Artie Dental on Monday


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background

so sorry for your anxiety...don't have anything to add. I hope the vet is wrong about are an awesome mommy. you are doing everything possible. Sometimes its hard to live in the moment..Just know I am sending you positive vibes/energies and prayers that all is well.


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Waiting with you! Sending lots of love and positive vibes to you both :vibes:

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  • #63


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Just got off the phone with his Vet. The surgery went great! The anesthesia went off without any issues. They gave him his meds. It was on 2 teeth which were suspicious. They could have waited, but the Vet removed them because she did not want him to have to go through this again. 

So I guess the weight loss will most likely be from the IBD.

We will not know for 2 weeks since that is the healing time. 

The Vet feels his medicine has to be tweaked..The specialist has to do that....

I also asked her to send a note/call the Specialist with a report. I had left a message with the specialist about his weight.

I can pick him up in 3 hours. 

They want to make sure he comes around ok, and tries to eat something.

this cat is really driving me crazy. and expensive. I guess Artie was given to me for a reason. I have to go with the flow...but how skinny can a cat get..sigh


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Just got off the phone with his Vet. The surgery went great! The anesthesia went off without any issues. They gave him his meds. It was on 2 teeth which were suspicious. They could have waited, but the Vet removed them because she did not want him to have to go through this again. 

So I guess the weight loss will most likely be from the IBD.

We will not know for 2 weeks since that is the healing time. 

The Vet feels his medicine has to be tweaked..The specialist has to do that....

I also asked her to send a note/call the Specialist with a report. I had left a message with the specialist about his weight.

I can pick him up in 3 hours. 

They want to make sure he comes around ok, and tries to eat something.

this cat is really driving me crazy. and expensive. I guess Artie was given to me for a reason. I have to go with the flow...but how skinny can a cat get..sigh
YAY!!!  I'm so glad that he's OK. 

Good boy Artie!!  You're a brave little guy!  

Have you tried giving him bone broth? It's very nutritious and easy to make. Most cats like it a lot.

I make homemade broth by putting a whole chicken in the crock pot and covering it with bottled spring water. Sometimes I add a package of chicken hearts and gizzards too. I let it slow cook all night. The broth is a rich, golden yellow and very nutritious. You can use the meat however you want. For him, yourself or both. I shred it, put it into small freezer bags and freeze it. I use it as a topper for their meals or warm it and give it to them as a snack. They love it. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
This is wonderful news!  
Made a comment in the Smiley thread but wanted to make one here as well - I'm just so relieved that the surgery went well and Artie will be coming home soon.   


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Thanks Everyone. I dropped Artie off at 8:30 this morning. The Vet will call by by 3:30pm. She has several surgeries today.

I still have a nagging feeling about this...
I really do like his Vet; but I think she is preparing me for something bad.

Artie lost 4 ounces in a month! that is a lot for him. He is a skinny cat as it is..that means he has lost 6 ounces this year. 

Yes, it could be due to his teeth, as the IBD Specialist suspects; however his Vet does not feel his teeth are that bad to consider it as the cause of the weight loss. She will be very liberal in extractions today, after she sees the full mouth x-rays.
Considering his age, his heart murmur, and his health, she does not want him to keep undergoing anesthesia...
He is a very difficult cat to anesthetize.... he fights things so much...

Artie will have a follow-up visit in 2 weeks. His mouth should be fine by then...

My mind is going crazy.. 

For the past couple of weeks I have been pureeing his food. I originally started off with some coarseness to it. That was great for a few days, then he started not to eat as much. I then started pureeing it down to a mush with added water. 
That was good for a couple days...but he has not been eating as much...he cut down and is sleeping a lot, wanting his tent...
I have been attributing this to his teeth...

On a good day, he would eat 3, of the 3 oz cans of food. On a bad day it is now, 1 3/4.......mostly 2.....not enough for him...

Artie is not vomiting, unless he eats something he should not, or the cisapride capsule goes down the wrong way. 

He is pooping every day.

A year ago, his regular vet was preparing me for bad news about his IBD, meaning that she felt it was turning into lymphoma or that it was at a point, and knowing my Cat, that he would not take to the IBD regimen. 
One of the Foster Mom's a Vet tech in her practice, just had to put down one of her own cats because the IBD regimen was not working for them...The Vet feels that Artie is following in those steps...She does know him well...

so I am scared..

I like my Vet..

I know the office practices complete sterile procedure during surgery.. She told me so. She said some Vets do not even do that. The office is clean. It is a member of the American Vet Hospital Association, the Vet Association, whatever this means: a fellow with Cornell University HealthCare Team...etc....

so scared.. 
I am staying home today...I was going to clean out his "poopie" litter box today, vacuum, and clean my own bathroom, but it is now almost 11AM and I am just sitting here..

I was so upset when I left the vet, I went to Starbucks and got a Butterscotch Latte, then went to another city where an awesome donut shoppe is. I got 3 donuts--huge, cake like things. I came home and had a butterkrunch donut. It was so sweet!! Too sweet for me!! But I forced myself to eat it....sitting in my stomach now..

