Big Brother 3


TCS Member
Nov 5, 2000
I didn't realize they couldn't veto themselves. Well that explains it then. And Sparkle, I think you are right...I think Amy has very low self esteem, and I think that is why she drinks so much...I think she has alot of inner conflict and is really hurting inside.

I was glad to see Roddy go. I liked him, but yet, he had to go to make room for Jason to win!!!

Oh I hope Jason DOES win!!!!! I am THRILLED he won HOH tonight!!! I wish he would nominate Danielle, but that will never happen. I used to really like her, but she has just gotten on my nerves with the way she is so sure she will win, and she is just out for blood to do it. When the time comes she will turn on Jason too...I really believe that, because I don't think anything is more important to her than that money. Granted it is a game, and that's ALOT of money...but that is ALL she cares about in my opinion, and noone will stand in her way. That's why i want to see her go, because I really want Jason to win, and I don't think she will let him make it to the last two with her, because she knows too many people like him. I think she will wait till it's down to the last three, then get rid of him so she is up against someone not so well liked. What do you guys think????

I think Jason my put up Lisa against someone, but who knows. I'm not sure who he will put up.

And now we have to wait a whole week for another show!!!!
Why couldn't they have had it on a different night instead of making us wait a week?

jeanie g.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2002
I think we might need to form a support group. No Big Brother for a week? How dare they? Last week the Steelers played an exhibition game and pre-empted Big Brother. I had to stay up until 11 p.m. when it was aired on UPN. It's bad enough to have football pre-empt other programs, but an EXHIBITION GAME, WHICH MEANS NOTHING BUT GLORIFIED PRACTICE? There ought to be a law!

Debby, I still want Jason to be first, but I still like Daniela. I can't forget that Lisa, as pleasant as she is, was sleeping with a man she barely knew. They might not have had sex, but they weren't telling bedtime stories either. Also, I would prefer a wife and mother to come in second than a bartender. I'm a prude, I know. That's not a profession I would hope my daughters would aspire to. They were both waitresses before college, but it was a family restaurant.
I hope Marcellas goes next! Roddy had to go for Jason to win, and it was not ethical to flirt with Marcellas and Amy and then get her so upset. (I don't like her, but fair's fair.)


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
I really cannot stand Danielle. She is soooo annoying to me, and she is out for blood no matter who's toes she has to step on. I mean, have some integrity, I know its a game, but c'mon. And she seems to be obsessed about "needing the cash". Like she'll die if she doesn't win.

I hope in the end either Lisa or Jason take the cash. I think Jason is a genuine person and deserves it, but if I had to pick someone else, Lisa I guess would be my choice. I sure as heck like her better than Danielle right now ( Sorry Jeanie, I know you just posted how she slept with someone w/o knowing them, but that doesn't really bother me too much. I guess its cause I am young myself.
And there is nothing wrong with being a bartender, it pays the bills and she could be doing something a lot worse in my opinion. )

Anyway, that is what I see or hope will happen.

jeanie g.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2002
Daniela, It's not always age that forms opinions. There were quite a few young people sleeping together when I was in my twenties, but more people went to church and the pastors were not afraid of the word "sin." I've been a church musician for quite a few years, and seldom hear the word. I have not heard a pastor tell the congregation that fornication is a sin for years, because they are afraid to lose the youth of the church. That's a sad commentary on today's ministers, but it's true of the churches for which I have worked. My pastor tells me he teaches the confirmation classes this, but the kids think "grace" covers anything.

As for the bartender thing, I admit this is a personal prejudice. Someone I love very much is in danger of losing a family because of alcoholism.
As for Danielle, I think the producers showed those couple of clips about her being needy to manipulate opinion. She is crafty, but she is protecting Jason, and I think she has a good heart.

Good grief! I got a bit serious there, didn't I? Sorry, but I feel strongly about Christian morality. It's easy to call yourself a Christian; it's much harder to live the life. The bravest kids are the ones who can hold their heads up and say, "I'm going to Sunday School," or "I'm a Boy Scout." It's not cool to lead a moral life.


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
Jeanie, I don't think you are being too serious in the least. You have an opinion and you are entitled to voice it.

I am not a religious person, never have been. I don't believe in church, or organized religion, and I don't practice it. I am spiritual though.

As far as the bartending thing, well just because you tend bar doesn't mean you are an alcoholic or are making others one. My hubby and I will go out for an occasional drink ( when we can find a sitter that it
), and I don't look badly upon who ever serves us. And I have alcoholism on my in laws side of the family, so I am familiar with that as well.

