Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
@MServantSeamus is laying in the cat grass I planted for all of them, only he took it over as his bed. Staying true to his personality of having to lay on everything, everywhere! I even put it on top of the fridge so he wouldn't get lay on itView media item 362776 You can see how successful that was!

margd margd Thank you. I think I have a good sampling of kitties. Like a box of chocolates. ....Lots to choose from.

tallyollyopia tallyollyopia Its amazing that even the my fishies have different personalities. When I had chickens, they all looked the same, but I could tell who was who by their personalities as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Floey nibbled a bit this morning. She slept in her window then I put her next to Jon. I told him to get ready for a rocky ride if the weight loss doesn't slow down. I know what needs to be done. Still doesn't make it easier to deal with. Been through this a few times already and you would think I wouldn't cry and worry so much but it doesn't matter if its cat #1 or cat #10. It still hurts. Lets pray and send positive thoughts that it's just the heat. She did loose a pound in 6 months but that's because we tried to get her off kibble. We switched her to fancy feast and her numbers improved. The last bloodwork 10 days ago still showed this improvement. But the vet noticed an awful lot of muscle wasting. The Cerenia and Pepcid helps to perk her up but she still having a hard time eating a huge amount.

Hopefully tomorrow the transdermal meds come in and we can get right onto giving them to her. I have to order the Cerenia online. At least I have oral Pepcid and this time I will smash it into butter. The heat comes back tomorrow. trying to convince Jon that it's a matter of life or death for this cat and stop trying to play hero by sitting in a hot house. It's affecting my mental health and if he doesn't listen to me I am going to kick his butt out soon! I am almost positive its the heat making her dehydrated so she can't grab food. I will see the vet tomorrow for pumpkin face and will bring floey for another round of shots/fluids. that should help get us to Friday. Plus I want them to weigh her to see if more loss. I do have a scale-its packed away and too hot to play in the attic type of storage. These cats really make me sad some days. Then Honeybee slept on me for a bit last night. I hand fed Floey several times. She ate her tuna this morning and I gave her more Miralax. The bubble is not as noticeable now-where subfluids are. Poor Floey-she always struggled with the heat. I have seen heat make elderly people VERY ill so I can imagine it does the same to elderly pets.

I told jon to set the AC at 71 tomorrow.

View media item 362788
Floey and her Stingray stuffed toy she sleeps with

View media item 362790
Floey in 2009- I love this photo.

She purred all the time at the vets-they think its the pain purr. Poor Floey. How I wish Icould make it all go away.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
You can see how successful that was!

@Margd Thank you. I think I have a good sampling of kitties. Like a box of chocolates. ....Lots to choose from.

@Tallyollyopia Its amazing that even the my fishies have different personalities. When I had chickens, they all looked the same, but I could tell who was who by their personalities as well.
 And it's amazing how many people don't realize it! 
Floey nibbled a bit this morning. She slept in her window then I put her next to Jon. I told him to get ready for a rocky ride if the weight loss doesn't slow down. I know what needs to be done. Still doesn't make it easier to deal with. Been through this a few times already and you would think I wouldn't cry and worry so much but it doesn't matter if its cat #1 or cat #10. It still hurts. Lets pray and send positive thoughts that it's just the heat. She did loose a pound in 6 months but that's because we tried to get her off kibble. We switched her to fancy feast and her numbers improved. The last bloodwork 10 days ago still showed this improvement. But the vet noticed an awful lot of muscle wasting. The Cerenia and Pepcid helps to perk her up but she still having a hard time eating a huge amount.