I guess my tastes have changed..I will probably give the other 2 donuts to my elderly neighbor downstairs...

Poor Artie... He woke me up at 5:30 AM looking for food. He was talking to me, asking for it all morning..He was so vocal in the car and at the Vets office. I let him out of his carrier. He was nosing around, jumping on things, but yelling at me at the say time.. very alert..but too skinny...

Thanks everyone for listening.
If the doughnut is still sitting heavy, you should drink some fizzy water or plain soda water. It'll settle your tummy. One thing less to worry about.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I presume by now artie is home. Great news. Did she clean his teeth as well as removing two teeth. By the sounds of it before he went to the dentist, I was sure he'd come home with only two teeth left in his head.
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  • #69


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I presume by now artie is home. Great news. Did she clean his teeth as well as removing two teeth. By the sounds of it before he went to the dentist, I was sure he'd come home with only two teeth left in his head.
I presume by now artie is home. Great news. Did she clean his teeth as well as removing two teeth. By the sounds of it before he went to the dentist, I was sure he'd come home with only two teeth left in his head.
I thought the same thing! seriously!! That was what the Specialist told me, and the head tech there. My Vet was very much the opposite! She did not even feel he really needed the dental, but did it because, 1) the specialist insisted on it, 2) he does have a history of dental issues and 3) He is getting older. She did not want him to have to undergo anesthesia again at an older age. He does have a heart murmur also.

I really mean it when I said that I thought he was going  to have multiple extractions...that is what I was told. 

The x-rays only showed 2 suspicious teeth and those are now gone. The Vet explained that he has orangey plaque up against the gum line. That may be what the specialist was seeing...She is a specialist in Vet is a regular Vet--trained in everything. She really enjoys surgeries. But is so conservative. 
YAY!!!  I'm so glad that he's OK. 

Good boy Artie!!  You're a brave little guy!  

Have you tried giving him bone broth? It's very nutritious and easy to make. Most cats like it a lot.

I make homemade broth by putting a whole chicken in the crock pot and covering it with bottled spring water. Sometimes I add a package of chicken hearts and gizzards too. I let it slow cook all night. The broth is a rich, golden yellow and very nutritious. You can use the meat however you want. For him, yourself or both. I shred it, put it into small freezer bags and freeze it. I use it as a topper for their meals or warm it and give it to them as a snack. They love it. 
Thank you for the suggestion of bone broth. Unfortunately, Artie is allergic to chicken. Because of the IBD, he is on a novel protein diet. One novel protein, but I sneak in some tuna every once in a while, as a treat. 

Before I knew he was allergic to chicken I tried boiled chicken and bone broth..he sniffed and walked away from both!! 

Spoiled cat. 

this cat is driving me crazy..and I am really spending a lot of money on him...I have to keep thinking that Artie was given to me for a reason. There is a reason we are together. I have to just follow that thought....

thank you everyone
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  • #70


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yes, Artie is home---stoned from the lasts 3 days. He is staying in his "safe" place~~~ his carrier. I leave it out for him.

He is so fussy with food. He was starving after the dental. I brought in 2 different foods. They tried giving him one, and he just lapped at it and refused it!!! He was acting ravenous at the smell, but did not like the taste of it...

I got him home, he is on clavamox for 7 days, twice a day...He was begging for food! I opened up a can of Pride rabbit, ground them a bit, he ate a can within an hour!

He keeps going over to the food, licking some, and going back to his carrier.

He goes back in 2 weeks for a followup. Even the tech did not feel his teeth were bad at all.


fingers crossed that he starts gaining weight.. he is not vomiting at all. so why is he not eating and losing weight???

IBD is horrible...


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Yes, Artie is home---stoned from the lasts 3 days. He is staying in his "safe" place~~~ his carrier. I leave it out for him.
He is so fussy with food. He was starving after the dental. I brought in 2 different foods. They tried giving him one, and he just lapped at it and refused it!!! He was acting ravenous at the smell, but did not like the taste of it...

I got him home, he is on clavamox for 7 days, twice a day...He was begging for food! I opened up a can of Pride rabbit, ground them a bit, he ate a can within an hour!

He keeps going over to the food, licking some, and going back to his carrier.

He goes back in 2 weeks for a followup. Even the tech did not feel his teeth were bad at all.


fingers crossed that he starts gaining weight.. he is not vomiting at all. so why is he not eating and losing weight???
IBD is horrible...
Is it possible he's nauseous from the anesthetic? The part about him sounding interested but then not eating sounds like he might have some nausea.
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  • #72


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
He is eating fine now. They did give him a Pepcid . Do not know if it was before or after anesthesia.


