Giveaway! Win a FREE copy of "Makin' Biscuits"!


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Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
We have a new fun giveaway for TCS members! We're giving away two copies of an awesome cat book this month:

 [product="20949"]Makin Biscuits Weird Cat Habits And The Even Weirder Habits Of The Humans Who Love Them​[/product]  

Makin’ Biscuits is an entertaining peek into the feline mind via a compilation of candid stories from cat lovers across all walks of life who share some of the funny, eccentric, weird and sometimes touching things their cats have done. Some stories will have you laughing out loud, some will tug at your heart, and some will leave you scratching your head in wonderment.

Not only will the book make you smile, it also shares an important message on proper pet responsibility and is filled with
well-researched advice, tips, and solutions to ensure your cat lives an optimally happy and healthy life befitting his feline nature.

Deborah Barnes is an award-winning author and cat advocate who promotes quality cat care, including spay/neuter. Her award-winning blog Zee & Zoey's Cat Chronicles  covers her everyday journey with her family of seven cats, along with topics ranging from the humorous behaviors of cats to very serious subjects relating to responsible pet ownership.

Deborah also takes part in our cat expert in our cat tips compilations! She's contributed tips to  [article="33610"]16 Experts Reveal The Most Common Litterbox Mistakes And How To Avoid Them​[/article]  and  [article="33503"]16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats​[/article]  and she even mentioned TCS as a resource in her book - thank you, Deb! 

So, how can you enter the draw for your own copy of the book?

1. Post to this thread and share a sweet, funny, strange or silly incident involving your cat, or a strange or funny habit your cat has.  If you can, add a photo so we can see your kitty too!

2. Clearly have the word ENTRY in your post (preferably at the beginning), so we can easily tell it apart from comments and general thread chit chat. 

3. If you have more than one story to share, you can post more than once but only up to 10 entries and not more than once a day. 

4. This GIVEAWAY will run for two weeks.  Last entry can be made by midnight of December 16th. The winner will be announced the following day, based on a random draw of all eligible entries!

5. Again, each member can have up to 10 entries in total. 

6. To participate in this giveaway you must be over 18 (eighteen) years of age.

7. The prize can be shipped to a US address only. The winner must provide a local US address.

8. This giveaway is for TCS members only. To win you must be a member with at least 10 posts on the site  by the day of the draw. If you're new to the community, welcome! Please contribute quality content and avoid spam posts just to boost your post count for the contest and don't forget to read the site rules.

Good luck, everyone! Can't wait to read the entries!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
ENTRY:  I used to live on the second floor of a garden apartment complex. Whenever I came home from work, my rainbow cat Milo somehow knew it was me opening the door to the building below.  He would frantically pound on my apartment door until he heard the key in the lock.  I couldn't even stop to check my mail in the lobby because the sound of Milo's banging echoed up and down the stairwell and roused the neighbors.  As soon as I entered the apartment, he raced to his scratching post, took a few swipes and ran back for snuggles.  It was actually a rather sweet homecoming.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia

I have so many cherished memories of my beloved Rani queen!  She always loved her toys, and I loved to take pictures of my beautiful girl with some of her favorites.  One day, we were being silly and I put one, named Lyle Crocodile, on her, surrounding her with some "mirror balls".  She actually permitted me to do this, and I took a couple of photos of her, which are among my favorites.  

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TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 29, 2014
Methuen, MA

This is Crystal.  She has the 'cattitude' which goes along with her coloring!  Everything is hers: toys, pet beds, MY bed.  Crystal will often go up to a cat who is napping in a pet bed, and swat until the cat leaves.  Then she - Crystal - marches off.  This was just to make sure the other cat knows, that is HER bed where you were napping!  She had no intention of using that bed, just wanted to remind the other cat who owns the place.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO

They all have their little quirks.  Connor is absolutely obsessed with anything plush.  I bought a whole bunch of plush pj bottoms because I work from home and I like having a kitty on my lap while I'm working.  And I bought myself a new plush blanket and I call it my "Connor bait."  I spread it next to me and before I can count to 10, Connor appears.  He starts out by kneading the plush.  He's very focused on it - like it's the absolute most important thing in the world.  The world will end if he does not knead that plush.  After around 10 - 15 minutes of this, he curls up against my leg - still on the plush - and purrs until he falls asleep.

