crappy contractors out there. He should be networking with folks he knows now that its not winter and I am sure any of us able bodied folks would help him out.
It's not that. He's too cheap to pay for hired help

Has anyone heard the Banfield ad on the radio? The basic message is why wait for the annual check up to bring a sick pet in when you can bring your pet in at any time at Banfield. I don't know about you, but if my pet is sick I make an appointment with the vet right away or bring my pet to the vet ER if it's something serious. I don't wait for the annual check up.

Edited to avoid a
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I had really expected a fire storm of people telling me that I am neglecting my cats' health and well being, that they needed a yearly check-up, some kind of outlandish food regimen and vitamins and various supplements. I'm glad to know that there are others who think like I do. Feeding a good brand of cat food helps, none of that "FancyFeast" or some of those other popular but cheap cat food for my cats. Of course if you have a pet with an illness or some kind of medical condition it needs to be taken care of and that can get to be expensive. With all the money I have saved by NOT taking my cats to the vet all the time I could afford the surgery Panthera needed and as I had adopted him from the Cat Club they helped my out with a large chunk of the bill.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I had a friend once whose cat caught a mouse and kept losing it.  So my friend put the mouse into the bathtub, much to his cat's joy.  She learned her lesson, too.  The next time she caught a moth she put it into the bathtub, poor baby.  For some strange reason it didn't work on moths.

I have to get my propane tank replaced=they said it expired in 2014. they tried to come out and replace it but I couldn't get the fence off that was nailed around it. They will be out tomorrow afternoon.

I have a kerosene oil tank and that is time to replace. I am sure it wont be cheap but its rusting and I don't want to deal with fuel leaks in the middle of winter. the guy who delivers the oil said last winter that it needs to be replaced.

This time I am going to get a quote from two companies=I deal with both Eastern Propane and Cardinal Oil locally. I don't care for cardinal oil anymore=four years ago they sent a young guy out to check the heater and he wouldn't shut off power to the furnace before messing around with it. then something arked and pissed me off. I almost escorted him off the property. I should have called and complained but I didn't want to cause trouble. So I am considering switching to a bigger company. The other thing is they were supposed to give me a quote for a chimney extender because the furnace and discharge chimneys are too short and get buried in snow. I am tired of climbing on the roof and shoveling snow off it. They kept blowing me off and never returned my call.

so this will be a test and Jon will be the one to talk to the guy=but I probably need to be there-I can never trust anyone it seems. So sick of men thinking women don't know anything mechanically. So I want to find out if there are new tank designs or if we need to make any changes to the piping of the fuel into the furnace. I don't like how they put the tank so far away from the furnace. I don't know why they didn't put It right behind the house where the furnace is? so how will I know if any of the piping has leaks? This is the dumb crap I worry about.
Many years ago, my mother, brothers, and I decided to get a snow blower for my dad for Christmas, so we went to Montgomery Ward, where we talked to a salesman.  I was asking questions about comparative value, and the guy suddenly got extremely uncomfortable, stopped answering the questions, and seriously invaded my personal space.  He meant to intimidate me, but it didn't work that way -- it just made it very obvious that he was trying to foist some expensive junk on us.

We're currently looking into getting new, Energy Star compliant central air conditioning, and we've made it plain that we both want to be there when they visit.  The person we talked to on the phone says that's what they prefer as well, that all decision makers be present to ask questions and make sure we end up with something we'll both be happy with.  I think retailers are learning.
I can't fall. Its a shallow slop. a doublewide home. you could sit and eat dinner up here. I guess that's the monkey in me. I rarely fall off anything. That's why I leave a small amount of snow so it gives me something to hold on to. That's why I try to get up there and make sure there isn't too much ice buildup. Last winter at the front peak we got a ton of snow then it froze-then it rained and guess where it leaked? the seam of the house=theres a roof vent-the water had no where to go-so I have to make sure those areas are cleared as well as all the vents. I am petrified of CO poisoning. I have monitors but I don't trust them. some of our kitchen vents are not that tall and its not hard to have water and ice buildup around them-so I like to keep things cleared.

The other annoying thing is the damn Directv dish goes out everytime it rains-I don't know if it needs to be readjusted because some trees are now 10 feet taller than before so I don't know if they should move it and have it facing a different satellite like my neighbors. I noticed the other night its angled different than mine and he has no trees or other obstructions.

I am tempted to go with regular cable but I don't like how they do business-they don't do next day installation or other foolishness. When I moved in here ten years ago-they couldn't do a Saturday installation until a month later. I said that's crazy. I said I already have the cable and junctionbox installed=its all ready to go=all you have to do is mail me the box and turn the switch on. They claimed they needed to go in my house=I said NO you don't and hung up on them. Then I called Directv and they were here in 48 hours AND within a 4 hour window but they also call to let me know if there was any delay so I didn't mind.