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Glad the dental is behind you both now and that he is eating.
I wish I had some words of wisdom regarding Artie's weight and how to plump him up :hugs: Sounds like you have great vets and you know your Artie very well. Sending you positive vibes that Artie gains back some weight. :vibes:


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I've been following this thread.  Glad to see Artie is back home and that the tooth extractions went well.  Hopefully he'll be feeling better today and will start eating normally again.
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  • #76


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thank you all....I am truly grateful for all of you...I am also grateful for this forum..tons of nice, caring, people here..

I feel as If I can be myself....thank you again..

Artie did not eat last night. He did have 1 1/2 small cans before he stopped. I did notice him drinking from his water bowl. He never does that. I think he was thirsty.

He is so funny when he is stoned from the pain killer...He just stares into space. He kind of 'sleeps" with his eyes open. He is keeping his mouth open a bit. He must be sore. 

He stayed in his carrier all night. 

His carrier is his 'safe' spot. He is pacing between there, the food, the threshold to the kitchen and back. 

Artie is constantly purring. This is the only time he ever rolls on his back, and allows me to pet his belly!!

Artie ate 1/2 small can of food for breakfast. The rest is on his dish, waiting for him..I gave him 2 meds. another one has to be given soon (pepcid). The steroid can wait until this afternoon, and the cisapride before supper and clavamox will be after supper. 

It is a full time job just to keep track of and to medicate him...

Now, if he would only start eating more..and not just licking the gravy....He refuses food when it when it is soupy; yet he will leave the food and take the gravy when it is coarser...
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  • #77


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
The Vet practice is very expensive. Very clean, very nice staff. They all know us. 

They have been in practice for many years. They do follow good sterile practice. When I was interviewing my vet, we kind of bonded--maybe because she is young, and I was in the medical field, or I asked the right questions--who knows. 

She did tell me that when she was interviewing for jobs around here, there were many, many places which she would not approve of. They did not use sterile procedures during surgery. She said she could not work at those places. She also told me that the one thing which really impressed her about this practice was that they do sterile procedures during surgery, and completely monitor the animals during and after surgery.--- warming blankets, ekgs, IV's, etc. They have a tech assigned to the recovery room to watch all the animals who had surgery that day. 

She told me she did look at his prior surgery records and adjusted the anesthesia so that he would go out sooner. There was no problem with anesthesia at all.. I looked at the bill, and saw that they used a few different inhalants and stuff on him..

They have a small ultrasound machine for basic scans. They send the images to a Vet Hospital for the radiologist to interpret if things are iffy. The same thing with the x-ray machine. 

Anything questionable is sent directly to the Vet Hospital.

They have an answering service who can contact a vet on call if necessary. The Vet can then advise the owner if things are an emergency and need to be seen at the Vet hospital or they can wait to be seen in the office...

Not call per se--but vets are available

The place is nice and urine smell at all..and they do wash down the table after each animal. I have seen it. 

Even the rest room is clean!

They are one of the more expensive Vets around, but.....there are 5 vets in the practice. My Vet is almost the youngest one there. There is one who graduated last year. That new vet used to be a Vet Tech at that same practice. She went to Veterinary school in Ireland!!! and now she is working at the same practice! They have one of their clients daughter who is doing an externship in Vet Tech there...

So I guess, you do get what you pay for; at least I think so....

sorry, just second guessing myself...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
So glad Artie is home and well. Yes, you do get what you pay for. I feel for the people on this site who don't have the money for vet visits because they are worth every penny. 

Artie's gums are probably still very sore, even with the pain meds. Wounds in the mouth heal quickly, so it won't be too long before he is eating more. Wishing him well.
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  • #79


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie is so funny when he is stoned!

I really have to laugh at him..(I am a sicko)--I like him this way!!! 

I get to see how he was when he was a kitten~~ so sweet and loving....

He does stay in his carrier, but he keeps coming out, walking over into the kitchen, comes out, lies on the floor rolling on his back.. The entire time Purring the loudest he can! 

When I am at the kitchen sink, he comes over rubs my legs, then plops down and starts rolling over from side to side! so cute to watch..

He allows me to pick him up, and hold him for a bout 20 minutes, then it is time to wander again, and do his 'tricks'..

He is purring so loud.. I wish he would close his eyes thought. He has them half closed and is 'tripping out'....

yes, he is still in a bit of pain because he does have his mouth slightly opened. 

He constantly wants to rub the sides of his face on any and every thing...carrier door, my hands, etc....

I am surprised he is so good about his meds. I put the pill gun to the front of his mouth. I tell him to open, open, OPEN...He tries to pull his head back, but I have my left upper arm and/or hand to keep him from doing so. He does open his mouth on his own. I just put the gun in a bit, push the pill in and give him some water in a different syringe...

I do not have to open his mouth manually...(relief)

I came home from the grocery store, he missed me!! You should have seen the greeting I got! And he finished the rest of the can of food.. One entire can today...Happy Dance!  

He has not ventured anywhere else., except the litter box...He has not jumped on anything either..He is staying low, on the floor...good boy...
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Just catching up now. SO glad the surgery went well :clap: It sounds like he's recovering nicely now too...hopefully that weight will come back on in no time :cross: :vibes: