Booboo is confusingly not well


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Oh boy, poor Chickster. How old is she? (sorry if you've already said)

How much exercise is she getting?
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  • #362


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
She's about 2 years old now. I think. If she's not yet 2 she's only a couple months away. I've got a pretty bad memory. My vet has her record since she was 3 weeks old, I will check. I thought Boo was 1 year older than he actually was
Kept saying he was 14 and he is only 13.

One dribble from Chickster sometime early this morning, very small amount. None from Boo, just lots of pee !


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Chickster might benefit from more exercise if she isn't playing much. Get into a routine of playing with her every night (unless you already do this) to help her keep her blood (and everything else) moving, and it will help reduce stress. For both of you.
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  • #364


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
She is getting a bit chubby, I'd put her in the 10-11 pound range now. I am going outside to get a small branch off a tree and tie some felt on the end. She goes nuts over that. And the laser light. I played with her just last night, and she also has all sorts of toys (including bottle caps) in the house. I try to play with both of them every day for at least 10 minutes. But some days I do not. I will certainly try to do this every day. The last thing I want is Chickster coming down with some disease too.

And Boo poo'd earlier. THE SMELL IS GONE! YAY!!
It smells like regular old poop now! It was a different color though, more of a yellow (like when he used to eat his C/D all the time) than the dark/medium brown. It has more consistency now, but is nowhere near firm, but it is a very thick pasty consistency. It had some thicker, darker bits in it, I am wondering if that is the litter working its way out bit by bit or if he had a bacteria infection. He was not running a fever at the vet's. (Heck he's anemic, his little ears stay pretty cool nearly all the time now)

One question, if anyone has a clue, why would his Hemocrit value go UP? It went up from 11 to 13% (I had it backwards and thought it had gone down). If he has non-regenerative anemia, which he has NOT been diagnosed with formally, just anemia, why would it go up? Maybe he does not have non-regenerative anemia? I can't wait to get done with this Amforal stuff to start him back on his supp's, and we will only start with a couple of DROPS this time, not any more, and slowly work our way back up to 1/4 of a mL.

Thanks all <3 <3 Hope you and your furbabies are well
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  • #365


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I may have already asked this, and if I have sorry, and I may just be overreacting or worrying too much -- I gave Boo a bath a little while ago (About 30 minutes ago) and trimmed some of his fur up (he is more cooperative in the bath) I used the Nature Bath stuff that smells like Cherries and is all natural and has no chemicals. Primarily coconut oil or something.. But he is shivering/trembling .. Now, he's always done that after a bath, and I don't know why I'm so concerned about it, but he did eat afterwards and I tried blow drying him (kept the blow dryer a safe distance so as not to burn him or anything) and he's mostly dry but still shivering a bit. He's always refused to lay down after a bath until either a) he's worn out from sitting up or b) he's dry. I put a heating pad set on the lowest setting (warm, low, medium, high, it's set on warm) and put a clean dry dish towel over him like a blanket (He's in a small cardboard box beside my monitor right now) and I just.. I dunno. It's bothersome to see. IS it normal for cats to tremble after a bath? Not cold in the house, 76 outside and same inside. Not cold to us, anyway. Oop. Oop *peers over slowly* he is laying down! Ooo. I asked him if he was okay and he turned his head away from me *sighs* I think it's time to curl up in bed and sleep. Poor cat. I hate it, now I regret giving him a bath. I got a lot of mats off his hips in the bath, and trimmed his fur up around his rear, and was hoping the bath might get rid of any fleas. And he apparently does have fleas, I saw one pop off of him earlier and I killed it. It was very sluggish. But I saw none in the tub or on him in the tub. I searched like crazy. Maybe it was only one??? I CAN HOPE!!!

Sorry guys. Rambling. Tired. Scared and worried like an overprotective mom over my poor Boo.

Thanks guys


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
How is BooBoo doing now?
I hope he has warmed up. If you can ata all avoid it, I wouldn't give him any more baths after this. I do understand that you had to get those mats out though.

How do you think he picked up fleas? Ask your vet about using frontline plus on both cats, it should be safe for Booboo but definitely ask first.
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  • #369