There is just something about smaller companies that don't seem to meet my expectations and I end up going with a bigger company to get faster service.
Try getting a garbage bag and putting it over the dish and the receiver(?) thing in front of it.  Use something strong to tie it around the stalk the dish is on so that it won't blow away.  That should keep branches and rain from coming in between, which is what makes the signal cut out.


handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I am so tired today.  Yesterday I did a yoga class and my stomach muscles are still sore.  I walked/jogged around my pool for an hour and still need over 6,000 steps on my pedometer.  It is so hot here.  So glad I took Eclipse out early this morning.   I may try for a walk after it cools down since I missed that opportunity this morning walking the furry guy.

Kim made more of the delicious gluten free brownies.  This batch is better than the last.  She used the Blue Diamond almond flour we found at Costco.

Guess I should get moving and take the trash out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Time to work on more introductions with the cats but Angua and Carrot are having snuggle time so I'm waiting for them to get tired of this first.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I can't fall. Its a shallow slop. a doublewide home. you could sit and eat dinner up here. I guess that's the monkey in me. I rarely fall off anything. That's why I leave a small amount of snow so it gives me something to hold on to. That's why I try to get up there and make sure there isn't too much ice buildup. Last winter at the front peak we got a ton of snow then it froze-then it rained and guess where it leaked? the seam of the house=theres a roof vent-the water had no where to go-so I have to make sure those areas are cleared as well as all the vents. I am petrified of CO poisoning. I have monitors but I don't trust them. some of our kitchen vents are not that tall and its not hard to have water and ice buildup around them-so I like to keep things cleared.

The other annoying thing is the damn Directv dish goes out everytime it rains-I don't know if it needs to be readjusted because some trees are now 10 feet taller than before so I don't know if they should move it and have it facing a different satellite like my neighbors. I noticed the other night its angled different than mine and he has no trees or other obstructions.

I am tempted to go with regular cable but I don't like how they do business-they don't do next day installation or other foolishness. When I moved in here ten years ago-they couldn't do a Saturday installation until a month later. I said that's crazy. I said I already have the cable and junctionbox installed=its all ready to go=all you have to do is mail me the box and turn the switch on. They claimed they needed to go in my house=I said NO you don't and hung up on them. Then I called Directv and they were here in 48 hours AND within a 4 hour window but they also call to let me know if there was any delay so I didn't mind.

There is just something about smaller companies that don't seem to meet my expectations and I end up going with a bigger company to get faster service.
We used to have DirectTV, but one day our signal went blank--no explanation. So AWM called the company and told them the problem, and the company said they'd send someone. No problems, right? Except the people the company said they'd send never came, so AWM called back the next day. Apparently the truck that was supposed  to come out to our house called the company and said that they'd fixed the problem! 
 After three days of this nonsense--of us calling for help and the local fix-it guys reporting that they'd fixed the problem, AWM canceled the contract with the company--who tried to convince us that we didn't need to--and we've had local stations since. (Better, because local's free.)
I do wonder if  it isn't a waste of money to have these annual checkups, vaccinations etc for our cats and ourselves. Capucchino has been to the vet only once after I got her 16+ years ago. She was only about 7 months old and very pregnant. The vet spayed her and gave her shots. That has been it besides flea treatments. She has never been sick, not even sniffles. Lately I took her to the vet because her ears looked dirty and she kept scratching them. She had an ear infection, no mites or any other problems, so she got a shot to clear up the infection. She eats well, uses the litter box, is very affectionate, what else do I need? 

Bebe has been here for 6 years now, she also is an older (16 years) cat and besides the runny eyes due to her pushed in face and the eternal snags in her fur (she's a Persian) she has no problems either.

Panthera at age 8 has not had any problems after he had the surgery for a hernia about 4 years ago.

These cats are indoors only, eat 1 large can of premium cat food twice a day among them and premium kibble as snacks during the day and night, seldom get any treats and no people food ever. They have a water fountain, they are healthy, their fur is shiny, they are not destructive, have good toilet habits, what more can I ask for?

I do watch them for signs of illness, ear mites, fleas that I might be bringing in on my pants legs etc. Maybe it's because I don't mess with their diets, why mess with what works? that they don't get sick but then neither do I, I stay away from crowds.

There is no reason that my cats need to go see the vet, get pumped full of medications to prevent illnesses to which they are not exposed or get supplements that may not be of any use whatsoever.

If others want to take their pets to the vet whenever they think they see a sign of illness that's ok with me just like I don't care if people take multi-vitamins or other supplements because they think that will help them be healthy, but I prefer to just eat wholesome food and keep my cats on a diet that works. So far it has kept all of us well. Just saying.  
I think doing it that way makes sure there's money for the vet when you need it. The only vaccination I'm obsessed with making sure the kitties get (and only because they're outside hunters) is rabies, but when Rose's tail was injured and septic we took her to the vet immediately. (Of course, I had to listen to how irresponsible of pet owners we were because we couldn't afford the two  hundred dollar  treatment to clip her tail--but we got the antibiotics and she's all better now.)
I just got an odd phone call.  A lady claiming to be from Norton Tech support.  Now, I have Norton but it's through my Comcast subscription.   She said there were 10 devices on my connection yesterday.  I said no and hung up on her.  Is this a scam? Has anyone heard of this?  I know tech support does not call people!
I haven't heard of it, but I'd call Comcast and report the issue. If it's legit, they can tell you, and if it's not they have a heads up that someone's trying to pull something.
I had really expected a fire storm of people telling me that I am neglecting my cats' health and well being, that they needed a yearly check-up, some kind of outlandish food regimen and vitamins and various supplements. I'm glad to know that there are others who think like I do. Feeding a good brand of cat food helps, none of that "FancyFeast" or some of those other popular but cheap cat food for my cats. Of course if you have a pet with an illness or some kind of medical condition it needs to be taken care of and that can get to be expensive. With all the money I have saved by NOT taking my cats to the vet all the time I could afford the surgery Panthera needed and as I had adopted him from the Cat Club they helped my out with a large chunk of the bill.
What's the Cat Club? Is it international?
The only thing it does for me is to force me to wait eight hours before I can take something that actually works!  Different people react to different NSAIDs in different manners.  Neither Tylenol nor Aleve works for me; aspirin is extremely effective but gives me tinnitus, and ibuprofen just works.  However, any time I have to take too much of it I also start supplementing vitamin K2, because my blood is already thin enough.  The doctor had put me on 1 baby aspirin per day to prevent heart attacks and strokes (I am getting up there, after all, I must need it), and then when I needed a needle biopsy a couple of years ago and they had trouble they could only make three tries because I was bleeding too profusely!  They sent me home with an ice pack and instructions to head to the emergency room if it began bleeding more overnight.

Yep.  We've been having fires in Colorado again this summer, as well.  Sigh.  Very hard on people who lose their homes, but at least the government has gotten it through their heads that pets must be evacuated and provided for as well as humans.

Yeah, cats are much more sensitive to being kept awake than humans.

I'm glad you can laugh about Paul trying to "help" with the modem; I'm afraid I just get angry and yell at Jasmine in that situation.

Sometimes asking these kind of questions are embarrassing for the person being asked (I'm thinking particularly of the guy who looks like he stood next to a giant sparkler).  I do think you may want to ask about the pink stuff, though, assuming you can figure out who to ask.

I had a friend once whose cat caught a mouse and kept losing it.  So my friend put the mouse into the bathtub, much to his cat's joy.  She learned her lesson, too.  The next time she caught a moth she put it into the bathtub, poor baby.  For some strange reason it didn't work on moths.

Many years ago, my mother, brothers, and I decided to get a snow blower for my dad for Christmas, so we went to Montgomery Ward, where we talked to a salesman.  I was asking questions about comparative value, and the guy suddenly got extremely uncomfortable, stopped answering the questions, and seriously invaded my personal space.  He meant to intimidate me, but it didn't work that way -- it just made it very obvious that he was trying to foist some expensive junk on us.

We're currently looking into getting new, Energy Star compliant central air conditioning, and we've made it plain that we both want to be there when they visit.  The person we talked to on the phone says that's what they prefer as well, that all decision makers be present to ask questions and make sure we end up with something we'll both be happy with.  I think retailers are learning.

Try getting a garbage bag and putting it over the dish and the receiver(?) thing in front of it.  Use something strong to tie it around the stalk the dish is on so that it won't blow away.  That should keep branches and rain from coming in between, which is what makes the signal cut out.

The very first time Spot killed a bird it was by accident. I was outside and saw the whole thing. He  thought he was just playing with it, and then it stopped moving. He brought it to me and meowed for me to fix it. (It was cute! And sweet that he thought I could.)
Time to work on more introductions with the cats but Angua and Carrot are having snuggle time so I'm waiting for them to get tired of this first.
Yeah, I can't bring myself to interrupt snuggle time either. 