I guess we just have differing opinions on these matters, but thats ok. Thats what makes this world interesting.


TCS Member
Mar 4, 2001
At this point the only ones I'd like to see win are either Jason or Lisa. I can't stand Danielle. What was up with her rant in the diary room about Roddy being satan? As far as I can tell the only thing he's done wrong is being her biggest competitior. She's threatened by him, pure and simple but I don't think that makes him lucifer, which has become her battle cry. Roddy hasn't played the game anymore deviously than D, Marc, or anyone else in that house. She's been more devious about her alliance with Jason than anything Roddy has done. Marc humiliated his supposed best friend in the house in front of all of america, made fun of jerry maliciously behind his back after jerry saved him from eviction and Roddy's the devil? It bugs me that she gets on these rants where she compares him repeatedly to lucifer. I'd like to see her go next but that isn't going to happen.

I didn't like Lisa much initially, but she's grown on me. If there is any alcoholic in the house, it's Amy, not Lisa. I've got friends that bartender and none of them are alcoholics. You can make good money if you're friendly. It's respectable job that pays well if you don't want to work in a tradional work environment and pull 9-5ers. My step sister owns a bar, and neither her nor her husband abuse alcohol.

Now Amy, she's got a problem with the booze.


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
Colby, exactly on about Danielle! I can't believe she was comparing Roddy to Satan and Lucifer. Its a game for christmas sake! And she has been just as deceptive and devious, I remember when Roddy asked her about how she felt about him, and she looked him square in the eye and lied! She said she hadn't said any of those things!
But then the next scene she is ranting and raving about how he is a liar yadda yadda yadda. Jeesh, give me a break!!

I liked Roddy but now that he's gone I guess its too late to defend him! So, GO JASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Mar 4, 2001
If Jason can't win, then I don't want Danielle to. I would take anyone over her, and that's saying a lot because I don't think Marc or Amy deserve it.

jeanie g.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2002
I have to defend Danielle! I think the Lucifer, Satan thing is a joke! Has no one noticed the twinkle in her eye when she says it? I think she sees him as Machiavellian in his behavior, and he is! He's also intelligent and charming. He escaped leaving almost miraculously, magically. Of course it was because his friends changed their minds, but he certainly had the luck of the Irish!

Lisa? I like her. I just hope she aspires to a different career. I had a much loved uncle who was a bartender. Any honest work is honorable, but is that the hope you have for your children? Especially the extremely gifted ones? She's young enough to aspire to almost any career, and judging her intelligence by the way she speaks and her general demeanor (which is what most of us do), I don't think she has to spend the rest of her life on her feet fending off customers who have had one too many and think waitresses and bartenders are theirs for the asking.

There are honorable and dishonorable bartenders. The relative I told you about, who may lose his wife and children, got served with no questions asked at every bar he entered--between here and Pittsburgh --from age 16 on because he was tall.

Go Jason, and if not, let Danielle's kids have a good life or Lisa to to college. (and stay out of men's beds!)


TCS Member
Nov 5, 2000
Well, in Lisa's defense (and I must admit she has grown on me as well)....she might have been in the same bed with another man....but she didn't actually do the deed so to speak, with him. Sleeping in a bed with a man and "sleeping" with him are two different things. As for her job....bartender....well, not much more glamorous than mine...factory worker. Would hate to be judged by that.

I agree with Daniela and Colby about Danielle.....I do not want her to win. I am not sure why...but she is rubbing me the wrong way.
She seems so desperate.

I really want Jason to win. But if not him....I would rather see Lisa win it than any of the others that are still there.


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
When you say about would I want my child to "aspire" to be a bartender, the answer is YES! I want my child to do whatever job he or she wants to do, and if that means tending bar then so be it. I would never judge anyone on the type of job they do, whether they are a bartender or a surgeon. Of course I want my child to be "successful", but being a bartender does not mean ones not successful, maybe some people look at it that way though.

My husband once told me he would shovel *hit if it meant paying the bills and putting food in our mouths. Now THAT is commendable in my opinion.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 4, 2001
Ottawa. Ontario, Canada
I agree! When I was growing up, my parents told me I could be anything I wanted to be. I spent a lot of years floundering before I realized that the key word in that phrase was not *anything*, it was *WANT*...