Hopefully tomorrow the transdermal meds come in and we can get right onto giving them to her. I have to order the Cerenia online. At least I have oral Pepcid and this time I will smash it into butter. The heat comes back tomorrow. trying to convince Jon that it's a matter of life or death for this cat and stop trying to play hero by sitting in a hot house. It's affecting my mental health and if he doesn't listen to me I am going to kick his butt out soon! I am almost positive its the heat making her dehydrated so she can't grab food. I will see the vet tomorrow for pumpkin face and will bring floey for another round of shots/fluids. that should help get us to Friday. Plus I want them to weigh her to see if more loss. I do have a scale-its packed away and too hot to play in the attic type of storage. These cats really make me sad some days. Then Honeybee slept on me for a bit last night. I hand fed Floey several times. She ate her tuna this morning and I gave her more Miralax. The bubble is not as noticeable now-where subfluids are. Poor Floey-she always struggled with the heat. I have seen heat make elderly people VERY ill so I can imagine it does the same to elderly pets.

I told jon to set the AC at 71 tomorrow.
It sounds like Floey is feeling at least a little better. (Have you considered offering her smaller, but more frequent meals? I don't know if that works with cats, but I know it helps with sick children getting over a bad stomach virus.) I hope she's all better soon and that you're not roasting today. (It's been really hot lately.

In other news I was online ordering this perfect-for-my-LS birthday card. Here's the video:

AWM saw me ordering it and asked me to add another couple; one for her DD and LB. 
 (I can't wait for the phone call after she receives it...)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yes we try to feed often-but usually she turns her head away after a few bites. The temp will get to 80 today=not too high. its tomorrow that is to be 92 then sat and sun 95+. Those days I worry. I put in for half a day sat so I can monitor her from 1pm until evening. She likes to sleep in the shade outside but hopefully I can get her to stay inside. I need the entire day of Sundays pay so can't afford more time off. counting down until Aug 13 when I am on vacation until Aug 30. It can't get here soon enough.

Going to talk to vet tomorrow about setting up subfluids at home when the temps get super hot. we have to do a reduced amount due to cardiac issues. I will probably only do 50 to 75 as 100 seems a bit high to me. But she feels better after the meds/fluids. the fluids is a life saver/

by the way=I love the photo of kat on the grass planter!! That's a cool cat! The Grass is cool to the touch-maybe they wanted to cool off the tumtum.

@kittensmom  Virtual hugs back at you. I really appreciate it. Wish this Heat would TAKE OFF! We are in a drought too. If this crap doesn't let up we will have a scary winter if everyone doesn't have water to heat their homes and will have frozen pipes. I don't use water for heat but I know most homes do=and not having electricity or water to circulate the water is not an option when we have -10 days.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Floey and her Stingray stuffed toy she sleeps with

View media item 362790
Floey in 2009- I love this photo.

She purred all the time at the vets-they think its the pain purr. Poor Floey. How I wish Icould make it all go away.
Oh, Foxxycat....I am so sorry about Floey not dong well. 

It really does hurt our hearts to see our babies in pain. 

I am hoping Jon keeps the AC on for her. Today is supposed to be a perfect day.. much cooler.. Tomorrow the heat comes back with a vengeance. 

I know the heat is affecting so many cats with different ailments. Floey is so beautiful! With all that fur, I can imagine how much the heat is bothering her. 

I have personally heard of 3 people whose cats have been sick within the past week..I swear it is the heat. Artie was not eating much yesterday when I had the AC off. Once I put the AC back on, he started eating like a pig. 

Sending you ((hugs)) and more Hugs for Floey to improve... The cerenia and the hydration should be helping. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
I hope Floey is OK, that's so sad but they couldn't find anything wrong with her? Hopefully it's just the heat, before the AC was on Sammy wasn't eating normally and wanted to sleep all the time that worried me. Once it was on though he has been much better but still loves his sleep. Would she lay on a cooling mat? Honestly we will suffer through the heat unless we see it affecting the fur kids, we still leave some fans running to push the cool air around from room to room and that helps. We put ice cubes in the water dishes also and that makes everyone happy. My friend recently lost her cat who stopped eating and just lost weight until he passed. He was 13, she's been taking it hard she adopted him a year or two ago and I don't think she will be getting another cat anytime soon. She's always loved cats but for some reason or another could never keep them until this last one. Let us know how floey is doing I hope she feels better with the AC