Well, I slept for ten hours and feel better--sort of. I had a dream I was playing with Slipper. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I wish Angua would be more willing to have Ruby around. Ruby is getting so restless in her safe room. She's literally bouncing off of the walls. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I wish Angua would be more willing to have Ruby around. Ruby is getting so restless in her safe room. She's literally bouncing off of the walls. 
How old is Ruby?  I think you've probably mentioned it but I must have missed that post. She sounds and looks like she's pretty young and so has lots of energy.    This might be the time for some interactive toys.    I had to invest in a large collection because Chula gets bored easily.  She doesn't literally bounce off the walls but she does literally try to climb them.  Anyway, sending vibes that poor Angua settles down soon.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Yeah, I can't bring myself to interrupt snuggle time either. 

Well, I slept for ten hours and feel better--sort of. I had a dream I was playing with Slipper. 
I'm glad you got the sleep.

This is part of the grieving process.  Yes, it's hard to wake up from that kind of dream, but it's one of the ways your brain is using to try to deal with the loss.  I keep waking up from dreams about doing things with my mother, and it takes me a few minutes to remember that I no longer have her.  I cherish the dreams, though.  I don't believe it's her "ghost" trying to talk with me or anything supernatural; I think it's my way of reminding myself of what she would say or do if she were still here.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I'm glad you got the sleep.

This is part of the grieving process.  Yes, it's hard to wake up from that kind of dream, but it's one of the ways your brain is using to try to deal with the loss.  I keep waking up from dreams about doing things with my mother, and it takes me a few minutes to remember that I no longer have her.  I cherish the dreams, though.  I don't believe it's her "ghost" trying to talk with me or anything supernatural; I think it's my way of reminding myself of what she would say or do if she were still here.

It's hard. I've been told, "But there are five other cats." To which I reply, "They are not this  cat." (You'd think, given that they live  here, they would know that--but apparently not.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Yes, @Tallyollyopia, some people are a bit slow.  I've noticed that myself.  Just don't let them talk you into trying to "say goodbye" or "get over it already!" before you're done grieving.  Grieving is a very important process, and we each do it at our own pace and in our own way.

By the way, you asked about The Cat Club.  Having checked @segelkatt's location from her profile, I believe that would be this organization: http://www.lagunawoodsvillage.com/section.cfm?id=265.



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Apparently the truck that was supposed  to come out to our house called the company and said that they'd fixed the problem! 
 After three days of this nonsense--of us calling for help and the local fix-it guys reporting that they'd fixed the problem, AWM canceled the contract with the company--who tried to convince us that we didn't need to--and we've had local stations since. (Better, because local's free.)
Don't you hate it when something like that happens?
I went to the mall with some co-workers once. The co-worker's car broke down right at the only entrance to the mall. She called AAA to get a tow truck to come and take the car to a repair shop and gave the name of the mall and all that. AAA said someone would be by in half an hour or so. An hour later, no one had shown up. Co-worker calls AAA back and was told that someone was on the way. Another hour goes by and still no tow truck. Co-worker calls AAA again and was told that the two truck driver drove to the mall and didn't find us so he left which was a complete lie because there is only ONE entrance to the mall. Co-worker expressed anger and frustration to the AAA customer service person. Another hour later a tow truck finally shows up. I think afterwards the co-worker made a really big complaint to AAA about their awful service.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Don't you hate it when something like that happens?
I went to the mall with some co-workers once. The co-worker's car broke down right at the only entrance to the mall. She called AAA to get a tow truck to come and take the car to a repair shop and gave the name of the mall and all that. AAA said someone would be by in half an hour or so. An hour later, no one had shown up. Co-worker calls AAA back and was told that someone was on the way. Another hour goes by and still no tow truck. Co-worker calls AAA again and was told that the two truck driver drove to the mall and didn't find us so he left which was a complete lie because there is only ONE entrance to the mall. Co-worker expressed anger and frustration to the AAA customer service person. Another hour later a tow truck finally shows up. I think afterwards the co-worker made a really big complaint to AAA about their awful service.
That's awful! I hope your coworker made them regret not having good service of some kind! Speaking of problematical encounters, I went to a different branch of my store last night to get AWM a bottle of water (and me a container of nachos, because I had a craving). As I was headed to the nacho serve area the woman working the store let me know in no uncertain terms that she had to close the bathrooms to clean them and that I should have used the restroom at home. 
 I wasn't even headed  towards the restrooms! (Not to mention that we're not allowed to close them for cleaning--just clean them between customers.) I'm caught between understanding why my customers love that I'm polite and understanding when they come in--to wanting to report her conduct! (I won't report her; we might have to work together one day.) It just frustrated me. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Last night sucked. I had a meltdown about euth and Floey. I almost called lap of love and just got it done with. I just hate seeing them ill. I have a good friend in Mass who messaged me to have me see her vet. I called just now and we will be there at 1pm in Concord MA. They have ultrasound right on site. There is nothing but good words about them. I am excited to finally find a decent vet. This case is complex because Floey doesn't do the classical signs of illness.