Murphy is obsessed with my hair.  And with marking me.  He's always burying his face in my hair.  He'll sit there and arrange it until his face is fully covered.  A while back, I took a shower a shower and left right after to go get groceries.  When I got home, Murphy was frantic - weaving in and out of legs, pawing at me, and meowing insistently.  I finished putting the groceries away and sat down on the couch with him.  He went to work rubbing his scent glands on every part of me.  When he was done, he calmly walked away, picked up a toy mousey, and started batting it around.  Cracked me up.

Mickey is obsessed with belly rubs.  If you so much as glance in his direction, he rolls onto his back and starts purring, waiting for belly rubs.  If you try to stop, he'll grab your hand with his front paws and not let you go.

Connor thinks it's his job to make sure everyone is well-groomed.  So many times, I've caught him pinning Murphy down and cleaning his ears and everywhere.  Murphy struggles a bit, then sighs and lets Connor get on with it.  Connor will grab my hand and won't let go until it's thoroughly cleaned.  If I try to pull away, he grabs it, using claws, and continues licking.  It's best to just let him go.  And he must always groom my hair when it's wet from a shower.  Connor also has the closest thing to hands I've ever seen on a cat.  He can curl his toes around something and actually hold it - without claws.  He does it to my hand a lot and he has a pretty good grip.

Murphy is always pouncing on my step-daughter's head.  He'll come out of nowhere and launch himself at her head - no claws.  She's 3 so she starts giggling like crazy.  And he loves to curl up in my at night like a baby.  He purrs away, getting quieter and quieter until his purrs become soft little snores.  He's also obsessed with my computer.  He likes to grab it and click it.  I keep telling him he's hunting the wrong kind of mouse, but he won't listen.  He's also good at hunting flies.  Several months ago, he kept trying to catch one.  Finally, he clapped his front paws together and the fly had disappeared.  He kept his paws closed and kept looking around, confused.  Then he opened his paws and the fly flew out and the chase was back on.  Then, just a few weeks ago, he was hunting another fly.  He clapped his paws together and caught it, but this time, he realized he had it.  So, he opens his paws to look at it and claps them closed really fast, so it won't get away.  It still did, but it was cute as can be.  Like a little kid.

Mickey is my boyfriend's cat.  You don't choose the cat; the cat chooses you.  Connor and Murphy are mama's boys, but Mickey is all daddy's.  When John comes home from work, Mickey starts wagging his tail like a dog and gets really excited to jump on his lap.

I think the funniest story is about Connor.  I made John take Connor and Murphy to get neutered (we rescued MIckey a couple months later) and I went to pick them up.  That way, he was the evil villain who took them to the awful place and I was the hero who rescued them.  Murphy forgave him right away.  Connor, on the other hand, did not.  He wouldn't have anything to do with John for a week and a half.  He wouldn't even look at him.  If John was in the room, Connor would pointedly look in another direction.  If John tried to pet him, Connor would stand up, stick his nose in the air, and STRUT out of the room.  It was incredibly comical.  It made me of the rich, stuck up women in old cartoons.  John tried to give him treats and he turned up his nose until I picked the treats up and set them back down.  Then he wanted them - cuz they were from me.  John finally broke him with the laser pointer.  They both knew exactly what it was.  Every time one of us picked it up, they would sit in front of us, twitching their tails expectantly.  Well, John got out the laser pointer.  Connor saw.  He stayed on the couch and kept trying not to look.  He kept sneaking little glances at Murphy playing with it, then looked away really quickly.  He kept twitching, wanting to go after it; half sitting up then laying back down with a stubborn expression.  Finally, he couldn't resist it anymore and launched himself at the red dot.  After that, he was back to normal around John.  Funniest thing I've ever seen.
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
ENTRY:   Here's another story of my rainbow kitty Milo.
  He refused to permit objects to be placed on my night stand,other than the lamp.  He slept beside me, at the side of the bed adjacent to the night stand, and insisted the surface remain completely clear.  If I put anything on it, he knocked it off.  In no time at all, I was trained to put my water bottle, books, hand cream and other items on the floor beside the bed.  Should I forget - crash - the offending item hit the ground as soon as he saw it.   I'm sure it looked very strange to visitors, to see this pile of bottles and books etc cluttering up the floor, while a nearby night stand remained totally clear.  After he passed away, it was months before I could put anything on the night stand because it meant he was really gone.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO

Connor is quite the stubborn little brat.  Around 4am - ish, they all go into "play mode."  They're loud and rowdy so we put them out of the bedroom and shut the door.  When playtime is over, Connor comes scratching on the door.  He won't stop until we let him back in.  Which means waking up enough to realize the scratching is real and not part of a dream.  Yesterday, they were running around all crazy when I needed to start working so I closed them out.  Half an hour later, Connor started scratching on the door, wanting to come in for one of his many naps.  I didn't have a break scheduled for another hour so I couldn't get up to open the door and he stubbornly scratched on it for the entire hour.  John couldn't let him in because he was also at work.


TCS Member
Oct 27, 2016
Badger, my 6 month tuxedo, LOVES playing with water but hates getting wet. I finally kept the water bowl in the bathroom sink because everything was wet. He will also jump onto me from just about anywhere. Either floor to chest then climb up to shoulder, he'll walk off the main floor under the stair railing onto my shoulder as i go down. I'll be taking my boots off and he'll jump onto my back, then when i stand up he'll walk up my back so he's on my shoulders. I rest my arm on the stair railing and he'll walk along my arm (VERY scary, he doesn't have great balance yet and he's still got those needle sharp kitten claws)

Whiskey, my year and half grey tabby, doesn't give a rip about getting wet, i scooped handfuls of water over him and he just stood there. And he plays fetch. Just randomly started doing it and i just laughed.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005

One of the funniest things Max did was walking on the treadmill with me. At first he just sat there and watched. One day he just stepped up on the treadmill in front of me. It was a manual one. Anyway, he walked and I walked. When he had enough, he just got off. We have a video of it somewhere. :lol3:


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
ENTRY:   Here's one last story about Milo.  He liked chewing the ends off the leaves of my houseplants and knowing  this, it was dumb of me to put a fern on the floor while cleaning the top of the bookcase where it usually sat.  Milo was there in a shot. I told him NO, finished cleaning and put it back on top of the bookcase which was about 4 feet high.  Milo had never paid any attention to it before but to be on the safe side, I had covered the rest of the surface with various knickknacks.  For the rest of the day, I noticed him periodically staring up at the plant with what I could have sworn was a speculative look in his eyes.  Night came and we went to bed, Milo in his usual spot beside me.  About 20 minutes after I'd fallen asleep, my sleep was shattered by a tremendous CRASH!!  I sat bolt upright in bed with my heart pounding only to see Milo sitting on top of the bookshelf and the plant and its pot in pieces on the floor.  It's the only time I've ever seen a cat really look guilty.  He knew he'd been Bad.  However, he looked so darn cute sitting up there all wide eyed and afraid he was about to get a scolding that I didn't have the heart to actually give him one.   He did learn his lesson though. He never went after that plant again.  
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Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee

Ms. Tina was a former "dumped" cat who was feral, that I have TNR and attempted numerous times into making an indoor kitty, to no avail (she goes berserk in the house and destroys things, even in a kitty-proofed room).

She LOVES to ride in a car, of all things.

Every evening she waits for me to get home from work, runs to the end of the driveway, and climbs into the car while I'm out getting mail out of the mailbox.  Then she will ride up to the house sitting on the console, as pretty as an Eqyptian statue, just loving the ride and view.  This has become our every day routine!  Yesterday it was rainy and nasty, now I have little muddy paw prints on my leather seats, but oh well, it's worth it!

She is my little sweetie.  I just wish she would behave in the house, because both boys like her!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO

Sweet Thing was always an indoor/outdoor cat, and a mighty hunter.  One day she caught and killed a mouse that had a litter.  But she didn't want to kill the babies (I guess they didn't smell like mice yet), so she brought them all to me, one at a time, for me to take care of.

  I hated to flush the little things, but what else could I do?

Unfortunately, I have no pictures of Sweet Thing.
