Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Aw, @Artiemom  I'm so sorry to hear that Artie is still not himself.  Poor boy.   Chula was freaked out by the fireworks as well but we had them four days in a row and by the fourth day, she was over her fear.  I hope Artie feels better soon and starts eating again.  

Speaking of being freaked out - my daughter is in the hospital right now and they think she might have developed a toxicity to a medication she takes.  The doctors are not really sure though.  There is even the talk of encephalitis.  
  I'm trying to keep myself from doing too much internet research.  Everything I've seen so far is pretty scary.   Since she lives in a different state, I'll  rent a car to go see her if this isn't' resolved quickly.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, that was anticlimactic. I got to work only to discover that I read the schedule wrong; I'm not on today! 
 So, I'm going back to bed as soon as it cools down. (There's a storm coming through, so it should. 
Aw, @Artiemom  I'm so sorry to hear that Artie is still not himself.  Poor boy.   Chula was freaked out by the fireworks as well but we had them four days in a row and by the fourth day, she was over her fear.  I hope Artie feels better soon and starts eating again.  

Speaking of being freaked out - my daughter is in the hospital right now and they think she might have developed a toxicity to a medication she takes.  The doctors are not really sure though.  There is even the talk of encephalitis.  
  I'm trying to keep myself from doing too much internet research.  Everything I've seen so far is pretty scary.   Since she lives in a different state, I'll  rent a car to go see her if this isn't' resolved quickly.  
I hope your daughter gets better soon. (I also hope that it's not encephalitis--that's scary stuff!) I'm sure she'll feel better with her mother near, if she's sick long enough to need it. 
It sure is hot out there.

I am glad you wrote more! I can't wait to read it tonight so I can focus better!

I can't wait to get home and drill that hole out of the AC case to drain the darn water. I was fiddling with a digital level trying to figure out what 15 degrees looks like so I can make sure I have the right degrees tilt on the window unit. I could borrow it but I hate borrowing things. They have a small torpedo one I can borrow but those just have the bubble on top.

I had a box of all my hand tools together but then I put them in another toolbox and I couldn't find them this weekend. I hate it when I move things around. I try to keep everything in one spot.

I have to stop at Tractor Supply right after work to get catfood. The cats are being fussy about food. I don't know if its the heat or the end of the bag. I find that the last 2 cups of kibble they turn their noses up and when I buy fresh bag they eat it. I think its funny considering I put the food in ziplock bags. I would love to buy more than 2 bags but I don't know how fresh it stays in the bag. I don't know if the heat of the summer makes it go soft faster even with it in the factory sealed bags. I just wish I had a cellar or some kind of cool storage so I could buy more. I would love to have storage to buy 5 or more bags at a time. I usually buy more in the winter. We keep the bedrooms cooler in the winter-around 60 to 65. I still haven't decided what I am going to do after work. Part of me wants to sack out on the couch-part of me wants to go to the gym and watch Judge Judy and part of me wants to go swimming. I did not pack my summer clothes-I would have to stop at the house. I will think about it on the ride home. or back towards home. I wonder if the gym will be dead because its so warm out? hmm decisions decisions!
Our cats also dislike the last of the food in the bag, but they'll eat it quickly because they know I won't open the new bag until they do. Also; I don't know if this actually works, but back when Sissy was still alive my grandmother kept her bags of food in the fridge. (It gets really  hot down here, and she wanted to keep it fresh.) Just points to ponder; like I said, I don't know if it actually works. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I"m not sure I have anything to talk about today, other than, when I finish at TCS, I"m going over to Chewy.com to check on their cans of cat food.  I MUST find something that Hekitty will eat besides kibbles.  The caloric burden is too high,  I also want to find a decent water fountain for her.  Maybe that will keep me from wandering into the bathroom only to be greeted by the sight of my feline's hindquarters.  SIGH.  Persnickety, pestiferous brat cat.  Have I mentioned that I adore this animal?  

help me..... 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Thank you for that about the food.

Margd  I hope your daughter gets better soon and so glad you will go see her if needed. sometimes thats all that is needed. I stink at family support when people go in the hospital. 

Artiemom-glad you made it to the gym :)

Well I hit the gym too. too hot to do anything else. lots of people on the treadmill just meandering along. 

I got new cat food and floey ate. now she is laying on the deck on the wicker table. it has this low shelf under the table-like an end table-she will sleep there all night. Honeybee is looking for a mole. Pumps is lounging on the deck..ohh Honeybee just came in!

I drilled that hole at the bottom of the AC. didnt get all the water out but better than what it was.

Just ate a ham salad sandwich and ready to lay down. stay cool folks!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
I too am looking for canned food for my kitty, I'm thinking of trying holistic if I can afford another food and the price was good for the bigger cans. Sam and I went to San Antonio to stay with my boyfriend for a night, it's a 3 hour drive and Sam was more than fantastic. He was a bit upset at first but slept mostly. He was so good at the apartment, didn't scratch anything, great kitty box manners and was so good during the night. I think I love him more and more every second!! My ps4 came back from Sony last week and my controller came in today so I might get to play some tomorrow and hope the repair sticks. Going to Dallas week after next with Sam and casull, 4 hour drive, casull has a little car seat it's pretty cute and than my sister comes to visit the 18. Getting on end of summer madness


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I think he has a 10" one. The pet store I buy this particular collar from has the collars in the cat section for some reason.

Emma's collar is this one with the bell removed:

View media item 359639
Both cats have two tags on their collars: their rabies tag and their contact info tag. I know some vets don't give out rabies tag but mine does. I have several Etsy sellers who make pet tags marked as favorites:





TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Just got up and staying up so as not to screw up my sleeping schedule. Now, I need help. Since I started working AWM has taken over most of my house duties, including grooming the kitties. However, I was just petting Asia and discovered that half of her is covered in matts! 
 When I told her the matts need to come out, she said she didn't see why! 
 So I need to find some articles to show her to explain  why fur matts are more than an aesthetic problem. Where do I look for reputable info?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Aw, @Artiemom  I'm so sorry to hear that Artie is still not himself.  Poor boy.   Chula was freaked out by the fireworks as well but we had them four days in a row and by the fourth day, she was over her fear.  I hope Artie feels better soon and starts eating again.  

Speaking of being freaked out - my daughter is in the hospital right now and they think she might have developed a toxicity to a medication she takes.  The doctors are not really sure though.  There is even the talk of encephalitis.  
  I'm trying to keep myself from doing too much internet research.  Everything I've seen so far is pretty scary.   Since she lives in a different state, I'll  rent a car to go see her if this isn't' resolved quickly.  
@Margd   forget about me... I am sending good thoughts, wishes, vibes, and prayers for your daughter!!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
My husband just got switched to nights. Which means our schedules are 100% opposite. This also ruins our cat feeding schedule and our cat litter schedule. Of course, his work assumes all scheduling can be switched by tomorrow without problem. They should try telling that to our cats. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I think he has a 10" one. The pet store I buy this particular collar from has the collars in the cat section for some reason.

Emma's collar is this one with the bell removed:

View media item 359639
Both cats have two tags on their collars: their rabies tag and their contact info tag. I know some vets don't give out rabies tag but mine does. I have several Etsy sellers who make pet tags marked as favorites:



In the throwdown with my vet from hell over NOT handing out rabies tags I presented the county AC ordinance that clearly states all animals must have both the tag and the paper from the vet to be valid. Although it only specifies that dog wear them at all times.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Just got up and staying up so as not to screw up my sleeping schedule. Now, I need help. Since I started working AWM has taken over most of my house duties, including grooming the kitties. However, I was just petting Asia and discovered that half of her is covered in matts! 
 When I told her the matts need to come out, she said she didn't see why! 
 So I need to find some articles to show her to explain  why fur matts are more than an aesthetic problem. Where do I look for reputable info?
Here's an article that discusses some of the problems that can result when a cat's hair mats are not taken care of.  http://www.askthecatdoctor.com/catgroomingsupplies.html   As you can see, there are a lot of reasons to prevent matted hair, including the fact that they can be painful.  Having that tangled hair pulling on the skin beneath can hurt.