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Yes, I called both of my vets. My usual one said to use advantix (I think it was advantix, I know I mentioned it in the thread somewhere), which is what we used before he was sick. My other vet said do NOT use that on Boo, it was too harsh, to use frontline. I put frontline on him a couple of weeks ago (or more? I'll have to read back, I can't remember now) and Chickster hasn't been treated yet, 1 package of the frontline was 17 bucks and I will have to wait until this Friday to get it. The fleas most definitely came from outside, those 2 wanderers (A black bobtail and a gray tabby, both females) and they are in the yard. I've not yet looked into options for flea treatments for the yard.
He warmed up well though he's still a little ticked at me, drank water and had his fluids. He's gone pee during the night but no poopies yet.
I know I shouldn't give him baths regularly. He stays clean (save for the odd poopies on his foot or stepping in pee, then I only rinse off his foot) and I know it can dry his skin out, make him cold, uncomfortable. I did want to get some more of those mats off, because if I scratched at them gently he would start licking my hand like crazy, but if I tried to pull gently to cut them with scissors he'd get ticked. So in the bath he barely noticed, he was more worried about the water that was up to his belly. Got ALOT of fur off. His poor belly is bald anyway, but I got his belly cleaned up too. It had orangey/black dots in places (after I had him trimmed at the vets) so that is gone now.
He has eaten a small bit of dry treat after his fluid, but wouldn't take anymore and he wouldn't take his wet Hi Tor, so I guess I will have to open a new can. This is the problem I am coming up against with Hi Tor, as soon as it's refrigerated, I can use it maybe once or twice again that same day, but he refuses it if it's been in there longer than that. So I find myself opening a fresh can every day and sometimes more than once just to get him to eat. I've tried microwaving on 9 seconds (Old microwave, gets it warm in places and not in others, mix it up and it's room temperature) and sometimes he will, sometimes he won't, eat it.
SOMEONE (*coughcough*Mom*coughcough*) put down his Royal Canin bowl in the kitchen and I think Chickster may have gotten into it, and I do NOT want her eating that. I tuckered her out yesterday from playing with a stick and a laser light, she has been quiet alllllllllllllllllll night and morning laying on the bed sucking on her toe.

AS for Boo, I will update later on this afternoon. He has 3 doses of Amforal left, so we will see by tomorrow if he still has runs .. I'm terrified he's going to get constipated... but the vet assured me that won't happen. His poop is so pasty now it's a wonder it's coming out at all. It's like... cookie batter. Ick. Well who wants cookies!

Thanks guys for your support and concern. Hugs to you all and your furbabies


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Advantix is a flea treatment for dogs ONLY, and is deathly toxic to cats. You probably are thinking of Advantage.

I understand why you had to bathe him, those mats hurt and had to come off!

Sounds like Chickster had a fun Game time!

Mazy won't eat the canned c/d after it has been opened and refrigerated, either. She is not a finicky cat, so it is strange that she won't, but that is why she is on dry c/d. If Hills made the c/d in 3 oz cans I would have Mazy on the canned.

Thanks for keeping us up to date.
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  • #371


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
(Yes I meant Advantage LOL Sorry) It's weird that the Hi Tor changes colors and even gets very strong smell after being in the fridge @ around 12 hours or so. It pales and starts smelling like very strong vienna sausages.
I certainly won't be giving Boo another bath for awhile, but his belly is free from all that orange/brown dirt from where some of the mats were, but he is still itching occasionally. He jumped up on my monitor (unusual for him) and was just general uneasy for most of this morning. He did not eat but a couple pieces of his dry "Treat" after fluids (Which is Purina one, only about 4-5 pieces) and he refuses completely to tough the Hi Tor, even out of a fresh can. I went so far as to put some regular wet cat food in it, but to no avail. I just gave him his Amforal so he may have just had an upset stomach. He did eat some Royal Canin, too, a few minutes ago. Maybe a mouthful or two. He's had water. He is in his window. His eyes are wide and bright, no third eyelid showing. Fluids went well. Still no poop. Has peed a few times this morning. His skin turgor is very good. He has been trotting everywhere he goes.
Right now I think things are alright. Will be monitoring him for poops and more food. Oh, and here he is now, looking for a high place to get up on. Perhaps I need to get a few more capstar pills? He hasn't had one for over 1 or months, it's been awhile. All this restlessness isn't going to help him any. *sigh* I'm off to watch him for awhile and try to find a place he'll like to rest. He's just gotten into my closet which I try to keep blocked, because there is so much stuff in there, but noooooooo, Mr. Ninja figured out a way to get in there! Now I have to dig him out! GEesh! LOL

Thanks guys <3 I really mean it
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  • #372


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I am pretty sure he is breathing too fast. I turned the heating pad off (it was barely warm) and sometimes he is acting like he may be sniffing the air (You know how their breathing will speed up as they sniff) then he stops and goes to to a faster breathing rate than normal. He took a really big breath and exhaled, then went back to breathing a little faster than normal. Going to call the vet right now. please send vibes.
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  • #373


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
FRICK All the vets are closed for Memorial and the only ER vet that may be open nearly killed him last time I took him there. I don't know what to do!!
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  • #374


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Chickster and Boo are breathing at the same rate and she's at rest too. Should I be worried about this?? Sometimes he'll slow his breathing down a bit, then go back to breathing a bit fsater. Maybe 2 breaths a second. (Make that one, which includes inhale and exhale)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Since both cats seem to be breathing faster than normal, I think you should try not to panic. Is it hot there? Have you been cleaning (raising dust?)

Maybe you just need to take a break. Go out for a walk (or something else that is fun and stress reducing for you) and let them take a nap. Sometimes we can drive ourselves crazy with hovering. I don't blame you I am the same way. But getting out and away from things for a half hour or so may help you relax.

to all of you.
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  • #376


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Well Chickster's is normal. But Boo always breathed slower than he is now, it is not hot here, I have a fan on in the room and it's probably about 70-72 inside. We're having a thunderstorm and rain now, just came up. No cleaning. I think his breathing is improving, but every so often he will go back to breathing quick like he is sniffing the air but his head is laid on the side of the box. Heck he could be dreaming and I not know it, but I saw his third eyelids and his eyes aren't all they way closed.

I think you are right about my panicking. I hate it when I can't get in touch with a vet to ask something. Perhaps I will go lay down and be quiet so he can get some rest. My BP and HR went up (I checked it just to know) and my HR is 100 and BP shot up to 133/95, so if I get away to the bed and calm down perhaps he will too.

Thank you for calming me down a bit. I am going to do what you advised and get away for a bit. Thank you
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  • #377


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Okay. I went downstairs to eat and leave him be and he followed me, sat in his window. His breathing was normal. He's purring. Now he's back in my bedroom eating. Just an overreaction. Maybe something to do with his trotting everywhere he goes today instead of just walking. He went pee again but no poopies runny or otherwise just yet.

Sorry guys


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
You're just a worried mommy, understandably! I'm the same way. I think we all are. But Otto gave some great advice. And I'm sure our kitties pick up on our moods, if we're stressed, they become stressed too! So just try to enjoy your holiday, assuming you've got it off!
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  • #379


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Well, he rested in his box and I took a nap, then about 7pm I woke up to a crashing sound. I don't know if Boo fell off the desk, tripped getting out of the box, or simply walked by on the floor and accidentally yanked it down by the cord of the heating pad. He was standing in the floor looking around like, "What just happened?" He's not limping.
He did eat pretty well this evening before I left, and he was trotting to the window, but most of all he is restless and trying to get off the floor to get away from fleas. I still didn't see any, but doesn't mean they aren't there I guess. The bath made things worse if anything and I'm going to call the vet to ask what options we have about stopping this, because it's driving him up a wall and no doubt making him feel worse.
But other good news, right before I left he went poo! And it was an actual, regular poo! Little tan, little medium/dark brown, but it didn't smell so foul. And he seemed to feel a little better after that. He peed again too. I ran out of puppy pads and newspaper, so I had a big bag of old books I was trying to figure out how to rid of, and wala! I have plenty of paper to make it until we can get him started on his supp's and put some kind of litter back in the boxes.
I was so happy to see a regular poop that it really helped calm me down. I didn't bother him before I left, he was sitting up on a chair on a pillow and sleeping soundly, and his breathing was normal. Perhaps the heating pad wasn't such a good idea, even on the lowest setting?

Anyway. Thanks guys for everything. I will try not to hover and nag, but geting my mind on some work will definitely help. Hope everyone has a good day
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  • #380


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Another solid stool this morning. No foul smell, but strong poop smell. Anyway, he's doing great. Itchy still, I called the vet and he gave us the green light for using capstar pills with his Amforal and I can start the Pet-Tinic whenever I want. I will start with only 3 or so drops from a dropper, and move up 1 drop a day or so to make sure it does not cause any unfavorable changes. Then, after a few days of that, I plan on buying some yesterday's news and see how he does with it, maybe slowly add it back into shredded books (Ran out of newspaper, found a bunch of books I was going to get rid of and said ding!!! Paper!!) He is still itching really badly and not really getting any rest. He is chewing at the mats I couldn't get to at the curve of the front of his upper back legs. Poor baby is bald anyway on his belly (not from shaving or fleas, just, bald)

I came home he was very alert, ate, drank lots of water, fluids were a little tough (His skin has tightened up on the sides) I am going to go try to buy 2 capstars to give him and ask about when I can give him the next treatment of frontline, or what. I wish there was a safe dip or something for him. Perhaps he is grooming? Heck he may be! I don't know.
What happened with the fast breathing I put down to separation anxiety on my part, knowing I was going back to work and having to leave him, that is what caused that. As soon as I was at work, I didn't worry about him all night.
And he is fine.

Thanks guys <3 Here's to hoping we can stop the destruction of old paperbacks and get some honest to goodness bagged litter of SOME sort in the house!