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
We actually shaved Floey in June-we didn't shave her as short-I wanted it to be a normal length. I think tonight I will have Jon hold her and clip some of the fur off her back. She may look funny but she really is a good cat. The hard part is shaving her belly. I should just let the Groomer do it but then I have to take a whole day off and help restrain her which is hard for me to watch. I know its necessary but Flo feeds off my nerves.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
She won't be at the shelter much longer. I submitted the paperwork to adopt her today! 
 It broke my heart leaving her yesterday and when I told my husband, he said we should bring her home. Now I just have to wait for the adoption person (who is also my volunteer coordinator) to approve it. 

I wonder what you will name her? If you stick with the theme of your other kitties how about Cheery Littlebottom? I recently adopted a Sam myself. Once Discworld gets a hold of you it doesn't let go....kinda like cats! Congratulations on your new addition.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
It's always fun trying to think up a name. Floey was Florence. We kept it because we call her Flo. The other cats we changed their names. It all depends on what you see as personality and how original you want their names to be. Honeybee should be named Trouble because that's what she is with a Capital T.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
 @foxxycat  I am so sorry to hear that Floey is not feeling well.  Poor baby.  I really hope that she starts to feel better soon.  Sending kisses and hugs her way.

@Artiemom  Kisses and hugs to Artie and hope he feels better.  He really has been through the ringer recently.

@NewYork1303   I think all of  us saw that a certain sweet tabby would be going home with you soon!  She really is a little doll.  Her brown eyes are just beautiful.

Confusing news for me.  After being told that all the paperwork was done and that I should be receiving my share of my ex's pension within days, I received another email telling me they were just beginning the whole process.  
  It has been over a year since my ex-retired.  Now begins another round of leaving voice mails and emails that are not returned for weeks, if ever.  At least the payment will be retroactive but....grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
That sounds cotton picking annoying as all heck Margd. I hope you get the money soon. Any money is better than no money. The bill last night was almost $300. I tell you what am I going to do if this keeps up? Good thing the meds will be taken care of for 2 months. as long as she takes the meds without too much fuss we will be ok.

She gave me needles for free which the other clinic charged me for them. These needles are the better ones. Starts with a T and are less ouchy.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Oh, @foxxycat    Those needles are Terumo needles.. I hear they are the best for doing IVFluids....

Easier to go in the cats do not mind it all that much...although, it is very rare for them to not mind a needle.

I heard of them, when I thought Artie was in kidney failure. I joined a couple of forums on Yahoo for it. I still get updates from them, even though I am not an active member or remember my Yahoo login name or password...

So glad you were able to get them for free. I think there were hard to find for a while. The members at that group know all the most inexpensive and best sites/stores to buy supplies...You do not want the BD needles...

@Margd    I would be going crazy about that.. I know what you mean.. I had to go something very similar with my health insurance..one notice, not covered so fixed that, and then I got a couple of notices saying I was covered from original application... maddening...I had to keep calling until I got it straightened out. Turns out the ones saying I was not covered was from an incorrect application that THEY filled out!! One was even from a computer glitch which put in the incorrect information. This happened when they switched servers...unbelievable....

They had to send my account to their "research" department...I was correct and are still waiting for my re-imbursement.. I do not feel confident that I will get that..

I think I will try hounding them, next week....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Keep calling them Artiemom-can you call the state to report this?

I ask because when I went through the hell of workers comp they skipped paying me several times or mailed medical bills to me-I was able to call the nh labor board and file a complaint. The person who was the case worker never answered their phone. I used to leave messages letting them know that they had until 12pm to resolve this-if they didn't call-by 1pm I called the state on them each time. They didn't believe me when I said I was going to report them. Or they tried scare tactics and back then I was so immature and lost sleep many nights. Now I know better-I know you are wiser now too-so VERY frustrating. I would keep calling and call the state office to find out if you have any options-most insurance companies don't like hearing from government offices threatening to slap a fine on them.