We pilled her with Pepcid last night because the transdermal isn't working for crap. Jon hugged her and I got her head back and dropped it in. she spit it out then I got it better-shut the mouth, blew on nose, rub the neck and waited for her to swallow-then followed with water 3 times. she kind of foamed but I wiped it up. she growled but didn't fight too much. She is still loopy from the mirtazapine. we wont be using that on her again. no interest in food. even 2 hours after Pepcid.

this morning i didn't sleep more than an hour. I layed on the floor and had a meltdown in my bedroom far away from her. I just cant hold it in anymore. I am an empeth and sometimes I erupt from emotions that I don't know how to get rid of. Jon was upset that I am even thinking of this but I told him if she doesn't eat by next week, the kindest thing is to let her go. I will not let her suffer and starve to death. I did fluids this morning. She tolerated it good. purred the whole time. was still wormy squirmy. Hopefully tomorrow we get some answers. We already did blood work 3 times this year and urine twice. the only step next is an ultrasound and hopefully they will help her-we have a few other drugs to try for nausea-incase the Cerenia is wearing off. So that will be disgussed. I also asked on the phone that I am needing a script for injectable Pepcid because of the faulty transdermal gel. I think some medicines work better this way. The Pepcid going through the ear bloodvessels may be too big to be absorbed properly into the stomach when the blood circulates to that area.

So hopefully we will know if they find anything. i doubt they will find anything because nothing was found on xrays and palpation exam but who knows?

I cant wait to get out of here. using  8 hours of pto tomorrow but I can sleep in a bit and we wont hit too much traffic on the way home.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Oh, @foxxycat, I am so sorry to hear this...

I am sending you so many good wishes and prayers your way....((hugs))

I was going to suggest a VCA Vet. They have an emergency room and lots of specialists there. Yes, It is an emergency room, but the specialists are right there on the other side of the building. They do consult with the ER on certain cases. 

Yes, ultrasound is right there. They also have a pharmacy on site--and it compounds medicines. 

The only thing, they are expensive, but they do provide good care.

I go to the one in Woburn, and see an internal medicine vet for Artie. 
They do all kinds of things there.. even water therapy..

They seem to be pretty straight forward. 

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
we have a vca in Portsmouth but its a beech to get an ultrasound scheduled. they say oh it could be this day blah blah. this place is Domino Vet Hospital has inhouse ultrasound and they will do it tomorrow. I just got a call from Broadview asking for permission to transfer records-I just explained that my good friend recommends them and they have ultrasound inhouse and no waiting. They actually have 6 openings tomorrow. my friend Kelly I met on the Lymphoma feline yahoo is her vet-she loves them. she has a furry horde with various medical needs and she says he doenst try to break the bank and sits with the animal for an hour getting to kmow them. not a rush through and spit them out.

i don't know about the compounding pharmacy but I will be sticking to injections of meds-there is a port I can add meds on her sub fluids so I may decide to do it this way so she gets only one prick instead of 3.

We will see.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
How old is Ruby?  I think you've probably mentioned it but I must have missed that post. She sounds and looks like she's pretty young and so has lots of energy.    This might be the time for some interactive toys.    I had to invest in a large collection because Chula gets bored easily.  She doesn't literally bounce off the walls but she does literally try to climb them.  Anyway, sending vibes that poor Angua settles down soon.  
Ruby is right around Angua's age so 1 year and a few months. She had babies in April or May though so I feel she may not have quite gotten the same being a young cat experience as everyone else. We have been playing with the cat dancer, a laser pointer, and just about anything else she can get her paws on. Right now, she is hunting a catnip banana. I feel that Angua would liker her if she gave her a chance. They both love to play and happily do so on either side of the dog gate, Ruby just can't look at her without Angua hissing and growling. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Awww, @foxxycat  I'm really sorry to hear what's going on.  It's so hard when we have to give all these medicines to our babies and they just don't understand what is going on.  What great news that you might have found a vet who can actually help Floey, though.  I really hope the ultrasound finds something that can be treated so that she recovers.  This is such a difficult time for you - you and Floey are in my thoughts.  ((((Many hugs))))) 
  Try to get some rest and keep us informed.

@NewYork1303   Ruby sounds like such a joy and like she's so happy to be in her home.   Have you tried putting up or spraying some Feliway?
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