TCS Member
Mar 4, 2001
I don't like Danielle because she's a hypocrite. Roddy didn't play the game any less 'honorably' than her or anyone else but she skewered him in the DR & with everyone else (but him and she sure lie quick enough when he asked her about it straight out) because she was scared to death of him. She had to build up how 'bad' he was to everyone else, so they would all become as paranoid by him as she was. Well bully for Danielle.

jeanie g.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2002
I know I said that any honest work was honorable. Have my friends forgotten that? I also said that a bartender is often hassled by drunks, and dishonorable bartenders serve children of 16. My husband is a mechanic and my son is a truckdriver. I don't think I'm an "occupational snob." I admitted that the bartenders in my area ALL served a sixteen year old relative who is in danger of losing his family, and that affected my opinion. That child was taken to the hospital twice for alcohol poisoning, but the bartender was not prosecuted. The police didn't care. The parents tried every program available, including psychological counseling. Now he is an adult and has had several DWI's. We are all shaped by our experiences, and this one hit a bit too close to home. I used to keep alcohol in the house. No more.

Would you feel different if it was someone you loved? The law doesn't, but no one reports bartenders. Drinking is socially acceptable. But alcohol
is the drug of choice for many teenagers. I'm sorry if I offended you, but most of you have children. Think about it.


TCS Member
Mar 4, 2001
There are crooked bartenders just as there are crooked people in every profession, but I have to wonder, at what point does a person take personal responsible for the trouble they are causing themselves?

This idiot who's suing the fast food companies, it's not HIS fault he gained weight eating junk. It's everyone elses fault that it's available. I certainly feel for anyone who has an addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, fast food or whatever, but I also think that we have to at some point accept responsibility for our actions.

You bet Amy is going to respond to any critism about her drinking by blaming it on BB for putting it in the house, but they sure didn't hold open her mouth and pour it down her throat. Poor judgement on BBs part, certainly, but Amys a grown woman with free will.

I don't have kids, and I may not ever have them. But if I do they are going to have a have a very strong sense of personal responsibility, just like I do.


TCS Member
Nov 5, 2000
Originally posted by JulieB
I agree! When I was growing up, my parents told me I could be anything I wanted to be. I spent a lot of years floundering before I realized that the key word in that phrase was not *anything*, it was *WANT*...
Wow, that is profound! I like it! I'll have to remember that one!! Thanks!!!

Jeanie, I don't think you offended anyone.


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
Jeanie, I don't think you offended anyone. Your post was how you felt, and you said it very eloquently.

I just think that maybe others here have a different view, including myself. I think your example about the alcoholism relies too heavily on showing that it was the bartenders fault, and that no fault lies with the 16 year old. Just because he was served ( which I know is illegal ), doesn't mean he had to go into the bar and order a drink! Colby is right you have to have a strong sense of personal responsibility, thats how you get places in life.

jeanie g.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2002
You are so right about personal responsibility! It's just sad that in an area this large, not ONE bartender carded a 16 year old. Of course he is responsible, but wouldn't it be nice if even one person would have carded him? The parents tried to find out which bar served him, because that bartender should have been prosecuted. They couldn't because they would have had to bring charges against every bar he ever entered. He was an immature teenager. They were adults. They have to bear some of the blame. Would you serve a teenager liquour in your home? Would you want a neighbor to? This young person is paying a heavy price for what he has done. The bartenders who served him 10 years ago are still serving--maybe your family's kids, with no consequences. That's as bad as being a drug pusher. No one is forcing the drug users either, but they are considered small fry in comparison with the pushers.

Alcoholism is considered to be genetic, so it's a lifetime struggle. The parents, by the way, are very responsible people. However, despite their efforts and good example, they will be blamed. Their other children are model citizens, by the way. I would put much of the blame on the parents if they allowed their child to drink, but they didn't drink themselves.


TCS Member
Nov 5, 2000
Just so I'm clear on this...there is no BB3 on Wednesday night, right? But Thursday's will be two hours?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 4, 2001
Ottawa. Ontario, Canada
Yes Debby, you are correct. It will be quite a show, they are doing the veto live near the beginning and then the eviction live nearer the end. We don't even know who's nominated, do we? I just checked the CBS website, and they only have HOH (Jason) denoted. I'm sure they censored the live feed as well during nominations.

Julie also mentioned the third new twist in the game will be introduced on that night. Wonder what it will be? I couldn't have predicted the other two, so I have no clue what it might be.

I think it's great that they are doing that, so people can't plan strategies based on earlier series.