This issue I had was in 2007 to 2010. The excuses were never ending. Then I learned how to upload my paystubs and they STILL screwed up. I really don't know how people can work for this company and deny the person their coverage for what the law says and or purchased for carrier. I know the insurance companies are in the business to make money but it still royally ticks me off!
 They charge soo much then claim they are broke yet their top administration gets huge wages-that whole insurance thing ticks me off. A big scam.

Now to go off topic a bit-

I do purchase insurance but I am not happy that I am forced to. I also on another hand wish they would pass a law in nh to make it MANDATORY to carry insurance. my insurance went up $250 this year so I dropped them. Went with another company-the previous company made me carry uninsured motorist insurance. THAT TICKS ME OFF!!! IF you have to drive=pay for the privilege. They now have companies who do short term month to month coverage so there is no excuse. I know money is tight in some homes-maybe if the cops pulled more people over for cell phone use but there is only so many officiers and only so many people who can babysit other people. In the end that's all it is. another big fat lie because people don't know how to conduct themselves..sorry to side swipe the conver-just stinks when I have to pay for medical-house-car etc to these companies but  I NEVER File claims=and the rate goes up every year!!!

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
@foxxycat   I hope Floey is feeling better soon.  Personally I dread August.  That's usually our hottest month.  So far we've only had a few days in the 80's this summer.

I need to get out today.  I feel sad not sure why.  I also need to call my insurance company and I am not looking forward to it.  It will be bad news.  I haven't told DH yet but it looks like they denied the $79,000+ claim as well as one that is over 5 thousand.



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Oct 23, 2000
I am relatively new to this page and I absolutely LOVE it! Love the fun giveaways and the community is awesome! Thanks everyone!
Welcome aboard!! 

We love having new kittens join us 
 In case you've missed it, here's an article that tells you about all the other site sections as well. (Older sour pusses are welcome to read it too 

 [article="31219"]New Here I Have A Few Suggestions For You​[/article]  

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
It's awfully quiet today=how is everyone doing? I haven't heard from Jon yet so hopefully all is well. Interesting conver in the question of the day thread about ghosts. Mmmmm things that make me go Hmmm,.
I had to go shopping. I think I need one of those refrigerator's that you can look inside from your phone. I found a good looking recipe for spaghetti pie that I'm going to make tomorrow. Sans the meat. I'll make some meatballs for a side.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
It's awfully quiet today=how is everyone doing? I haven't heard from Jon yet so hopefully all is well. Interesting conver in the question of the day thread about ghosts. Mmmmm things that make me go Hmmm,.
I had to go shopping. I think I need one of those refrigerator's that you can look inside from your phone. I found a good looking recipe for spaghetti pie that I'm going to make tomorrow. Sans the meat. I'll make some meatballs for a side.
Speaking of refrigerators - I need to clean mine out.   I'll probably spend the rest of the day putting that off.  Paul and Chula have a nice clean box though.  I read the question of the day about ghosts.  I've never seen one and would like to keep it that way. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yeah we clean ours out every tue nite. trash day at 8am wed. I tossed some produce and yogurt that his truly wouldn't chop up and eat etc. I should weed the garden when I get home but I suspect I will read instead.

I am reading up on CRF on Tanya's site. What a wonderful site with so MUCH info! I am suspecting Floey has been battling pancreatitis but both bloodtests we did came back negative last year. She is extremely painful on her left side of chest/stomach when you are standing above her with her facing away. Or its the constipation. I wish the xrays showed something. almost time to go home. maybe I will lay down and pass out. then my luck I will be up all night like last night.
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I need to start cleaning mine out weekly too. I've found things in the back of my fridge that I'd defy anyone to identify 

I also need to pull weeds. I usually wait until right before the sun goes down since it so SO HOT OUT. 
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