I'm feeling greatly relieved tonight.  My daughter has been sent home after the ER doctors ruled out all the serious, emergency issues that might explain her symptoms  Unfortunately, they didn't actually identify a reason for those symptoms so we still have no diagnosis.  I'll worry about that tomorrow.  Right now I'm just glad she doesn't have encephalitis or medication toxicity or blood clots.  Whew!  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I think the best way to feed the cats tomorrow is to give them their wet food when I get up and then to have Kody feed them their kibble when he gets up. I have a feeling they'll throw a fit about their food being so late.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I'm bummed.... I found out last night that Catster / Dogster is eliminating all of the community sections (pet profiles, forum, groups, etc) to become a magazine only web site (digital and print)
The announcement wasn't even prominently posted on the web site to let all users and guest know. It's hidden away with no direct link from the main page or Contact page or anything. An email was sent out yesterday but from reading one of the groups messages, not everyone received the email.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I can definitely say that hair matts hurt. I have seen my old girl Floey get crabby when she has matts. I try to comb her out 3 times a week. I usually get her fur buzzed off because she hates being brushed.

Last night the AC was on high all night. Slept like a baby. Almost didn't go to work because I wanted to roll over and go back to sleep.

This morning at work came to a big pile of you know what. Someone broke a grinding wheel because they were using it incorrectly. Thin wheels are for chopping. Someone used it to skim the sides of the welds which caused it to break in half. I instructed these guys to remember the training they all got. had to tell them that they need to use a thicker wheel for skimming/dressing since sideways pressure is put on the wheel and those thin cutting wheels are not designed to handle this. This was a person who has been here for many years. I am almost certain there will be a you know what storm from this. Frustrating when no one communicates. All I had was a note on my desk-no email=no discussion from management. I had to reach out to someone in management to find out what the problem is.

So looks like communication problems are everywhere. Back to your regular programing.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I'm bummed.... I found out last night that Catster / Dogster is eliminating all of the community sections (pet profiles, forum, groups, etc) to become a magazine only web site (digital and print)
The announcement wasn't even prominently posted on the web site to let all users and guest know. It's hidden away with no direct link from the main page or Contact page or anything. An email was sent out yesterday but from reading one of the groups messages, not everyone received the email.
Well good way to shoot themselves in the foot. I was a member of the Experience Projects for years and they shut their site down with little notice.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Just looked at the OT for the weekend-looks like someone else will be in for the weekend. although the numbers for our eligibility looks like I am more eligible for Sunday. So for now I have Saturday OFF! It would be nice if they just leave it the way it is with him on both days so it wont mess up my weekends but looks like because this person put in for one day I wont get a whole weekend for about 4 weeks. So stupid. But whatever. I may have to start coming in half an hour early and stay half hour over to at least get 5 hours during the week. So stupid. It was nice when  I could get unlimited overtime. I am just glad I held off on home improvement projects. I will have to push it out to Oct or Nov at this rate. Someone needs to learn to grow a money tree!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I dislike having to sneak around all morning trying not to wake my husband up. This has got to be the most complicated schedule ever. Carrot is not helping. He is meowing at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I'm bummed.... I found out last night that Catster / Dogster is eliminating all of the community sections (pet profiles, forum, groups, etc) to become a magazine only web site (digital and print)
The announcement wasn't even prominently posted on the web site to let all users and guest know. It's hidden away with no direct link from the main page or Contact page or anything. An email was sent out yesterday but from reading one of the groups messages, not everyone received the email.
I subscribed when it was still Cat Fancy. IMO the change ruined the magazine. A perfect example of taking something that wasn't broken and fixing it until it is. I let my subscription run out. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Just looked at the OT for the weekend-looks like someone else will be in for the weekend. although the numbers for our eligibility looks like I am more eligible for Sunday. So for now I have Saturday OFF! It would be nice if they just leave it the way it is with him on both days so it wont mess up my weekends but looks like because this person put in for one day I wont get a whole weekend for about 4 weeks. So stupid. But whatever. I may have to start coming in half an hour early and stay half hour over to at least get 5 hours during the week. So stupid. It was nice when  I could get unlimited overtime. I am just glad I held off on home improvement projects. I will have to push it out to Oct or Nov at this rate. Someone needs to learn to grow a money tree!!
Ask the government. I pretty sure they have a full orchard somewhere. I mean they're getting those baskets of money from somewhere right ?
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